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> Christopher B. R. Smith
"Christopher B. R. Smith" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
Thirteen: 13 tales of horror
T. Pines
D. E. Athkins
A. Bates
Jay Bennett
Caroline B. Cooney
Carol Ellis
Diane Hoh
Lael Littke
Christopher Pike
Sinclair Smith
J. B. Stamper
R. L. Stine
Ellen Emerson White
Patricia Windsor
Tonya Pines
The Electrical Engineering Handbook - Six Volume Set
Bo Wei
Richard C. Dorf
Richard C. Dorf
Anne R. Haake
Sylvain Cruchon-Dupeyrat
Alan D. Kraus
Gregor Hoogers
Thomas R. Mancini
Gerd Keiser
Andrew Marshall
Leslie A. Geddes
Joseph Watson
Kenneth R. Demarest
Leland H. Hemming
Rosemary L. Smith
Safwat G. Zaky
Leon H. Sibul
Bogdan M. Wilamowski
Ali Emadi
Fang Lin Luo
Svetlana N. Yanushkevich
Lynne A. Slivovsky
Ayse E. Amac
Carl A. Argila
Thomas G. Robertazzi
Martin D. Fox
Rao S. Thallam
Michael R. Neuman
Sudarshan Rao Nelatury
Shaohua Kevin Zhou
B.S. Dhillon
M. Meyyappan
Stephanie A.C. Schuckers
Jerry C. Whitaker
Theodore A. Bickart
Paul Neudorfer
Gennady Gildenblat
Josh T. Nessmith
Stella N. Batalama
Boris Gelmont
Glenn R. Blackwell
Neville R. Watson
Rama Ramakumar
Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury
Luciano Lavagno
Anna Johnston
Thomas Nolte
Robert J. Marks, II
V. Carl Hamacher
Evelyn P. Rozanski
Johannes J. Martin
Capers Jones
Barry W. Johnson
Jay Liebowitz
Christopher G. Guy
Gordon K.F. Lee
Raymond G. Jacquot
Mahdi Abdelguerfi
William L. Brogan
Andrew P. Sage
T. C. Hsia
R. Lal Tummala
Cornelius T. Leondes
Dan Martinec
Nicholas G. Odrey
Cary R. Spitzer
George E. Cook
Myron Kayton
Edward J. Berbari
James A. Cadzow
Marcia A. Bush
Daniel F. DiFonzo
Steven L. Maddy
William H. Tranter
Peter H. Graham
Yu Cao
Ronald A. Arif
Mitra Dutta
Lawrence A. Hornak
Gary W. Elko
Zhian Jin
James M. Gilbert
George A. Constantinides
Michael G. Morrow
T.V. Sujan Parthasaradhi
Tirthajyoti Sarkar
Michael S. Mazzola
Harvey J. Stiegler
Wei Su
Ahmad Iyanda Sulyman
Bert Wong
Thad B. Welch
Reza Derakshani
Chih-Ming Chen
Reza Khosravani
Alan D. Dorval
John E. Boyd
Hui Dong
Mark L. Nagurka
Cajetan M. Akujuobi
Melvin Belcher
John E. Ayers
Hong Ye
Grant Martin
Kenneth L. Kaiser
Nikos Passas
Dariusz Ucinski
Sudip K. Mazumder
Vlad P. Shmerko
Remzi Seker
Nan C. Schaller
David R. Martinez
Kleanthis Thramboulidis
Mikael Nolin
Israel Cohen
Albert A. Liddicoat
Robotics: Science and Systems VIII
Priyanshu Agarwal
Suren Kumar
Julian Ryde
Jason Corso
Venkat Krovi
Nisar Ahmed
Jonathan Schoenberg
Mark Campbell
Michael Bloesch
Marco Hutter
Mark Hoepflinger
Stefan Leutenegger
Christian Gehring
C. David Remy
Roland Siegwart
Jonathan Brookshire
Seth Teller
Mitch Bryson
Matthew Johnson-Roberson
Oscar Pizzaro
Stefan Williams
Nick Colonnese
Allison Okamura
Debadeepta Dey
Tian Yu Liu
Martial Hebert
J. Andrew Bagnell
Mehmet R. Dogar
Kaijen Hsiao
Matei Ciocarlie
Siddhartha Srinivasa
Bertrand Douillard
Navid Nourani-Vatani
Chris Roman
Ian Vaughn
Gabrielle Inglis
Anca Dragan
Jeremy Gillula
Claire Tomlin
Kyle Gilpin
Daniela Rus
Guido Gioioso
Gionata Salvietti
Monica Malvezzi
Domenico Prattichizzo
Michael Goodrich
Sean Kerman
Brian Pendleton
P. B. Sujit
Christoph Hartmann
Joschka Boedecker
Oliver Obst
Shuhei Ikemoto
Minoru Asada
Kris Hauser
Takayuki Kanda
Léonard Jaillet
Josep M. Porta
Abhinandan Jain
Cory Crean
Calvin Kuo
Hubertus Von Bremen
Steven Myint
Dominik Joho
Gian Diego Tipaldi
Nikolas Engelhard
Cyrill Stachniss
Wolfram Burgard
Brian Julian
Stephen L. Smith
Moslem Kazemi
Jean-Sebastien Valois
Nancy Pollard
Mirko Kovac
Maria Bendana
Rohit Krishnan
Jessica Burton
Michael Smith
Robert Wood
Markus Kuderer
Henrik Kretzschmar
Christoph Sprunk
Scott Kuindersma
Roderic A. Grupen
Andrew G. Barto
Tobias Kunz
Mike Stilman
Aleksandr Kushleyev
Vijay Kumar
Daniel Mellinger
Matteo Laffranchi
Nikos Tsagarakis
Darwin Caldwell
Yasir Latif
Cesar Cadena Lerma
José Neira
Mingyang Li
Anastasios Mourikis
Sejoon Lim
Christian Sommer
Evdokia Nikolova
Lantao Liu
Dylan Shell
Andrew Long
Kevin Wolfe
Michael Mashner
Greg Chirikjian
Ilya Lysenkov
Victor Eruhimov
Gary Bradski
William Maddern
Michael Milford
Gordon Wyeth
Bhaskara Marthi
Jun Nakanishi
Sethu Vijayakumar
Edwin Olson
Pratik Agarwal
Igor Paprotny
Christopher Levey
Paul Wright
Bruce R. Donald
Quang-Cuong Pham
MIT Press
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
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Showing 1 to 20 of 21 entries
Book Authors
Christopher B. R. Smith
Addiction, Modernity, and the City: A Users\′ Guide to Urban Space
Christopher B.R. Smith
Bodies of Substance
Christopher B. R. Smith
Addiction, Modernity, and the City: A Users\′ Guide to Urban Space
Christopher B.R. Smith
Medi(t)ations on/of Controlled, Foreign, and Illicit Substance
Christopher B. R. Smith
Addiction, Modernity, and the City: A Users\′ Guide to Urban Space
Christopher B.R. Smith
Pathology (out) of Place and the Disorder of Drugs
Christopher B. R. Smith
Addiction, Modernity, and the City: A Users\′ Guide to Urban Space
Christopher B.R. Smith
Depathologizing Drug Dependence
Christopher B. R. Smith
Addiction, Modernity, and the City: A Users\′ Guide to Urban Space
Christopher B.R. Smith
Socio-Spatial Permutations of Narcotic Modernity
Christopher B. R. Smith
Addiction, Modernity, and the City: A Users\′ Guide to Urban Space
Christopher B.R. Smith
The Contemporary Cityscape as Site of Safe/Supervised Consumption
Christopher B. R. Smith
Addiction, Modernity, and the City: A Users\′ Guide to Urban Space
Christopher B.R. Smith
The Intoxication of Narcotic Modernity
Christopher B. R. Smith
Addiction, Modernity, and the City: A Users\′ Guide to Urban Space
Christopher B.R. Smith
Postscript to P/re/in-scription
Christopher B. R. Smith
Addiction, Modernity, and the City: A Users\′ Guide to Urban Space
Christopher B.R. Smith
Constrained-Sintered Material Systems for Interconnects and Packages
Christopher R. Needes, Carl B. Wang, Kenneth W. Hang, Michael F. Barker, Daniel I. Amey, Michael A. Smith and Kenneth E. Souders
Proceedings: IMAPS Conference and Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect Technology: the next generation: April 7-9 2003, The Westin Hotel, Denver, Colorado /
No name
[2003], ©2003.
16 Competition and Coexistence among Yellowstone’s Meat Eaters
Daniel R. Stahler
Christopher C. Wilmers
Aimee Tallian
Colby B. Anton
Matthew C. Metz
Toni K. Ruth
Douglas W. Smith
Kerry A. Gunther
Daniel R. MacNulty
Yellowstone Wolves: Science and Discovery in the World's First National Park
Douglas W. Smith
Daniel R. Stahler
Daniel R. MacNulty
Jane Goodall
University of Chicago Press
Carbon Emissions from Peatlands
Nancy B. Dise
Narasinha J. Shurpali
Peter Weishampel
Shashi B. Verma
Elon S. Verry
Eville Gorham
Patrick M. Crill
Robert C. Harriss
Cheryl A. Kelley
Joseph B. Yavitt
Kurt A. Smemo
Randall K. Kolka
Kelly Smith
Joon Kim
Robert J. Clement
Timothy J. Arkebauer
Karen B. Bartlett
David P. Billesbach
Scott D. Bridgham
Art E. Elling
Patricia A. Flebbe
Jennifer Y. King
Christopher S. Martens
Daniel I. Sebacher
Christopher J. Williams
R. Kelman Wieder
Peatland Biogeochemistry and Watershed Hydrology at the Marcell Experimental Forest
Randall Kolka
Stephen Sebestyen
Elon S. Verry
Kenneth Brooks
Steven Ball
Simon V. Baudouin
Jane K. Beattie
Ann E. Black
Mark S. Cooper
Peter A. Farling
A. B. Johan Groeneveld
George M. Hall
Jennifer M. Hunter
Saheed Khan
Angus McEwan
Philip R. Michael
Brian Mullan
Paul G. Murphy
Grainne Nicholson
Pauline M. O’ Neil
Christopher J. R. Parker
Barbara Philips
Charles S. Reilly
Heidi J. Robertshaw
Neville Robinson
Mark E. Seubert
Martin Smith
David J. Vaughan
Nigel R. Webster
Saffron Whitehead
Core Topics in Endocrinology in Anaesthesia and Critical Care
George M. Hall
Jennifer M. Hunter
Mark S. Cooper
Cambridge University Press
Ch. 5. Principles of Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. A. Principles of Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: General Management
Robert M. Crowell, Daryl R. Gress, Christopher S. Ogilvy and J. Philip Kistler. B. Principles of Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Steroids / Sun Ho Lee and Roberto C. Heros. C. Principles of Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Antifibrinolysis / Sean Mullan. D. Principles of Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Induced Hypotension / Sean Mullan.E. Principles of Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Monitoring / Howard Yonas. F. Principles of Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Ultrasound / Jimmy D. Miller and Robert R. Smith. G. Principles of Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Pathophysiology and Management of Hydrocephalus after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage / Patricia Mancuso and Philip R. Weinstein
Ruptured cerebral aneurysms: perioperative management /
Ratcheson, Robert A.
Wirth, Fremont P.
[1994], ©1994.
Williams & Wilkins,
Venkataraman Anantharaman
Philip D. Anderson
Christopher W. Baugh
J. Stephen Bohan
Kirsten Boyd
Matthias Brachmann
Peter R. Brown
Shelley Calder
David Callaway
Peter Cameron
Jody Crane
Meaghan Cussen
Christina Dempsey
Jonathan A. Edlow
Thomas Fleischmann
Robert L. Freitas
John D. Halamka
Manuel Hernandez
Cherri Hobgood
Jock Hoffman
Steven Horng
Kirk B. Jensen
Jennifer R. Johnson
Stephanie Kayden
Tasnim Khan
Daniel G. Kirkpatrick
James Lennon
Mary Leupold
Thom Mayer
J. Lawrence Mottley
Scott B. Murray
Deirdre Mylod
Larry A. Nathanson
Michael P. Pietrzak
Elke Platz
Nadeem Qureshi
Matthew M. Rice
Andrew Schenkel
Chet Schrader
Puneet Seth
Richard B. Siegrist
David Smith
Robert E. Suter
Carrie Tibbles
Sebastian N. Walker
Lee A. Wallis
Julie Welch
Leana S. Wen
Emergency Department Leadership and Management: Best Principles and Practice
Stephanie Kayden
Philip D. Anderson
Robert Freitas
Elke Platz
Cambridge University Press
Sect. IV. Special Problem Areas. 26. Neurosurgical and Neuroaugmentative Intervention
Ronald Tasker.27.Management Problems in Developing Countries /Roberto D. Wenk.28.Management of Pain in Childhood Cancer /Neil L. Schechter and Steven J. Weisman.29.Oncologic Emergencies /Julia Ladd Smith.30.Care of People Who Are Dying: The Hospice Approach /Julia Ladd Smith.A.Pain Assessment Tools.B.Where to Obtain Instruments Used in Assessing Pediatric Pain.C.Pharmacotherapeutic Guidelines /Richard B. Patt, James E. Szalados and Christopher L. Wu.D.Anatomic Charts.E.Needles, Catheters, and Syringes: Design, Development, and Selection /John R. Roschuck.F.Long-Term Epidural Catheter Implantation for Cancer Pain /Steve Abrams.G.Manufacturing Processes /Chad F. Swenson and Richard B. Patt.H.Radiologic Guidance, Contrast Medium, and Untoward Reactions.
Cancer pain /
Patt, Richard B.
[1993], ©1993.
