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> David S. Love
"David S. Love" appeared in Books and Chapters
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The Norton Anthology of English Literature: Volume 2
M. H. Abrams
M. Abrams
William Blake
William Wordsworth
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Lord Byron
John Keats
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Sir Walter Scott
Robert Southey
Walter Savage Landor
Thomas Moore
Leigh Hunt
Thomas Love Peacock
Clare, John
George Darley
Thomas Lovell Beddoes
William Hazlitt
Thomas De Quincey
Charles Lamb
Thomas Carlyle
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Robert Browning
Matthew Arnold
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Emily Brontë
Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
George Meredith
William Morris
Edward FitzGerald
Arthur Hugh Clough
Algernon Charles Swinburne
William Ernest Henley
Francis Thompson
Edward Lear
Lewis Carroll
John Henry Cardinal Newman
John Stuart Mill
John Ruskin
Thomas Henry Huxley
Walter Pater
Oscar Wilde
Ernest Dowson
Lionel Johnson
Thomas Hardy
A. E. Housman
Rudyard Kipling
David Herbert Lawrence
Thomas, Edward
Brooke, Rupert
Wilfred Owen
Isaac Rosenberg
Walter De la Mare
George Bernard Shaw
William Butler Yeats
James Joyce
T. S. Eliot
Joseph Conrad
Katherine Mansfield
Virginia Woolf
E. M. Forster
W. H. Auden
Louis MacNeice
Dylan Thomas
Stephen Greenblatt
W W Norton & Company
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 2
M. H. Abrams
M. Abrams
William Blake
William Wordsworth
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Lord Byron
John Keats
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Sir Walter Scott
Robert Southey
Walter Savage Landor
Thomas Moore
Leigh Hunt
Thomas Love Peacock
Clare, John
George Darley
Thomas Lovell Beddoes
William Hazlitt
Thomas De Quincey
Charles Lamb
Thomas Carlyle
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Robert Browning
Matthew Arnold
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Emily Brontë
Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
George Meredith
William Morris
Edward FitzGerald
Arthur Hugh Clough
Algernon Charles Swinburne
William Ernest Henley
Francis Thompson
Edward Lear
Lewis Carroll
John Henry Cardinal Newman
John Stuart Mill
John Ruskin
Thomas Henry Huxley
Walter Pater
Oscar Wilde
Ernest Dowson
Lionel Johnson
Thomas Hardy
A. E. Housman
Rudyard Kipling
David Herbert Lawrence
Thomas, Edward
Brooke, Rupert
Wilfred Owen
Isaac Rosenberg
Walter De la Mare
George Bernard Shaw
William Butler Yeats
James Joyce
T. S. Eliot
Joseph Conrad
Katherine Mansfield
Virginia Woolf
E. M. Forster
W. H. Auden
Louis MacNeice
Dylan Thomas
Stephen Greenblatt
September 1996
W W Norton & Co Inc (Np)
The Norton anthology of English literature
M. H. Abrams
M. Abrams
William Blake
William Wordsworth
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Lord Byron
John Keats
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Sir Walter Scott
Robert Southey
Walter Savage Landor
Thomas Moore
Leigh Hunt
Thomas Love Peacock
Clare, John
George Darley
Thomas Lovell Beddoes
William Hazlitt
Thomas De Quincey
Charles Lamb
Thomas Carlyle
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Robert Browning
Matthew Arnold
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Emily Brontë
Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
George Meredith
William Morris
Edward FitzGerald
Arthur Hugh Clough
Algernon Charles Swinburne
William Ernest Henley
Francis Thompson
Edward Lear
Lewis Carroll
John Henry Cardinal Newman
John Stuart Mill
John Ruskin
Thomas Henry Huxley
Walter Pater
Oscar Wilde
Ernest Dowson
Lionel Johnson
Thomas Hardy
A. E. Housman
Rudyard Kipling
