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> Christopher D. Johnson
"Christopher D. Johnson" appeared in Books and Chapters
entries per page
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries
Memory, Metaphor, and Aby Warburg' s Atlas of Images
Christopher D. Johnson
Cornell University Press
A Political Biography of Sarah Fielding
Christopher D. Johnson
Memory, metaphor, and Aby Warburg's Atlas of images
Christopher D. Johnson
Cornell University Press;Cornell University Library
Scientific Visualization: Uncertainty, Multifield, Biomedical, and Scalable Visualization
Charles D. Hansen
Min Chen
Christopher R. Johnson
Arie E. Kaufman
Hans Hagen
Springer London
A Charlie Brown Valentine
Melendez, Bill.
Schulz, Charles M.
Singerman, Wesley,
Schaffel, Lauren,
Padnos, Corey,
Lalande, Emily.
Stone, Jessica D.,
Little, Nicolette,
Johnson, Christopher
Taylor, Warren.
Guaraldi, Vince.
Rodriguez, David.
Dangerous vegetables
Ray Bradbury
Fred Saberhagen
Michael Bishop
Eric Temple Bell
John Christopher
Bentley Little
David Drake
Arthur J. Burks
Jack Sharkey
Mildred Johnson
Carol Carr
Al Sarrantonio
Lawrence Schimel
Lawrence Schimel
Edward Wellen
Frank Belknap Long
Robert Sheckley
David J. Schow
Donald Wandrei
Bill Pronzini
John D. MacDonald
De-whitening intersectionality: race, intercultural communication, and politics /
Eguchi, Shinsuke,
Abdi, Shadee,
Calafell, Bernadette Marie,
Mack, Ashley Noel.,
Baugh-Harris, Sara.,
Brown, Christopher.,
Chandrashekar, Santhosh,
Chen, Yea-Wen,
Chuang, Andy Lai-chun,
deMaria, Jaelyn,
Ding, Zhao,
Durham, Aisha S.,
Holling, Michelle A.,
Al-Ghabra, Haneen Shafeeq,
Johnson, Amber,
LeMaster, Benny,
McIntosh, Dawn Marie D.,
Moreira, Raquel,
Olzman, Miranda,
Prasad, Pavithra,
Raghavan, Anjana,
Rasmussen, Kamela,
Rudnick, Justin,
Sekimoto, Sachi,
Alshammari, Shahd,
Lexington Books
For God so loves the world.
Armstrong, Anton,
Amundson, Steven,
Ferguson, John Allen,
Johnson, Sigrid,
Aspaas, Christopher,
Praetorius, Michael,
Stainer, John,
Jennings, Carolyn,
Fedak, Alfred V.
Ferguson, John Allen,
Howells, Herbert,
Ferguson, John Allen,
Ferguson, John Allen,
Kellam, Ian.
Weber, Paul D.,
Handel, George Frideric,
Mason, Lowell,
Powell, Rosephanye.
Hovland, Egil.
Milner, Anthony.
Orbán, György.
Cassler, G. Winston
Thomas, Andre Jerome,
Kay, Hershy.
Olatunji, Via.
Christiansen, F. Melius
Britten, Benjamin,
Intelligence and the National Security Strategist: Enduring Issues and Challenges.
George, Roger Z.
Kline, Robert D.
Aid, Matthew M.
Andrew, Christopher M.
Bromwich, Michael R.
Bruce, James B.
Cogan, Charles G.
Davis, Jack.
Dehqanzada, Yahya A.
Donley, Michael B.
Florini, Ann M.
Fort, Randall M.
Friedman, Richard S.
Gannon, John C.
Goodman, Glenn W., Jr.
Handel, Michael I.
Harris, James W.
Imler, Norman B.
Johnson, Loch K.
Jones, Garrett.
Kindsvater, Larry C.
Koch, Andrew.
Lowenthal, Mark M.
Macartney, John D.
Medina, Carmen A.
Montgomery, John.
O'Leary, Cornelius.
Olson, James M.
C.Ott, Marvin.
Petersen, Martin.
Probst, Reed R.
