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> Helm, Richard
"Helm, Richard" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 11 of 11 entries
Planning guide for wastewater cluster systems in Illinois
Richard Helm
Illinois Dept. of Energy and Natural Resources
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)
Erich Gamma
John Vlissides
Richard Helm
Ralph Johnson
January 15, 1995
Addison-Wesley Professional
Design patterns: Elements of reusable object orientated software
Erich Gamma
John Vlissides
Richard Helm
Ralph Johnson
Padrões de Projetos: Soluções Reutilizáveis
Gamma, Erich & johnson, Ralph & Helm, Richard & Vlissides, john
Bookman, Ttg Gn
Design patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented software = She ji mo shi: ke fu yong mian xiang dui xiang ruan jian de ji chu
Erich Gamma
John Vlissides
Richard Helm
Ralph Johnson
Ji xie gong ye chu ban she
C# - Gang Of Four - Design Patterns, Elements Of Reusable Object Oriented Software
Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John M. Vlissides
Addison-Wesley Professional
Music from Big Pink
Robertson, Robbie.
Danko, Rick.
Manuel, Richard,
Hudson, Garth.
Helm, Levon.
Lohengrin /
Wagner, Richard,
Kirschstein, Leonore,
Schachtschneider, Herbert,
Helm, Hans,
Rohr, Otto von,
Swarowsky, Hans,
Dido and Aeneas /
Milanesi, Raffaella,
True, Stefanie,
Antenucci, Michela,
Bessi, Anna,
Helm, Richard
Marmaras, Iason,
Bonizzoni, Fabio,
Eccles, John,
Purcell, Henry,
Finger, Godfrey,
Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich,
Holm, Richard.
Helm, Karl.
Rysanek, Leonie.
Stolze, Gerhard.
Engen, Kieth.
Fassbaender, Brigitte.
Tipton, Thomas,
Nilsson, Birgit.
Bjoner, Ingrid.
King, James,
Keilberth, Joseph.
Sawallisch, Wolfgang,
Böhm, Karl,
Hindemith, Paul,
Wagner, Richard,
Strauss, Richard,
Verdi, Giuseppe,
Verdi, Giuseppe,
Strauss, Richard,
Strauss, Richard,
Charles Lloyd Quartet with Keith Jarrett, Paul Winter Sextet, Bola Sete & the Vince Guaraldi Trio, Turk Murphy Jazz Band: Woody Herman & his Swingin' Herd, featuring Sal Nistico, Nat Pierce & Jake Hanna. .
Gleason, Ralph J.
Lloyd, Charles,
Jarrett, Keith.
McClure, Ron.
DeJohnette, Jack.
Winter, Paul.
Whitsell, Richard.
Cameron, Jay,
Bernhardt, Warren.
Harper, Arthur.
Riley, Ben.
Bola Sete.
Guaraldi, Vince.
Marshall, Fred.
Granelli, Jerry.
Murphy, Turk.
Neighbor, Bob.
Helm, Bob.
Clure, Peter.
Johnson, Harold.
Byasse, Lloyd.
Herman, Woody,
Chase, Bill.
Fontaine, Paul H.
Gale, Dave.
Hunt, Billy.
Nistico, Sal.
Stevens, Jacke.
Hittner, Frank.
Jones, Bobby,
Wilson, Phil
Southall, Henry.
Hanna, Jake.
Pierce, Nat.
Andrus, Chuck.
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 entries
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Showing 1 to 18 of 18 entries
Book Authors
Re-evaluating Traditional Histories on the Coast of Kenya: An Archaeological Perspective
Richard Helm
African Historical Archaeologies
Andrew M. Reid
Paul J. Lane
Springer US
Detecting and Eliminating Redundant Derivations in Logic Knowledge Bases
A. Richard Helm
Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases
W. Kim
J. -M. Nicolas and S. Nishio
Declarative graphics
Richard Helm
Kim Marriott
Third International Conference on Logic Programming: Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, United Kingdom, July 14-18, 1986. Proceedings
Ehud Shapiro
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Extracellular Matrix (ECM)
Richard F. Helm
Malcolm Potts
Ecology of Cyanobacteria II: Their Diversity in Space and Time
Brian A. Whitton
Springer Netherlands
Lignin/Hydroxycinnamic Acid/Polysaccharide Complexes: Synthetic Models for Regiochemical Characterization
John Ralph
Richard F. Helm
Forage Cell Wall Structure and Digestibility
International Symposium on Forage Cell Wall Structure and Digestibility (1991 Madison, Wis.)
H. G. Jung
D. R. Buxton
Robert D. Hatfield
John Wiley & Sons
Classical and Novel Chemical Tools for RNA Structure Probing
Richard Giegé
Mark Helm
Catherine Florentz
Dieter Söll
Susumu Nishimura and Peter Moore
Design Patterns: Abstraction and Reuse of Object-Oriented Design
Erich Gamma
Richard Helm
Ralph Johnson
John Vlissides
Software Pioneers: Contributions to Software Engineering
Manfred Broy
Ernst Denert
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Design Patterns: Abstraction and Reuse of Object-Oriented Design
Erich Gamma
Richard Helm
Ralph Johnson
John Vlissides
ECOOP ' 93 - Object-Oriented Programming: 7th European Conference, Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 26-30, 1993. Proceedings
Oscar M. Nierstrasz
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Design Patterns: Abstraction and Reuse of Object-Oriented Design
Erich Gamma
Richard Helm
Ralph Johnson
John Vlissides
Pioneers and Their Contributions to Software Engineering: sd& m Conference on Software Pioneers, Bonn, June 28/29, 2001, Original Historic Contributions
Manfred Broy
Ernst Denert
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Toward Understanding Monomeric Ellagitannin Biosynthesis
Richard F. Helm
Lei Zhentian
Thilini Ranatunga
Judith Jervis
Thomas Elder
Plant Polyphenols 2: Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacology, Ecology
Georg G. Gross
Richard W. Hemingway
Takashi Yoshida
Susan J. Branham
Springer US
Ein neues Verfahren zur schonenden Sterilisation von Intraokularlinsen
R.-C. Lerche
J. Draeger
M. Förtsch
G. Richard
A. Sammann
F. Helm
10. Kongreß der Deutschsprachigen Gesellschaft für Intraokularlinsen-Implantation und refraktive Chirurgie: 22. bis 23. März 1996, Budapest
Daniel Vörösmarthy
Gernot Duncker
Christian Hartmann
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Chromatography of Proanthocyanidins
Joseph J. Karchesy
Youngsoo Bae
Linda Chalker-Scott
Richard F. Helm
L. Yeap Foo
Chemistry and Significance of Condensed Tannins
Richard W. Hemingway
Joseph J. Karchesy
Springer US
A Major Allergen Involved in IgE Mediated Cockroach Hypersensitivity is a 90 kD Protein with Multiple IgE Binding Domains
Ricki M. Helm
Gael Cockrell
J. Steve Stanley
Richard Brenner
A. Wesley Burks
Gary A. Bannon
New Horizons in Allergy Immunotherapy
Alec Sehon
Kent T. HayGlass
Dietrich Kraft
Springer US
Erstes Heft (15. Januar).
Rud. Virchow
G. Armauer Hansen
Lothar Meyer
Richard Erbkam
Rudolf Arndt
Carl Weigert
Friedrich Schnitze
Hermann Helm
O. Lassar
Band 79
Rudolf Virchow
De Gruyter
Biochemistry. 3. Monolignol Compositional Determinants in Loblolly Pine: Aromatic Amino Acid Metabolism and Associated Rate-Limiting Steps
Hendrik van Rensburg, Aldwin M. Anterola and Lanfang H. Levine /[et al.].4.Genetic Engineering of Poplar Lignins: Impact of Lignin Alteration on Kraft Pulping Performances /C. Lepierre, B. Pollet and M. Petit-Conil /[et al.].5.Lignin-Polysaccharide Interactions in Woody Plants /Richard F. Helm.6.Structural Heterogeneity of Hardwood Lignin: Characteristics of End-Wise Lignin Fraction /Keko Hori and Gyosuke Meshitsuka.7.Molecular Orbital Calculations on the Interaction of Veratryl Alcohol with the Lignin Peroxidase Active Site /Thomas Elder and David C. Young.8.Lignin Influence on Angiosperm Sapwood Susceptibility to White-Rot Fungal Colonization: A Hypothesis /Tor P. Schultz and Darrel D. Nicholas
Lignin: historical, biological, and materials perspectives /
Northey, Robert A.,
Glasser, Wolfgang G.,
Schultz, Tor P.,
[2000], ©2000.