David Herbert Lawrence
Thomas, Edward
Brooke, Rupert
Wilfred Owen
Isaac Rosenberg
Walter De la Mare
Bernard Shaw
William Butler Yeats
James Joyce
T. S. Eliot
Joseph Conrad
Katherine Mansfield
Virginia Woolf
E. M. Forster
W. H. Auden
Louis MacNeice
Dylan Thomas
Stephen Greenblatt
The Norton Anthology of English Literature: Volume 2
M. H. Abrams
M. Abrams
William Blake
William Wordsworth
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Lord Byron
John Keats
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Sir Walter Scott
Robert Southey
Walter Savage Landor
Thomas Moore
Leigh Hunt
Thomas Love Peacock
Clare, John
George Darley
Thomas Lovell Beddoes
William Hazlitt
Thomas De Quincey
Charles Lamb
Thomas Carlyle
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Robert Browning
Matthew Arnold
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Emily Brontë
Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
George Meredith
William Morris
Edward FitzGerald
Arthur Hugh Clough
Algernon Charles Swinburne
William Ernest Henley
Francis Thompson
Edward Lear
Lewis Carroll
John Henry Cardinal Newman
John Stuart Mill
John Ruskin
Thomas Henry Huxley
Walter Pater
Oscar Wilde
Ernest Dowson
Lionel Johnson
Thomas Hardy
A. E. Housman
Rudyard Kipling
David Herbert Lawrence
Thomas, Edward
Brooke, Rupert
Wilfred Owen
Isaac Rosenberg
Walter De la Mare
George Bernard Shaw
William Butler Yeats
James Joyce
T. S. Eliot
Joseph Conrad
Katherine Mansfield
Virginia Woolf
E. M. Forster
W. H. Auden
Louis MacNeice
Dylan Thomas
Stephen Greenblatt
W W Norton & Company
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
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Showing 1 to 11 of 11 entries
Book Authors
Interconversion Reactions of Muscle Phosphorylases B and A
Edwin G. Krebs
Carmen Gonzalez
Jerome B. Posner
David S. Love
Gloria E. Bratvold
Edmond H. Fischer
Ciba Foundation Symposium - Control of Glycogen Metabolism
W. J. Whelan Ph.D., D.Sc. F.R.I.C.,
John Wiley & Sons
Interconversion reactions of muscle phosphorylases b and a
Edwin G. Krebs, Carmen Gonzalez, Jerome B. Posner, David S. Love, Gloria E. Bratvold and Edmond H. Fischer
Ciba Foundation Symposium: Control of Glycogen Metabolism; [proceedings]
W. J. Whelan, Margaret P. Cameron, Margaret P. Cameron
Little, Brown
Effects of Seasonal Climate Variability and the Use of Climate Forecasts on Wheat Supply in the United States, Australia, and Canada
Harvey S. J. Hill
David Butler
Stephen W. Fuller
Graeme Hammer
Dean Holzworth
H. Alan Love
Holger Meinke
James W. Mjelde
Jaehong Park
Wesley Rosenthal
Impacts of El Niño and Climate Variability on Agriculture
Cynthia Rosenzweig
John Wiley & Sons
Torah, Learning, and Ethics. 11. Moses Maimonides' Laws of the Study of Torah
Lawrence Kaplan.12.An Egyptian Woman Seeks to Rescue Her Husband from a Sufi Monastery /S. D. Goitein.13.A Monastic-like Setting for the Study of Torah /Ephraim Kanarfogel.14.Religious Practice among Italian Jewish Women /Howard Tzvi Adelman.15.A Mystical Fellowship in Jerusalem /Lawrence Fine.16.The Love of Learning among Polish Jews /Gershon David Hundert
Judaism in practice: from the Middle Ages through the early modern period /
Fine, Lawrence.
Princeton Univ. Press,
Articles and Essays. Stations of the Cross: Raging Bull Revisited
Morris Dickstein. Ethnicity and the Erotics of Violence / Michael S. Kimmel. Constructing Machismo in Mean Streets and Raging Bull / Carol Siri Johnson. Raging Batterer / Carol J. Adams.Blind Rage and "Brotherly Love": The Male Psyche at War with Itself in Raging Bull / David Friedkin. Scorsese vs. Mailer: Boxing as Redemption in Raging Bull and An American Dream / Barry H. Leeds. Once I Was Blind and Now Can See / Floyd Salas.
Perspectives on Raging bull /
Kellman, Steven G.,
[1994], ©1994.
Maxwell Macmillan International,
Pt. VI. Views of the World. 40. When [actual symbol not reproducible]: Making Mathematics in Central Brazil
Mariana Kawall Leal Ferreira.41.Minguito, Managua's Little Saint: Christian Base Communities and Popular Religion in Nicaragua /Eric Canin.42.Hallucinogenic Plants in Indigenous South America Cultures /David J. Wilson.43.Forecasting Andean Rainfall and Crop Yield: Western Science and Folk-Wisdom /Benjamin S. Orlove, John C. H. Chiang and Mark A. Cane.44.The Pragmatics of Conversion in the Brazilian Religious Marketplace /Sidney M. Greenfield.45.Death without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil /Nancy Scheper-Hughes.46.Empty Breasts and Empty Fields: A Mayan Subsistence Culture /Jody Glittenberg.47.The Healing Touch of Love /Joseph W. Bastien.
Contemporary cultures and societies of Latin America: a reader in the social anthropology of Middle and South America /
Heath, Dwight B.
[2002], ©2002.
Waveland Press,
Introduction: Guns Made Us Free - Now What?A. Independent Yeomen, Enterprising Manufacturers, and Manifest Destiny. 1. The Origins of Gun Culture in the United States, 1760-1865
Michael A. Bellesiles.2.Guns, Gun Culture, and the Peddling of Dreams /William Hosley.3.The Cowboy Subculture /David T. Courtwright.4."Another Branch of Manly Sport": American Rifle Games, 1840-1900 /Russell S. Gilmore.B.Ambivalence and Gun Culture.5.Guns, Politics, and Public Policy /Steven Thomas Seitz.6.The Impact of Agenda Conflict on Policy Formulation and Implementation: The Case of Gun Control /William J. Vizzard.7.A Loaded Question: What Is It about Americans and Guns? /Leonard Kriegel.8.When the Time Comes to Give Up a Firearm /Judy Foreman.9.Americans Love Their Guns but Fear Violence /Kathryn Kahler.10.The Party of Gun-Haters /Jeff Jacoby
Guns in America: a reader /
Dizard, Jan E.,
Muth, Robert M.
Andrews, Stephen P.,
[1999], ©1999.
New York University Press,
European and American Philosophers
John Marenbon
Douglas Kellner
Richard D. Parry
Gregory Schufreider
Ralph McInerny
Andrea Nye
R. M. Dancy
Vernon J. Bourke
A. A. Long
James F. Harris
Thomas Oberdan
Paul S. MacDonald
Véronique M. Fóti
F. Rosen
James Dye
Pete A. Y. Gunter
Lisa J. Downing
W. J. Mander
Peter Simons
Maurice Friedman
Robert C. Solomon
Nigel Love
Mary Pickering
Andrew Reck
Simon J. Evnine
Iakovos Vasiliou
John C. Coker
Georges Dicker
James Gouinlock
Paul J. Welty
Gianluigi Oliveri
Jack Zupko
Tom Rockmore
Wayne M. Martin
Ladelle McWhorter
Hans-Johann Glock
Georgia Warnke
John Haldane
Joseph S. Ullian
Steven Rieber
David Ingram
Nick Fotion
George Rainbolt
Thomas Sheehan
Gerald J. Massey
Barbara D. Massey
David E. Cooper
David Gauthier
James M. Humber
J. N. Mohanty
Michael H. Dearmey
Oswald O. Schrag
Ralf Meerbote
George J. Stack
John P. Burgess
Paul Hoyningen-Huene
Nicholas Jolley
Adriaan T. Peperzak
E. J. Lowe
William D. Richardson
Stephen Mulhall
Gary L. Cesarz
John V. Canfield
Daisie Radner
Allen W. Wood
Hugh J. Silverman
Geoffrey Scarre
Avrum Stroll
Richard Schacht
John Shand
Anthony Levi
Robert Almeder
C. D. C. Reeve
Lloyd P. Gerson
Mark A. Notturno
Douglas G. Winblad
