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> Amy E. Morris
"Amy E. Morris" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
Popular measures: poetry and church order in seventeenth-century Massachusetts /
Morris, Amy M. E.,
University of Delaware Press,
The United States in Literature
James E. Miller Jr.
Carlota Cárdenas de Dwyer
Kerry M. Wood
John Smith
William Bradford
Sarah Kemble Knight
William Byrd II
Cotton Mather
Jonathan Edwards - undifferentiated
Anne Bradstreet
Taylor, Edward
Phillis Wheatley
Philip Morin Freneau
Benjamin Franklin
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Paine
Washington Irving
James Fenimore Cooper
William Cullen Bryant
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Oliver Wendell Holmes
John Greenleaf Whittier
James Russell Lowell
James W. C. Pennington
Francis Wright
W. E. B. Du Bois
Edgar Allan Poe
Edward Rowe Snow
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Seattle Chief
Margaret Fuller
Harriet Jane Hanson Robinson
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Louisa May Alcott
Frederick Douglass
Abraham Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
Mollie Dorsey Sanford
Sidney Lanier
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Walt Whitman
Emily Dickinson
Mark Twain
Chief Joseph
Ambrose Bierce
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
Kate Chopin
Stephen Crane
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Edgar Lee Masters
James Thurber
Willa Cather
Sherwood Anderson
Katherine Anne Porter
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
William Faulkner
John Steinbeck
Richard Wright
Eudora Welty
Ezra Pound
Amy Lowell
Carl Sandburg
Langston Hughes
Marianne Moore
Archibald MacLeish
Robert Frost
Countee Cullen
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Elinor Wylie
Sara Teasdale
T. S. Eliot
James Weldon Johnson
John Crowe Ransom
Wallace Stevens
Jean Toomer
William Carlos Williams
E. E. Cummings
Phyllis McGinley
Arna Wendell Bontemps
Claude McKay
Margaret Walker
Robinson Jeffers
Louise Bogan
Lewis Thomas
Dorothy Parker
Tennessee Williams
Robert Anderson
Lillian Hellman
Patrick F. McManus
William Least Heat Moon
Richard Rodriguez
Sabine R. Ulibarrí
Lorraine Hansberry
James Baldwin
Ralph Ellison
Mona Van Duyn
Richard Wilbur
Denise Levertov
David Wagoner
Theodore Roethke
Robert Hayden
Karl Jay Shapiro
Adrienne Rich
Richard Eberhart
May Swenson
Mari Evans
Maxine Kumin
Elizabeth Bishop
Howard Nemerov
Robert Lowell
Galway Kinnell
William Stafford
Randall Jarrell
Gwendolyn Brooks
John N. Morris
Sylvia Plath
Imamu Amiri Baraka
Vern Rutsala
N. Scott Momaday
Lawson Fusao Inada
Jim Wayne Miller
James Masao Mitsui
Gary Soto
Leslie Silko
Teresa Palomo Acosta
Isaac Asimov
John Updike
Bernard Malamud
Carson McCullers
Kurt Vonnegut
Flannery O'Connor
Ray Bradbury
Eugenia Collier
Annie Dillard
Henry James Jr.
Edith Wharton
Scott, Forseman and Company
The United States in Literature w/Three Long Stories
James E. Miller Jr.
Carlota Cárdenas de Dwyer
Kerry M. Wood
John Smith
William Bradford
Sarah Kemble Knight
William Byrd II
Cotton Mather
Jonathan Edwards - undifferentiated
Anne Bradstreet
Taylor, Edward
Phillis Wheatley
Philip Morin Freneau
Benjamin Franklin
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Paine
Washington Irving
James Fenimore Cooper
William Cullen Bryant
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Oliver Wendell Holmes
John Greenleaf Whittier
James Russell Lowell
James W. C. Pennington
Francis Wright
W. E. B. Du Bois
Edgar Allan Poe
Edward Rowe Snow
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Seattle Chief
Margaret Fuller
Harriet Jane Hanson Robinson
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Louisa May Alcott
Frederick Douglass
Abraham Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
Mollie Dorsey Sanford
Sidney Lanier
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Walt Whitman
Emily Dickinson
Mark Twain
Chief Joseph
Ambrose Bierce
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
Kate Chopin
Stephen Crane
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Edgar Lee Masters
James Thurber
Willa Cather
Sherwood Anderson
Katherine Anne Porter
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
William Faulkner
John Steinbeck
Richard Wright
Eudora Welty
Ezra Pound
Amy Lowell
Carl Sandburg
Langston Hughes
Marianne Moore
Archibald MacLeish
Robert Frost
Countee Cullen
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Elinor Wylie
Sara Teasdale
T. S. Eliot
James Weldon Johnson
John Crowe Ransom
Wallace Stevens
Jean Toomer
William Carlos Williams
E. E. Cummings
Phyllis McGinley
Arna Wendell Bontemps
Claude McKay
Margaret Walker
Robinson Jeffers
Louise Bogan
Lewis Thomas
Dorothy Parker
Tennessee Williams
Robert Anderson
Lillian Hellman
Patrick F. McManus
William Least Heat Moon
Richard Rodriguez
Sabine R. Ulibarrí
Lorraine Hansberry
James Baldwin
Ralph Ellison
Mona Van Duyn
Richard Wilbur
Denise Levertov
David Wagoner
Theodore Roethke
Robert Hayden
Karl Jay Shapiro
Adrienne Rich
Richard Eberhart
May Swenson
Mari Evans
Maxine Kumin
Elizabeth Bishop
Howard Nemerov
Robert Lowell
Galway Kinnell
William Stafford
Randall Jarrell
Gwendolyn Brooks
John N. Morris
Sylvia Plath
Imamu Amiri Baraka
Vern Rutsala
N. Scott Momaday
Lawson Fusao Inada
Jim Wayne Miller
James Masao Mitsui
Gary Soto
Leslie Silko
Teresa Palomo Acosta
Isaac Asimov
John Updike
Bernard Malamud
Carson McCullers
Kurt Vonnegut
Flannery O'Connor
Ray Bradbury
Eugenia Collier
Annie Dillard
Henry James Jr.
