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> Barbara Kolb(3:37)
"Barbara Kolb(3:37)" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 18 of 18 entries
Book Authors
The sentences
Barbara Kolb(3:37)
20th century voices in America.
De Gaetani, Jan.
Wernick, Richard,
Suderburg, Elizabeth.
Suderburg, Robert.
Rees, Rosalind.
Starobin, David.
Wagner, Richard
Davy, Gloria.
Ran, Shulamit,
Johnson, A. Robert.
Bryn-Julson, Phyllis.
Rochberg, George.
Crumb, George.
Cage, John.
Carter, Elliott,
Schuman, William,
Imbrie, Andrew,
Blumenfeld, Harold.
Smith, Gregg.
Kolb, Barbara.
Ran, Shulamit,
Rochberg, George.
Lamento del Marchese Cinq-Mars
Barbara Strozzi (16:37)
Lamenti barocchi =: Baroque laments.
Vartolo, Sergio.
Distribution, MVD Music and Video Distribution,
Parlando: für Flöte und Klavier (1993)
Barbara Heller (3:37)
Flötenmusik von Komponistinnen =: Flute music by female composers.
Weinzierl, Elisabeth,
Schieferstein, Eva.,
Morgen, Philipp von,
Anna Amalia,
Bon, Anna.
Blahetka, Leopoldine,
Chaminade, Cécile,
Bonis, Mél.
Tailleferre, Germaine,
Boulanger, Lili,
Heller, Barbara,
Coates, Gloria.
Eberhardt, Dorothee.
Ansink, Caroline.
Schlünz, Annette,
Brückner, Christine K.,
The sentences
Barbara Kolb (3:37)
20th century voices in America.
De Gaetani, Jan.
Wernick, Richard,
Suderburg, Elizabeth.
Suderburg, Robert,
Rees, Rosalind.
Starobin, David,
Wagner, Richard
Davy, Gloria.
Ran, Shulamit,
Johnson, A. Robert,
Bryn-Julson, Phyllis.
Rochberg, George.
Crumb, George.
Cage, John.
Carter, Elliott,
Schuman, William,
Imbrie, Andrew,
Blumenfeld, Harold.
Smith, Gregg.
Kolb, Barbara.
Ran, Shulamit,
Rochberg, George.
[1995], ℗1995.
In the heart of the dark
Jerome Kern (Barbara Cook)(3:37)
Ben Bagley's Jerome Kern revisited
Kern, Jerome,
Bagley, Ben.
Paris, Norman.
Andrews, Nancy,
Cook, Barbara.
Lang, Harold,
Short, Bobby.
Young, Cy.
Kern, Jerome,
Kern, Jerome,
Kern, Jerome,
Kern, Jerome,
Kern, Jerome,
Kern, Jerome,
Kern, Jerome,
Kern, Jerome,
Kern, Jerome,
Kern, Jerome,
Kern, Jerome,
Kern, Jerome,
Kern, Jerome,
Painted Smiles,
Pt. V. Analytic Strategies. 32. Qualitative Interviewing and Grounded Theory Analysis
Kathy Charmaz.33.Analysis of Personal Narratives /Catherine Kohler Riessman.34.Analytic Strategies for Oral History Interviews /Richard Candida Smith.35.Narrative, Interviews, and Organizations /Barbara Czarniawska.36.Institutional Ethnography: Using Interviews to Investigate Ruling Relations /Marjorie L. DeVault and Liza McCoy.37.Ethnomethodological Analyses of Interviews /Carolyn D. Baker
Handbook of interview research: context & methods /
Gubrium, Jaber F.
Holstein, James A.
[2002], ©2002.
Sage Publications,
Pt. VIII. Politics and Pedagogy. 35. writing autobiography (1989)
bell hooks.36.Autobiographical Manifestos (1993) /Sidonie Smith.37.Semiotics, Experience, and the Material Self: An Inquiry into the Subject of the Contemporary Asian Woman Writer (1988) /Shirley Geok-lin Lim.38.From the Women's Prison: Third World Women's Narratives of Prison (1986) /Barbara Harlow.39.Teaching Autobiography (1991) /Nancy K. Miller.40.The Way In (1989) /Nancy Mairs
Women, autobiography, theory: a reader /
Smith, Sidonie.
Watson, Julia,
[1998], ©1998.
University of Wisconsin Press,
Pt. III. Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infection. Ch. 32. Clinical Syndromes and Diagnosis: Overview
Daniel Shinners and Henry Yeager, Jr.Ch. 33.Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare Complex Disease /Constance A. Benson.Ch. 34.Mycobacterium fortuitum, chelonae, abscessus /Richard J. Wallace, Jr. and Barbara A. Brown.Ch. 35.Mycobacterium kansasii /I. A. Campbell and P. A. Jenkins.Ch. 36.Mycobacterium marinum /Giuseppe Hautmann and Torello Lotti.Ch. 37.Mycobacterium scrofulaceum /Edward A. Horowitz.Ch. 38.Other Nontuberculous Mycobacteria and Mycobacterium bovis /Laurel C. Preheim.
Tuberculosis: and nontuberculous mycobacterial infections /
Schlossberg, David.
[1999], ©1999.
Sect. 4. Reflecting on Practice. 30. Trauma and Tedium: An Account of Living on a Children's Ward
Barbara Webb. 31. Ritual and Rational Action in Hospitals / Gillian Chapman. 32. A Feeling for Medicine / Naomi Craft. 33. Personal and Medical Memories from Hillsborough / Tom Heller. 34. Conflicts in the Residential Keyworker Role / Graham Connelly. 35. Thinking about Feelings in Group Care / John Simmonds. 36. Reflections on Short-term Casework / Liz Lloyd. 37. Establishing a Feminist Model of Groupwork in the Probation Service / Tara Mistry. 38. When the Solution becomes a Part of the Problem / Robert Bor, Lucy Perry and Riva Miller.Conclusion: Why Study Roles and Relationships? / Kate Lyon.
Health, welfare & practice: reflecting on roles & relationships /
Walmsley, Jan.
Sage Publications,
Pt. VI. Attitude Reports. Ch. 32. The Method of Intension
Rudolph Carnap.Ch. 33.On Synonymy and Indirect Discourse /Israel Scheffler.Ch. 34.Vagaries of Reference /Willard Van Orman Quine.Ch. 35.On Saying That /Donald Davidson.Ch. 36.Opacity and Scope /Barbara Partee.Ch. 37.Sententialist Theories of Belief /Stephen Schiffer.Ch. 38.A Puzzle about Belief /Saul A. Kripke.Ch. 39.Direct Reference, Propositional Attitudes, and Semantic Content /Scott Soames.Ch. 40.The Prince and the Phone Booth: Reporting Puzzling Beliefs /Mark Crimmins and John Perry.Ch. 41.Interpreted Logical Forms /Richard K. Larson and Peter Ludlow.Ch. 42.Intensional "Transitive" Verbs and Concealed Complement Clauses /Marcel den Dikken, Richard K. Larson and Peter Ludlow.
Readings in the philosophy of language /
Ludlow, Peter,
MIT Press,
III. Miscellaneous Issues. 35. Housestaff Education
Dennis R. Durbin and Angelo P. Giardino. 36. Legal Issues Related to Transport / Barbara J. Youngberg. 37. Community Outreach / Karin A. McCloskey and Robert B. Lembersky. 38. Infection Control / Fernando Stein. 39. Stress and the Transport Team / David V. Myers. 40. The Psychosocial Aspects of Transporting the Critically Ill Child / Janet L. Terry. 41. Prehospital Transport - Ground / George L. Foltin and Arthur Cooper. 42. Prehospital Transport - Air Medical / David Tellez, Kendra Balazs and Linda Young. 43. The Rural Pediatrician's Perspective / Lori G. Byron. 44. Intrahospital Transport / Elizabeth Wallen, Shekhar T. Venkataraman and Richard A. Orr. 45. International Air Medical Response and Transportation / Paul Davis and Karen N. (Bates) Hamilton.46. Equipment / Harriet Hawkins and Zehava Noah. 47. Invasive Procedures / Jeffrey S. Rubenstein. 48. The Transport Data Base / Robert S. Roth. 49. Transport Safety / Karen Klein and Debra M. Bills. 50. Respiratory Care / Catherine Peterson, Paul Wright, Kendra Balazs and Linda Young.
Pediatric transport medicine /
McCloskey, Karin.
Orr, Richard A.,
[1995], ©1995.
Pt. IV. Treatment Applications. 31. Upper Extremity Amputations and Prosthetics
Lynda M. Rock and Diane J. Atkins.32.Lower Extremity Amputations and Prosthetics /Sharon Pasquinelli.33.Burns and Burn Rehabilitation /Cheryl Leman Jordan and Rebekah Reishus Allely.34.Rheumatoid Arthritis /Jocelyn M. Hittle, Lorraine Williams Pedretti and Mary C. Kasch.35.Hand Injuries /Mary C. Kasch.36.Cardiac Dysfunction /Maureen Michele Matthews, Denise Foderaro and Stephanie O'Leary.37.Low Back Pain /Joan Smithline.38.Hip Fractures and Total Hip Replacement /Deborah Morawski, Karen Pitbladdo, Elizabeth Maria Bianchi, Sheri L. Lieberman, Jan Polon Novic and Helen Bobrove.39.Motor Unit Dysfunction /Guy L. McCormack and Lorraine Williams Pedretti.40.Spinal Cord Injury /Carole Adler.41.Cerebral Vascular Accident /Lorraine Williams Pedretti, Jerilyn A. Smith and Heidi McHugh Pendleton.42.Traumatic Brain Injury /Katie Schlageter and Barbara Zoltan.43.Degenerative Diseases of the Central Nervous System /Jean Hietpas, Merry Lee Hooks, Pat Atchison, Lorraine Williams Pedretti and Guy L. McCormack.
Occupational therapy: practice skills for physical dysfunction /
Pedretti, Lorraine Williams,
[1996], ©1996.
Sect. V. Specific Infections. 11. Adenovirus
Scott A. Halperin.12.Amebiasis /William J. Rodriguez and Barbara A. Jantausch.13.Ancylostoma duodenale (Hookworm) /Jonathan P. Moorman.14.Ascaris lumbricoides (Roundworm) /Jonathan P. Moorman.15.Campylobacter /Marian G. Michaels.16.Candida (Thrush, Diaper Dermatitis) /Charles M. Ginsburg.17.Chlamydia /Margaret R. Hammerschlag.18.Coronaviruses (Common Cold) /Ronald B. Turner.19.Coxsackievirus A16 (Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease) /Ziad M. Shehab.20.Cryptosporidia /William J. Rodriguez and Barbara A. Jantausch.21.Cytomegalovirus /Stuart P. Adler.22.Diphtheria /Moses Grossman.23.Enterobius vermicularis (Pinworm) /Jonathan P. Moorman.24.Enteroviruses /Ziad M. Shehab.25.Escherichia coli (Diarrhea) /William J. Rodriguez and Barbara A. Jantausch.26.Giardia lamblia /Theresa A. Schlager.27.Gonococcus /Thomas A. Bell.28.Haemophilus influenzae (Meningitis, Cellulitis, Epiglottitis, Pneumonia, Arthritis) /Trudy V. Murphy.29.Hepatitis A /Timothy R. Townsend.30.Hepatitis B /Timothy R. Townsend.31.Hepatitis C /Timothy R. Townsend.32.Hepatitis D /Timothy R. Townsend.33.Hepatitis E /Timothy R. Townsend.34.Herpes Simplex Virus (Gingivostomatitis) /Richard J. Whitley.35.Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome /Gwendolyn B. Scott.36.Infectious Mononucleosis /Ciro V. Sumaya.37.Influenza (Flu) /Scott A. Halperin.38.Meningococcus (Bacteremia, Meningitis, Arthritis) /Eugene D. Shapiro.39.Mumps /Gregory F. Hayden.40.Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Pneumonia) /Ronald B. Turner.41.Necator americanus (Hookworm) /Jonathan P. Moorman.42.Papillomaviruses (Warts) /David A. Whiting.43.Parainfluenza Virus /Scott A. Halperin.44.Parvovirus B19 (Fifth Disease, Erythema Infectiosum) /William C. Koch.45.Pediculosis (Lice) /David A. Whiting.46.Pertussis (Whooping Cough) /James W. Bass.47.Pneumococcus (Otitis Media, Sinusitis, Bacteremia, Pneumonia, Meningitis) /Keith R. Powell.48.Respiratory Syncytial Virus /Caroline Breese Hall.49.Rhinoviruses (Common Cold) /Ronald B. Turner.50.Roseola (Exanthema Subitum) /Mary Anne Jackson.51.Rotavirus /Theresa A. Schlager.52.Rubella (German Measles) /Gregory F. Hayden.53.Rubeola (Measles) /Caroline Breese Hall.54.Salmonella /Linda A. Waggoner-Fountain.55.Scabies /David A. Whiting.56.Shigella /Linda A. Waggoner-Fountain.57.Staphylococcus (Impetigo, Boils, Abscess, Cellulitis, Lymphadenitis, Osteomyelitis, Endocarditis) /Richard F. Jacobs.58.Streptococcus (Cellulitis, Impetigo, Pharyngitis) /Richard F. Jacobs.59.Syphilis /Thomas A. Bell.60.Tinea Capitis, Corporis, Cruris, and Pedis (Ringworm, Athlete's Foot, Jock Itch) /David A. Whiting.61.Toxocara /Jonathan P. Moorman.62.Trichuris trichiura (Whipworm) /Jonathan P. Moorman.63.Tuberculosis /Jane D. Siegel.64.Varicella-Zoster Virus (Chickenpox, Shingles) /Anne A. Gershon.65.Yersinia /William J. Rodriguez and Barbara A. Jantausch.
Infection control in the child care center and preschool /
Grossman, Leigh B.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
Sect. 2. Electrophysiologic Assessment of Neural Function. 8. Electroencephalography: General Principles and Adult Electroencephalograms
Donald W. Klass and Barbara F. Westmoreland.9.Electroencephalography: Electroencephalograms of Neonates, Infants, and Children /Barbara F. Westmoreland and Donald W. Klass.10.Ambulatory Electroencephalography /Kathryn A. Hirschorn.11.Prolonged Video Electroencephalography /Kathryn A. Hirschorn.12.Electroencephalographic Special Studies /Terrence D. Lagerlund.13.Electroencephalographic Recordings for Epilepsy Surgery /Gregory D. Cascino.14.Movement-related Potentials and Event-Related Potentials /Joseph Y. Matsumoto.15.Nerve Action Potentials /Bruce A. Evans.16.Somatosensory Evoked Potentials /C. Michel Harper, Jr.17.Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Potentials in Central Disorders /Gregory D. Cascino.18.Audiogram and Acoustic Reflexes /Wayne O. Olsen.19.Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Potentials in Peripheral Acoustic Disorders /Christopher D. Bauch.20.Visual Evoked Potentials /Gregory D. Cascino.21.Compound Muscle Action Potentials /Jasper R. Daube.22.Repetitive Stimulation Studies /Robert C. Hermann, Jr.23.Motor Evoked Potentials /Jasper R. Daube.24.Assessing the Motor Unit with Needle Electromyography /Jasper R. Daube.25.Quantitative Electromyography and Single-Fiber Electromyography /William J. Litchy.26.Estimating the Number of Motor Units in a Muscle /Jasper R. Daube.27.H Reflexes /Kathryn A. Stolp-Smith.28.Cranial Reflexes /J. Clarke Stevens and Benn E. Smith.29.Long Latency Reflexes and the Silent Period /Joseph Y. Matsumoto.30.Surface Electromyographic Studies of Movement Disorders /Joseph Y. Matsumoto.31.Vertigo and Balance /Robert H. Brey.32.Clinical Physiology of the Autonomic Nervous System /Eduardo E. Benarroch.33.Quantitative Sudomotor Axon Reflex Test and Related Tests /Phillip A. Low.34.Peripheral Adrenergic Function /Phillip A. Low.35.Thermoregulatory Sweat Test /Robert D. Fealey.36.Cardiovascular and Other Reflexes /Eduardo E. Benarroch and Phillip A. Low.37.Physiologic Assessment of Sleep /Peter J. Hauri and Cameron D. Harris.38.Assessing Sleep Disorders /Peter J. Hauri and Cameron D. Harris.39.Cerebral Function Monitoring /Frank W. Sharbrough.40.Brain Stem and Cranial Nerve Monitoring /C. Michel Harper, Jr.41.Spinal Cord Monitoring /Jasper R. Daube.42.Peripheral Nervous System Monitoring /C. Michel Harper, Jr.
Clinical neurophysiology /
Daube, Jasper R.
[1996], ©1996.
