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> George D. Pamplona-Roger
"George D. Pamplona-Roger" appeared in Books and Chapters
entries per page
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 entries
Enjoy it: foods for healing and prevention
George D. Pamplona-Roger
Review and Herald Pub. Assn.;Editorial Safeliz
Plants That Heal
George D. Pamplona-Roger
December 2004
Review & Herald Publishing
Anglo-American folksong style
Roger D. Abrahams, George Foss
Intelligence and the national security strategist: enduring issues and challenges /
George, Roger Z.,
Kline, Robert D.,
Rowman & Littlefield,
A singer and her songs: Almeda Riddle's book of ballads
Almeda Riddle, Roger D. Abrahams, George Foss
Louisiana State University Press
The 69th annual Midwest Clinic 2015.
Nichols, Todd,
Crain, Richard C.,
Silvester, William H.,
Keene, James F.,
Warshafsky, Adam,
Stamp, Jack.
Nixon, Roger,
Yagisawa, Satoshi,
Warren, George William,
Spaniola, Joseph T.
Grant, Tyler S.
Gould, Morton,
Ziek, Gary D.
Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich,
Standridge, Randall,
Bryant, Steven,
Goldman, Edwin Franko,
Statistics In the Pharmaceutical Industry
Ronald J. Bosch
C. Ralph Buncher
Shein-Chung Chow
Satya D. Dubey
Jia-Yeong Tsay
Charles Dunnett
Peter H. Van Ewijk
Roger E. Flora
Paul S. Horn
Irving K. Hwang
Karl Lin
Cynthia G. McCormick
Mamoru Narukawa
Robert T. O&s
Gordon W. Pledger
Weichung Joe Shih
Ted M. Smith
Yi Tsong
Lianng Yuh
Kim E. Zerba
John Constant
Mirza W. Ali
Chi-wan Chen
Wen Jen Chen
Yusong Chen
George Y. H. Chi
Charles Goldsmith
Bernhard Huitfeldt
Roswitha E. Kelly
K. K. Gordon Lan
Tsae-Yun D. Lin
Qing Liu
Amadeo J. Pesce
C. Frank Shen
Masahiro Takeuchi
Daphne T. Lin
T. Timothy Chen
Intelligence and the National Security Strategist: Enduring Issues and Challenges.
George, Roger Z.
Kline, Robert D.
Aid, Matthew M.
Andrew, Christopher M.
Bromwich, Michael R.
Bruce, James B.
Cogan, Charles G.
Davis, Jack.
Dehqanzada, Yahya A.
Donley, Michael B.
Florini, Ann M.
Fort, Randall M.
Friedman, Richard S.
Gannon, John C.
Goodman, Glenn W., Jr.
Handel, Michael I.
Harris, James W.
Imler, Norman B.
Johnson, Loch K.
Jones, Garrett.
Kindsvater, Larry C.
Koch, Andrew.
Lowenthal, Mark M.
Macartney, John D.
Medina, Carmen A.
Montgomery, John.
O'Leary, Cornelius.
Olson, James M.
C.Ott, Marvin.
Petersen, Martin.
Probst, Reed R.
Rishikof, Harvey.
Rosello, Victor M.
Russell, Richard L.
Shreeve, Thomas W.
Snider, L. Brit.
Warner, Michael.
Williams, Anthony R.
Wirtz, James J.
Zegart, Amy B.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
Handbook of ZOONOSES: Section A: Bacterial, Rickettsial, Chlamydial, and Mycotic
George W. Beran
David Dennis
Allan C. Pier
Miodrag Ristic
Jim C. Williams
Elmer H. Marth
Dwight W. Lambe, Jr.