Roger F. Gibson
Thomas W. Pogge
William L. Rowe
G. B. Madison
Kai Nielsen
Robert Wokler
Bert P. Helm
Peter Hylton
William Lyons
William R. Schroeder
Judith Norman
John Beversluis
Genevieve Lloyd
Donald Phillip Verene
Lewis S. Ford
P. M. S. Hacker
Linda A. Bell
Companion to the Philosophers
Robert L. Arrington
John Wiley & Sons
Pt. I. Science: Models, Theory, and Research. Ch. 1. Some Observations on the Organization of Personality (1947)
Carl R. Rogers.Ch. 2.Cognitive, Conative, and Non-Intellective Intelligence (1950) /David Wechsler.Ch. 3.Freud and the Image of Man (1956) /Jerome S. Bruner.Ch. 4.The Nature of Love (1958) /Harry F. Harlow.Ch. 5.The American Revolution (1960) /D. O. Hebb.Ch. 6.Some Cognitive Aspects of Motivation (1961) /W. C. H. Prentice.Ch. 7.Originality (1965) /Norman H. Mackworth.Ch. 8.Deception in Psychological Research (1969) /Julius Seeman.Ch. 9.Shaping of the Science (1970) /Forrest B. Tyler.Ch. 10.The Acquisition and Application of Knowledge: A Symbiotic Relation (1972) /Wendell R. Garner.Ch. 11.Behavior Theory and the Models of Man (1974) /Albert Bandura.Ch. 12.The Steep and Thorny Way to a Science of Behavior (1975) /B. F. Skinner.Ch. 13.What Is Psychology? (1978) /Jean Piaget.Ch. 14.A Primer of Testing (1981) /Bert F. Green.Ch. 15.Can Research on Morality Be "Scientific"? (1982) /Norma Haan.Ch. 16.Psychoanalysis Arrives in America: The 1909 Psychology Conference at Clark University (1985) /Rand B. Evans and William A. Koelsch.Ch. 17.The Mythical Revolutions of American Psychology (1992) /Thomas H. Leahey
The evolution of psychology: fifty years of the American psychologist /
Notterman, Joseph M.
[1997], ©1997.
American Psychological Association,
Pt. III. (Listed Alphabetically by Therapist). Helping Others Deal with "The New Assertive You"
Robert E. Alberti.Gaining Additional Perspectives in Relationships /Steve Andreas and Connirae Andreas.Web Surfing to Reach Your Vocational Fantasy /Edward S. Beck.Reviewing Therapy Notes /Judith S. Beck.Together Time /Dorothy S. Becvar and Raphael J. Becvar.Lights, Camera, Action!!! Making New Meanings Through Movies /Bob Bertolino.Community Volunteerism: Identifying Influences and a Plan /Julie Birkenmaier and Marla Berg-Weger.Trioing /Richard N. Bolles.Meditational Working Through /John Boyd.A Dangerous Assignment /Peter R. Breggin.The Letter from the Future /Christine Byriel.Client-Centered Homework in Groups /Marianne Schneider Corey and Gerald Corey.Marriage Counseling Test Homework Assignment /Raymond J. Corsini.Positive Action Tags: Utilizing Therapeutic Symbols in Family Therapy /Richard H. Cox.The Zig-Zag Technique /Windy Dryden.REBT Self-Help Form and Reading Materials /Albert Ellis.Behavioral Assignments for Individual and Couples Therapy: Corrective Suggestions for Behavioral Change /Robert W. Firestone.What We Can Change and What We Can't: Responding to the Negative Voice /Arthur Freeman.Affective Deficit: Relationship Conditioning /Sterling K. Gerber.Sun-Cloud-Tree: A Magnifying/Minifying Technique for Creating Change /Samuel T. Gladding.Getting Rid of the Seven Deadly Habits of Unhappy Couples /William Glasser.Circle of Trust: Support for Grief /Linda Goldman.Effective Intervention with Psychotherapeutic Business Cards /Paul A. Hauck.The I Love Lucy Parenting Technique /Lorna L. Hecker.Meaning in Life Evaluation Scale - Homework Assignment for Clients in Logotherapy /Rosemary Henrion.Self-Concept Adjustment Strategy /Joseph W. Hollis.Learn How to Listen: Taking Home the Foundation Skills of Microcounseling /Allen E. Ivey.Expanding Options with Reluctant Clients /Muriel James.What Do I Want? /Jesper Juul.Unthinkable Home-Work /Walter Kempler.Coping Chain /Melissa T. Korenblat-Hanin.Being the Qualitatively Whole New Person in the Real World /Alvin R. Mahrer.Feelings Inside Out: The Paper Plate Activity /Jean Marnocha and Beth Haasl.Taming the PIT Monsters /Maxie C. Maultsby, Jr.Favorite Counseling Assigned Tasks: The Basics /Richard C. Nelson.Variety Is the Spice of Life: A Developmental and Diagnostic Approach to Choosing Homework Assignments /Edward Neukrug.Creating a New Family Play /Fred Newman.After-Hours Therapist /Howard G. Rosenthal.Understanding and Coping with Transitions /Nancy K. Schlossberg.Bring in the Clowns /Gary Schultheis.Anodyne Therapy: Relieving the Suicidal Patient's Psychache /Edwin S. Shneidman.Strength and Resource Support Map /Susan Steiger Tebb.Opening Up: The NNS Approach to Emotions /Robert Taibbi.Healthful Behavior Diary /Donald I. Templer.Maximizing Human Potential with the Psychoeducational Life Skill Intervention Model /Rosemary A. Thompson.Examples of Homework in Nucleus Psychotherapy: Poetry, Painting, and Touching /Eileen Walkenstein.Bibliotherapy Homework for Persons of Mixed Race Heritage /Bea Wehrly.The Ice Station Zebra /William J. Weikel.Lifeline /Ira David Welch.The Jabberwocky Approach to Anger Management with Families /Jerry Wilde.Quality Time for Improving Family Relationships /Robert E. Wubbolding
Favorite counseling and therapy homework assignments: leading therapists share their most creative strategies /
Rosenthal, Howard,
Ellis, Albert,
Pt. 1. Writers on the Beat Generation (1948-2000). "Circular from America"
George Barker."Award to Lawrence Ferlinghetti" /Al Bendich."Poets and Odd Fellows" /Bonnie Bremser (Brenda Frazer)."The Village Scene" /Bonnie Bremser (Brenda Frazer)."Follow the East River" /Ray Bremser."Blues for Bonnie - Take 1, January 1960" /Ray Bremser."A Portrait of the Hipster" /Anatole Broyard."The Cult of Unthink" /Robert Brustein."Yowl for Jay McInerney" /Christopher Buckley and Paul Slansky."Remembering Jack Kerouac" /William S. Burroughs.From Off the Road /Carolyn Cassady.Foreword to Grace Beats Karma /Carolyn Cassady.Letter to Jack Kerouac, February 1951 /Neal Cassady.Letter to Carolyn Cassady, October 16, 1958 /Neal Cassady."With Jack Kerouac in Hyannis" /Ann Charters."Hipsters, Flipsters, and Finger Poppin' Daddies: A Note on His Lordship, Lord Buckley, the Hippest of the Hipsters" /Samuel Charters."Poets Hitchhiking on the Highway" /Gregory Corso."Spontaneous Requiem for the American Indian" /Gregory Corso."The Floating Bear, a newsletter" /Diane di Prima."Rant" /Diane di Prima."'Punching a Hole in the Big Lie': The Achievement of William S. Burroughs""Dionysus and the Beat Generation" /William Everson."Four Letters on the Archetype" /William Everson."Note