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> Anthony G. Miller
"Anthony G. Miller" appeared in Books and Chapters
entries per page
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
Ethnoflora of the Soqotra Archipelago
Anthony G. Miller
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Accounting as social and institutional practice
Anthony G. Hopwood
Peter Miller
Cambridge University Press
Isaac Asimov
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
A. E. van Vogt
Eric Frank Russell
Bob Shaw
Mark Clifton
Philip K. Dick
Walter M. Miller
Lester del Rey
Avram Davidson
Piers Anthony
Philip E. High
William Tenn
Albert Flynn
Fred Saberhagen
Henry Kuttner
New American Library
Fifty short science fiction tales
Isaac Asimov
Groff Conklin
Poul Anderson
Alan Bloch
Anthony Boucher
Fredric Brown
Charles Muñoz
Cleve Cartmill
Peter Grainger
James Causey
Arthur C. Clarke
Mildred Clingerman
Roger D. Aycock
Arthur Feldman
Jack Finney
Stuart Friedman
Lawrence L. LeShan
Donald A. Wollheim
Marion Gross
Robert A. Heinlein
Albert Hernhuter
H. B. Hickey
Wayland Hilton Young
Damon Knight
Cyril M. Kornbluth
Fritz Leiber
Jack Lewis
John D. MacDonald
Avro Manhattan
Winston K. Marks
John P. McKnight
Lion Miller
Alan Nelson
Alan Edward Nourse
Peter Phillips
Arthur Porges
Mack Reynolds
Frank M. Robinson
Edward G. Robles Jr.
Eric Frank Russell
James H. Schmitz
Howard Schoenfeld
Margaret St. Clair
Robert Sheckley
Walt Sheldon
Evelyn E. Smith
Will Stanton
Theodore Sturgeon
William Tenn
A. E. van Vogt
Ralph Williams
S. Fowler Wright
Karen Anderson
Collier Books
Soil Processes and the Carbon Cycle
B.A. Stewart
E. Amezquita
Rattan Lal
John M. Kimble
Douglas L. Karlen
Ronald F. Follett
Hans-Wilhelm Scharpenseel
B.A. Stewart
Denis A. Angers
C. A. Campbell
Benjamin Harold Ellert
E.G. Gregorich
B. D. Kay
William B. McGill
Charles Tarnocai
R. C. Izaurralde
Hugo H. Rogers
Morris Schnitzer
Claire Chenu
J. M. Oades
Carlos M. Monreal
John M. Kimble
Elissa R. Levine
D. J. Greenland
M. Nyborg
Anthony S. Donigian, Jr.
N. G. Juma
Robert B. Grossman
Tim R. Moore
J. S. Kern
Chien-L. Ping
R.L. Malcolm
A. S. Patwardhan
Robert F. Grant
Ronald F. Follett
Keith H. Paustian
E. T. Elliott
Thomas O. Barnwell, Jr.
M. M. Wander
Barbara Lacelle
M. A. Arshad
Roshan M. Bajracharya
Jeff A. Baldock
James G. Bockheim
Cynthia A. Cambardella
Carlos C. Cerri
R. J. Chandler
Zheng Qui Chen
R. V. Chinnaswamy
C. E. Clapp
Jener F.L. de Moraes
H. Dinel
Ronald F. Dodson
Wendy R. Eisner
Lynn R. Everett
Brigitte J. Feigl
Myles J. Fisher
J. R. Fortner
D. S. Gamble
Alexander Gennadiyev
S. A. Glaum
J. A. Golchin
D. H. Harms
K. G. Harrison
S. L. Hartung
Jeff E. Herrick
Frank L. Himes
D. C. Jans-Hammermeister
H. Henry Jansen
Julie D. Jastrow
K. Killian
D. S. Kimes
Eva-Maria Klimanek
Dmitri Ye Konyushkov
Martin Korschens
M. S. Kuzila
Dennis R. Linden
Elena Lioubimtseva
Wendy M. Loya
S. S. Malhi
Maurice J. Mausbach
Betty F. McQuaid
Jerry M. Melillo
Stanislow Mercik
Gary J. Michaelson
R. Michael Miller
M. Molina-Ayala
Christopher Neill
Gail L. Olson
Steve Pawluk
E. M. Pfeiffer
Marisa C. Piccolo
Cathy A. Seybold
E. D. Solberg
Paul A. Steudler
Wilma Trujillo
David P. Turner
D. A. Walker
Annett Weigel
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 17 of 17 entries
Book Authors
Kalecki’s Investment Theory: A Critical Realist Approach
Anthony J. Laramie
Douglas Mair
Anne G. Miller
Empirical Post Keynesian Economics: Looking at the Real World
Richard P F Holt
Steven Pressman
Kalecki's investment theory: a critical realist approach
Anthony J. Laramie
Douglas Mair
Anne G. Miller
Empirical post Keynesian economics: looking at the real world
Richard P. F. Holt
Steven Pressman
M.E. Sharpe
Selective Inhibition of CO2 Transport in a Cyanobacterium
George S. Espie
Anthony G. Miller
David T. Canvin
Current Research in Photosynthesis: Proceedings of the VIIIth International Conference on Photosynthesis Stockholm, Sweden, August 6–11, 1989
M. Baltscheffsky
Springer Netherlands
8 - Evolution and biogeography of the flora of the Socotra archipelago (Yemen)
Lisa M. Banfield
Kay Van Damme
Anthony G. Miller
The Biology of Island Floras
David Bramwell
Juli Caujapé-Castells
Cambridge University Press
Evolution of the Intermetallic Particle Distribution in Thixomolded Magnesium Alloys
B. T. Anthony
B. G. Dowdell
V. M. Miller
Magnesium Technology 2019
Vineet V. Joshi
J. Brian Jordon
Dmytro Orlov
Neale R. Neelameggham
1st ed. 2019
Springer International Publishing
Do Root Exudates Exert More Influence on Rhizosphere Bacterial Community Structure Than Other Rhizodeposits?
Penny R. Hirsch
Anthony J. Miller
Paul G. Dennis
Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere
Frans J. de Bruijn
John Wiley & Sons
Non-VEGF related antiangiogenesis pathways for treatment of age-related macular degeneration
Anthony B. Daniels
Ivana K. Kim
Joan W. Miller
Demetrios G. Vavvas
Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Jennifer I. Lim
19 - Genetic erosion, restricted mating and reduced viability in fragmented populations of the endangered grassland herb Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides
Andrew G. Young
Anthony H. D. Brown
Brian G. Murray
Peter H. Thrall
Cathy Miller
Genetics, Demography and Viability of Fragmented Populations
Andrew G. Young
Geoffrey M. Clarke
Cambridge University Press
Thermal Fatigue Testing of Layer-Graded Thick Thermal Barrier Coating Systems
Robert A. Miller
Dongming Zhu
John G. Goedjen
Anthony M. Calomino
Thomas A. Cruse
24th Annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures: B: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 21, Issue 4
Todd Jessen
Ersan Ustundag
John Wiley & Sons
Chemical and Biological Aspects of the Inhibition of Red Blood Cell Sickling by Cyanate
James M. Manning
Anthony Cerami
Peter N. Gillette
Frank G. de Furia
Denis R. Miller
Hemoglobin and Red Cell Structure and Function: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Red Cell Metabolism and Function held at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, April 27–29, 1972
George Brewer
Springer US
The Precambrian drift history and paleogeography of India
Joseph G. Meert
Anthony F. Pivarunas
Scott R. Miller
Manoj K. Pandit
Anup K. Sinha
Ancient Supercontinents and the Paleogeography of Earth
David Evans
Johanna Salminen
Lauri Pesonen
Sten-Ake Elming and Toni Veikkolainen
Biochemical and Physiological Properties of Carbamylated Hemoglobin S
James M. Manning
Anthony Cerami
Peter N. Gillette
Frank G. De Furia
Denis R. Miller
Advances in Enzymology V 040
Alton Meister
John Wiley & Sons
Development and Properties of Cesium Selective Crystalline Silicotitanate (CST) Ion Exchangers for Radioactive Waste Applications
James E. Miller
Norman E. Brown
James L. Krumhansl
Daniel E. Trudell
Rayford G. Anthony
C. V. Philip
Science and Technology for Disposal of Radioactive Tank Wastes
Wallace W. Shulz
Nicholas J. Lombardo
Springer US
V. Endocrine System and Metabolism. 21. Endocrine and Metabolic Emergencies
Paul L. Mueller and David G. Jaimovich.22.Evaluation and Management of Renal Emergencies /Kenneth Miller and Barbara Atkin.23.Poisoning, Ingestion, and Overdose /Curt M. Steinhart and Anthony L. Pearson-Shaver
Handbook of pediatric and neonatal transport medicine /
Jaimovich, David G.,
Vidyasagar, D.
