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> Fletcher, William A.,
"Fletcher, William A.," appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries
Economics of the environment
J. M. A. Lenihan
William Whigham Fletcher
Academic Press
The Marine environment
J. M. A. Lenihan
William Whigham Fletcher
Academic Press
Food,agriculture,and the environment
J. M. A. Lenihan
William Whigham Fletcher
The Biological environment
J. M. A. Lenihan
William Whigham Fletcher
Academic Press
Health and the environment
J. M. A. Lenihan
William Whigham Fletcher
Academic Press
Energy resources and the environment
J. M. A. Lenihan
William Whigham Fletcher
Academic Press
J. M. A. Lenihan
William Whigham Fletcher
Academic Press
The Chemical environment
William Whigham Fletcher
J. M. A. Lenihan
Academic Press
Some minor arts as practised in England,
Church, A. H.
Read, Charles Hercules,
Fletcher, William Younger,
Hartshorne, Albert,
Gardner, John Starkie,
Seeley and Co. Limited,
Claviatures: modern chamber works /
Asherov, Ayala, .
Fletcher, William A.,
Scully, Jim,
Tribble, Jim,
Nagorcka, Ron,
Nagorcka, Ron,
Nagorcka, Ron,
Stölzel, Ingrid,
Navona Records,
Slices: a cross-section of classical works for small ensemble /
Talabová, Marta,
Janecek, Ales,
Kummerová, Gabriela,
Škrabal, Zdeněk,
Rzounková, Zuzana,
Muzik, Vit,
Rojahn, Karolina,
Berger, Mark,
Valenzuela, Yhasmin,
Hennessy, Lisa,
Burns, Reynard.
Sainsbury, Lionel.
Sundin, Håkan,
Bakker, Hans,
Beeler, Charles Alan,
Beeler, Charles Alan,
Rusnak, Christina.
Fletcher, William A.
Causes of Climatic Change: A collection of papers derived from the INQUA—NCAR Symposium on Causes of Climatic Change, August 30–31, 1965, Boulder, Colorado
Donald E. Billings, Wallace S. Broecker, Reid A. Bryson, Allan Cox, Paul E. Damon, William L. Donn, Erik Eriksson, Maurice Ewing, J. O. Fletcher, Warren Hamilton, M. Jerzykiewicz, John E. Kutzbach, Edward N. Lorenz, Yale Mintz, J. Murray Mitchell Jr., Barry Saltzman, K. Serkowski, William C. Shen, Hans E. Suess, William F. Tanner, Peter K. Weyl, L. V. Worthington (auth.), J. Murray Mitchell Jr. (eds.)
American Meteorological Society
The Best Horror Stories
John Keir Cross
Edgar Allan Poe
Auguste comte de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
Honoré de Balzac
Guy de Maupassant
Thomas Hardy
Joseph Conrad
Thomas Burke
Juliusz Kaden-Bandrowski
A. E. Coppard
Dorothy L. Sayers
Cornell Woolrich
Geoffrey Household
Graham Greene
Cyril M. Kornbluth
Robert Bloch
Ray Bradbury
John Collier
Robert Silverberg
William Faulkner
Flannery O'Connor
Roald Dahl
Stanley Ellin
Patricia Highsmith
Daphne du Maurier
David Fletcher
Mallard Press
The Pacific
Schenkkan, Robert,
Pelecanos, George P.
Martin, Cherylanne.
London, Todd.
Shareshian, Steven.
Kelly, Eugene
McKenna, Bruce C.
Yost, Graham.
To, Tony.
Goetzman, Gary,
Spielberg, Steven,
Hanks, Tom.
Van Patten, Timothy,
Nutter, David,
Ashford, Michelle.
Podeswa, Jeremy.
Andries, Laurence.
Franklin, Carl,
Dale, James Badge,
Mazzello, Joseph,
Seda, Jon.
Bernthal, Jon.
Bitton, Joshua.
Budge, Tom,
Cropper, Linda.
Dhavernas, Caroline.
Helman, Josh.
Holmes, Ashton.
Moore, Toby Leonard.
Nixon, Henry.
Nobbs, Keith,
O'Farrell, Conor.
Pitts, Jacob.
Sadler, William,
Meadows, Ian,
Corddry, Nate.
Craven, Matt.
Fletcher, Brendan,
Ford, Leon.
Gibson, Scott
Malek, Rami.
McCann, Martin,
Sweet, Gary.
Torv, Anna,
Young, Dylan.
Braswell, Dwight.
Parisse, Annie,
Fisher, Noel,
Buckley, Betty.
Close, Joshua,
Keener, Brandon,
Zimmer, Hans.
Neely, Blake.
Zanelli, Geoff,
Warschilka, Edward A.
Cody, Alan.
Evry, Marta.
Pratt, Anthony,
Adefarasin, Remi.
Windon, Stephen F.