American Chemical Society,
European and American Philosophers
John Marenbon
Douglas Kellner
Richard D. Parry
Gregory Schufreider
Ralph McInerny
Andrea Nye
R. M. Dancy
Vernon J. Bourke
A. A. Long
James F. Harris
Thomas Oberdan
Paul S. MacDonald
Véronique M. Fóti
F. Rosen
James Dye
Pete A. Y. Gunter
Lisa J. Downing
W. J. Mander
Peter Simons
Maurice Friedman
Robert C. Solomon
Nigel Love
Mary Pickering
Andrew Reck
Simon J. Evnine
Iakovos Vasiliou
John C. Coker
Georges Dicker
James Gouinlock
Paul J. Welty
Gianluigi Oliveri
Jack Zupko
Tom Rockmore
Wayne M. Martin
Ladelle McWhorter
Hans-Johann Glock
Georgia Warnke
John Haldane
Joseph S. Ullian
Steven Rieber
David Ingram
Nick Fotion
George Rainbolt
Thomas Sheehan
Gerald J. Massey
Barbara D. Massey
David E. Cooper
David Gauthier
James M. Humber
J. N. Mohanty
Michael H. Dearmey
Oswald O. Schrag
Ralf Meerbote
George J. Stack
John P. Burgess
Paul Hoyningen-Huene
Nicholas Jolley
Adriaan T. Peperzak
E. J. Lowe
William D. Richardson
Stephen Mulhall
Gary L. Cesarz
John V. Canfield
Daisie Radner
Allen W. Wood
Hugh J. Silverman
Geoffrey Scarre
Avrum Stroll
Richard Schacht
John Shand
Anthony Levi
Robert Almeder
C. D. C. Reeve
Lloyd P. Gerson
Mark A. Notturno
Douglas G. Winblad
Roger F. Gibson
Thomas W. Pogge
William L. Rowe
G. B. Madison
Kai Nielsen
Robert Wokler
Bert P. Helm
Peter Hylton
William Lyons
William R. Schroeder
Judith Norman
John Beversluis
Genevieve Lloyd
Donald Phillip Verene
Lewis S. Ford
P. M. S. Hacker
Linda A. Bell
Companion to the Philosophers
Robert L. Arrington
John Wiley & Sons
Pt. II. Caring for Acute Problems. 8. Sore Throat
Carol Blenning.9.Earache /J. Christopher Shank.10.Cold and Sinus Symptoms /L. J. Fagnan.11.Cough and Respiratory Congestion /Mary Willard.12.Fever /Julle A. Dostal.13.The Red or Painful Eye /Jimmy H. Hara.14.Headache /Robert B. Taylor.15.Chest Pain /Michael A. Crouch.16.Shortness of Breath /Ronald D. Stock.17.Dizziness and Vertigo /John Muench.18.Abdominal Pain /Stephen E. Markovich.19.Nausea and Vomiting /Edward T. Bope.20.Acute Diarrhea /Sam Richard.21.Low Back Pain /Nancy Elder.22.Hand and Wrist Injuries /Robert G. Ross.23.Foot Pain and Injury /Ted D. Epperly and Janus D. Butcher.24.Shoulder Pain and Injuries /John R. Bucholtz and John M. Henderson.25.Ankle Pain and Injuries /Michael J. Hilts and Karl B. Fields.26.Knee Pain and Injuries /John M. Henderson.27.Fatigue /John W. Saultz.28.Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding /Gary R. Newkirk.29.Vaginal Discharge /Elizabeth G. Baxley and Matthew K. Cline.30.Breast Lumps and Breast Pain /Lori J. Helm and Jeannette E. South-Paul.31.Dysuria /John W. Saultz.32.Contraception /Mindy A. Smith and Leslie A. Shimp.33.Skin Rashes /Mary Nolan Hall.34.Skin Lesions /Elizabeth Steiner
Textbook of family medicine: defining and examining the discipline /
Saultz, John W.
[2000], ©2000.
McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division,
Pt. II. Disabling Conditions and Disorders. 3. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Robert H. Remien, James Satriano and Alan Berkman.4.Alzheimer's Disease /Barry Reisberg, Emile H. Franssen and Liduin E. M. Souren [et al.].5.Traumatic Brain Injury /Thomas M. Dixon and Barry S. Layton.6.Burn Injuries /G. Fred Cromes, Jr. and Phala A. Helm.7.Cancers /Ingrid Freidenbergs and Esin Kaplan.8.Cardiovascular Disorders /Mariano J. Rey.9.Chronic Pain Syndromes /Andrew R. Block, Edwin F. Kremer and Craig C. Callewart.10.Diabetes Mellitus /John C. Guare, Greg A. Myers and David G. Marrero.11.Epilepsy /Robert T. Fraser.12.Speech, Language, Hearing, and Swallowing Disorders /Patricia Kerman Lerner and Kimberly Hauck.13.Hematological Disorders /Bruce G. Raphael.14.Developmental Disabilities /Richard J. Morris and Yvonne P. Morris.15.Neuromuscular Disorders /Hana Ilan.16.Orthopedic Impairments /Edwin F. Richter III.17.Ostomy Surgeries /Mary Ellen Olbrisch, Jolie Blankenship and Kathleen Hudson [et al.].18.Pediatric Disorders: Cerebral Palsy and Spina Bifida /Joan T. Gold.19.Peripheral Vascular Disorders /Glenn R. Jacobowitz and Thomas S. Riles.20.Psychiatric Disabilities /Gary R. Bond.21.Pulmonary Disorders /Frederick A. Bevelaqua and Francis V. Adams.22.Chronic Renal Failure /Kotresha Neelakantappa and Jerome Lowenstein.23.Rheumatic Diseases /Sicy H. Lee and Steven B. Abramson.24.Spinal Cord Injury /Allen W. Heinemann.25.Hemiplegia /Leonard Diller.26.Substance Use Disorders /Constance C. Saltz, Marcia Lawton and Muriel Gray.27.Visual Impairments /Bruce P. Rosenthal and Roy Gordon Cole
Medical aspects of disability: a handbook for the rehabilitation professional /
Eisenberg, Myron G.
Glueckauf, Robert L.
Zaretsky, Herbert H.
[1999], ©1999.
Springer Pub. Co.,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 18 of 18 entries