Lee R. Berger
Fred L. Bookstein
Günter Bräuer
Michel Brunet
Steven E. Churchill
Ronald J. Clarke
M. Christopher Dean
Michelle S. M. Drapeau
Sarah Elton
Dean Falk
Andrew Gallagher
John A. J. Gowlett
Colin Groves
Philipp Gunz
Adam Hartstone-Rose
Jason Hemingway
Ralph L. Holloway
Vance T. Hutchinson
William L. Jungers
Ivor Janković
Kevin L. Kuykendall
Sang-Hee Lee
Julia Lee-Thorp
Paul R. Manger
Emma Mbua
Henry M. McHenry
Philipp Mitteroecker
Simon Neubauer
Osbjorn M. Pearson
Travis R. Pickering
Martin Pickford
Sally C. Reynolds
Brian G. Richmond
Avraham Ronen
Darryl J. de Ruiter
Brigitte Senut
Fred H. Smith
Muhammad A. Spocter
Matt Sponheimer
J. Francis Thackeray
Phillip V. Tobias
Peter S. Ungar
Lyn Wadley
Gerhard W. Weber
Milford H. Wolpoff
B. Headman Zondo
African Genesis: Perspectives on Hominin Evolution
Sally C. Reynolds
Andrew Gallagher
Cambridge University Press
Nicholas P. Allan
Adrian Angold
Caroline L. Bokhorst
Sam Cartwright-Hatton
Peter Cooper
William Copeland
E. Jane Costello
Cathy Creswell
Helen L. Egger
Thalia C. Eley
Alaattin Erkanli
Andy P. Field
Antonio Castro Fonseca
Alice M. Gregory
Julie A. Hadwin
Annette M. La Greca
Ryan R. Landoll
Kathryn J. Lester
Christopher J. Lonigan
Heidi J. Lyneham
Katharina Manassis
Luci M. Motoca
Peter Muris
Lynne Murray
Laurel Pelligrino
Sean Perrin
Beth M. Phillips
Courtney Pierce
Daniel S. Pine
Helena M. Purkis
Ron M. Rapee
Shirley Reynolds
Wendy K. Silverman
Patrick Smith
James Stacey
Philip D. A. Treffers
John T. Walkup
P. Michiel Westenberg
Charlotte Wilson
Shauna B. Wilson
William Yule
Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Wendy K. Silverman
Andy P. Field
Cambridge University Press
V. Interrelated Stiffness. 45. Clinical and neurophysiological aspects of the spastic upper limb
Rudolf Schoenhuber and Francesco Teatini.46.Hyponeurotization in spastic palsy /Giorgio A. Brunelli and Giovanni R. Brunelli.47.Spasticity after prolonged coma /Antonio Landi, Giuseppe Caserta and Lidia Buscaroli.48.Surgical rehabilitation of the spastic upper limb /Eduardo A. Zancolli.49.Neuro-rehabilitation of the spastic upper limb /M. Antonietta Vannini.50.Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita of the elbow /Loris Valdiserri, Stefano Stilli and Raffaele Pascarella.51.Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita of the hand and wrist /Paul J. Smith and Adriaan O. Grobbelaar.52.Atypical compartment syndromes of the upper limb /Antonio Landi, Giuseppe Caserta and Antonio Saracino [et al.].53.Reflex sympathetic dystrophy: an overview /Christopher B. Wynn Parry.
Joint stiffness of the upper limb /
Copeland, Stephen.
[1997], ©1997.
Albert Altchek
David H. Barad
Katharine Batt
Yuval Bdolah
Revaz Botchorishvili
Nicolas Bourdel
Michael S. Broder
Douglas N. Brown
Jubilee Brown
Antoine Maurice Bruhat
Michel Canis
Mine S. Cicek
Carmel J. Cohen
Christopher P. Crum
Christina E. Curtin
Liane Deligdisch
Philip J. Di Saia
Ramez N. Eskander
Tamara Finger
David Fishman
Brooke L. Fridley
David M. Gershenson
Norbert Gleicher
Ellen L. Goode
Pierre S. Gordon
Ioannis Gryparis
Jonathan Hecht
Wendy C. Hsiao
Eric C. Huang
Nathan G. Kase
Valentin Kolev
Lale Kostakoglu
Neri Laufer
Anna Laury
Gerard Mage
Angelica Mareş
Maurie Markman
Luciano G. Nardo
Farr R. Nezhat
Sree Durga Patchava
Tanja Pejovic
Catherine M. Phelan
Benoit Rabischong
Jamal Rahaman
David Rodriguez-Buritica
Paul Saenger
Peter Schlosshauer
William L. Simpson
Cardinale B. Smith
Jason Sternchos
Altchek's Diagnosis and Management of Ovarian Disorders
Liane Deligdisch
Nathan G. Kase
Carmel J. Cohen
Cambridge University Press
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 20 of 21 entries