Edith Wharton
Scott Foresman
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries
Book Authors
&s; He&s; s Just a Bum, But Who Ain&s; t?&s; : The Mirror of Homelessness
Amy M. E. Morris
Thinking Home: Interdisciplinary Dialogues
Sanja Bahun
Bojana Petrić
3 - How to Read Early American Poetry
Amy M. E. Morris
The Cambridge Companion to Early American Literature
Bryce Traister
Cambridge University Press
Plainness and Paradox: Colonial Tensions in the Early New England Religious Lyric
Amy M. E. Morris
A Companion to the Literatures of Colonial America
Susan P. Castillo
Ivy Schweitzer
John Wiley & Sons
How to Teach Procedures
Amy E. Morris
Kristen K. Patton
Handbook of Clinical Teaching
Somnath Mookherjee
Ellen M. Cosgrove
1st ed. 2016
Springer International Publishing
Amy E. Morris
Lynn M. Schnapp
Critical Care Secrets (Fifth Edition)
Amy E. Morris
Lynn M. Schnapp
Critical Care Secrets (Fourth Edition)
Procedural Complications
Başak Çoruh
Amy E. Morris
Patricia A. Kritek
Non-Pulmonary Complications of Critical Care: A Clinical Guide
Jeremy B. Richards
Renee D. Stapleton
Springer New York
List of contributors
James Bower
Mark B. Bromberg
David Burn
Stefan Cano
Noelle E. Carlozzi
Elise Davis
Jill Dawson
Ray Fitzpatrick
Robert Harris
Jeremy Hobart
Crispin Jenkinson
Anthony Lang
Andrew J. Lees
Irene Litvan
Philip Low
Christopher Mathias
Christopher Morris
Michele Peters
Niall Quinn
Rebecca E. Ready
Anette Schrag
Caroline Selai
Amy Shelly
Elizabeth Waters
Quality of Life Measurement in Neurodegenerative and Related Conditions
Crispin Jenkinson
Michele Peters
Mark B. Bromberg
Cambridge University Press
Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture of the United States
Written by Jay Peterson
Roger Griffis
Gulf of Alaska
Written by Stephani G. Zador
Michael F. Sigler
John E. Joyce
California Current
Written by Mary Hunsicker
Steven Bograd
Lisa G. Crozier
Sam McClatchie
James A. Morris Jr.
William T. Peterson
Carol Price
Pacific Islands
Written by Phoebe A. Woodworth-Jefcoats
Gulf of Mexico
Written by Mandy Karnauskas
Roldan Muñoz
Amy Schueller
J. Kevin Craig
Southeast US Atlantic
Written by (alphabetically) Nathan Bacheler
Michael L. Burton
Karla Gore
Todd Kellison
James A. Morris Jr.
Roldan Muñoz
Carol Price
Northeast US Atlantic
Written by Jonathan A. Hare
Kevin D. Friedland
Timothy J. Miller
The Implications of Climate Change on Fisheriesand Aquaculture - A Global Analysis
Bruce F. Phillips
Mónica Pérez-Ramírez
John Wiley & Sons
Sect. VII. Approach to Specific Syndromes. Ch. 48. Wasting Syndrome
Jamie H. Von Roenn and Kathleen Mulligan.Ch. 49.Neurologic Disease /Richard W. Price.Ch. 50.Dermatologic Disease /Jeffrey P. Callen and Clay J. Cockerell.Ch. 51.Oropharyngeal Disease /Deborah Greenspan, Penelope J. Shirlaw and John S. Greenspan.Ch. 52.Ophthalmologic Disease /Douglas A. Jabs.Ch. 53.Hematologic Disease /Ronald Mitsuyasu.Ch. 54.Cardiac Disease /Amy Giantris and Steven E. Lipshultz.Ch. 55.Pulmonary Disease /Judith Feinberg and Robert P. Baughman.Ch. 56.Renal Disease /Paul L. Kimmel.Ch. 57.Endocrine Disease /Joan C. Lo and Morris Schambelan.Ch. 58.Gastrointestinal Disease /C. Mel Wilcox and Klaus E. Monkemuller.Ch. 59.Hepatic and Hepatobiliary Disease /Douglas T. Dieterich and Michael A. Poles
AIDS therapy /
Dolin, Raphael.
Masur, Henry.
Saag, Michael S.
[1999], ©1999.
Churchill Livingstone,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries