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> Brown, Barbara E.,
"Brown, Barbara E.," appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries
Family reunion handbook: a guide for reunion planners
Barbara E. Brown
Reunion Research
Canadian business & economics: a guide to sources of information = Sources d'informations économiques et commerciales canadiennes
Barbara E. Brown
Canadian Library Association
Atlas of New World marsupials
Brown, Barbara E. Dr.
Field Museum of Natural History
Carbon cycling in a tropical coastal ecosystem, Sawi Bay, southern Thailand /
Brown, Barbara E.,
Praween Limpsaichol.
Phuket Marine Biological Center,
Proceedings of an International Workshop on the Rehabilitation of Degraded Coastal Systems: Phuket Marine Biological Center. . . 19-24 January 1998 /
Praween Limpsaichol.
Edwards, Alasdair J.
Brown, Barbara E.,
[Phuket Marine Biological Center],
NOAA celebrating 200 years of science, service, and stewardship.
Brown, David A. | Collins, Craig | Grimes, Doria B. 1948- | Robinson, Michael A. | Stahura, Barbara | Theberge, Albert E.
Faircount LLC
Mirror of the medieval world /
Wixom, William D.
Boehm, Barbara Drake.
Brown, Katharine B.
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Lisbeth,
Evans, Helen C.
Frazer, Margarent E.
Gómez-Moreno, Carmen.
Husband, Timothy,
Kletke, Daniel.
Little, Charles T.
Shepard, Mary B.
Distributed by Harry N. Abrams,
Marriage and Health: The Well-Being of Same-Sex Couples
Hui Liu
Corinne Reczek
Lindsey Wilkinson
Dustin Brown
Sarah Marie Flood
Katherine Rose Genadek
Eli Alston-Stepnitz
David M Frost
Allen J LeBlanc
Abbie E Goldberg
JuliAnna Z Smith
Lori E Ross
Justin T Denney
Jarron M Saint Onge
Bridget K Gorman
Patrick M Krueger
Wen Fan
Zelma Oyavirde Tuthill
Navya R Kumar
Lacey J Ritter
Koji Ueno
Russell L Spiker
Andrew Fenelon
Christina Dragon
Matt Ruther
Ning Hsieh
Emily Kazyak
Emma Finken
Kara Sutton
Richard K Scotch
Kara Joyner
Wendy Manning
Barbara Prince
Sara Mernitz
Amanda Pollitt
Karin L Brewster
Kathryn Harker Tillman
Giuseppina Valle Holway
Rachel L Henry
Hui Liu
Corinne Reczek
Lindsey Wilkinson
Rutgers University Press
Hill Street blues.
Bochco, Steven,
Kozoll, Michael,
Hoblit, Gregory,
Butler, Robert,
Yerkovich, Anthony,
Brown, Georg Stanford,
Zlotoff, Lee David,
Laven, Arnold,
Taub, Bill,
Kaplan, E. Jack,
Starrett, Jack,
Thompson, Robert C.
Rachins, Alan,
Allen, Corey,
Anspaugh, David,
Crais, Robert,
Lewis, Jeffrey,
Holcomb, Rod,
Haines, Randa,
Wagner, Michael,
Bleckner, Jeff,
Carter, Thomas,
Thomas, Thom,
Levy, Lawrence
Brazil, Scott,
Milch, David,
Hall, Karen Lynne,
Earll, Robert,
Frost, Mark,
Kelljan, Bob,
Gunn, Joseph,
Nyby, Christian I.,
Scott, Oz,
Combest, Phil,
Rosenbloom, David
Wallace, Rick
Schneider, Sascha,
Singer, Alexander,
Duke, Bill,
Silverman, Peter
Seidelman, Arthur Allan,
Beaumont, Gabrielle,
Ray, Darrell
Toy, Alan,
Cooper, Dennis,
Wellborn, Stanley N.,
Compton, Richard,
Director, Roger,
Stenn, David,
Byars, Floyd,
Katz, Elia,
Epstein, Jacob,
Patterson, John,
South, Frank,
Vittes, Michael,
Green, Walon,
Kaplan, Barry Jay,
Bolt, Ben,
Wolf, Dick,
Lathan, Stan,
Ward, Robert
Hancock, John,
Mankiewicz, John,
Woody, Russ,
See, John William,
Brown, Jerry Patrick,
Schlitt, Robert,
Smith, Duncan,
Lemkin, Jonathan,
Switzer, Michael,
Romano, John,
Vienna, Darrell,
Fox, Terry Curtis,
Bello, Steve,
Weis, Don,
White, Dale
Sherin, Edwin,
Black, David,
David, Marjorie,
Mamet, David,
Adams, Penny
Williams, Christian,
Woodward, Bob,
Eglash, Neil,
Koertge, Ronald,
Goldsmith, George,
Melvoin, Jeff,
Portman, Jerome,
Litvack, John,
Worth, Jody,
Lavet, Ken,
Post, Mike,
Travanti, Daniel J.,
Warren, Michael,
Hamel, Veronica,
Conrad, Michael,
Babcock, Barbara,
Weitz, Bruce,
Blacque, Taurean,
Thomas, Betty,
Spano, Joe,
Sikking, James,
Prosky, Robert,
Martin, Kiel,
Clohessy, Robert,
Enríquez, René,
Hirschfeld, Robert
Marinaro, Ed,
Franz, Dennis,
Gallagher, Megan,
Kuzyk, Mimi,
Olin, Ken,
Haid, Charles,
Cypher, Jon,
Bosson, Barbara,
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 20 of 26 entries
Book Authors
Eastern Indian Ocean – Northern Sector
Barbara E. Brown
Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs: Structure, Form and Process
David Hopley
Springer Netherlands
Gardiner, John Stanley (1872–1946)
Barbara E. Brown
Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs: Structure, Form and Process
David Hopley
Springer Netherlands
Mining/Quarrying of Coral Reefs
Barbara E. Brown
Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs: Structure, Form and Process
David Hopley
Springer Netherlands
Yonge, Sir Maurice (1899–1986)
Barbara E. Brown
Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs: Structure, Form and Process
David Hopley
Springer Netherlands
Adaptations of Reef Corals to Physical Environmental Stress
Barbara E. Brown
Advances in Marine Biology
J.H.S. Blaxter
A.J. Southward
Academic Press
Ch. 15. Disturbances to Reefs in Recent Times
Barbara E. Brown
Life and death of coral reefs /
Birkeland, Charles.
[1997], ©1997.
Chapman & Hall,
Coral bleaching — capacity for acclimatization and adaptation
S.L. Coles
Barbara E. Brown
Advances in Marine Biology
Alan J. Southward
Lee A. Fuiman
Academic Press
The Potential for Temperature Acclimatisation of Reef Corals in the Face of Climate Change
Barbara E. Brown
Andrew R. Cossins
Coral Reefs: An Ecosystem in Transition
Zvy Dubinsky
Noga Stambler
Springer Netherlands
Coral Bleaching: The Roles of Sea Temperature and Solar Radiation
Barbara E. Brown
Richard P. Dunne
Diseases of Coral
Cheryl M. Woodley
Craig A. Downs
Andrew W. Bruckner
James W. Porter
Sylvia B. Galloway
John Wiley & Sons
Forecasts of Spatial Fields
Barbara G. Brown
Eric Gilleland
Elizabeth E. Ebert
Forecast Verification - A Practioner's Guide in Atmospheric Science 2e
Ian T. Jolliffe
David B. Stephenson
John Wiley & Sons
10. Muscle Disease. Exercise and Orthotics
Barbara J. de Lateur.Pharmacologic Treatment /Scott E. Brown
Clinical decision making in rehabilitation: efficacy and outcomes /
Basmajian, John V.,
Banerjee, Sikhar Nath.
Churchill Livingstone,
Nosocomial outbreaks/pseudo-outbreaks due to nontuberculous mycobacteria
Richard J. Wallace
Barbara A. Brown
David E. Griffith
Annual review of microbiology
L. Nicholas Ornston
Annual Reviews Inc.
‘A Close and Friendly Alliance’: Biology, Geology and the Great Barrier Reef Expedition of 1928–1929
Tom Spencer
Barbara E. Brown
Sarah M. Hamylton
Roger F. McLean
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, Volume 59
S Hawkins
A Lemasson
A Allcock
A Bates
M Byrne
A Evans
L Firth
E Marzinelli
B Russell
I Smith
S Swearer
P Todd
38. Nontuberculous Mycobacteria
Richard J. Wallace, Jr., Barbara A. Brown-Elliott and David E. Griffith
Respiratory infections /
Niederman, Michael S.
Sarosi, George A.
Glassroth, Jeffrey.
[2001], ©2001.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
Lesen im Hinblick auf das Selbst und die moralische Stimme
Lyn M. Brown
Mark B. Tappan
Carol Gilligan
Barbara A. Miller
Dianne E. Argyris
Qualitativ-empirische Sozialforschung: Konzepte, Methoden, Analysen
Detlef Garz
Klaus Kraimer
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Launch Operations
Robert D. Waterman
Patricia E. Nicoli
Alan J. Zide
Susan J. Waterman
Jose M. Perotti
Robert A. Ferrell
Barbara L. Brown
System Health Management - with Aerospace Applications
Stephen B. Johnson
Thomas Gormley
Seth Kessler
Charles Mott
Ann Patterson-Hine
John Wiley & Sons
Traci Ardren
James A. Brown
D. Matthew Buell
Andrew T. Creekmore
Bruce Dahlin
Kevin D. Fisher
Rodney D. Fitzsimons
Jeffrey Fleisher
Scott R. Hutson
John E. Kelly
Aline Magnoni
Yoko Nishimura
Anna Razeto
Barbara L. Stark
Stephanie Wynne-Jones
Norman Yoffee
Making Ancient Cities: Space and Place in Early Urban Societies
Andrew T. Creekmore, III
Kevin D. Fisher
Cambridge University Press
Section 3: Nursing theories. Orlando's nursing process theory in nursing practice
Barbara A. May. Modeling
role-modeling theory in nursing practice / Margaret E. Erickson. Mercer's becoming a mother theory in nursing practice / Molly Meighan. Leininger's theory of culture care diversity
universality in nursing practice / Marjorie G. Morgan. Parse's theory of humanbecoming in nursing practice / Gail J. Mitchell. Newman's theory of health as expanding consciousness in nursing practice / Janet Witucki Brown
Nursing theory: utilization & application
Martha Raile Alligood
Elsevier Mosby
Administrative data. Matching and cleaning administrative data
Robert M. Goerge
Bong Joo Lee. Access
confidentiality issues with administrative data / Henry E. Brady
Susan A. Grand
M. Anne Powell
Werner Schink. Measuring employment
income for low-income populations with administrative
survey data / V. Joseph Hotz
John Karl Scholz. Administrative data on the well-being of children on
off welfare / Richard Barth
Eleanor Locklin-Brown
Stephanie Cuccaro-Alamin
Barbara Needell
Studies of welfare populations: data collection and research issues
Ver Ploeg, Michele | Citro, Constance F. 1942- [Other] | Ver Ploeg, Michele [Other] | Panel on Data and Methods for Measuring the Effects of Changes in Social Welfare Programs (U.S.) [Other] | Moffitt, Robert A. [Other]
National Academy Press
Unit III. Conceptual Models and Grand Theories. 13. Dorothea E. Orem: Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing
Susan G. Taylor.14.Myra Estrin Levine: The Conservation Model /Karen Moore Schaefer.15.Martha E. Rogers: Unitary Human Beings /Mary E. Gunther.16.Dorothy E. Johnson: Behavioral System Model /Victoria M. Brown.17.Sister Callista Roy: Adaptation Model /Kenneth D. Phillips.18.Betty Neuman: Systems Model /Barbara T. Freese.19.Imogene King: Interacting Systems Framework and Theory of Goal Attainment /Christina L. Sieloff.20.Nancy Roper, Winifred W. Logan, and Alison J. Tierney: The Elements of Nursing: A Model for Nursing Based on a Model of Living /Ann Marriner Tomey
Nursing theorists and their work /
Marriner-Tomey, Ann,
Alligood, Martha Raile.
[2002], ©2002.
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 20 of 26 entries