Simon M. Shane
Loren A. Will
Rance LeFebvre
Jennifer Greenier
Libero Ajello
Michael G. Groves
Kathleen S. Harrington
Georg Kapperud
Richard L. Wood
Arvind A. Padhye
James Harlan Steele
Clifford Wray
J. Stephen Dumler
Julie A. Rawlings
Keith A. Clark
Jack D. Poland
Thomas J. Quan
Allan M. Barnes
David K. Blackmore
Stan Fenwick
Magne Bisgaard
Don A. Franco
Wilhelm Frederiksen
Peter Gallien
James E. Grimes
Matthias Hartung
Anna K. Hopla
Cluff E. Hopla
Martin E. Hugh-Jones
Alan R. Katz
Wesley E. Kloos
R. Victor Lachica
Susan E. Lance
Donald W. Luchsinger
Walter Mannheim
C. John Mare
Roger B. Marshall
Hugh E. Metcalf
Charles R. Middleton
David A. Miller
Reinier Mutters
Gary D. Osweiler
S. R. Pattyn
Winthrop C. Ray
Vanessa Sanchez
David Sasaki
Emmet B. Schotts
Glenn H. Snoeyenbos
Charles O. Thoen
Michael Torten
Irene V. Wesley
Howard W. Whitford
David E. Williams
Science fiction A to Z: a dictionary of the great s. f. themes
Isaac Asimov
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles Waugh
Tom Godwin
Roger Zelazny
Alan Dean Foster
Richard Matheson
Fredric Brown
L. Sprague De Camp
Fritz Leiber
Robert Sheckley
Poul Anderson
Arthur C. Clarke
Christopher Anvil
Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger
Brian W. Aldiss
Lee Correy
Andre Norton (duplicate)
Gordon R. Dickson
Ed McBain
William F. Nolan
Eric Frank Russell
Robert F. Young
Katherine MacLean
Joseph Willard Schutz
Anne McCaffrey
Jack Sharkey
Ray Bradbury
Piers Anthony
H. G. Wells
Steven Utley
Howard Waldrop
Rog Phillips
Harlan Ellison
Charles L. Fontenay
Alexei Panshin
H. L. Gold
Raymond E. Banks
James E. Gunn
Fred Saberhagen
Bob Shaw
Richard E. Peck
Theodore Sturgeon
Chad Oliver
George H. Smith
Jerome Bixby
Suzette Haden Elgin
Clifford D. Simak
William Sambrot
Harry Harrison
A. Bertram Chandler
L. J. Stecher Jr.
Theodore Cogswell
Houghton Mifflin
100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories
Isaac Asimov
Martin H. Greenberg
Joseph D. Olander
Cyril M. Kornbluth
Larry Niven
Charles E. Fritch
Bill Pronzini
George R. R. Martin
Jerome Bixby
Ambrose Bierce
Edward D. Hoch
Alexei Panshin
Martin Gardner
Steven Utley
Gregory Benford
Richard Wilson
Robert Sheckley
Roger Zelazny
Damon Knight
Reginald Bretnor
Frederik Pohl
Laurence M. Janifer
James Blish
Joanna Russ
Ray Russell
Edward Wellen
Donald E. Westlake
Ben Bova
Barry N. Malzberg
Fred Saberhagen
Fritz Leiber
Karen Anderson
Bob Shaw
William F. Nolan
Henry Slesar
Dannie Plachta
Edward Rager
Hayford Peirce
Jeffrey S. Hudson
Walter S. Tevis
James Edward Sutherland
Joe L. Hensley
Duane Ackerson
Stephen Goldin
Robert Emmett Toomey Jr.
Alfred Bester
Anthony Boucher
Nelson Slade Bond
F. M. Busby
Maggie Nadler
Grant Carrington
Keith Laumer
E. Michael Blake
James E. Gunn
Paul Dellinger
Lee Killough
Thomas F. Monteleone
Robert T. Kurosaka
James E. Thompson
Robert L. Fish
Bruce McAllister
Paul Bond
Mildred Downey Broxon
Alan Edward Nourse
David Bischoff
Ralph Milne Farley
Daniel A. Darlington
Walt Liebscher
K. W. MacAnn
September 1980
Pan Books
100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories
Isaac Asimov
Martin H. Greenberg
Joseph D. Olander
Cyril M. Kornbluth
Larry Niven
Charles E. Fritch
Bill Pronzini
George R. R. Martin
Jerome Bixby
Ambrose Bierce
Edward D. Hoch
Alexei Panshin
Martin Gardner
Steven Utley
Gregory Benford
Richard Wilson
Robert Sheckley
Roger Zelazny
Damon Knight
Reginald Bretnor
Frederik Pohl
Laurence M. Janifer
James Blish
Joanna Russ
Ray Russell
Edward Wellen
Donald E. Westlake
Ben Bova
Barry N. Malzberg
Fred Saberhagen
Fritz Leiber
Karen Anderson
Bob Shaw
William F. Nolan
Henry Slesar
Dannie Plachta
Edward Rager
Hayford Peirce
Jeffrey S. Hudson
Walter S. Tevis
James Edward Sutherland
Joe L. Hensley
Duane Ackerson
Stephen Goldin
Robert Emmett Toomey Jr.
Alfred Bester
Anthony Boucher
Nelson Slade Bond
F. M. Busby
Maggie Nadler
Grant Carrington
Keith Laumer
E. Michael Blake
James E. Gunn
Paul Dellinger
Lee Killough
Thomas F. Monteleone
Robert T. Kurosaka
James E. Thompson
Robert L. Fish
Bruce McAllister
Paul Bond
Mildred Downey Broxon
Alan Edward Nourse
David Bischoff
Ralph Milne Farley
Daniel A. Darlington
Walt Liebscher
K. W. MacAnn
October 1985
Avon Books
Systems, Controls, Embedded Systems, Energy, and Machines
Ronald J. Tallarida
Richard C. Dorf
Richard C. Dorf
George Karady
K. Neil Stanton
Evelyn P. Rozanski
William L. Brogan
R. Lal Tummala
Cary R. Spitzer
George E. Cook
Myron Kayton
Rao S. Thallam
Ty A. Lasky
William H. Kersting
Richard Zurawski
Linda Sue Boehmer
Jos Arrillaga
Karen Blades
Christopher P. Arnold
Andrew Hanson
Svetlana N. Yanushkevich
Johan H. R. Enslin
Rama Chellappa
Ioan Serban
Ion Boldea
Arun G. Phadke
J. Duncan Glover
Anjan Bose
Mohamed E. El-Hawary
R. B. Gungor
Charles A. Gross
Gordon K.F. Lee
Raymond G. Jacquot
Andrew P. Sage
T. C. Hsia
Cornelius T. Leondes
Dan Martinec
Nicholas G. Odrey
Jay C. Giri
Royce D. Harbor
John E. McInroy
Derek P. Atherton
Thomas R. Kurfess
Rama Ramakumar
Charles Phillips
Leonard L. Grigsby
Neville R. Watson
Elias G. Strangas
Braden Allenby
Hitay Ozbay
Roger Messenger
Jerry Ventre
Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury
Gregor Hoogers
Vyacheslav P. Tuzlukov
Alvin M. Strauss
Thomas Allen Short
Thomas R. Mancini
Dariusz Ucinski
Vlad P. Shmerko
Kleanthis Thramboulidis
Mikael Nolin
Thomas Nolte
Reginald Crawford
David R. Delapp
Yong Deak Kim
Won-Sik Yoon
Michele Blazek
Mehdi Ferdowsi
Hans Hanson
Shaohua Kevin Zhou
Anne R. Haake
Iatrogenicity: Causes and Consequences of Iatrogenesis in Cardiovascular Medicine
Fatima Ali
Uzair Ansari
Gloria Bachmann
George L Bakris
Joseph A Barone
Stefan Baumann
Tobias Becher
Michael Behnes
Edo Y Birati
Chrysoula Boutari
Giovanni Campanile
Haiming Cao
Kyriakos Dimitriadis
Jeanne M Dobrzynski
Christina Dosch
Michael Doumas
Camilo Fernandez
Christie Fleetwood
Aatish Garg
Thomas D Giles
Miriam A Gonzalez-Siegel
Guido Grassi
Georg Gussak
Maria L Gussak
Yuya Hagiwiara
Evelyn R Hermes-DeSantis
Konstantinos Imprialos
Vibha Iyengar
Ahad Jahangir
Mariell Jessup
Stephen K Jones
Rigas G Kalaitzidis
Ariba Khan
Dimitris Kostantinidis
William J Kostis
Rajesh Kumar
Jurgen Kushyck
Pauline O Lerma
Volker Liebe
Dirk Loznitzer
Thomas Makris
Michael Malone
Giuseppe Mancia
Jawahar L. Mehta
Abel E Moreyra
Aalap Narichania
Michael S Nolledo
Vasilios Papademetriou
Theano Papavassiliu
Neela Patel
Hakan Paydak
VJ Periyakoil
Nancy Phillips
Naga Venkata Pothineni
Margaret Rees
Susanne Roger
Boris Rudic
Gary E Sander
Teodoro V Santiago
Gino Seravalle
Win K Shen
Konstantinos Stavropoulos
Sulaiman Sultan
A Jamil Tajik
Costas Thomopoulos
Dimitris Tousoulis
Kostantinos P Tsioufis
Erol Tulumen
Nikolaos Vogiatzakis
Thomas J Watson
Yasuhiro Yokoyama
Ihor B. Gussak
John B. Kostis
Ibrahim Akin
Martin Borggrefe
Giovanni Campanile
Arshad Jahangir
William J Kostis
Gan-Xin Yan
Rutgers University Press
Dictionnaire de Michel de Montaigne
Desan Philippe
Almquist Katherine
Arnould Jean-Claude
Balsamo Jean
Banderier Gilles
Barsi Monica
Basset Bérengère
Bauschatz Cathleen M.
