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> Ferretti, Giovanni,
"Ferretti, Giovanni," appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries
Esuli del Risorgimento in Svizzera.
Ferretti, Giovanni
N. Zanichelli
Il secondo libro delle canzoni a sei voci (1575)
Giovanni Ferretti
A-R Editions
Vier Missen /
Beauvarlet, Henricus,
Ferretti, Giovanni,
Robijns, Jozef,
Vereniging voor Muziekgeschiedenis te Antwerpen,
Saffo /
Pacini, Giovanni,
Cammarano, Salvatore,
Gossett, Philip.
Pacini, Giovanni,
Ferretti, Jacopo,
Mining Data for Financial Applications: 4th ECML PKDD Workshop, MIDAS 2019, Würzburg, Germany, September 16, 2019, Revised Selected Papers
Valerio Bitetta
Ilaria Bordino
Andrea Ferretti
Francesco Gullo
Stefano Pascolutti
Giovanni Ponti
1st ed. 2020
Springer International Publishing
Mining Data for Financial Applications: 5th ECML PKDD Workshop, MIDAS 2020, Ghent, Belgium, September 18, 2020, Revised Selected Papers
Valerio Bitetta
Ilaria Bordino
Andrea Ferretti
Francesco Gullo
Giovanni Ponti
Lorenzo Severini
1st ed. 2021
Springer International Publishing
Symphonia angelica.
Arruabarrena, Maite,
Laethem, Katelijne van,
Valenta, Mira,
Benet, Josep,
Altena, Marius van,
Cabré, Josep,
Zwart, Titia de,
Pols, Anneke,
Meer, Richte van der,
Junghänel, Konrad,
Waelrant, Hubert,
Verdonck, Cornelis,
Marenzio, Luca,
Monte, Philippe de,
Macque, Giovanni de,
Conversi, Girolamo,
Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo,
Ferretti, Giovanni,
Nanino, Giovanni Maria,
Moscaglia, Giovanni Battista,
Baccusi, Ippolito,
Gabrieli, Andrea,
Symphonia angelica.
Arruabarrena, Maite.
Laethem, Katelijne van.
Valenta, Mira.
Benet, Josep.
Altena, Marius van.
Cabré, Josep.
Zwart, Titia de,
Pols, Anneke,
Meer, Richte van der,
Junghänel, Konrad,
Waelrant, Hubert,
Verdonck, Cornelis,
Marenzio, Luca,
Monte, Philippe de,
Macque, Giovanni de,
Conversi, Girolamo,
Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo,
Ferretti, Giovanni,
Nanino, Giovanni Maria,
Nanino, Giovanni Maria,
Baccusi, Ippolito,
Gabrieli, Andrea,
Pier Paolo Pasolini's trilogy of life
Pasolini, Pier Paolo,
Grimaldi, Alberto.
Citti, Franco.
Davoli, Ninetto.
Griffith, Hugh,
Betti, Laura.
Chaplin, Joséphine,
Pellegrini, Ines,
Bouché, Tessa.
Merli, Franco,
Ferretti, Dante,
Morricone, Ennio.
Boccaccio, Giovanni,
Chaucer, Geoffrey,
Criterion Collection,
Canzoni e danze: wind music from Renaissance Italy.
Kimball, Joan,
Wiemken, Robert,
Dalza, Joan Ambrosio,
Isaac, Heinrich,
Isaac, Heinrich,
Isaac, Heinrich,
Bendusi, Francesco.
Mainerio, Giorgio,
Rossino Mantovano,
Festa, Costanzo,
Azzaiolo, Filippo,
Azzaiolo, Filippo,
Azzaiolo, Filippo,
Arcadelt, Jacob,
Ruffo, Vincenzo,
Ruffo, Vincenzo,
Vecchi, Orazio,
Mainerio, Giorgio,
Agostini, Lodovico,
Ferretti, Giovanni,
Bonelli, Aurelio,
Bonelli, Aurelio,
Gussago, Cesario.