Distributed by Warner Home Video,
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries
Book Authors
The court's opinion: animals do not have standing to bring suit
William A. Fletcher
Animal welfare
Sylvia Engdahl
Greenhaven Press
Three lines (After rothke)
William A. Fletcher
Claviatures: modern chamber works /
Asherov, Ayala, .
Fletcher, William A.,
Scully, Jim,
Tribble, Jim,
Nagorcka, Ron,
Nagorcka, Ron,
Nagorcka, Ron,
Stölzel, Ingrid,
Navona Records,
L'affaire Center for Biological Diversity c/ National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 508 F. 3d. (9th Cir. 2007)
William A. Fletcher
Regards croisés sur l'internationalisation du droit: France-Etats-Unis, réseau ID franco-américain /
Delmas-Marty, Mireille.
Breyer, Stephen G.,
Société de législation comparée,
16. Bedside Examination
David S. Zee and William A. Fletcher
Disorders of the vestibular system /
Baloh, Robert W.
Halmagyi, G. Michael.
Oxford University Press,
Glycoproteins from the Bovine Erythrocyte Membrane
Mary A. Fletcher
Timothy M. Lo
William R. Graves
Glycoconjugate Research: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Glycoconjugates, Volume II
John Gregory
Academic Press
Avalokiteshvara's taxi
William A. Fletcher (Moravian Philharmonic Winds: Marta Talabová, flute
Slices: a cross-section of classical works for small ensemble /
Talabová, Marta,
Janecek, Ales,
Kummerová, Gabriela,
Škrabal, Zdeněk,
Rzounková, Zuzana,
Muzik, Vit,
Rojahn, Karolina,
Berger, Mark,
Valenzuela, Yhasmin,
Hennessy, Lisa,
Burns, Reynard.
Sainsbury, Lionel.
Sundin, Håkan,
Bakker, Hans,
Beeler, Charles Alan,
Beeler, Charles Alan,
Rusnak, Christina.
Fletcher, William A.
[24] Direct cytochemical localization of regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase using fluoresceinated catalytic subunit
William H. Fletcher
Tamako A. Ishida
Scott M. Van Patten
Donal A. Walsh
Initiation and Termination of Cyclic Nucleotide Action
Jackie D. Corbin
Roger A. Johnson
Academic Press
Predation potential of the jellyfish Drymonema larsoni Bayha & Dawson (Scyphozoa: Drymonematidae) on the moon jellyfish Aurelia sp. in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Keith M. Bayha
William M. Graham
John E. Higgins III
Heather A. Fletcher
Jellyfish Blooms IV: Interactions with humans and fisheries
Jennifer Purcell
Hermes Mianzan
Jessica R. Frost
Springer Netherlands
Detection of Explosives Residues on Aircraft Boarding Passes
Richard Sleeman
Samantha L. Richards
I. Fletcher A. Burton
John G. Luke
William R. Stott
William R. Davidson
Vapour and Trace Detection of Explosives for Anti-Terrorism Purposes
M. Krausa
Springer Netherlands
5. Head-Injured Males: A Population at Risk for Relationship Aggression?
William J. Warnken, Alan Rosenbaum, Kenneth E. Fletcher, Steven K. Hoge and Steven A. Adelman
Domestic partner abuse /
Hamberger, L. Kevin.
Renzetti, Claire M.
[1996], ©1996.
Springer Pub. Co.,
Motion Sensitive Descending Interneurons, Ocellar LD Neurons and Neck Motoneurons in the Bee: A Neural Substrate for Visual Course Control in Apis mellifera
Lesley J. Goodman
William A. Fletcher
Richard G. Guy
Peter G. Mobbs
Christopher D. J. Pomfrett
Neurobiology and Behavior of Honeybees
Randolf Menzel
Alison Mercer
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Hyperthermic isolation limb perfusion (HILP) in the management of extremity melanoma and sarcoma with particular reference to the dosage, pharmacokinetics, and toxicity of cisplatin
William S. Fletcher
Eugene A. Woltering
H. Stephens Moseley
Gary Bos
Luis Lebredo
David Brown et al.
Osteosarcoma in Adolescents and Young Adults: New Developments and Controversies
G. Bennett Humphrey
H. Schraffordt Koops
W.M. Molenaar
A. Postma
Springer US
In situ regulation of cell-cell communication by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase and protein kinase C
Angela J. Godwin
Lora M. Green
Michael P. Walsh
John R. McDonald
Donal A. Walsh
William H. Fletcher
Reversible Protein Phosphorylation in Cell Regulation
R. L. Khandelwal
J. H. Wang
Springer US
9. Defining the Terminal Classic at Calakmul, Campeche
Geoffrey E. Braswell, Joel D. Gunn, Maria del Rosario, Dominguez Carrasco, William J. Folan, Laraine A. Fletcher, Abel Morales Lopez and Michael D. Glascock
The Terminal Classic in the Maya lowlands: collapse, transition, and transformation /
Demarest, Arthur Andrew.
Rice, Prudence M.
Rice, Don S.
