I. Epic poem. Yo soy Joaquin, un poema epico, 2000. I Am Joaquin, an Epic Poem, 1967
II. Seven Major Speeches. El Plan del Barrio. Arizona State University Speech. Manteniendo una direccion positiva para el Movimiento Chicano. Maintaining a Positive Direction for the Chicano Movement. Speech Delivered at the La Raza Unida National Convention. Message to Aztlan. Colorado Springs Bicentennial Speech of July 4, 1976. The Past-President-Future of the Chicano Movement, 1978
III. Two Plays. The Revolutionist. A Cross for Maclovio
IV. Poetry. La Escuela y Colegio Tlatelolco. Tlatelolco. El Ballet Chicano de Aztlan. Adios, Miguel. A Chicano's Trial. The Revolution. Mis hijos guerrilleros, 1973. He Laughed While he Danced, Luis Junior Martinez. A Boy, Juarez U. S. A. Raices. . . Raices. . . El Movimiento Chicano, 1973. The Chicano Movement, 1973. America. . . America. . . America. America. . . America. . . America. Cuidate, Mejico!!
V. Correspondence. First Masthead of El Gallo Editorial. A Message to the Democratic Party. Western Union Telegram Sent to: Thomas y Berta Rodriguez. Letter to Reies Lopez Tijerina. Discurso al Congreso de la Tierra. Message to el Congreso on Land and Cultural Reform. Letter to the Editor. "We Will Endure"