Gussago, Cesario.
Recorders greate and smale.
Févin, Antoine de.
Isaac, Heinrich,
Isaac, Heinrich,
Wilder, Philip van,
Wilder, Philip van,
Wilder, Philip van,
Verdelot, Philippe,
Arcadelt, Jacob,
Willaert, Adrian,
Willaert, Adrian,
Ruffo, Vincenzo,
Ruffo, Vincenzo,
Lasso, Orlando di,
Byrd, William,
Byrd, William,
Ferrabosco, Alfonso,
Ferrabosco, Alfonso,
Ferretti, Giovanni,
Marenzio, Luca,
Bassano, Augustine,
Bassano, Augustine,
Ferrabosco, Alfonso,
La Vertu de prudence entre Moyen Âge et âge classique
Berriot-Salvadore Evelyne
Pascal Catherine
Roudaut François
Tran Trung
Aponte-Olivieri Sara
Berriot-Salvadore Evelyne
Bianchi Bensimon Nella
Blay Michel
Caye Pierre
Charlet Jean-Louis
Costa Daniela
Dauvois Nathalie
Dotoli Giovanni
Dulac Liliane
Fabre Isabelle
Ferretti Giuliano
Fragonard Marie-Madeleine
Gontier Thierry
Goyet Francis
Guerrier Olivier
Guion Béatrice
Huchon Mireille
Leopizzi Marcella
Maranini Anna
Margolin Jean-Claude
Maupeu Philippe
Ménager Daniel
Pascal Catherine
Reno Christine
Roudaut François
Strubel Armand
Tran Trung
Classiques Garnier
Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases: International Workshops of ECML PKDD 2021, Virtual Event, September 13-17, 2021, Proceedings, Part I
Michael Kamp
Irena Koprinska
Adrien Bibal
Tassadit Bouadi
Benoît Frénay
Luis Galárraga
José Oramas
Linara Adilova
Yamuna Krishnamurthy
Bo Kang
Christine Largeron
Jefrey Lijffijt
Tiphaine Viard
Pascal Welke
Massimiliano Ruocco
Erlend Aune
Claudio Gallicchio
Gregor Schiele
Franz Pernkopf
Michaela Blott
Holger Fröning
Günther Schindler
Riccardo Guidotti
Anna Monreale
Salvatore Rinzivillo
Przemyslaw Biecek
Eirini Ntoutsi
Mykola Pechenizkiy
Bodo Rosenhahn
Christopher Buckley
Daniela Cialfi
Pablo Lanillos
Maxwell Ramstead
Tim Verbelen
Pedro M. Ferreira
Giuseppina Andresini
Donato Malerba
Ibéria Medeiros
Philippe Fournier-Viger
M. Saqib Nawaz
Sebastian Ventura
Meng Sun
Min Zhou
Valerio Bitetta
Ilaria Bordino
Andrea Ferretti
Francesco Gullo
Giovanni Ponti
Lorenzo Severini
Rita Ribeiro
João Gama
Ricard Gavaldà
Lee Cooper
Naghmeh Ghazaleh
Jonas Richiardi
Damian Roqueiro
Diego Saldana Miranda
Konstantinos Sechidis
Guilherme Graça
1st ed. 2021
Springer International Publishing
Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases: International Workshops of ECML PKDD 2021, Virtual Event, September 13-17, 2021, Proceedings, Part II
Michael Kamp
Irena Koprinska
Adrien Bibal
Tassadit Bouadi
Benoît Frénay
Luis Galárraga
José Oramas
Linara Adilova
Yamuna Krishnamurthy
Bo Kang
Christine Largeron
Jefrey Lijffijt
Tiphaine Viard
Pascal Welke
Massimiliano Ruocco
Erlend Aune
Claudio Gallicchio
Gregor Schiele
Franz Pernkopf
Michaela Blott
Holger Fröning
Günther Schindler
Riccardo Guidotti
Anna Monreale
Salvatore Rinzivillo
Przemyslaw Biecek
Eirini Ntoutsi
Mykola Pechenizkiy
Bodo Rosenhahn
Christopher Buckley
Daniela Cialfi
Pablo Lanillos
Maxwell Ramstead
Tim Verbelen
Pedro M. Ferreira
Giuseppina Andresini
Donato Malerba
Ibéria Medeiros
Philippe Fournier-Viger
M. Saqib Nawaz
Sebastian Ventura
Meng Sun
Min Zhou
Valerio Bitetta
Ilaria Bordino
Andrea Ferretti
Francesco Gullo
Giovanni Ponti
Lorenzo Severini
Rita Ribeiro
João Gama
Ricard Gavaldà
Lee Cooper
Naghmeh Ghazaleh
Jonas Richiardi
Damian Roqueiro
Diego Saldana Miranda
Konstantinos Sechidis
Guilherme Graça
1st ed. 2021
Springer International Publishing
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 20 of 23 entries
Book Authors
Giovanni Ferretti
The Quest for Meaning: Friends of Wisdom from Plato to Levinas
Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak
Fordham University Press
73. Del Crud' Amor Io Sempre Mi Lamento
Giovanni Ferretti
The Italian Madrigal: Volume III
Alfred Einstein
Princeton University Press
Questa fera gentil
Giovanni Ferretti
Musica Divina: 1588 /
Phalèse, Pierre,
Wagemakers, Cees,
Sù sù sù non più dormir
Giovanni Ferretti
Musica Divina: 1588 /
Phalèse, Pierre,
Wagemakers, Cees,
Corrette tutti
Giovanni Ferretti
Musica Divina: 1588 /
Phalèse, Pierre,
Wagemakers, Cees,
Mirate che m'ha fatto
Giovanni Ferretti
The flower of the Italian madrigal: for mixed voices: Light madrigals and villanellas
Jerome Roche
Elizabeth Roche
Barbara Reynolds
Gaudia Music and Arts;Sole agent, ECS Publishing
Un pastor
Giovanni Ferretti
Recorders greate and smale.
Févin, Antoine de.
Isaac, Heinrich,
Isaac, Heinrich,
Wilder, Philip van,
Wilder, Philip van,
Wilder, Philip van,
Verdelot, Philippe,
Arcadelt, Jacob,
Willaert, Adrian,
Willaert, Adrian,
Ruffo, Vincenzo,
Ruffo, Vincenzo,
Lasso, Orlando di,
Byrd, William,
Byrd, William,
Ferrabosco, Alfonso,
Ferrabosco, Alfonso,
Ferretti, Giovanni,
Marenzio, Luca,
Bassano, Augustine,
Bassano, Augustine,
Ferrabosco, Alfonso,
Mettetevi in battaglia, pensier miei
Giovanni Ferretti
The lost Fresco: music for the Anghiari battle /
Betto, Alex,
Com'al primo apparir
Giovanni Ferretti
Canzoni e danze: wind music from Renaissance Italy.
Kimball, Joan,
Wiemken, Robert,
Dalza, Joan Ambrosio,
Isaac, Heinrich,
Isaac, Heinrich,
Isaac, Heinrich,
Bendusi, Francesco.
Mainerio, Giorgio,
Rossino Mantovano,
Festa, Costanzo,
Azzaiolo, Filippo,
Azzaiolo, Filippo,
Azzaiolo, Filippo,
Arcadelt, Jacob,
Ruffo, Vincenzo,
Ruffo, Vincenzo,
Vecchi, Orazio,
Mainerio, Giorgio,
Agostini, Lodovico,
Ferretti, Giovanni,
Bonelli, Aurelio,
Bonelli, Aurelio,
Gussago, Cesario.
Gussago, Cesario.
Cruel! unkind! my heart thou hast bereft me
Giovanni Ferretti
Musica transalpina (1588) /
Yonge, Nicholas,
Greer, David,
Stainer & Bell,
Within a greenwood sweet of myrtle savour
Giovanni Ferretti
Musica transalpina (1588) /
Yonge, Nicholas,
Greer, David,
Stainer & Bell,
4. Philosophy and Christian theology today: a hermeneutic circularity as fact and task
Giovanni Ferretti
Contemporary Italian philosophy: crossing the borders of ethics, politics, and religion /
Benso, Silvia.
Schroeder, Brian.
State University of New York Press,
Utopia in eredità: attualità dell'interpretazione della religione in Ernst Bloch
Giovanni Ferretti
Attualità e prospettive del "Principio speranza": l'opera fondamentale e il pensiero di Ernst Bloch: atti del Convegno di Genova, 27-28 febbraio 1995, promosso dal dipartimento di Filosofia dell'Università di Genova e dall'Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici /
Cunico, Gerardo.
La città del sole,
Del crud' amor io sempre me lamento
Giovanni Ferretti
The Italian madrigal /
Einstein, Alfred,
Krappe, Alexander Haggerty,
Sessions, Roger,
Strunk, W. Oliver
Conkwright, P. J.
Van Zandt, Helen,
Princeton University Press,
Mirate che m'ha fatto
Giovanni Ferretti (1:38)
Symphonia angelica.
Arruabarrena, Maite,
Laethem, Katelijne van,
Valenta, Mira,
Benet, Josep,
Altena, Marius van,
Cabré, Josep,
Zwart, Titia de,
Pols, Anneke,
Meer, Richte van der,
Junghänel, Konrad,
Waelrant, Hubert,
Verdonck, Cornelis,
Marenzio, Luca,
Monte, Philippe de,
Macque, Giovanni de,
Conversi, Girolamo,
Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo,
Ferretti, Giovanni,
Nanino, Giovanni Maria,
Moscaglia, Giovanni Battista,
Baccusi, Ippolito,
Gabrieli, Andrea,
Mirate che m'ha fatto
Giovanni Ferretti (1:38)
Symphonia angelica.
Arruabarrena, Maite.
Laethem, Katelijne van.
Valenta, Mira.
Benet, Josep.
Altena, Marius van.
Cabré, Josep.
Zwart, Titia de,
Pols, Anneke,
Meer, Richte van der,
Junghänel, Konrad,
Waelrant, Hubert,
Verdonck, Cornelis,
Marenzio, Luca,
Monte, Philippe de,
Macque, Giovanni de,
Conversi, Girolamo,
Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo,
Ferretti, Giovanni,
Nanino, Giovanni Maria,
Nanino, Giovanni Maria,
Baccusi, Ippolito,
Gabrieli, Andrea,
Comprehending and Communicating Statistics in Breast Cancer Screening. Ethical Implications and Potential Solutions
Giulia Ferretti
Alma Linkeviciute
Giovanni Boniolo
Medical Ethics, Prediction, and Prognosis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio
Francesco Sporing
John-Stewart Gordon
Valutazione cognitiva e neuropsicologica
Daniela Brizzolara
Paola Brovedani
Giovanni Ferretti
Le forme spastiche della paralisi cerebrale infantile: Guida all' esplorazione delle funzioni adattive
Adriano Ferrari
Giovanni Cioni
Springer Milan
Innovative Spaces at School. How Innovative Spaces and the Learning Environment Condition the Transformation of Teaching
Giovanni Nulli
Gianluigi Mondaini
Maddalena Ferretti
Makers at School, Educational Robotics and Innovative Learning Environments: Research and Experiences from FabLearn Italy 2019, in the Italian Schools and Beyond
David Scaradozzi
Lorenzo Guasti
Margherita Di Stasio
Beatrice Miotti
Andrea Monteriù
Paulo Blikstein
1st ed. 2021
Springer International Publishing
Neuropsychological Evaluation
Daniela Brizzolara
Paola Brovedani
Giovanni Ferretti
The Spastic Forms of Cerebral Palsy: A Guide to the Assessment of Adaptive Functions
Adriano Ferrari
Giovanni Cioni
Springer Milan
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 20 of 23 entries