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> Essex, Robert Devereux,
"Essex, Robert Devereux," appeared in Books and Chapters
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A declaration of the practises & treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex and his complices: against Her Maiestie and her kingdoms,and of the proceedings as well at the arraignments & conuictions of the said late Earle,and his adherents,as after. Together with the very confessions and other parts of the euidences themselues,word for word taken out of the originals
Robert Devereux Earl of Essex
by Robert Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, 1601.
The Earle of Essex his letter to Master Speaker. July 9. 1643.: With some briefe animadversions on the said letter.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
Printed by Henry Hall
A precious and most divine letter from that famous and ever to be renowned Earl of Essex,: (father to the now Lord Generall his excellence) to the Earl of South-Hampton, in the latter time of Queen Elizabeths reigne. Printed according to order.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1566-1601.
The resolution of the Earle of Essex to the King [sic] most Excellent Maiestie wherein is declared his honourable intentions to attaine nothing but what shall tend to advancement of His Majesties honour and the good of the Common-wealth : whereunto is annexed the
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
... Printed for T. Rider, August 13
The resolvtion of His Excellence the Earle of Essex, lord generall of the forces, now raised for the defence of the King, Parliament, and kingdome together with the Parliament's resolution concerning the said Earl of Essex.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
Printed for J. Wells
Several propositions propovnded by His Excellencie, the Earl of Essex to the cavaleees [sic] neere Darby-shire, September the 21, 1642 being very fit and necessary to be published throughout the kingdomes of England and Scotland : together with a true relation of a famous sea-fight performed by Van Trump the Dutch admirall with ten ships against the Spanish fleet, being going to assist the rebels in Ireland with men and ammunition : with the manner of his obtaining the victory and after 11 hours fight took ten of the Spanish ships and put the rest to flight : reported to the House of Commons, Septem. 20.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
Printed for I. White, September 21
Two letters from his excellencie Robert, Earl of Essex the one unto the speaker of the House of Commons : relating the true state of the late skirmish at Chinner between a party of the Kings and Parliaments forces on the sabbath day the 19
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
Printed by John Field for Edw. Husbands ..., June 23
[An apologie of the Earle of Essex]
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1566-1601.
For J. Smethwick?
The arraignment, tryal and condemnation of Robert Earl of Essex and Henry Earl of Southampton, at Westminster the 19th of February, 1600 and in the 43 year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth for rebelliously conspiring and endeavouring the subversion of the government, by confederacy with Tyr-Owen, that popish traytor and his complices ... were the 5th of March ... arraigned, condemned, and executed ...
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1566-1601.
Printed for Tho. Basset ..., Sam Heyrick ..., and Matth. Gillyflower ...
A copy of a letter from the Earle of Essex, by order of the pretended Houses of Parliament, to Prince Rupert with His Highnesse answer thereunto.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
Printed by Leonard Lichfield ...
The copy of a letter sent from His Excellencie Robert, Earle of Essex, to Mr. Pym, a member of the House of Commons also a order for the printing of Edw. Nicholas his letter, His Majesties secretary, to Sir Will. Boswell His Majesties resident with the States of the United Provinces ... together with the true relation of the passages at Sherbourn-Hill, which have relation to the aforesaid letters.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
Printed by L.N. for E. Husbands and J. Franck and are to be sold at their shops
The copy of a letter written from his excellency to the county of Warwick.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
October 13. 1642.
Printed for H. Blunden
The Earle of Essex his letter to the Earle of Southampton in the time of his troubles containing many pious expressions and very comfortable for such are in any troubles, Septemb. 29, 1642.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1566-1601.
Printed by Luke Norton for T.T.
The Earle of Essex his loyaltie and love to his King and countrey. VVith his five propositions propounded to his armie, at his late siege at Shrewsbury. Wherein is apparently manifested his faith and love to God and his countrey.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
Oct. 20. 1642.
Printed for G.K.
The Earle of Essex his speech in the Partilrie garden to the souldiers on Tuesday last with His Majesties propositions to the citizens of London likevvise terrible and blovdy news from Yorke concerning the great affront which was given to the said city by the cavileers and how the citizens gave them a repulse and shut up the gates : whereunto is annexed, Londons resolution for the defence of the King and Parliament.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
... Printed for Thomas Baley, July 38
His Excellencies letter of the 30 of Ianuary, 1643 To the Earle of Forth, upon that letter sent to him from the Prince, Duke of Yorke, and divers lords and gentlemen at Oxford.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
Febr. 10. 1643. i.e. 1644
for Laurence Blaiklocke, at Temple-bar
His Excellencies letter of the 30 of Ianuary, 1643 To the Earle of Forth, upon that letter sent to him from the Prince, Duke of Yorke, and divers lords and gentlemen at Oxford.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
Febr. 10. 1643. i.e. 1644
for Laurence Blaiklocke, at Temple-bar
A letter from His Excellencje the Earl of Essex to the gentlemen, freeholders, and other well-affected people in the county of Essex. Also, an order of the House of Commons in Parliament for a contribution for sick souldiers under the command of his excellencie. Together with two other orders of the committee of the House of Commons and Citie of London, for reducing Newcastle, and the parts adjacent. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament assembled, that these be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
June 17. 1643.
Printed for Edw. Husband
A letter from His Excellency Robert Earl of Essex to the Honourable House of Commons concerning the sending of a commission forthwith to Sir William Waller : wherein His Excellency declareth himself to be confirmed in the justnesse of the cause, so long as he hath one drop of blood in his veins.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
Printed for Laurence Blaiklock, January 13
A letter from the Earl of Essex to His Highnesse Prince Rupert concerning the putting to death of souldiers come out of Ireland taken prisoners : with His Highnesse answer thereunto.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1591-1646.
Printed by Robert Barker and John Bill
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