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Sacred choral works /
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Cantatas Sacred. Motets. Psalms (Music) Anthems. Masses. Choruses Sacred (Mixed voices) with orchestra. Choruses Sacred (Mixed voices) Unaccompanied. Choruses Sacred (Mixed voices) with organ. Choruses Sacred (Women's voices) with organ. Choruses Sacred (Men's voices) Cantates sacrées. Motets. Psaumes (Musique) Anthems. Messes. Chœurs sacrés (Voix mixtes) acc. d'orchestre. Chœurs sacrés (Voix mixtes) a cappella. Chœurs sacrés (Voix mixtes) acc. d'orgue. Chœurs sacrés (Voix d'hommes) Anthems. Cantatas Sacred. Choruses Sacred (Men's voices) Choruses Sacred (Mixed voices) Unaccompanied. Choruses Sacred (Mixed voices) with orchestra. Choruses Sacred (Mixed voices) with organ. Choruses Sacred (Women's voices) with organ. Masses. Motets. Psalms (Music)