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> Alex Shapiro(10:21).
"Alex Shapiro(10:21)." appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries
Book Authors
Saturday night at Fort Chambly
Alex Eddington(8:21)
Canadian panorama.
Jeffrey, Sarah
Radford, Gabriel,
Johannes, Danielle,
Harrison, Scott,
Royer, Kaye,
Krizmanic, Iris,
Royer, Ronald,
Meyer, Chris
Royer, Ronald,
Royer, Ronald,
Eddington, Alex,
Gray, John S.
McGrath, Jim,
Rapoport, Alexander,
Cable, Howard.
O vos omnes
Alex Woolf (6:21)
Locus iste /
Dempsey, Glen,
Van der Heijden, Laura,
Nethsingha, Andrew,
Harris, William Henry,
Rorem, Ned,
Finzi, Gerald,
Britten, Benjamin,
Stanford, Charles Villiers,
Tavener, John.
Dove, Jonathan,
Poulenc, Francis,
Robinson, Christopher,
Woolf, Alex.
Britten, Benjamin,
Bruckner, Anton,
Swayne, Giles.
Rachmaninoff, Sergei,
Parry, C. Hubert H.
Below: contrabass flute and electronics
Alex Shapiro(10:21).
Sheridan, Peter
Stokes, Sheridon.
Amos, Lisa-Maree.
Neville, Peter.
Price, Heather,
Saworski, John,
Cooper, Claire.
Schocker, Gary,
Schocker, Gary,
Stokes, Sheridon.
Taggart, Hilary.
Demersseman, Jules,
Köhler, Ernesto,
Gaubert, Philippe,
Neher, Patrick.
Lawrence, Bruce.
Golia, Vinny.
Sheridan, Peter
Shapiro, Alex,
Far away places
Alex Kramer(Margaret Whiting, vocals)(3:21)
Far away places: nostalgic songs of travel.
The Gift of Music,
disc 6. episode 20
directed Russell Mulcahy
Jason Schafer
Jonathan Tolins episode 21 / directed Michael DeCarlo
Garth Wingfield episode 22 / directed Alex Chapple
Ron Cowen
Daniel Lipman bonus features.
Queer as folk: the complete first season
Michelle Clunie
Sheila Hockin
Showtime Entertainment
5. Industrialization and Pollution. Restructuring Industry for Sustainable Development
Nick Robins and Alex Trisoglio.Legal Rights ... and Wrongs: Internationalizing Bhopal /Indira Jaising and C. Sathyamala.Run into the Wind /David Weir.Environmental Problems /Jorge Hardoy and David Satterthwaite.Agenda 21 /Matthias Koch and Michael Grubb
The Earthscan reader in sustainable development /
Kirkby, John.
O'Keefe, Philip.
Timberlake, Lloyd.
Earthscan Publications,
Pt. 3. Hebrew National Orphan Home: History and Personal Stories. 16. The Home through the Decades
Ira A. Greenberg.17.My Journey /Charles "Chick" Baker.18.Manny, Marty, Alex, Simon, and George /Ira A. Greenberg.19.Seymour, Spike, and Henry /Ira A. Greenberg.20.Adoptions /Ira A. Greenberg.21.Foreigners: Tom Bondy, the Furmans, Obshatco, and Others /Ira A. Greenberg.22.From City Streets to Forest Trails /Bill Weinstein
The Hebrew National Orphan Home: memories of orphanage life /
Greenberg, Ira A.,
Safran, Richard G.,
Arcus, Sam George,
Bergin & Garvey,
Pt. III. Computational Library Design. 17. Design of Virtual Combinatorial Libraries
Alex M. Aronov.18.Approaches to Library Design for Combinatorial Chemistry /Stefan Gussregen, Bernd Wendt and Mark Warne.19.Reagent-Based and Product-Based Computational Strategies in Library Design /Eric A. Jamois.20.Designing Combinatorial Libraries for Efficient Screening /John I. Manchester and David S. Hartsough.21.Application of Neural Networks to Large Dataset QSAR, Virtual Screening, and Library Design /David A. Winkler and Frank R. Burden.
Combinatorial library: methods and protocols /
English, Lisa Bellavance.
[2002], ©2002.
Humana Press,
Pt. III. Site-Specific Precancerous Conditions. 6. Upper Aerodigestive Tract
R. Sankaranarayanan and Thara Somanathan.7.Esophagus /Thomas L. Vaughan.8.Stomach /Pelayo Correa.9.Colon and Rectum /John A. Baron.10.Anus /Joel M. Palefsky.11.Liver /Morris Sherman and Ian Wanless.12.Pancreas /Ralph H. Hruban, Christine Iacobuzio-Donahue and Michael Goggins.13.Lung /Pamela M. Marcus and William D. Travis.14.Skin /Richard P. Gallagher and Tim K. Lee.15.Breast /Thomas E. Rohan and Rita A. Kandel.16.Cervix /Eduardo L. Franco and Alex Ferenczy.17.Endometrium /Eduardo L. Franco and Alex Ferenczy.18.Ovary /Joellen M. Schildkraut.19.Vulva and Vagina /Margaret M. Madeleine, Janet R. Daling and Hisham K. Tamimi.20.Prostate /James R. Marshall and David P. Wood, Jr.21.Bladder /Kamal S. Pohar and Carlos Cordon-Cardo
Cancer precursors: epidemiology, detection, and prevention /
Franco, Eduardo L.
Rohan, Thomas E.
[2002], ©2002.
Pt. 4. Culture, Modernization, and Development. 14. The Achievement Motive in Economic Growth
David C. McClelland.15.Reevaluating the Effect of N-Ach on Economic Growth /Jeffrey Lewis.16.The Effect of Cultural Values on Economic Development: Theory, Hypotheses, and Some Empirical Tests /Jim Granato, Ronald Inglehart and David Leblang.17.Becoming Modern /Alex Inkeles and David H. Smith.18.The Confucian Ethic and Economic Growth /Herman Kahn.19.The Culture of Poverty /Oscar Lewis.20.Underdevelopment Is a State of Mind /Lawrence E. Harrison.21.On the Sociology of National Development: Theories and Issues /Alejandro Portes
Development and underdevelopment: the political economy of global inequality /
Seligson, Mitchell A.
Passé-Smith, John T.
Lynne Rienner Publishers,
Pt. III. Decisionmakers and Their Policymaking Positions. 17. How Could Vietnam Happen? An Autopsy
James C. Thomson, Jr.18.Tribal Tongues: Intelligence Consumers, Intelligence Producers /Mark M. Lowenthal.19.Trading with Saddam: Bureaucratic Roles and Competing Conceptions of National Security /Christopher M. Jones.20.Policy Preferences and Bureaucratic Position: The Case of the American Hostage Rescue Mission /Steve Smith.21.Are Bureaucracies Important? A Reexamination of Accounts of the Cuban Missile Crisis /Stephen D. Krasner.22.NATO Expansion: The Anatomy of a Decision /James M. Goldgeier.23.A Fortuitous Victory: An Information Processing Approach to the Gulf War /Alex Roberto Hybel.24.Presidents, Leadership Style, and the Advisory Process /Margaret G. Hermann and Thomas Preston.
The domestic sources of American foreign policy: insights and evidence /
Wittkopf, Eugene R.,
McCormick, James M.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
Pt. III. Implementation and Applications of Intelligent Control. Ch. 17. Learning Control Systems: Motivation and Implementation
Jay Farrell and Walter Baker.Ch. 18.Intelligent Control Applications with Neural Networks /Dinesh P. Mital and Leonard Chin.Ch. 19.Dynamic Neural Processor and Its Applications to Robotics and Control /Madan M. Gupta and Dandina H. Rao.Ch. 20.Intelligent Control of Mobile Robots /Martin Zimmerman.Ch. 21.Intelligent Actuators /Rolf Isermann, Horst Keller and Ulrich Raab.Ch. 22.Smart Vision Sensing for Robotics /Marc Tremblay and Denis Poussart.Ch. 23.Tracking Control by Learning and Its Application to Semiconductor Diffusion Furnace Temperature Control /Masaki Yamakita and Katsuhisa Furuta.Ch. 24.Studies of Human Arm Movements Using Three Joints: Control Strategies for a Manipulator with Redundant Degrees of Freedom /Jeffrey Dean, Holk Cruse, Michael Bruwer and Ulrich Steinkuhler.Ch. 25.Control Philosophy and Simulation of a Robotic Hand as a Model for Prosthetic Hands /Thea Iberall, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Denise Beattie and George A. Bekey.Ch. 26.Sensor-Based Motion Control and Coordination of a Redundant Manipulator /S. R. Malladi, K. P. Valavanis and M. C. Mulder.Ch. 27.Architectures, Representations, and Algorithms for Intelligent Control of Robots /Alex Meystel
Intelligent control systems: theory and applications /
Gupta, Madan M.
Sinha, N. K.