Bellenger Yvonne
Berns Thomas
Bettoni Anna
Beuchat Robin
Bjaï Denis
Blum Claude
Boccassini Daniela
Boucher Jacqueline
Boutcher Warren
Brahami Frédéric
Brancher Dominique
Brooks Jeanice
Cappa Carlo
Cavallini Concetta
Chardin Marc-Henri
Charpentier Françoise
Chenoweth Kathryn
Clément Michèle
Cocula-Vaillières Anne-Marie
Conley Tom
Cooper Richard
Coulombel Arnaud
Courcelles Dominique de
Couturas Claire
Couzinet Marie-Dominique
Crescenzo Richard
Daussy Hugues
De Smet Ingrid A. R.
Defaux Gérard
Demonet Marie-Luce
Desan Philippe
Dionne Valérie M.
Dotoli Giovanni
Dubois Claude-Gilbert
Eichel-Lojkine Patricia
Foglia Marc
Fontana Biancamaria
Ford Philip
Frisch Andrea
Geonget Stéphan
Giocanti Sylvia
Gontier Thierry
Gorris Camos Rosanna
Goyet Francis
Graves Amy
Gray Floyd
Guerrier Olivier
Habert Mireille
Hoffmann George
Hurlburt Sarah
Ithurria Etienne
Jeanneret Michel
Jouanna Arlette
Krause Virginia
Krazek Rafal
Kritzman Lawrence D.
Langer Ullrich
Le Person Xavier
Lecointe Jean
Legros Alain
Leray François
Lestringant Frank
Liaroutzos Chantal
MacPhail Eric
Magill Michèle
Magnard Pierre
Magnien Michel
Magnien-Simonin Catherine
Marchi Dudley
Markovits Pessel Francine
Mathias Paul
McKinley Mary B.
Melehy Hassan
Ménager Daniel
Méniel Bruno
Miernowski Jan
Millet Olivier
Miyakawa Shinya
Moureau François
Naya Emmanuel
O'Brien John
Panichi Nicola
Pessel André
Petey-Girard Bruno
Phillips Joshua
Poirier Jean-Louis
Pot Olivier
Pouilloux Jean-Yves
Preda Alessandra
Reeser Todd
Rigolot François
Roger-Vasselin Bruno
Romão Rui Bertrand
Roose Alexander
Russell Nicolas
Schachter Marc
Schneikert Élisabeth
Séguier-Leblanc Catherine
Sellevold Kirsti
Sève Bernard
Shannon Laurie
Smith Paul J.
Sozzi Lionello
Tarrête Alexandre
Ternaux Jean-Claude
Tournon And
Classiques Garnier
Dictionnaire Montaigne
Desan Philippe
Almquist Katherine
Arnould Jean-Claude
Balsamo Jean
Banderier Gilles
Barsi Monica
Basset Bérengère
Bauschatz Cathleen M.
Bellenger Yvonne
Berns Thomas
Bettoni Anna
Beuchat Robin
Bjaï Denis
Blum Claude
Boccassini Daniela
Boucher Jacqueline
Boutcher Warren
Brahami Frédéric
Brancher Dominique
Brooks Jeanice
Cappa Carlo
Cavallini Concetta
Chardin Marc-Henri
Charpentier Françoise
Chenoweth Kathryn
Clément Michèle
Cocula-Vaillières Anne-Marie
Conley Tom
Cooper Richard
Coulombel Arnaud
Courcelles Dominique de
Couturas Claire
Couzinet Marie-Dominique
Crescenzo Richard
Daussy Hugues
De Smet Ingrid A. R.
Defaux Gérard
Demonet Marie-Luce
Desan Philippe
Dionne Valérie M.
Dotoli Giovanni
Dubois Claude-Gilbert
Eichel-Lojkine Patricia
Foglia Marc
Fontana Biancamaria
Ford Philip
Frisch Andrea
Geonget Stéphan
Giocanti Sylvia
Gontier Thierry
Gorris Camos Rosanna
Goyet Francis
Graves Amy
Gray Floyd
Guerrier Olivier
Habert Mireille
Hoffmann George
Hurlburt Sarah
Ithurria Etienne
Jeanneret Michel
Jouanna Arlette
Krause Virginia
Krazek Rafal
Kritzman Lawrence D.
Langer Ullrich
Le Person Xavier
Lecointe Jean
Legros Alain
Leray François
Lestringant Frank
Liaroutzos Chantal
MacPhail Eric
Magill Michèle
Magnard Pierre
Magnien Michel
Magnien-Simonin Catherine
Marchi Dudley
Markovits Pessel Francine
Mathias Paul
McKinley Mary B.
Melehy Hassan
Ménager Daniel
Méniel Bruno
Miernowski Jan
Millet Olivier
Miyakawa Shinya
Moureau François
Naya Emmanuel
O'Brien John
Panichi Nicola
Pessel André
Petey-Girard Bruno
Phillips Joshua
Poirier Jean-Louis
Pot Olivier
Pouilloux Jean-Yves
Preda Alessandra
Reeser Todd
Rigolot François
Roger-Vasselin Bruno
Romão Rui Bertrand
Roose Alexander
Russell Nicolas
Schachter Marc
Schneikert Élisabeth
Séguier-Leblanc Catherine
Sellevold Kirsti
Sève Bernard
Shannon Laurie
Smith Paul J.
Sozzi Lionello
Tarrête Alexandre
Ternaux Jean-Claude
Tournon And
Classiques Garnier
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries
Book Authors
Introduction: teaching intelligence
Roger Z. George and Robert D. Kline
Intelligence and the national security strategist: enduring issues and challenges /
George, Roger Z.,
Kline, Robert D.,
Rowman & Littlefield,
17. How Can Knowledge of Psychopathology Facilitate Psychotherapy Integration? A View from the Personality Disorders
Theodore Millon, George Everly and Roger D. Davis.
Personality and psychopathology: building a clinical science: selected papers of Theodore Millon.
Millon, Theodore.
[1996], ©1996.
J. Wiley & Sons,
The CEPEX Approach and Its Implications for Future Studies in Plankton Ecology
Michael R. Reeve
George D. Grice
Roger P. Harris
Marine Mesocosms: Biological and Chemical Research in Experimental Ecosystems
George D. Grice
Michael R. Reeve
Springer New York
11. A National Study of Science Curriculum Effectiveness With High Ability Students
Joyce VanTassel-Baska
George Bass
Roger Rics
Donna Poland
Linda D. Avery
Curriculum for Gifted and Talented Students
Joyce VanTassel-Baska
Sally M. Reis, Series Editor
Corwin Press
A Giant Carbon Dioxide Accumulation in the Norphlet Formation, Pisgah Anticline, Mississippi
Joseph R. J. Studlick
Roger D. Shew
George L. Basye
Johnny R. Ray
Sandstone Petroleum Reservoirs
John H. Barwis
John G. McPherson
Joseph R. J. Studlick
Springer New York
Sensing Contact Constraints in a Worm-like Robot by Detecting Load Anomalies
Akhil Kandhari
Andrew D. Horchler
George S. Zucker
Kathryn A. Daltorio
Hillel J. Chiel
Roger D. Quinn
Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems: 5th International Conference, Living Machines 2016, Edinburgh, UK, July 19-22, 2016. Proceedings
Nathan F. Lepora
Anna Mura
Michael Mangan
Paul F.M.J. Verschure
Marc Desmulliez
Tony J. Prescott
1st ed. 2016
Springer International Publishing
Challenge to the Established Curriculum: A Collection of Reflections
Robert Gould
Roger D. Peng
Frauke Kreuter
Randall Pruim
Jeff Witmer
George W. Cobb
International Handbook of Research in Statistics Education
Dani Ben-Zvi
Katie Makar
Joan Garfield
1st ed. 2018
Springer International Publishing
Trophic Interactions and Production Processes in Natural Zooplankton Communities in Enclosed Water Columns
Roger P. Harris
Michael R. Reeve
George D. Grice
Geoffrey T. Evans
Victoria R. Gibson
John R. Beers et al.
Marine Mesocosms: Biological and Chemical Research in Experimental Ecosystems
George D. Grice
Michael R. Reeve
Springer New York
Sect. 5. Special Approaches and Treatment Programs. 35. Alcoholics Anonymous and Other 12-Step Groups
Chad D. Emrick.36.Inpatient Treatment /Roger D. Weiss.37.Employee Assistance Programs and Other Workplace Interventions /Paul M. Roman and Terry C. Blum.38.Community-Based Treatment /Jonathan I. Ritvo and James H. Shore.39.Therapeutic Communities /George De Leon
The American Psychiatric Press textbook of substance abuse treatment /
Galanter, Marc.
Kleber, Herbert D.
[1999], ©1999.
American Psychiatric Press,
Environmental Cognition
Reginald G. Golledge
Reginald G. Golledge
Gary T. Moore
Ronald Briggs
Martin T. Cadwallader
Ann S. Devlin
David L. George
Georgia Zannaras
Aleira Kreimer
Gary T. Moore
Alfred J. Nigl
Harold D. Fishbein
Roger Peters
Susan Saegert
Environmental Design Research: Symposia and Workshops
Wolfgang Preiser
Lucy F. Ackert
Robin Boadway
Giorgio Brosio
Elena Cettolin
Roger D. Congleton
Léonard Dudley
Ann B. Gillette
Bernard Grofman
Walter Hettich
Edgar Kiser
John O. Ledyard
Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
Michael McKee
Michael C. Munger
Mark Rider
Arno Riedl
Saloua Sehili
Stergios Skaperdas
George Tridimas
John Joseph Wallis
Stanley L. Winer
George R. Zodrow
Coercion and Social Welfare in Public Finance: Economic and Political Perspectives
Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
Stanley L. Winer
Cambridge University Press
Jason Abbott
Ian Adam
Sawsan As-Sanie
Andrea Mechanick Braverman
Ying Cheong
Andrew Flower
Margaret E. Harpham
William Ledger
George Lewith
Dimitrios Mavrelos
J. Biba Nijjar
Corinne Owers
Ross Pagano
William D. Petok
Jörgen Quaghebeur
Nick Raine-Fenning
Alison Richardson
Roger Robert
Ertan Saridogan
William D. Schlaff
Thierry G. Vancaillie
Audrey Wang
Brett Worly
Chronic Pelvic Pain
William Ledger
William D. Schlaff
Thierry G. Vancaillie
Cambridge University Press
The business education curriculum: methods and resources. Input technologies
Margaret J. Erthal
Nancy Zeliff
Information technology / George A. Mundrake
Communication / Bobbye J. Davis
Clarice P. Brantley
business computation / Carol Blaszczynski
Patrick M. Borja
Basic business
management / Betty J. Brown
personal finance / Roger Luft
Business law / Paul Sukys
Entrepreneurship / C. Bruce Kavan
International business / Les Dlabay
Marketing / William Wilhelm
Cooperative education
work-experience programs / Allen D. Truell
Effective methods of teaching business education
M. H. Rader
Glenn A. Bailey
Linda A. Kurth
National Business Education Association
Robert C. Albright
Joe Arrowsmith
Constantine Athanasuleas
Ashish A Bartakke
Gerald D. Buckberg
Victoria Chilton
Simon Colah
Kevin Collins
David Cook
Kirsty Dempster
Helen Dunningham
Liza Enriquez
Betsy Evans
Steve Gray
Roger Hall
George Hallward
Charles W. Hogue
Brian Keogh
James Keogh
Andrew Klein
G. Burkhard Mackensen
Sukumaran Nair
Barbora Parizkova
Giles J Peek
Susanna Price
Linda Shore-Lesserson
Andrew Snell
Steven Tsui
John Wallwork
Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Sunit Ghosh