Rishikof, Harvey.
Rosello, Victor M.
Russell, Richard L.
Shreeve, Thomas W.
Snider, L. Brit.
Warner, Michael.
Williams, Anthony R.
Wirtz, James J.
Zegart, Amy B.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
Computers, Software Engineering, and Digital Devices
Richard C. Dorf
Ronald J. Tallarida
Richard C. Dorf
Tse-yun Feng
Gregory L. Moss
Richard S. Sandige
W. David Pricer
John Staudhammer
Michaela Serra
Richard Tinder
Carl A. Argila
Thomas G. Robertazzi
Barry W. Johnson
Christopher G. Guy
J. Arlin Cooper
Franco P. Preparata
Dhammika Kurumbalapitiya
Solomon Sherr
John Victor Oldfield
Raphael A. Finkel
Mostafa Hashem Sherif
Nan C. Schaller
Matthew N.O. Sadiku
Harvard S. Hinton
Peter A. Lee
Brian R. Bannister
Bill D. Carroll
Bulent I. Dervisoglu
James E. Morris
Jacques Raymond
Ted G. Lewis
Evelyn P. Rozanski
V. Carl Hamacher
Johannes J. Martin
Capers Jones
Jay Liebowitz
Peter H. Graham
Masud Mansuripur
Phillip Windley
Larry Weber
Michael D. Ciletti
Edward W. Czeck
James F. Frenzel
Zvonko G. Vranesic
Donald G. Whitehead
Safwat G. Zaky
Paul C. Jorgensen
James M. Feldman
Miroslav Kraetzl
Albert Y. Zomaya
Rasit Eskicioglu
Cajetan M. Akujuobi
Svetlana N. Yanushkevich
Anna Johnston
Lynne A. Slivovsky
Albert A. Liddicoat
James M. Gilbert
Young Choon Lee
Koushik Maharatna
The ras Superfamily of GTPases
Juan Carlos Lacal
Johannes Bos
Frank Patrick McCormick
Frank Patrick McCormick
Richard Cerione
Michael Wigler
Angel Pellicer
Javier Leon
George Drivas
Mark Rush
Peter D&s
Paul Polakis
Steven Sorscher
Axel Schonthal
Arthur Alberts
Judy Meinkoth
James R. Feramisco
Kazuma Tanaka
Akio Toh-e
Kunihiro Matsumoto
Christopher Marshall
John Hancock
Carmela Cales
Yoshimi Takai
B. Burgering
Makoto Noda
Hitoshi Kitayama
Larry Feig
Renee Enkey
Tracy Ruscetti
James Cardelli
Alan Kimmel
A. Wittinghofer
Douglas Johnson
Antonio Cuadrad Pastor
Amancio Carnero
Rosario Perona Abellon
Shuh Narumiya
Pierre Chardin
Zeev Lev
Richard A. Firtel
Warren A. Kibbe
Ludger Hengst
Dieter Gallwitz
Eric Jacquet
Patrick Poullet
Jean-Bernard Crechet
Michel-Yves Mistou
Andrea Parmeggiani
Julian Downward
R. Keith Esch
Gerald Weeks
Rafael Perez-Ballestero
Yasuo Nemoto
Narito Morii
Matthew Hart
David Leonard
Katsuhiro Shinjo
Tony Evans
Armand Tavitian
Ahmed Zahraoui
Kozo Kaibuchi
Akira Kikuchi
Masahito Kawata
Takuya Sasaki
Takeshi Yamamoto
The Electrical Engineering Handbook - Six Volume Set
Bo Wei
Richard C. Dorf
Richard C. Dorf
Anne R. Haake
Sylvain Cruchon-Dupeyrat
Alan D. Kraus
Gregor Hoogers
Thomas R. Mancini
Gerd Keiser
Andrew Marshall
Leslie A. Geddes
Joseph Watson
Kenneth R. Demarest
Leland H. Hemming
Rosemary L. Smith
Safwat G. Zaky
Leon H. Sibul
Bogdan M. Wilamowski
Ali Emadi
