The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume 1: The Middle Ages through the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century (Norton Anthology of English Literature)
M. H. Abrams; Stephen Greenblatt; Geoffrey Chaucer; Piers Ploughman; Thomas Malory; William Caxton; Thomas More; John Skelton; William Shakespeare; Wyatt, Thomas Sir; Henry Howard Earl of Surrey; Sir Philip Sidney; Edmund Spenser; Christopher Marlowe; Thomas Nashe; Walter Raleigh; Robert Southwell; Samuel Daniel; Michael Drayton; Thomas Campion; John Foxe; Sir Thomas Hoby; Richard Hooker; Thomas Hariot; John Donne; Ben Johnson; John Webster; Robert Herrick; George Herbert; Crashaw, Richard; Vaughan, Henry; Andrew Marvell; John Milton; Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher; Thomas Carew; Edmund Waller; Suckling, John Sir; Richard Lovelace; Thomas Traherne; Abraham Cowley; Francis Bacon; Robert Burton; Thomas Hobbes; Izaak Walton; Thomas Browne; John Locke; Samuel Pepys; Thomas Sprat; Sir Isaac Newton; John Dryden; John Bunyan; William Congreve; Daniel Defoe; Samuel Butler; John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester; Anne Finch; Matthew Prior; John Gay; Montagu, Mary Wortley Lady; Jonathan Swift; Joseph Addison; Sir Richard Steele; Alexander Pope; Samuel Johnson LL.D.; James Boswell; Edmund Burke; James Thomson; Thomas Gray; William Collins; Christopher Smart; Oliver Goldsmith; George Crabbe; William Cowper
Year of Publication
October 1, 2005
W. W. Norton
0393925315, 9780393925319
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