Florian Falter
David J. Cook
Cambridge University Press
Louise Arseneault
Sagnik Bhattacharyya
Mary Cannon
Maria Grazia Cascio
David Castle
Suman Chandra
Carolyn Coffey
David Copolov
Dean Brian
Louisa Degenhardt
Marta Di Forti
Mahmoud ElSohly
Ismael Galve-Roperh
Wayne Hall
Lumir Hanus
Cécile Henquet
Leanne Hides
Leslie Iversen
Wynne James
David J. Kavanagh
Koethe Dagmar
Rebecca Kuepper
Don Linszen
Valentina Lorenzetti
Dan Lubman
Michael Lynskey
Philip McGuire
Raphael Mechoulam
Zlatko Mehmedic
Paul Morrison
Kim T. Mueser
Sir Robin M. Murray
George Patton
Roger Pertwee
Nicole Pesa
Mohini Ranganathan
Miriam Schneider
Andrew Sewell
Silberberg Carol
Patrick D. Skosnik
Desmond Slade
Nadia Solowij
Deepak Cyril D’Souza
Sundram Suresh
Thérèse van Ameisvoort
van Os Jim
Verdoux Hélène
Murat Yücel
Zammit Stanley
Marijuana and Madness
David Castle
Robin M. Murray
Deepak Cyril D'Souza
Cambridge University Press
European and American Philosophers
John Marenbon
Douglas Kellner
Richard D. Parry
Gregory Schufreider
Ralph McInerny
Andrea Nye
R. M. Dancy
Vernon J. Bourke
A. A. Long
James F. Harris
Thomas Oberdan
Paul S. MacDonald
Véronique M. Fóti
F. Rosen
James Dye
Pete A. Y. Gunter
Lisa J. Downing
W. J. Mander
Peter Simons
Maurice Friedman
Robert C. Solomon
Nigel Love
Mary Pickering
Andrew Reck
Simon J. Evnine
Iakovos Vasiliou
John C. Coker
Georges Dicker
James Gouinlock
Paul J. Welty
Gianluigi Oliveri
Jack Zupko
Tom Rockmore
Wayne M. Martin
Ladelle McWhorter
Hans-Johann Glock
Georgia Warnke
John Haldane
Joseph S. Ullian
Steven Rieber
David Ingram
Nick Fotion
George Rainbolt
Thomas Sheehan
Gerald J. Massey
Barbara D. Massey
David E. Cooper
David Gauthier
James M. Humber
J. N. Mohanty
Michael H. Dearmey
Oswald O. Schrag
Ralf Meerbote
George J. Stack
John P. Burgess
Paul Hoyningen-Huene
Nicholas Jolley
Adriaan T. Peperzak
E. J. Lowe
William D. Richardson
Stephen Mulhall
Gary L. Cesarz
John V. Canfield
Daisie Radner
Allen W. Wood
Hugh J. Silverman
Geoffrey Scarre
Avrum Stroll
Richard Schacht
John Shand
Anthony Levi
Robert Almeder
C. D. C. Reeve
Lloyd P. Gerson
Mark A. Notturno
Douglas G. Winblad
Roger F. Gibson
Thomas W. Pogge
William L. Rowe
G. B. Madison
Kai Nielsen
Robert Wokler
Bert P. Helm
Peter Hylton
William Lyons
William R. Schroeder
Judith Norman
John Beversluis
Genevieve Lloyd
Donald Phillip Verene
Lewis S. Ford
P. M. S. Hacker
Linda A. Bell
Companion to the Philosophers
Robert L. Arrington
John Wiley & Sons
Notes on Contributors
Charles Altieri
Faith Barrett
Alfred Bendixen
David Bergman
Edward Brunner
Stephen Burt
Susan Castillo Street
Michael C. Cohen
Robert Daly
Betty Booth Donohue
Jim Egan
Richard Flynn
Ed Folsom
Stephen Fredman
Frank Gado
Roger Gilbert
Rigoberto González
Nick Halpern
Jeffrey A. Hammond
Kevin J. Hayes
Matthew Hofer
Tyler Hoffman
Christoph Irmscher
Virginia Jackson
Joseph Jonghyun Jeon
John D. Kerkering
George S. Lensing
Mary Loeffelholz
Wendy Martin
Cristanne Miller
David Chioni Moore
Walton Muyumba
John Timberman Newcomb
Bob Perelman
Siobhan Phillips
Brian M. Reed
Elizabeth Renker
Eliza Richards
Reena Sastri
Robin G. Schulze
Mark Scroggins
David E. E. Sloane
Angela Sorby
Juliana Spahr
Willard Spiegelman
Lisa M. Steinman
Ernest Suarez
Joseph T. Thomas
Lesley Wheeler
David Wojahn
The Cambridge History of American Poetry
Alfred Bendixen
Stephen Burt
Cambridge University Press
Pt. II. Professional Practice. Ch. 18. Psychology in the War (1946)
Walter S. Hunter.Ch. 19.Psychology and the Newspaper Man (1952) /Alton L. Blakeslee.Ch. 20.Therapy in Soviet Psychiatric Hospitals (1953) /Ivan D. London.Ch. 21.The Discovery and Encouragement of Exceptional Talent (1954) /Lewis M. Terman.Ch. 22.Some Thoughts on Television as an Educational Tool (1955) /George J. Wischner and Ivan H. Scheier.Ch. 23.Behavior Control and Social Responsibility (1962) /Leonard Krasner.Ch. 24.Instructional Technology and the Measurement of Learning Outcomes: Some Questions (1963) /Robert Glaser.Ch. 25.The Psychologist as an Expert Witness on the Issue of Insanity (1964) /Ray Jeffery.Ch. 26.Jean Piaget and the World of the Child (1966) /Read D. Tuddenham.Ch. 27.Psychology, Psychologists, and Psychological Testing (1967) /Anne Anastasi.Ch. 28.Schizophrenia, Language, and Reality (1973) /Roger Brown.Ch. 29.A Reconsideration of Context: Perspectives on Prediction - Mote in the Eye (1977) /Mary Kay Lane.Ch. 30.Family Experience and the Child's Development (1979) /Jerome Kagan.Ch. 31.Introducing Psychology (1984) /Henry Gleitman.Ch. 32.Back to the Future in the Education and Training of Psychologists (1989) /Florence L. Denmark.Ch. 33.Health Psychology: The Science and the Field (1990) /Shelley E. Taylor.Ch. 34.Development During Adolescence: The Impact of Stage-Environment Fit on Young Adolescents' Experiences in Schools and in Families (1993) /Jacquelynne S. Eccles, Carol Midgley and Allan Wigfield [et al.]
The evolution of psychology: fifty years of the American psychologist /
Notterman, Joseph M.
[1997], ©1997.
American Psychological Association,
and In-Line
David L. Muller, Per A. F. H. Renstrom and John I. B. Pyne. 27. Judo and Karate-do / Joseph F. Fetto. 28. Lacrosse / Leslie S. Matthews and Roger H. Michael. 29. Nordic and Alpine Skiing / Lars-Gunnar Elmqvist, Robert J. Johnson, Michael J. Kaplan and Per A. F. H. Renstrom.30. Paragliding and Hang Gliding / Douglas H. Hildreth, Linda L. Hildreth, Mark W. Shipman and Robert P. Wills. 31. Power Lifting, Weight Lifting, and Body Building / Thomas C. Namey and Peter J. Carek. 32. Racquet Sports / W. Benjamin Kibler and T. Jeff Chandler. 33. Rugby / J. P. R. Williams. 34. Running / David N. M. Caborn, Larry J. Grollman, John A. Nyland and Tony Brosky. 35. Scuba Diving / Kevin O'Toole. 36. Soccer / John H. Lohnes, William E. Garrett, Jr. and Raymond R. Monto. 37. Surfing / David A. Stone. 38. Swimming / Peter J. Fowler. 39. Track and Field / Jerome V. Ciullo and Jeffrey D. Shapiro. 40. Triathalon / Mary L. O'Toole and T. David Sisk. 41. Volleyball / E. Lee Rice and Kenneth L. Anderson III. 42. Water Skiing / Noelle Grace, Ross Outerbridge, John F. Pepper and Wally Sokolowski. 43. Wrestling / Mark C. Mysnyk and George A. Snook
Sports injuries: mechanisms, prevention, treatment /
Fu, Freddie H.
Stone, David A.
[1994], ©1994.
Williams & Wilkins,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries