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> Francis Pott(6:30)
"Francis Pott(6:30)" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 20 of 22 entries
Book Authors
Elegie for horn and piano, FP 168
Francis Poulenc(9:30)
Canti seriosi.
Jeppesen, Nina.
Ziener, Marie,
Nielsen, Carl,
Litaize, Gaston.
Strauss, Franz Josef,
Krol, Bernhard.
Høeberg, Georg.
Poulenc, Francis,
Badings, Henk,
Les soirées de Nazelles
Francis Poulenc (21:30)
Le comble de la distinction /
Jalbert, David,
Poulenc, Francis,
Satie, Erik,
Poulenc, Francis,
Poulenc, Francis,
Poulenc, Francis,
Satie, Erik,
Satie, Erik,
Poulenc, Francis,
Nigra sum sed formosa
Francis Pott(6:30)
In memoriam.
Wilson, Gareth
May, Alexander
Thorpe, Graham
Byrd, William,
Kaner, Matthew,
Wilson, Gareth
Wilson, Gareth
Milstein, Silvina.
Pott, Francis,
Lhéritier, Jean.
Busiakiewicz, Robert,
Keeley, Robert.
Pitts, Antony,
Martin, Matthew,
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da,
Clemens non Papa, Jacobus,
Francis Grier(3:30)
Evensong live 2016.
Tang, Douglas,
Etheridge, Tom,
Cleobury, Stephen,
Parry, C. Hubert H.
Stanford, Charles Villiers,
Vaughan Williams, Ralph,
Walton, William,
Purcell, Henry,
Gibbons, Orlando,
Tye, Christopher,
Leighton, Kenneth,
Tippett, Michael,
Messiaen, Olivier,
Howells, Herbert,
Benjamin, George.
Grier, Francis.
Weir, Judith.
Howells, Herbert,
Suite française. Bransle de Champagne
Francis Poulenc (2:30)
Entrez dans la danse. . . /
Queffélec, Anne,
Dehaene, Gaspard,
Lune d'avril
Francis Poulenc (2:30)
The soldier: from Severn to Somme /
Maltman, Christopher,
Middleton, Joseph
O magnum mysterium
Francis Poulenc (2:30)
Star of wonder: music for the season.
Hooper, Ralph.
Ballard, William.
Reference Recordings,
Sonata for flute and piano
Francis Poulenc (11:30)
Twentieth-century music for flute
Rampal, Jean-Pierre,
Veyron-Lacroix, Robert.
Arma, Paul,
Poulenc, Francis,
Bartók, Béla,
Debussy, Claude,
Prokofiev, Sergey,
Musical Heritage Society,
The star spangled banner
John Stafford Smith, Francis Scott Key (1:30)
2019 FMEA Professional Development Conference.
Guillaume, Sydney,
Gutierrez, Daniel,
Guillaume, Sydney,
Liondev, Petar.
Guillaume, Sydney,
Arnesen, Kim André,
Bernon, Amy F.
Papoulis, Jim.
Smith, Gerald T.
Vivaldi, Antonio,
Main, Ryan.
Got the jitters
John Jacob Loeb, Billy Rose, Paul Francis Webster (2:30)
Where did the magic go?
Dean, Peter.
Monmouth Evergreen,
Pt. III. The Eighteenth Century: Great Britain. 28. Earl of Shaftesbury
Gideon Yaffe.29.George Berkeley /Charles McCracken.30.Francis Hutcheson /Elizabeth S. Radcliffe.31.Bernard Mandeville /Harold J. Cook.32.David Hume /Marina Frasca-Spada.33.Adam Smith /Samuel Fleischacker.34.Thomas Reid /Ronald E. Beanblossom
A companion to early modern philosophy /
Nadler, Steven M.,
Blackwell Pub.,
Sect. V. Hypocoagulable and Hypercoagulable State. 28. Immune Disorders of Platelets
Kenneth A. Schwartz.29.Non-Immune Disorders of Platelets /Paulette Mehta and Stuart Roath.30.Disorders of Prothrombin Conversion /Hidehiko Saito and Junki Takamatsu.31.Factor VIII Defects /Peter S. Smith.32.Factor IX Defects /Elizabeth M. Kurczynski.33.Consumptive Coagulopathies /John L. Francis.34.Thromboembolic States /John L. Francis.35.Fibrinolytic Disorders /Kenneth C. Robbins
Hematology: a problem-oriented approach /
Gross, Samuel.
Roath, Stuart.
[1996], ©1996.
Williams & Wilkins,
The first time out: The challenge
Michel Legrand. Hollywood Cafe Society, '30's party montage: In the mood / Joe Garland. I surrender, dear / Gordon Clifford, Harry Barris. Cheek to cheek / Irving Berlin. My shawl / Xavier Cugat, Stanley Adams. Little girl / Madelin Hyde, Francis Henry. Transition / Michel Legrand
Gable and Lombard: music from the original motion picture soundtrack /
Legrand, Michel,
MCA Records,
Pt. IV. Therapeutic Approach in Acute Heart Failure. 29. Management of Acute and Decompensated Heart Failure
Gary S. Francis.30.Use of Mechanical Devices in Treating Heart Failure /O. H. Frazier and Reynolds M. Delgado III.31.Dialysis and Hemofiltration for Congestive Heart Failure /Thomas A. Golper, Gerry B. Glasco and Bernard J. Canaud.32.Surgical Therapy for Acute Congestive Heart Failure /Elmer Rickey Gibbs and Davis C. Drinkwater, Jr.
Congestive heart failure: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and comprehensive approach to management /
Hosenpud, Jeffrey D.
Greenberg, Barry H.
[2000], ©2000.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
Pt. 4. Crime control I: criminal justice and social policy. 27. On deterrence
James Q. Wilson.28.Giving criminals their just deserts /Andrew von Hirsch.29.The value of rehabilitation /Francis T. Cullen and Karen E. Gilbert.30.'Situational' crime prevention: theory and practice /Ronald V. G. Clarke.31.Social crime prevention strategies in a market society /Elliot Currie.32.Abolitionism and crime control /Willem De Haan.33.The new penology /Malcolm M. Feeley and Jonathan Simon
Criminological perspectives: a reader /
Muncie, John.
McLaughlin, Eugene,
Langan, Mary.
Sage, in association with the Open University,
Pt. V. Slavery and Freedom. 24. The Pueblo Revolt, 1680
Don Antonio de Otermin.25.Fourth of July Address at Reidsville, New York, 1854 /John Wannuaucon Quinney.26.Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World, 1829 /David Walker.27.Prejudices Against People of Color, and Our Duties in Relation to this Subject /Lydia Maria Francis Child.28.Civil Disobedience /Henry David Thoreau.29.Oration, Delivered in Corinthian Hall, Rochester, July 5, 1852 /Frederick Douglass.30.Woman versus the Indian /Anna J. Cooper
American philosophies: an anthology /
Harris, Leonard,
Pratt, Scott L.,
Waters, Anne.
Blackwell Publishers,
Pt. V. Perioperative Management, Techniques, and Applications. 23. Perioperative Monitoring
Ceil E. Vercellino and Leo A. Le Bel.24.Positioning for Anesthesia and Surgery /Celeste G. Villanueva.25.Airway Management /W. Gray McCall.26.Fluid Therapy /Leon F. Deisering.27.Blood and Blood Component Therapy /J. L. Reeves-Viets.28.Techniques of General Anesthesia and Conscious Sedation /Dolores A. Maxey.29.Regional Anesthesia Techniques /Francis R. Gerbasi.30.Postoperative Management and Critical Care /Cecil B. Drain.31.Pain Management /Margaret Faut-Callahan and Louis Heindel.32.Case Planning and Management by Patient Classification /Donna Jean Funke
Principles and practice of nurse anesthesia /
Waugaman, Wynne R.
Foster, Scot Douglas.
Rigor, Benjamin M.
[1999], ©1999.
Appleton & Lange,
Pt. 4. Changing places, changing faces: Demographic warfare?22. The racial and ethnic transformation of the U. S.
Joseph Fallen.23.From MexAmerica to Aztlan /Brent Nelson.24.The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo: Truth and consequences /Gerda Bikales.25.Funding "demographic warfare" /Samuel Francis.26."We shall overwhelm" /Tara Murphy.27.An interview with Jean Raspail /Katharine Betts.28.The Camp of the Saints /Jean Raspail.29.Warnings of weakness and white western suicide /Denis McCormack.30.Raising the national question /Brent Nelson.31.Brimelow drops "the big one" /Ira Mehlman.32.Om mane padme hum: Tibet and the final solution /Denis McCormack.
Immigration and the social contract: the implosion of Western societies /
Tanton, John,
McCormack, Denis.
Smith, Joseph Wayne.
[1996], ©1996.
Pt. 3. Occupational asthma, respiratory illness due to dust exposures, and organic dust diseases. 21. Assessment of airway responsiveness relevant to occupational exposures
Susan M. Tarlo, Neil Alexis and Frances Silverman.22.Mechanisms of occupational asthma /Chris Stenton, Gavin Spickett and David Hendrick.23.Occupational asthma due to low-molecular weight compounds /P. Maestrelli, M. Saetta and C. E. Mapp [et al.].24.Isocyanate-induced asthma /Cristina E. Mapp.25.Occupational asthma due to high-molecular weight agents /Jeremy R. Beach, Francis Thien and E. Hadyn Walters.26.Urban epidemic asthma /Josep M. Anto and Jordi Sunyer.27.The effects of cotton dust on the lung /Ragnar Rylander.28.Byssinosis in India and the developing world /Rohini V. Chowgule.29.Hypersensitivity pneumonitis /John E. Salvaggio, Ann E. Vockroth and Manuel Lopez.30.Acute toxic chemical exposures: mechanisms and outcomes /Paul Cullinan and A. J. Newman Taylor
Occupational lung disease: an international perspective /
Banks, Daniel E.
Parker, John E.
Chapman & Hall Medical,
Sect. F. Kidney Transplantation. Ch. 25. Transplantation Immunobiology
Mohamed H. Sayegh and Alan M. Krensky.Ch. 26.Current Results and Determinants of Graft Outcome in Kidney Transplantation /John P. Vella and Charles B. Carpenter.Ch. 27.Evaluation of Potential Renal Transplant Candidates and Donors /Dianne B. McKay and Edgar L. Milford.Ch. 28.Surgical Aspects of Renal Transplantation /Dicken S. C. Ko and Francis L. Delmonico.Ch. 29.Induction Immunosuppressive Therapy /Ahmed M. Alkhunaizi and Douglas J. Norman.Ch. 30.Current and Emerging Maintenance Immunosuppressive Therapy /Simin Goral and J. Harold Helderman.Ch. 31.Diagnosis and Therapy of Graft Dysfunction /Gabriel M. Danovitch and Cynthia Nast.Ch. 32.Infection in the Renal Transplant Recipient /Nina E. Tolkoff-Rubin and Robert H. Rubin.Ch. 33.Medical Complications of Kidney Transplantation /V. Ram Peddi and M. Roy First.Ch. 34.Recurrent and De Novo Renal Disease in Kidney Transplantation /Yvonne M. O'Meara and Rosemary Masterson.Ch. 35.Pediatric Renal Transplantation /Amir Tejani and William E. Harmon.Ch. 36.Xenotransplantation: Prospects for Clinical Application /Jeffrey H. Lawson and Jeffrey L. Platt.
Dialysis and transplantation: a companion to Brenner & Rector's the kidney /
Owen, William F.
Pereira, Brian J. G.
Sayegh, Mohamed H.
[2000], ©2000.
W.B. Saunders,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 20 of 22 entries