[2004], ©2004.
University Press of Colorado,
Discovering a Human Past, Inventing a Scenic West, 1880-1930. Mesa Verde
Evan S. Connell.The Arcadian Landscapes of Edward S. Curtis /William N. Goetzmann.Mesa, Canon and Pueblo by Charles Fletcher Lummis /Kevin Starr.A Pleasant Fellow in a Not So Pleasant Place: J. Smeaton Chase and His Trail of Good Nature /Patricia Nelson Limerick and Sharyn Wiley Yeoman
Perpetual mirage: photographic narratives of the desert West /
Castleberry, May.
Chávez, John.
Whitney Museum of American Art,
v. 7. [14] Love makes a man
Colley Cibber. 1791. [40] Alzira / François Marie Arouet de Voltaire. 1791. [79] The school for wives / Hugh Kelly. 1793. [81] The school for lovers / William Whitehead. 1793.v. 8. [2] The maid of the mill / Isaac Bickerstaffe. 1791. [11] Rule a wife and have a wife / John Fletcher and Francis Beaumont. 1791. [31] The careless husband / Colley Cibber. 1791. [85] The revenge / Edward Young. 1792
Bell's British theatre: consisting of the most esteemed English plays /
Bell, John,
Printed for and under the direction of George Cawthorn, British Library, Strand,
Pt. 2. Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases. 17. Routine Screening
William T. Branch, Jr. and Robert C. Schlant.18.The Management of Lipoprotein Disorders /W. Virgil Brown and Terry A. Jacobson.19.Tobacco Abuse-Cardiovascular Effects and Strategies for Cessation /Sunil Kripalani and Terry A. Jacobson.20.Exercise Programs and Postmyocardial Infarction Rehabilitation Therapy /Gerald Fletcher.21.Coronary Atherosclerosis-Effects of Aspirin, Oxidative Stress, Alcohol, and Psychological Factors /Thomas M. Guest and W. Robert Taylor.22.The Controversy of Postmenopausal Hormonal Replacement Therapy and Cardiovascular Risk Reduction /Sally E. McNagny and Nanette K. Wenger.23.Obesity /Marlo Di Girolamo and Jacqueline Fine.24.Antibiotic Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Bacterial Endocarditis /Stephen D. Clements and Larry Ray
Cardiology in primary care /
Branch, William T.
[2000], ©2000.
McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Division,
Pt. I. Genetics, Reproduction, and Neonatology. Ch. 1. Human Genome Research and the Responsible Use of New Genetic Knowledge
Eric T. Juengst and James D. Watson. Ch. 2. The Human Genome Initiative and Primary Care / S. Van McCrary and William L. Allen. Ch. 3. Genetics and the Problem of Harm / Jeffrey P. Kahn. Ch. 4. Ethics in Reproductive Genetics / John C. Fletcher and Mark I. Evans. Ch. 5. Reproductive Freedom: Its Nature, Bases, and Limits / Dan W. Brock. Ch. 6. Frozen Embryos and Questions of Implantation / Glenn C. Graber. Ch. 7. Abortion: The Unexplored Middle Ground / Richard A. McCormick. Ch. 8. Social and Ethical Issues in the Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Disorders / Diane Beeson. Ch. 9. Prenatal Screening for Maternal Drug Use / Ray Moseley, Josepha Cheong and Clarice Bell
Health care ethics: critical issues /
Monagle, John F.
Thomasma, David C.,
Aspen Publishers,
Part I. Detection, isolation, and characterization of quorum sensing compounds. Bioassays of quorum sensing compounds using Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Chromobacterium violaceum
Weihua Chu
Dhiraj A. Vattem
Vatsala Maitin
Mary B. Barnes
Robert J.C. McLean. Detection of 2-alkyl-4-quinolones using biosensors / Stephen P. Diggle
Matthew P. Fletcher
Miguel Cámara
Paul Williams. FRET-based biosensors for the detection
quantification of AI-2 class of quorum sensing compounds / Sathish Rajamani
Richard Sayre. Isolation of agr quorum sensing autoinducers / Naomi Balaban. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry for the detection
quantification of N-acyl-L-homoserine lactones
4-hydroxy-2-alkylquinolines / François Lépine
Eric Déziel. Detection of autoinducer (AI-2)-like activity in food samples / Kirthiram K. Sivakumar
Palmy R. Jesudhasan
Suresh D. Pillai. Detection of bacterial signaling molecules in liquid or gaseous environments / Peter Edmonson
Desmond Stubbs
William Hunt. Determination of acyl homoserine lactone
tetramic acid concentrations in biological samples / Colin A. Lowery
Gunnar F. Kaufmann
Kim D. Janda. Luminescent reporters
their applications for the characterization of signals
signal-mimics that alter LasR-mediated quorum sensing / Ali Alagely
Sathish Rajamani
Max Teplitski
Quorum sensing: methods and protocols
Kendra P. Rumbaugh
Humana Press
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries