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Crystal structure and chemical composition for zeolite-type frameworks (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with AFV type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with AVL type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with CSV type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with EEI type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with EWT type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with IFO type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with IFU type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with IFW type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with IFY type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with IRN type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with IRY type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with ITG type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with ITN type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with ITT type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with JNT type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with JSR type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with MWF type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of compounds with OKO type zeolite framework (W H Baur, R X Fische | | | |