[1996], ©1996.
IEEE Press,
Pt. I. Architectural Fundamentals. 1. Universal design and accessible design
John P. S. Salmen and Elaine Ostroff.2.Architecture and regulation /Francis Ventre.3.Bioclimatic design /Donald Watson and Murray Milne.4.Solar control /Steven V. Szokolay.5.Daylighting design /Benjamin Evans.6.Natural ventilation /Benjamin Evans.7.Indoor air quality /Hal Levin.8.Acoustics: theory and applications /M. David Egan, Stevens Haas and Christopher Jaffe.9.History of building and urban technologies /John P. Eberhard.10.Construction materials technology /L. Reed Brantley and Ruth T. Brantley.11.Intelligent building systems /Jong-Jin Kim.12.Design of atriums for people and plants /Donald Watson.13.Building economics /David S. Haviland.14.Estimating and design cost analysis /Robert P. Charette and Brian Bowen.15.Environmental life cycle assessment /Joel Ann Todd, Nadav Malin and Alex Wilson.16.Construction and demolition waste management /Harry T. Gordon.17.Construction specifications /Donald Baerman.18.Design-Build delivery system /Dana Cuff.19.Building commissioning: a guide for architects /Carolyn Dasher, Nancy Benner and Tudi Haasl [et al.].20.Building performance evaluation /Wolfgang F. E. Preiser and Ulrich Schramm.21.Monitoring building performance /William Burke, Charles C. Benton and Allan Daly
Time-saver standards for architectural design data: the reference of architectural fundamentals /
Watson, Donald,
Crosbie, Michael J.
Callender, John Hancock.
Pt. I. Studies of Normal and Abnormal Memory in Humans. 1. The Medial Temporal Lobe and Memory
Nicola J. Broadbent, Robert E. Clark and Stuart Zola /[et al.].2.Exploring the Neural Bases of Complex Memory /Andrew R. Mayes.3.Impaired and Preserved Memory Processes in Amnesia /Mieke Verfaellie and Margaret M. Keane.4.Anterograde and Retrograde Amnesia Following Frontal Lobe, Temporal Lobe, or Diencephalic Lesions /Michael D. Kopelman and Nicola Stanhope.5.Relational Binding Theory and the Role of Consolidation in Memory Retrieval /Arthur P. Shimamura.6.Cross-Cortical Consolidation as the Core Defect in Amnesia: Prospects for Hypothesis Testing with Neuropsychology and Neuroimaging /Ken A. Paller.7.Developmental Amnesia: A Challenge to Current Models? /Alan Baddeley.8.Impact of Temporal Lobe Amnesia, Aging, and Awareness on Human Eyeblink Conditioning /John F. Disterhoft, Maria C. Carrillo and Catherine B. Fortier /[et al.].9.Memory Illusions in Amnesic Patients: Findings and Implications /Daniel L. Schacter, Mieke Verfaellie and Wilma Koutstaal.10.The Neuropsychology of False Facial Recognition /Steven Z. Rapcsak, Lis Nielsen and Elizabeth L. Glisky /[et al.].11.The Role of the Basal Ganglia in Learning and Memory /Barbara J. Knowlton.12.Electrophysiological Studies of Retrieval Processing /Michael D. Rugg, Jane E. Herron and Alexa M. Morcom.13.Functional Neuroimaging Studies of Memory Retrieval /Kathleen B. McDermott and Randy L. Buckner.14.Cognitive Control and Episodic Memory: Contributions from Prefrontal Cortex /Anthony D. Wagner.15.Where Encoding and Retrieval Meet in the Brain /Lars Nyberg.16.Hippocampal Novelty Responses Studied with Functional Neuroimaging /R. J. Dolan and B. A. Strange.17.The Neural Basis of Working Memory Storage, Rehearsal, and Control Processes: Evidence from Patient and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies /Mark D'Esposito and Bradley R. Postle.18.Functional Anatomy of Motor Skill Learning /Julien Doyon and Leslie G. Ungerleider.19.Searching for the Neural Correlates of Object Priming /Alex Martin and Miranda van Turennout.20.Neuropsychological Approaches to Preclinical Identification of Alzheimer's Disease /Marilyn S. Albert and Mark B. Moss.21.Memory Rehabilitation /Barbara A. Wilson.22.Circadian Rhythms and Memory in Aged Humans and Animals /Gordon Winocur and Lynn Hasher
Neuropsychology of memory /
Squire, Larry R.
Schacter, Daniel L.
[2002], ©2002.
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries