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Home > Compendium belli: or The touchstone of martiall discipline. Wherein is set foorth briefe rules and directions to take speciall notice of. The next of marches, exercising of a company, ordering of muskaters, imbattelling from 100. vnto 40000. The forme of encamping, with briefe notes belonging therevnto: plots of fortifications and forts: with the manner of lading and blowing off great ordnance, making of granados. Also shewing the extraction of the square roote, with a table from 16. vnto 10000. Likewise certaine questions of arithmaticke concerning millitary discipline: with a table also for the discouering of numbers by rancke and file. / Witten [sic] by Iohn Roberts of Weston neere Bath, Gent.

Compendium belli: or The touchstone of martiall discipline. Wherein is set foorth briefe rules and directions to take speciall notice of. The next of marches, exercising of a company, ordering of muskaters, imbattelling from 100. vnto 40000. The forme of encamping, with briefe notes belonging therevnto: plots of fortifications and forts: with the manner of lading and blowing off great ordnance, making of granados. Also shewing the extraction of the square roote, with a table from 16. vnto 10000. Likewise certaine questions of arithmaticke concerning millitary discipline: with a table also for the discouering of numbers by rancke and file. / Witten [sic] by Iohn Roberts of Weston neere Bath, Gent.

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Roberts, John, of Weston.

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 printed by I. Norton and A. Mathewes.

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