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Home > A most excelent and fruitful treatise, called Patericks Places concerning the doctrine of fayth, and the doctrine of the law: which being knowen, you haue the pith of all diuinitie. With a briefe collection or exposition of a summe of S. Pauls doctrine touching iustification by fayth, in Iesus Christ: which is the only marke to shoote at, and the only meanes to obtaine saluation. Selected and reduced into this volume by I.D. 1598.

A most excelent and fruitful treatise, called Patericks Places concerning the doctrine of fayth, and the doctrine of the law: which being knowen, you haue the pith of all diuinitie. With a briefe collection or exposition of a summe of S. Pauls doctrine touching iustification by fayth, in Iesus Christ: which is the only marke to shoote at, and the only meanes to obtaine saluation. Selected and reduced into this volume by I.D. 1598.

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Hamilton, Patrick, 1504?-1528.

Year of Publication



 Printed by William White dwelling in Cow-lane neare Holborne Condite, and are there to be solde

City of Publication

At London





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