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Home > A collection of records of the great misfortunes that hath hapned unto kings that have joyned themselves in a neer allyance with forrein princes, with the happy successe of those that have only held correspondency at home. Wherein is contained these particulars, viz. That Hen. of Navar marrying with Mary of France, was unfortunate and fatall to the Protestant religion. That the K. of Navar turning from a Protestant to a persecutor of them, lost his crown, and dyed a violent death. The last Lord Henries of France murdred, because he but favoured Protestants. That Hen. 4. was a victorious prince, while he was at defiance with the Pope, but afterwards was stabbed by a Iesuite. How the black Prince lost France, and was poysoned. The danger for princes to marry with one of a contrary religion. Of Prince Arthurs marrying with Spain, and the successe. That Queen Elizabeth being a loan woman, and having few friends, refusing to marry with Spain, and ronouncing [sic] the Pope, reigned victoriously, and so did King James. That the best support for the crowne of England, is the two Houses of Parliament.

A collection of records of the great misfortunes that hath hapned unto kings that have joyned themselves in a neer allyance with forrein princes, with the happy successe of those that have only held correspondency at home. Wherein is contained these particulars, viz. That Hen. of Navar marrying with Mary of France, was unfortunate and fatall to the Protestant religion. That the K. of Navar turning from a Protestant to a persecutor of them, lost his crown, and dyed a violent death. The last Lord Henries of France murdred, because he but favoured Protestants. That Hen. 4. was a victorious prince, while he was at defiance with the Pope, but afterwards was stabbed by a Iesuite. How the black Prince lost France, and was poysoned. The danger for princes to marry with one of a contrary religion. Of Prince Arthurs marrying with Spain, and the successe. That Queen Elizabeth being a loan woman, and having few friends, refusing to marry with Spain, and ronouncing [sic] the Pope, reigned victoriously, and so did King James. That the best support for the crowne of England, is the two Houses of Parliament.

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 Printed for Henry Iackeson

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