| | 1971 | American Institute of Musicology |
| | [1974] | Möseler Verlag, |
| | 1971-1977. | American Institute of Musicology, |
| Kerckhoven, Abraham van den,; L. F.,; Erbach, Christian,; Papen, Petrus,; Frescobaldi, Girolamo,; Ferrard, Jean, | | |
| Klapprott, Bernhard,; Erbach, Christian,; Erbach, Christian,; Erbach, Christian,; Staden, Johann,; Hassler, Jacob,; Pfendner, Heinrich,; Staden, Johann,; Staden, Johann,; Dretzel, Valentin,; Hoeven, Carl van der,; Paix, Jakob,; Paix, Jakob,; Mainerio, Giorgio,; Paix, Jakob,; Paix, Jakob,; Hassler, Hans Leo,; Staden, Johann,; Hassler, Hans Leo,; Hassler, Hans Leo,; Hassler, Hans Leo,; Hassler, Hans Leo,; Hassler, Hans Leo,; Hassler, Hans Leo,; Hassler, Hans Leo,; Hassler, Hans Leo, | | |
| Krapf, Gerhard,; Disselhorst, Delbert,; Bach, Johann Sebastian,; Reger, Max,; Krapf, Gerhard.; Erbach, Christian,; Pachelbel, Johann,; Bach, Johann Sebastian,; Clérambault, Louis-Nicolas, | 1973. | University of Iowa Press, |
| Knebel, Sebastian.; Schwarz, Britta.; Hassler, Hans Leo,; Michael, Christian,; Scheidt, Samuel,; Erbach, Christian,; Froberger, Johann Jacob,; Weckmann, Matthias,; Klemm, Johann,; Kerll, Johann Kaspar,; Praetorius, Jacob,; Scheidemann, Heinrich,; Scheidemann, Heinrich, | p2008. | Raum Klang, |
| Leonhardt, Gustav,; Praetorius, Michael,; Praetorius, Michael,; Erbach, Christian,; Frescobaldi, Girolamo,; Merula, Tarquinio,; Froberger, Johann Jacob,; Kerll, Johann Kaspar,; Kerll, Johann Kaspar,; Scherer, Sebastian Anton, | ℗2004. | Vanguard Classics, |
| Sperger, Renate,; Steigleder, Johann Ulrich,; Frescobaldi, Girolamo,; Erbach, Christian,; Bach, Johann Sebastian,; Schiske, Karl,; Bach, Johann Sebastian,; Bach, Johann Sebastian,; Brahms, Johannes,; Muffat, Georg, | | |
| Praetorius, Michael,; Praetorius, Michael,; Erbach, Christian,; Frescobaldi, Girolamo,; Merula, Tarquinio,; Froberger, Johann Jacob,; Kerll, Johann Kaspar,; Kerll, Johann Kaspar,; Scherer, Sebastian Anton,; Leonhardt, Gustav, | [between 1950 and 1959?] | Bach Guild, |
| Tachezi, Herbert,; Thomas de Sancta Maria,; Valderrábano, Enríquez de,; Cabezón, Antonio de,; Milán, Luis,; Milán, Luis,; Merulo, Claudio,; Pellegrini, V.; Praetorius, Michael,; Hofhaimer, Paul,; Kotter, Hans,; Erbach, Christian, | [1980], ℗1980. | Telefunken, |
| Bader, Peter; Wolitz, Stefan,; Lasso, Orlando di,; Frescobaldi, Girolamo,; Miškinis, Vytautas,; Cook, John,; Whitacre, Eric,; Frescobaldi, Girolamo,; Matsushita, Kō,; Frescobaldi, Girolamo,; Erbach, Christian,; Matsushita, Kō,; Matsushita, Kō,; Feller, Harald, | | |
| Blachly, Alexander,; Praetorius, Michael,; Praetorius, Michael,; Praetorius, Michael,; Erbach, Christian,; Lasso, Orlando di,; Josquin,; Dufay, Guillaume,; Byrd, William,; Horwood, William,; Ramsey, Robert,; Rore, Cipriano de,; Ockeghem, Johannes,; Byrd, William, | | |
| Arndt, Günther,; Müller-Dombois, Eugen,; Brenneke, Johannes,; Thamm, Hans,; Aichinger, Gregor,; Besard, Jean-Baptiste,; Erbach, Christian,; Gabrieli, Andrea,; Gabrieli, Giovanni,; Gumpeltzhaimer, Adam,; Hassler, Hans Leo,; Monte, Philippe de,; Neusidler, Melchior, | ©91109. | Odeon, |
| Koopman, Ton,; Kerll, Johann Kaspar,; Paumann, Conrad,; Paumann, Conrad,; Schlick, Arnolt,; Buchner, Hans,; Kotter, Hans,; Kotter, Hans,; Kotter, Hans,; Kotter, Hans,; Kotter, Hans,; Kotter, Hans,; Kotter, Hans,; Kotter, Hans,; Kotter, Hans,; Kotter, Hans,; Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon,; Erbach, Christian,; Siefert, Paul,; Scheidemann, Heinrich,; Scheidemann, Heinrich,; Froberger, Johann Jacob,; Froberger, Johann Jacob,; Froberger, Johann Jacob,; Buxtehude, Dietrich, | [2009] | Naxos Digital Services/Capriccio, |