Sensitivity towards outsiders and the dynamic relationship between mission and ethics/ethos Jacobus Kok and Dieter T. Roth | | | |
Sensitivity towards outsiders in Old Testament theologies Ehrhard S. Gerstenberger | | | |
Sensitivity towards outsiders in late Second Temple Judaism and its relation to the New Testament Dirk J. Human | | | |
Some observations on Philo of Alexandria's sensitivity to strangers Gert J. Steyn | | | |
Missionary ethics in Q 10: 2-12 Dieter T. Roth | | | |
Mission, identity, and ethics in Mark: Jesus, the patron for the outsiders Ernest van Eck | | | |
Righteousness: Paul and Matthew Andries G. van Aarde | | | |
Exploring the dynamic relationship between mission and ethics in Luke-Acts Heike Omerzu | | | |
Sensitivity to outsiders in John's gospel and letters and its implication for the understanding of early Christian mission Andreas J. Köstenberger | | | |
Ethics in context: the Thessalonians and their neighbors Abraham J. Malherbe | | | |
Morality and boundaries in Paul Bert-Jan Lietaert Peerbolte | | | |
Mission, ethics, and outsiders/insiders in Galatians Jeremy Punt | | | |
Cast out the aggressive agitators (Gl 4: 29-30): suffering, identity, and the ethics of expulsion in Paul's mission to the Galatians John Anthony Dunne | | | |
Mission versus ethics in 1 Corinthians 9? 'Implicit ethics' as an aid in analysing New Testament texts Ruben Zimmermann | | | |
Inclusion of and demarcation from 'outsiders': mission and ethics in Paul's second letter to the Corinthians Volker Rabens | | | |
Mission to the Gentiles, construction of Christian identity, and its relation to ethics according to Paul Tobias Nicklas and Herbert Schlögel | | | |
Sensitivity towards the reaction of outsiders as ethical motivation in early Christian paraenesis Andrie du Toit | | | |
Perseverance, purity, and identity: exploring Hebrews' eschatological worldview, ethics, and in-group bias David Moffitt | | | |
Homo reciprocus no more: the 'missional' nature of faith in James Stephan Joubert | | | |
The Apocalypse: sensitivity and outsiders Christopher Rowland | | | |