F.A. Davis,
Pt. III. Specific Pain Problems. 28. Management of Pain in Sickle Cell Disease
Carlton Dampier and Barbara S. Shapiro.29.Management of Pain in Childhood Cancer /John J. Collins and Steven J. Weisman.30.Pain and Palliative Care /Ann Goldman, Gerri Frager and Maureen Pomietto.31.Sedation /G. Allen Finley and Neil L. Schechter.32.Musculoskeletal Pain in Children /Donald T. Kulas and Laura E. Schanberg.33.Pain and Children with Developmental Disabilities /Tim F. Oberlander and Kenneth D. Craig.34.Neuropathic Pain in Children /Charles B. Berde, Alyssa A. Lebel and Gunnar Olsson.35.Burn Pain Management: Avoiding the "Private Nightmare" /Madelyn D. Kahana.36.Sedation and Analgesia in the Emergency Department /Steven M. Selbst and William T. Zempsky.37.The Pain (and Stress) in Infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit /C. Mae Wong, Neil McIntosh, Gopi Menon and Linda S. Franck.38.Management of Common Pain Problems in the Primary Care Pediatric Setting /Neil L. Schechter.39.Diagnosis, Classification, and Medical Management of Headache in Children and Adolescents /Mirja Hamalainen and Bruce J. Masek.40.Recurrent Abdominal Pain /Lisa Scharff, Alan M. Leichtner and Leonard A. Rappaport.41.Chest Pain /Maureen Strafford.42.Colic: The Pain Perplex /Ronald G. Barr and M. Alex Geertsma.43.Facial Pain in Children and Adolescents /Nalton F. Ferraro.44.Pain Management for the Critically Ill Child in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit /Joseph D. Tobias.45.Pain-Associated Disability Syndrome /Brenda Bursch, Michael H. Joseph and Lonnie K. Zeltzer.
Pain in infants, children, and adolescents /
Schechter, Neil L.
Berde, Charles B.
Yaster, Myron.
[2003], ©2003.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
Pt. 2. Raza si, guerra no!28. "Viet Nam Veteran"
Robert Barron.29."Speech Refusing Induction" /Rosalio Munoz.30."Corrido de la guerra" /Anonymous.31."Rocket Flight" /Elias Hruska y Cortez.32."Little Girls" /Anonymous.33."Hearts on Fire" and "Heroes" /Gina Valdes.34."The Summer of Vietnam" /Barbara Renaud Gonzalez.35."My Cousin Ralph" /Arturo Silvano Bobian.36.from "Pensamiento serpentino" /Luis Valdez.37."Cinco poemas" /Maria Herrera-Sobek.38."Blessed Amerika" /Adrian Vargas.39."Juan Carlos Gonzalez" /Ben Reyes.40."Poema" /Proceso R. Montoya, Jr.41."A Question Every Chicano Should Ask" /Anonymous.42."Carnal in Vietnam" /Anonymous.43."Vietnam: Gabacho's War" /Anonymous.44."La hora de todos" /Portilla de la Luz.45."Chicano Moratorium, December 20, 1969" /Alejandro Negrete.46."La nina Lina en East Los Angeles" /Dorinda Guadalupe Moreno.47."Chicano Is an Act of Defiance" /Tino Villanueva.48."Eulogy for Ruben Salazar" /Carlos Conde.49."Overkill at the Silver Dollar" /Enrique Hank Lopez.50."A Walk in the Sun" /Delfino Varela.51."Chicano Moratorium" /Patricia Rodriguez.52."Song to a Thousand Faces/My People in the Streets" /Katarina Davis del Valle.53."Due Process of Law" /Abelardo Delgado.54.from Assault with a Deadly Weapon /Roberto Rodriguez.55.from Always Running: La vida loca, Gang Days in L.A. /Luis J. Rodriguez.56.from Delia's Song /Lucha Corpi.57."Young Chicano's Death Described" (on Moratorium of January 30, 1971) /Rick Browne.58."The Vietnam Wall" /Alberto Rios.59."America's Wailing Wall" /Naomi Helena Quinonez.60."Enemy Way" /Enrique R. Lamadrid.61."Chale Guerra" /Gregg Barrios.62."A time to raise questions" /Trinidad Sanchez, Jr.
Aztlán and Viet Nam: Chicano and Chicana experiences of the war /
Mariscal, George.
University of California Press,
Pt. 3. Familial Cancer Syndromes. 13. Familial Cancer Syndromes: Role of Caretakers and Gatekeepers
Kenneth W. Kinzler and Bert Vogelstein.14.Nucleotide Excision Repair Syndromes: Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Cockayne Syndrome, and Trichothiodystrophy /Dirk Bootsma, Kenneth H. Kraemer and James E. Cleaver /[et al.].15.Ataxia-Telangiectasia /Richard A. Gatti.16.Bloom Syndrome /James German and Nathan A. Ellis.17.Fanconi Anemia /Arleen D. Auerbach, Manuel Buchwald and Hans Joenje.18.Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC) /C. Richard Boland.19.Werner Syndrome /Gerard D. Schellenberg, Tetsuro Miki and Chang-En Yu /[et al.].20.Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome /Lauri A. Aaltonen.21.Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome /James R. Howe.22.Retinoblastoma /Irene F. Newsham, Theodora Hadjistilianou and Webster K. Cavenee.23.Li-Fraumeni Syndrome /David Malkin.24.Wilms Tumor /Daniel A. Haber.25.Neurofibromatosis 1 /David H. Gutmann and Francis S. Collins.26.Neurofibromatosis 2 /Mia MacCollin and James Gusella.27.Renal Carcinoma /W. Marston Linehan, Berton Zbar and Richard D. Klausner.28.Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 /Stephen J. Marx.29.Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 /B. A. J. Ponder.30.Malignant Melanoma /Alexander Kamb and Meenhard Herlyn.31.Cowden Syndrome /Charis Eng and Ramon Parsons.32.Skin Cancer (Including Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome) /Jonathan L. Rees.33.Breast Cancer /Fergus J. Couch and Barbara L. Weber.34.Colorectal Tumors /Kenneth W. Kinzler and Bert Vogelstein.35.Pilomatricoma and Pilomatrix Carcinoma /Edward F. Chan, Uri Gat and Ramanuj Dasgupta /[et al.].36.Hereditary Paragangliomas of the Head and Neck /Peter Devilee, Andel G. L. van der Mey and Cees J. Cornelisse.37.Cylindromatosis /Michael R. Stratton and Graham R. Bignell.38.Familial Cardiac Myxomas and Carney Complex /Mark Veugelers, Carl J. Vaughn and Craig T. Basson.39.Genetic Testing for Familial Cancer /Gloria M. Petersen and Ann-Marie Codori
The genetic basis of human cancer /
Vogelstein, Bert.
Kinzler, Kenneth W.
[2002], ©2002.
McGraw-Hill, Medical Pub. Division,
Overview: Drug Receptors: A Perspective
David J. Triggle.10.Drugs Affecting Cholinergic Neurotransmission /Danny L. Lattin and E. Kim Fifer.11.Drugs Affecting Adrenergic Neurotransmission /Robert Griffith.12.Serotonin Receptors and Drugs Affecting Serotonergic Neurotransmission /Richard A. Glennon and Malgorzata Dukat.13.Local Anesthetics /Matthias C. Lu.14.Volatile Anesthetics /Timothy J. Maher.15.Hypnotics /William Soine.16.Antiseizure Drugs /Barbara W. Leduc.17.Psychotherapeutic Drugs: Antipsychotic and Anxiolytic Agents /Raymond G. Booth and John L. Neumeyer.18.Hallucinogens, Stimulants, and Related Drugs of Abuse /Richard A. Glennon.19.Opioid Analgesics /David S. Fries.20.Drugs Used to Treat Neuromuscular Disorders: Antiparkinsonian and Spasmolytic Agents /Raymond G. Booth and John L. Neumeyer.21.Cardiac Agents: Cardiac Glycosides, Antianginal, and Antiarrhythmic Drugs /Ahmed S. Mehanna.22.Diuretics /Gary O. Rankin.23.Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors, Antagonists and Calcium Blockers /Marc W. Harrold.24.Central and Peripheral Sympatholytics and Vasodilators /David A. Williams.25.Antihyperlipoproteinemics and Inhibitors of Cholesterol Biosynthesis /Marc W. Harrold.26.Antithrombotics, Thrombolytics, Coagulants and Plasma Extenders /Robert B. Palmer.27.Insulin and Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs /Robert A. Wiley.28.Adrenocorticoids /Duane D. Miller, Robert W. Brueggemeier and James T. Dalton.29.Estrogen, Progestins and Androgens /Robert W. Brueggemeier, Duane D. Miller and James T. Dalton.30.Thyroid Function and Thyroid Drugs /Ali R. Banijamali.31.Calcium Homeostasis /Robin M. Zavod.32.Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents /Ronald F. Borne.33.Antihistamines and Related Antiallergic and Antiulcer Agents /Wendel L. Nelson.34.Antibiotics and Antimicrobial Agents /Lester A. Mitscher.35.Antiparasitic Agents /Thomas L. Lemke.36.Antifungal Drugs /Robert Griffith and Timothy Tracy.37.Antimycobacterial Agents /Thomas L. Lemke.38.Cancer and Cancer Chemotherapy /Patrick S. Callery and Peter M. Gannett.39.Antiviral Agents and Protease Inhibitors /Manohar L. Sethi
Foye's principles of medicinal chemistry /
Lemke, Thomas L.
Williams, David A.,
Foye, William O.
[2002], ©2002.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 18 of 18 entries