[2002], ©2002.
Hanley & Belfus,
pt. 3. The last frontier: newcomers in a new world. Late Glacial and early Holocene occupation of Central American tropical forests
Anthony J. Ranere
Richard G. Cooke
Holocene climate
human occupation in the Orinoco / William P. Barse
Archaeological hunter-gatherers in tropical forests : a view from Colombia / Santiago Mora
Cristóbal Gnecco
Hunter-gatherers in Amazonia during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition / Betty J. Meggers
Eurico Th. Miller.
Under the canopy: the archaeology of tropical rain forests
Julio Mercader
Rutgers University Press
Susan E. Abbey
James J. Amos
Philip A. Bialer
James A. Bourgeois
Joanne A. Byars
Jaspreet Chahal
Kathy Coffman
Mary Ann Cohen
Catherine Crone
Carlos Fernandez-Robles
Jess G. Fiedorowicz
Mary J. Fitz-Gerald
Gregory Fricchione
Donna Greenberg
Thomas W. Heinrich
Debra R. Kahn
Raheel A. Khan
Robin C. Kopelman
Jeanne M. Lackamp
Joseph A. Locala
Michael Marcangelo
Laura Marsh
Anthony C. Miller
Romina Mizrahi
Megan Moore Brennan
Maryland Pao
John Querques
Davin Quinn
Vani Rao
Robert G. Robinson
Oludamilola Salami
Sanjeev Sockalingam
Sergio E. Starkstein
Scott Stuart
Adrienne Tan
Janeta Tansey
Scott Temple
Alex Thompson
Susan Turkel
Michelle Weckmann
Marcus Wellen
Thomas Wise
Psychosomatic Medicine: An Introduction to Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
James J. Amos
Robert G. Robinson
Cambridge University Press
Sect. IV. Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Neurological Disease in the Elderly
Edited by Jeffrey L. Cummings.23.Nondegenerative Dementing Disorders /William E. Reichman.24.Alzheimer's Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia /Bruce L. Miller and Andrew Gustavson.25.Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders /George R. Jackson and Anthony E. Lang.26.Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonism /Alexander I. Troster, Julie A. Fields and William C. Koller.27.Stroke /Sergio E. Starkstein and Robert G. Robinson.28.Traumatic Brain Injury /Robert B. Fields, Dawn Cisewski and C. Edward Coffey.29.Epilepsy /Mario F. Mendez.30.Neoplastic, Demyelinating, Infectious, and Inflammatory Brain Disorders /Douglas W. Scharre.31.Medical Therapies /Karen Blank and James D. Duffy.32.Neurobehavioral Syndromes /Mark D'Esposito
The American Psychiatric Press textbook of geriatric neuropsychiatry /
Coffey, C. Edward,
Cummings, Jeffrey L.,
American Psychiatric Press,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 17 of 17 entries