Fang Lin Luo
Svetlana N. Yanushkevich
Lynne A. Slivovsky
Ayse E. Amac
Carl A. Argila
Thomas G. Robertazzi
Martin D. Fox
Rao S. Thallam
Michael R. Neuman
Sudarshan Rao Nelatury
Shaohua Kevin Zhou
B.S. Dhillon
M. Meyyappan
Stephanie A.C. Schuckers
Jerry C. Whitaker
Theodore A. Bickart
Paul Neudorfer
Gennady Gildenblat
Josh T. Nessmith
Stella N. Batalama
Boris Gelmont
Glenn R. Blackwell
Neville R. Watson
Rama Ramakumar
Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury
Luciano Lavagno
Anna Johnston
Thomas Nolte
Robert J. Marks, II
V. Carl Hamacher
Evelyn P. Rozanski
Johannes J. Martin
Capers Jones
Barry W. Johnson
Jay Liebowitz
Christopher G. Guy
Gordon K.F. Lee
Raymond G. Jacquot
Mahdi Abdelguerfi
William L. Brogan
Andrew P. Sage
T. C. Hsia
R. Lal Tummala
Cornelius T. Leondes
Dan Martinec
Nicholas G. Odrey
Cary R. Spitzer
George E. Cook
Myron Kayton
Edward J. Berbari
James A. Cadzow
Marcia A. Bush
Daniel F. DiFonzo
Steven L. Maddy
William H. Tranter
Peter H. Graham
Yu Cao
Ronald A. Arif
Mitra Dutta
Lawrence A. Hornak
Gary W. Elko
Zhian Jin
James M. Gilbert
George A. Constantinides
Michael G. Morrow
T.V. Sujan Parthasaradhi
Tirthajyoti Sarkar
Michael S. Mazzola
Harvey J. Stiegler
Wei Su
Ahmad Iyanda Sulyman
Bert Wong
Thad B. Welch
Reza Derakshani
Chih-Ming Chen
Reza Khosravani
Alan D. Dorval
John E. Boyd
Hui Dong
Mark L. Nagurka
Cajetan M. Akujuobi
Melvin Belcher
John E. Ayers
Hong Ye
Grant Martin
Kenneth L. Kaiser
Nikos Passas
Dariusz Ucinski
Sudip K. Mazumder
Vlad P. Shmerko
Remzi Seker
Nan C. Schaller
David R. Martinez
Kleanthis Thramboulidis
Mikael Nolin
Israel Cohen
Albert A. Liddicoat
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes: The British Tradition
Kate Kinsella
Kevin Feldman
Colleen, Ph. D. Shea-stump
Joyce Armstrong Carroll
Edward E. Wilson
Joseph Addison
Anna Akhmatova
Yehuda Amichai
Matthew Arnold
W. H. Auden
Jane Austen
Joanna Baillie
Charles Baudelaire
Bei Dao
James Berry
Tony Blair
William Blake
Eavan Boland
Robert Bolt
Jorge Luis Borges
James Boswell
Elizabeth Bowen
Charlotte Brontë
Emily Brontë
Brooke, Rupert
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Robert Browning
Robert Burns
Buson Yosa
Lord Byron
Tracy Chapman
Geoffrey Chaucer
Winston Churchill
Arthur C. Clarke
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Joseph Conrad
Daniel Defoe
Anita Desai
Charles Dickens
John Donne
T. S. Eliot
Elizabeth l, Queen of England
Anne Finch
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Nadine Gordimer
Thomas Gray
Graham Greene
Thomas Hardy
Seamus Heaney
Heinrich Heine
Robert Herrick
Gerard Manley Hopkins
A. E. Housman
Ken Hughes
Ted Hughes
Kobayashi, Issa
Thomas Jefferson
Francis Jeffrey
Samuel Johnson LL.D.