on Poetry in San Francisco" /Lawrence Ferlinghetti.From "Work-in-Progress" /Lawrence Ferlinghetti."A Buddha in the Woodpile""White Like Me: Anatole Broyard" /Henry Louis Gates, Jr.Letter to John Allen Ryan, September 9, 1955 /Allen Ginsberg.Letter to Richard Eberhart, May 18, 1956 /Allen Ginsberg."Poetry, Violence, and the Trembling Lambs" /Allen Ginsberg."This is the Beat Generation" /John Clellon Holmes."The Philosophy of the Best Generation" /John Clellon Holmes."The Needle" /Herbert Huncke.From Guilty of Everything /Herbert Huncke.From Minor Characters /Joyce Johnson.From How I Became Hettie Jones /Hettie Jones."Abomunist Manifesto" /Bob Kaufman.From Who Wouldn't Walk with Tigers? /Eileen Kaufman."He's Just Wild About Writing: W. S. Burroughs' The Wild Boys" /Alfred Kazin."Meeting Neal Cassady" /Joan Haverty Kerouac.I Ching: December 28, 1984 /Ken Kesey."Tapestry" /Joanne Kyger."It Is Lonely" /Joanne Kyger."My Father Died This Spring" /Joanne Kyger."The Beats" /Wayne Lawson."Black Beats: The Signifying Poetry of LeRoi Jones/Imamu Amiri Baraka, Ted Joans, and Bob Kaufman" /A. Robert Lee."Hipster and Beatnik" /Norman Mailer."Leave the Word Alone" /Edward Marshall."Where the Open Road Meets Howl" /Ian Marshall."Burroughs' Naked Lunch" /Mary McCarthy."1957" /Joanna McClure."A Letter to My Daughter Who Will Be Four Years Old" /Joanna McClure."The Hunt" /Joanna McClure."Piece" /Joanna McClure."Poetry of the 6" /Michael McClure."Anatomy of a Beatnik" /Fred W. McDarrah.From Beat Thing /David Meltzer."Poetry & Jazz" /David Meltzer.Preface to The Subterraneans /Henry Miller.Review of On the Road, September 5, 1957 /Gilbert Millstein."To Allen Ginsberg" /Czeslaw Milosz."Down the Road" /Joyce Carol Oates."The Only Rebellion Around" /Paul O'Neil."Collaboration: Letter to Charlie Chaplin" /Peter Orlovsky."A Conversation with My Father" /Grace Paley."The Beat Writers: Phenomenon or Generation" /Thomas Parkinson."Children of the Beats" /Daniel Pinchbeck."The Know-Nothing Bohemians" /Norman Podhoretz."Disengagement: The Art of the Beat Generation" /Kenneth Rexroth."Thirsting for Peace in a Raging Century" /Ed Sanders."Notes on the Beat Generation" /Gary Snyder."The New Wind" /Gary Snyder.Buddhism and the Possibilities of a Planetary Culture" /Gary Snyder.From Cold Mountain Poems /Gary Snyder."Song for Bird and Myself" /Jack Spicer."American Dreamers: Melville and Kerouac" /Robert Stone."Kerouac's Sound" /Warren Tallman."The Other Night at Columbia: A Report from the Academy" /Diana Trilling."The Disappearing Bohemian" /David L. Ulin."On the Sidewalk" /John Updike."Lineages & Legacies" /Anne Waldman."Influence: Language, Voice, Beat and Energy of Kerouac's Poetry" /Anne Waldman."Notes on Sitting Beside a Noble Corpse" /Anne Waldman."On Inch of Love Is An Inch of Ashes" /Anne Waldman."Burroughs: 'Hurry up. It's time'" /Anne Waldman.Introduction to Ginsberg's "Howl for Carl Solomon" /William Carlos Williams.Letter to Joseph Renard, March 24, 1958 /William Carlos Williams."What Do You Think of My Buddha?" /Tom Wolfe
Beat down to your soul: what was the Beat generation? /
Charters, Ann.
Penguin Books,
Book Authors
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