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> Bèze, Théodore de,
"Bèze, Théodore de," appeared in Books and Chapters
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Cours sur les Épîtres aux Romains et aux Hébreux, 1564-1566: d'après les notes de Marcus Widler; Thèses disputées à l'Académie de Genève, 1564-67 /
Bèze, Théodore de,
Bèze, Théodore de,
Bèze, Théodore de,
Fraenkel, Pierre,
Perrotet, Luc.
Widler, Marcus,
Librairie Droz,
La Bible, qui est toute la Sainte Escriture du Vieil & du Nouueau Testament: autrement, l'ancienne et la nouuelle alliance, le tout reueu & conferé sur les textes hebreux & grecs par les pasteurs & professeurs de l'Eglise de Geneue.
Bèze, Théodore de,
Marot, Clément,
Pour Pierre Chouët,
Iob expounded by Theodore Beza, partly in manner of a commentary, partly in manner of a paraphrase. Faithfully translated out of Latine into English
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
Printed by Iohn Legatt, printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. And are to be sold [by Abraham Kitson] at the signe of the Sunne in Paules Churchyard in London
The iudgement of a most reuerend and learned man from beyond the seas concerning a threefold order of bishops, with a declaration of certaine other waightie points, concerning the discipline and gouernement of the Church.
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
ca. 1585
Printed by Robert Waldegrave
Maister Bezaes houshold prayers translated out of French into English.
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
By V.S. for Iohn Barnes ...
Ane oration made by Master Theodore de Beze, minister of the word of God, accompanyed with. xi. other ministers and. xx. deputies of the refourmed churches of the realme of Fraunce, in the presence of the king, ... Tuesday the ix. day of September, 1561, in the noonnery of Poyssy. Truely gathered and set forth in suct sort as it was spoken by the said de Beze. Whereunto is added a brief declaration exhibited by the said Beze, to the Quene the mother, the next morowe after the making of the said oration, touching certain poyntes conteyned in the same
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
By Robet [sic] Lekprewik. Cum priuilegio
The other parte of Christian questions and answeares which is concerning the sacraments, writte[n] by Theodore Beza Vezelian: to which is added a large table of the same questions. Translated out of Latine into Englishe by Iohn Field.
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
By [Thomas Dawson for] Thomas Woodcocke
A shorte learned and pithie treatize of the plague wherin are handled these two questions: the one, whether the plague bee infectious, or no: the other, whether and howe farre it may of Christians bee shunned by going aside. A discourse very necessary for this our tyme, and country; to satisfie the doubtful consciences of a great number: written in Latin by the famous & worthy diuine Theodore Beza Vezelian; and newly turned into English, by Iohn Stockwood, schoolemaister of Tunbridge.
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
At the three Cranes in the Vinetree by Thomas Dawson, for George Bishop
Ad serenissimam Elizabetham Angliae Reginam Theodor. Beza
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
G. B[ishop] & R. N[ewbery]
Ane answer made the fourth day of Septembre a thousand fyue hundreth syxtie [and] one, by maister Theodore de Besza minister of the holie Euangile, in the presence of the quene mother, the king and quene of Nauarre, the princes of the blood royall, and of the priuie counseil, vnto that whiche the cardinall of Lorraine had replied against that whiche was propounded in the first iourney of their talking together, by the said de Besza in the name of the reformed churches. Together with an other short answer made by the said de Besza the 26 day of the said moneth vnto certein articles of replie set forth by the said cardinall
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
Cum priuilegio 1562.
By Robert Lekprewik
A briefe and piththie summe of the Christian faith made in forme of a confession, vvith a confutation of all such superstitious errours, as are contrary therevnto. Made by Theodore de Beza. Translated out of Frenche by R.F.
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
By Richard Serll, dwelling in Flete lane, at the sygne of the halfe Eagle and the Key
A briefe declaration of the chiefe points of Christian religion set forth in a table. Made by Theodore Beze.
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
Printed for Tho: Man
A learned treatise of the plague wherein the two questions, whether the plague be infectious or no, and , whether and how farr it may be shunned of Christians by going aside, are resolved / written in Latine by the famous Theodore Beza Vezelian.
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
Printed by Thomas Ratcliffe and are to be sold by Edward Thomas ...
Master Bezaes sermons vpon the three chapters of the canticle of canticles wherein are handled the chiefest points of religion controversed and debated betweene vs and the aduersarie at this day, especially touching the true Iesus Christ and the true Church, and the certaine & infallible marks both of the one and of the other. Translated out of French into English by Iohn Harmar ...
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
Printed by Ioseph Barnes, and are to be sould [in London by T. Cooke] in Pauls Church-yard at the Tygers Head
A tragedie of Abrahams sacrifice, written in french by Theodore Beza, and translated into Inglish, by A.G. Finished at Povvles Belchamp in Essex, the xj. of August. 1575
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
By Thomas Vautroullier dwelling in the Blacke Friers
The treasure of trueth touching the grounde worke of man his saluation, and chiefest pointes of Christian religion: with a briefe summe of the comfortable doctrine of God his prouidence, comprised in .38. short aphorismes. VVritten in Latin by Theodore Beza, and nevvly turned into English by Iohn Stockvvood. VVhereunto are added, these godly treatises. One of the learned and godlie Father. Maister I. Foxe. In the which the chiefest poyntes of the doctrine of God his election, are so plainely set foorth, as the verie simplest may easily vnderstand it, and reape great profite thereby. The other of Maister Anthonie Gylbie, wherein the doctrine of God his election and reprobation, is both godly and learnedlie handeled. Seene and alovved, according to the order appoynted.
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.
[By J. Charlewood] for Thomas Woodcocke, dwelling in Paules Church yarde, at the sygne of the blacke beare
Erasmi Roterodami Liber vnvs, qvo Leicis [con]uicijs, sine talio[n]e respo[n]det: Eivsdem Libri dvo, ad annotationes Eduardi Lei, quibus conatur nouu[m] testame[n]tum om[n]e refellere, Priore defendit, quae ipse in euangelia, Altero aute[m] qu[a]e in apostolum Paulum scripsit. Ab autore recogniti. Eduardi Lei annotationes, aduersus annotationes Erasmi in nouu[m] testamentu[m]. Epistola Vuolfgangi Fabritij Captionis, praemittit[ur], qua se purgat Martino Gertophio, de suspitione Leici fauoris.
Erasmus, Desiderius,
Capito, Wolfgang,
Schöffer, Johann,
Bèze, Théodore de,
Anno M.D.XX. [1520]
Ex aedibus Ioannis Scheffer,
The music of the French Psalter of 1562: a historical survey and analysis, with the music in modern notation
Waldo Selden Pratt, Louis Bourgeois, Clément Marot, Théodore de Bèze
AMS Press
Two very lerned sermons of M. Beza: togither with a short sum of the sacrament of the Lordes Supper: wherevnto is added a treatise of the substance of the Lords Supper, wherin is breflie and soundlie discussed the p[r]incipall points in controuersie concerning that question /
Bèze, Théodore de,
T. W.
Waldegrave, Robert,
Man, Thomas,
Gubbin, Thomas,
anno 1588.
Printed by Robert Walde-graue for T. Man and T. Gubbins,
Novi Testamenti libri historici, Graeci & Latini, perpetuo commentario ex antiquitate, historiis, philologia, illustrati: quem, praeter venerabilis Bezae, undique conquisitae doctiss. virorum lucubrationes, ac prae caeteris insigniores explicationes suppeditarunt, /
Walæus, Balduinus.
Bèze, Théodore de,
Estienne, Henri,
Meurs, Jacob van,
Apud Joannem Ravesteinium...,
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