Ben Jonson
James Joyce
John Keats
Rudyard Kipling
Amelia Lanier
Philip Larkin
David Herbert Lawrence
Doris Lessing
Richard Lovelace
Thomas Babington Macaulay
Louis MacNeice
Thomas Malory
Christopher Marlowe
Andrew Marvell
Catherine McGuinness
John Milton
Thomas More
V. S. Naipaul
Pablo Neruda
Sir Isaac Newton
George Orwell
Wilfred Owen - undifferentiated
Margaret Paston
Samuel Pepys
Francesco Petrarca
Edgar Allan Poe
Alexander Pope
Anna Quindlen
Walter Raleigh
Redgrove, Peter.
Arthur Rimbaud
Siegfried Sassoon
William Shakespeare
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Sir Philip Sidney
Alan Sillitoe
Stevie Smith
Sydney Smith
Muriel Spark
Stephen Spender
Edmund Spenser
Suckling, John Sir
Jonathan Swift
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Dylan Thomas
Emma Thompson
William Trevor
Tu Fu
Suzanne Vega
Derek Walcott
Mary Wollstonecraft
Virginia Woolf
William Wordsworth
William Butler Yeats
Pearson Prentice Hall
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices,Timeless Themes: The British Tradition
Kate Kinsella
Kevin Feldman
Colleen, Ph. D. Shea-stump
Joyce Armstrong Carroll
Edward E. Wilson
Joseph Addison
Anna Akhmatova
Yehuda Amichai
Matthew Arnold
W. H. Auden
Jane Austen
Joanna Baillie
Charles Baudelaire
Bei Dao
James Berry
Tony Blair
William Blake
Eavan Boland
Robert Bolt
Jorge Luis Borges
James Boswell
Elizabeth Bowen
Charlotte Brontë
Emily Brontë
Brooke, Rupert
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Robert Browning
Robert Burns
Buson Yosa
Lord Byron
Tracy Chapman
Geoffrey Chaucer
Winston Churchill
Arthur C. Clarke
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Joseph Conrad
Daniel Defoe
Anita Desai
Charles Dickens
John Donne
T. S. Eliot
Elizabeth l, Queen of England
Anne Finch
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Nadine Gordimer
Thomas Gray
Graham Greene
Thomas Hardy
Seamus Heaney
Heinrich Heine
Robert Herrick
Gerard Manley Hopkins
A. E. Housman
Ken Hughes
Ted Hughes
Kobayashi, Issa
Thomas Jefferson
Francis Jeffrey
Samuel Johnson LL.D.
Ben Jonson
James Joyce
John Keats
Rudyard Kipling
Amelia Lanier
Philip Larkin
David Herbert Lawrence
Doris Lessing
Richard Lovelace
Thomas Babington Macaulay
Louis MacNeice
Thomas Malory
Christopher Marlowe
Andrew Marvell
Catherine McGuinness
John Milton
Thomas More
V. S. Naipaul
Pablo Neruda
Sir Isaac Newton
George Orwell
Wilfred Owen
Margaret Paston
Samuel Pepys
Francesco Petrarca
Edgar Allan Poe
Alexander Pope
Anna Quindlen
Walter Raleigh
Redgrove, Peter.
Arthur Rimbaud
Siegfried Sassoon
William Shakespeare
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Sir Philip Sidney
Alan Sillitoe
Stevie Smith
Sydney Smith
Muriel Spark
Stephen Spender
Edmund Spenser
Suckling, John Sir
Jonathan Swift
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Dylan Thomas
Emma Thompson
William Trevor
Tu Fu
Suzanne Vega
Derek Walcott
Mary Wollstonecraft
Virginia Woolf
William Wordsworth
William Butler Yeats
Prentice Hall
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 20 of 69 entries
Book Authors
Christopher D. Johnson
A Political Biography of Sarah Fielding
Christopher D. Johnson
The making of a novelist
Christopher D. Johnson
A Political Biography of Sarah Fielding
Christopher D. Johnson
Her own story, The Adventures of David Simple
Christopher D. Johnson
A Political Biography of Sarah Fielding
Christopher D. Johnson
Familiar Letters between the Principal Characters of David Simple
Christopher D. Johnson
A Political Biography of Sarah Fielding
Christopher D. Johnson
The Governess, a new experiment in fiction
Christopher D. Johnson
A Political Biography of Sarah Fielding
Christopher D. Johnson
Forays into literary criticism
Christopher D. Johnson
A Political Biography of Sarah Fielding
Christopher D. Johnson
David Simple, Volume the Last
Christopher D. Johnson
A Political Biography of Sarah Fielding
Christopher D. Johnson
Collaboration and innovation, The Cry
Christopher D. Johnson
A Political Biography of Sarah Fielding
Christopher D. Johnson
The Lives of Cleopatra and Octavia
Christopher D. Johnson
A Political Biography of Sarah Fielding
Christopher D. Johnson
The History of the Countess of Dellwyn
Christopher D. Johnson
A Political Biography of Sarah Fielding
Christopher D. Johnson
Christopher D. Johnson
A Political Biography of Sarah Fielding
Christopher D. Johnson
Space Sustainability
Christopher D. Johnson
Frontiers of Space Risk: Natural Cosmic Hazards and Societal Challenges
Richard J. Wilman
Christopher J. Newman
Christopher D. Johnson
Ethos und Pathos der Geisteswissenschaften: Konfigurationen der wissenschaftlichen Persona seit 1750
Ralf Klausnitzer
Carlos Spoerhase
Dirk Werle
De Gruyter
Training Principles for the Runner
Christopher D. Johnson
Clinical Care of the Runner
Mark Harrast
Baroque Discourse
Christopher D. Johnson
The Oxford Handbook of the Baroque
John D. Lyons
Oxford University Press
Anthony W. Lee, ed. , New Essays on Samuel Johnson: Revaluation. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2018. Pp. xx + 261
Christopher D. Johnson
1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era (Volume 26)
Norbert Col
Andrew Connell
Taylor Corse
Matthew Davis
Michael Edson
Melvyn New
Mark A. Pedreira
Linda L. Reesman
Adam Rounce
Robin Runia
Jacob Sider Jost
Gefen Bar-On Santor
Ashley Bender
John Burke
Greg Clingham
Gloria Eive
Sören Hammerschmidt
Malcolm Jack
Christopher Johnson
Robin Mills
John Sitter
Paul deGategno
Kevin L. Cope
Samara Anne Cahill
Bucknell University Press
Eve Tavor Bannet and Roxann Wheeler, eds. , Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, Vol. 46. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2017. Pp. xii + 272
Christopher D. Johnson
1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era (Volume 26)
Norbert Col
Andrew Connell
Taylor Corse
Matthew Davis
Michael Edson
Melvyn New
Mark A. Pedreira
Linda L. Reesman
Adam Rounce
Robin Runia
Jacob Sider Jost
Gefen Bar-On Santor
Ashley Bender
John Burke
Greg Clingham
Gloria Eive
Sören Hammerschmidt
Malcolm Jack
Christopher Johnson
Robin Mills
John Sitter
Paul deGategno
Kevin L. Cope
Samara Anne Cahill
Bucknell University Press
Eve Tavor Bannet and Roxann Wheeler, eds. , Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, Vol. 47. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018. Pp. xii + 293
Christopher D. Johnson
1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era (Volume 26)
Norbert Col
Andrew Connell
Taylor Corse
Matthew Davis
Michael Edson
Melvyn New
Mark A. Pedreira
Linda L. Reesman
Adam Rounce
Robin Runia
Jacob Sider Jost
Gefen Bar-On Santor
Ashley Bender
John Burke
Greg Clingham
Gloria Eive
Sören Hammerschmidt
Malcolm Jack
Christopher Johnson
Robin Mills
John Sitter
Paul deGategno
Kevin L. Cope
Samara Anne Cahill
Bucknell University Press
Graciáns artificios: zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Christopher D. Johnson
Artificios: Technik und Erfindungsgeist in der spanischen Literatur und Kultur der Frühen Neuzeit
Christian Wehr
Wolfram Nitsch (Editors)
"Enzyklopädistik" als Nachlass bei Novalis
Christopher D. Johnson
Nachlassbewusstsein: Literatur, Archiv, Philologie, 1750-2000 /
Sina, Kai,
Spoerhase, Carlos,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 20 of 69 entries