Home > The music of Elliott Carter.
The music of Elliott Carter.
Book Informaton
Carter, Elliott, ; Rosen, Charles, ; Sherry, Fred.; Blackwell, Virgil.; Neidich, Charles.; Oshima, Ayako.; Gallagher, Maureen.; Kolkay, Peter.; Arnold, Tony, ; Greenberg, Jacob.; Carter, Elliott, ; Carter, Elliott, ; Carter, Elliott, ; Carter, Elliott, ; Carter, Elliott, ; Carter, Elliott, ; Carter, Elliott, ; Carter, Elliott, ; Carter, Elliott,
Year of Publication
City of Publication
New Rochelle, NY;
1 online resource (1 audio file)
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Piano music. Cello music. Songs (High voice) with piano. Bass clarinet music. Bassoon and viola music. Clarinet music (Clarinets (2)) Quartets (Oboe violin viola cello) Piano Musique de. Violoncelle Musique de. Chansons (Voix aiguë) acc. de piano. Clarinette basse Musique de. Basson et alto Musique de. Clarinette Musique de (Clarinettes (2)) Quatuors (Hautbois violon alto violoncelle) Bass clarinet music. Bassoon and viola music. Cello music. Clarinet music (Clarinets (2)) Piano music. Quartets (Oboe violin viola cello) Songs (High voice) with piano.