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> Hill, Edward W.
"Hill, Edward W." appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries
Pipes, drainage structures, and cylinder pile retaining wall; 7 reports presented at the 43rd annual meeting, January 13-17, 1964
Edward W. Hill
Highway Research Board of the Division of Engineering and Industrial Research, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council
Global perspectives on economic development: government and business finance /
Bingham, Richard D.
Hill, Edward W.
Center for Urban Policy Research,
Scientific Foundations of Ophthalmology
Edward S. Perkins and David W. Hill
Financing economic development: an institutional response
Richard D. Bingham
Edward W. Hill
Sammis B. White
Sage Publications
Financing economic development in the 21st century /
White, Sammis B.
Bingham, Richard D.
Hill, Edward W.
[2003], ©2003.
M.E. Sharpe,
American tone poems /
Krueger, Karl,
Coerne, Louis Adolphe,
Hill, Edward Burlingame,
Parker, Horatio W.
Carpenter, John Alden,
Essays by members of the Birmingham Speculative Club.
Sargant, William Lucas,
Mathews, William,
Hill, Alfred.
Johnson, George J.
Mathews, Charles Edward.
Williams, Samuel D,
Foster, Balathazar W.
Christmas at St. John's
Hill, David,
Provost, Paul.
Goldschmidt, Otto,
Howells, Herbert,
Naylor, Edward W.
Bingham, Judith.
Rutter, John,
Holst, Gustav,
Pott, Francis,
Warlock, Peter,
Lauridsen, Morten,
A storm in the land: music of the 26th North Carolina Regimental Band C. S. A.
Mase, Raymond,
Emmett, Daniel Decatur,
Vousden, Valentine,
Neave, William H.
Hartwell, William H.
Donizetti, Gaetano,
Verdi, Giuseppe,
Hewitt, John Hill,
Schubert, Franz,
Labitzky, Joseph,
Leinbach, Edward,
Randall, James Ryder,
Gregor, Christian,
Beethoven, Ludwig van,
Capers, William Henry.
Neave, William H.
Foster, Stephen Collins,
Thomas, J. R.
Webster, Joseph Philbrick,
Wrighton, W. T.
[2002], ℗2002.
New World Records,
Black Manhattan.
Benjamin, Rick.
Vodery, Will H.
Pleasant, Edward.
Johnson, Anita
Mack, Robert
Williams, Linda Thompson.
Blake, Eubie,
Williams, Bert,
Sweatman, Wilbur C. S.
Johns, Al.,
Dixon, Will H.
Smith, Chris,
Cook, Will Marion.
Bryan, Frederick M.
Accooe, Will,
Europe, James Reese,
Europe, James Reese,
Handy, W. C.
Brymn, J. Tim,
Hill, J. Leubrie
Vaughan, James,
Dabney, Ford T.,
Dixon, Will H.
Joplin, Scott,
Blake, Eubie,
New World Records,
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 20 of 22 entries
Book Authors
Cleveland, Ohio: Manufacturing Matters, Services are Strengthened, but Earnings Erode
Edward W. Hill
Economic Restructuring of the American Midwest: Proceedings of the Midwest Economic Restructuring Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Richard D. Bingham
Randall W. Eberts
Springer Netherlands
1 - Introduction
Edward W. (Ned) Hill
The Road through the Rust Belt: From Preeminence to Decline to Prosperity
Edited by William M. Bowen
W.E. Upjohn Institute
Chapter 2. Did 9/11 Change Manhattan and the New York Region as Places to Conduct Business? l
Edward W. Hill
Iryna Lendel
Resilient City: The Economic Impact of 9/11
Howard Chernick
Russell Sage Foundation
twelve - Policies to uncover the competitive advantages of America’s distressed cities
Edward W. Hill
Jeremy Nowak
Urban Competitiveness: Policies for Dynamic Cities
Iain Begg
Bristol University Press
The lexicography of Tibetan
Nathan W. Hill
Edward Garrett
International Handbook of Modern Lexis and Lexicography
Patrick Hanks
Gilles-Maurice de Schryver
0th ed. 2020
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
An Overview of Economic Development Finance
Edward W Hill
Nell Ann Shelley
Financing Economic Development: An Institutional Response
Richard D. Bingham
Edward Hill
Sammis B. White
March 1990
SAGE Publications, Inc
Ch. 2. Did 9/11 change Manhattan and the New York region as places to conduct business?
Edward W. Hill and Iryna Lendel
Resilient city: the economic impact of 9/11 /
Chernick, Howard.
Russell Sage Foundation,
15. Beaver (Castor canadensis)
Bruce W. Baker and Edward P. Hill
Wild mammals of North America: biology, management, and conservation /
Feldhamer, George A.
Thompson, Bruce Carlyle,
Chapman, Joseph A.
Johns Hopkins University Press,
Introduction: The Economic New World Order
Richard D. Bingham and Edward W. Hill
Global perspectives on economic development: government and business finance /
Bingham, Richard D.
Hill, Edward W.
Center for Urban Policy Research,
10. Government and Business Finance in Russia
Edward W. Hill and Terry F. Buss
Global perspectives on economic development: government and business finance /
Bingham, Richard D.
Hill, Edward W.
Center for Urban Policy Research,
Re-Imaging the Rust Belt
Patricia Burgess
Ruth Durack
Edward W. Ned Hill
Imaging the City: Continuing Struggles and New Directions
Lawrence J. Vale
Sam Bass Warner
The Management of Economic Development
William M Bowen
Herbert J Rubin
Edward W Hill
Managing Local Government: Public Administration in Practice
Richard D. Bingham
June 1991
SAGE Publications, Inc
Understanding Economically Distressed Cities
Harold L. Wolman
Edward W. Hill
Pamela Blumenthal
Kimberly Furdell
Retooling for Growth: Building a 21st Century Economy in America's Older Industrial Areas
edited by Richard M. McGahey and Jennifer S. Vey
Brookings Institution Press
7. Banking Crises and Lender-of-Last-Resort Interventions. The Management of Financial Instability
Robert Guttmann.Bank Failures Are Sinking the FDIC /James R. Barth, R. Dan Brumbaugh, Jr. and Robert E. Litan.A Political Logjam Still Blocks Banking Reform /R. Dan Brumbaugh, Jr. and Kenneth E. Scott.Banking: Real Risks Require Real Reforms /Edward W. Hill and Roger J. Vaughan.Taxpayer Loss Exposure in the Bank Insurance Fund /Edward J. Kane
Reforming money and finance: toward a new monetary regime /
Guttmann, Robert,
[1997], ©1997.
M.E. Sharpe,
Pt. 2. Issues for the Region. 6. Comeback Cleveland by the Numbers: The Economic Performance of the Cleveland-Akron Metropolitan Area
Edward W. Hill.7.Race Relations in Cleveland: People Are Talking /Mittie Olion Chandler.8.Neighborhood Leadership Today for Cleveland's Future /Philip Star and Julie Rittenhouse.9.Youth, Citizenship, and Cleveland's Future /Gina Zipkin Weisblat, Wendy Slone and Susan Petrone.10.Corporate Regionalism: Collaboration Efforts among Business Leaders in Northeast Ohio /William H. Bryant
The new American city faces its regional future: a Cleveland perspective /
Sweet, David C.
Hexter, Kathryn Wertheim.
Beach, David,
[1999], ©1999.
Ohio University Press,
Pt. I. Struggles Over City Images. 1. Image Construction in Premodern Cities
Julian Beinart.2.Place Marketing: Using Media to Promote Cities /Briavel Holcomb.3.From Flames to Flowers: The Role of Planning in Re-Imaging the South Bronx /Eugenie Ladner Birch.4.Re-Imaging the Rust Belt: Can Cleveland Sustain the Renaissance? /Patricia Burgess, Ruth Durack and Edward W. Hill.5.Skyscraper Competition in Asia: New City Images and New City Form /Larry R. Ford.6.The Images of Commonplace Living in Modern City-Regions /Judith A. Martin and Sam Bass Warner, Jr.
Imaging the city: continuing struggles and new directions /
Vale, Lawrence J.,
Warner, Sam Bass,
[2001], ©2001.
Center for Urban Policy Research,
Leslie Berlowitz, Mary Maples Dunn, Baruch S. Blumberg, Emilio Bizzi, Ralph J. Cicerone, Harvey V. Fineberg Keynote address. Don Michael Randel Saturday panel discussions. Introduction
Richard S. Dunn Linda Greenhouse
Sandra Day O'Connor
Judith S. Kaye
Charles G. Geyh
Lord Lester of Herne Hill QC Martin E. Marty
Joyce Appleby
Mark A. Noll
James Carroll John S. Reed
Robert M. Solow
Pedro Aspe
Edward P. Lazear
Janet Yellen Sharon Rockefeller
Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Tom Brokaw
Gwen Ifill Saturday evening program. Welcome / Arlin Adams Introduction / Gerald Early Keynote address. E.L. Doctorow Readings / Rosanna Warren Sunday panel discussions. Introduction / Peter Nicholas Harvey V. Fineberg
John Bongaarts
Lisa Berkman
John W. Rowe
The public good: knowledge as the foundation for a democratic society.
Public Good: Knowledge as the Foundation for a Democratic Society (2007 Washington, D.C.)
American Academy of Arts and Sciences]
Probe Technology for the Direct Measurement and Sampling of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake
Matthew C. Mowlem
Maria-Nefeli Tsaloglou
Edward M. Waugh
Cedric F. A. Floquet
Kevin Saw
Lee Fowler
Robin Brown
David Pearce
James B. Wyatt
Alexander D. Beaton
Mario P. Brito
Dominic A. Hodgson
Gwyn Griffiths
M. Bentley
D. Blake
L. Capper
R. Clarke
C. Cockell
H. Corr
W. Harris
C. Hill
R. Hindmarsh
E. King
H. Lamb
B. Maher
K. Makinson
J. Parnell
J. Priscu
A. Rivera
N. Ross
M. J. Siegert
A. Smith
A. Tait
M. Tranter
J. Wadham
B. Whalley
J. Woodward
Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments, Geophysical Monograph 192
Martin J. Siegert
Mahlon C. Kennicutt
Robert A. Bindschadler
Kennicutt, Mahlon C., II
John Wiley & Sons
Leslie Berlowitz, Mary Maples Dunn, Baruch S. Blumberg, Emilio Bizzi, Ralph J. Cicerone, Harvey V. Fineberg Keynote address. Don Michael Randel Saturday panel discussions. Introduction
Richard S. Dunn Linda Greenhouse
Sandra Day O'Connor
Judith S. Kaye
Charles G. Geyh
Lord Lester of Herne Hill QC Martin E. Marty
Joyce Appleby
Mark A. Noll
James Carroll John S. Reed
Robert M. Solow
Pedro Aspe
Edward P. Lazear
Janet Yellen Sharon Rockefeller
Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Tom Brokaw
Gwen Ifill Saturday evening program. Welcome / Arlin Adams Introduction / Gerald Early Keynote address. E.L. Doctorow Readings / Rosanna Warren Sunday panel discussions. Introduction / Peter Nicholas Harvey V. Fineberg
John Bongaarts
Lisa Berkman
John W. Rowe Richard A. Meserve
Ralph J. Cicerone
Charles O. Holliday
The public good: knowledge as the foundation for a democratic society.
Public Good: Knowledge as the Foundation for a Democratic Society (2007 Washington, D.C.)
American Academy of Arts and Sciences]
A Chelsea Square Trolley-Bus Proposal. To the Editor of The Times (31 July 1937)
Max Beerbohm, Clive Bell, E. F. Benson, David Cecil, Kenneth Clark, W. G. Constable, Crewe, Campbell Dodgson, T. S. Eliot, Arundell Esdaile, Peter Fleming, John Gretton, Wilson Harris, George Hill, A. M. Hind, C. E. M. Joad, Rose Macaulay, Edward Maufe, Charles Morgan, H. V. Morton, Robert Nichols, Charles Peers, Eileen Power, Herbert Read, A. E. Richardson, William Rothenstein, Walter Russell, Osbert Sitwell, J. C. Squire, P. Wilson Steer, Henry G. Strauss, G. M. Trevelyan, Hugh Walpole, Clough William-Ellis, Virginia Woolf, Evelyn Wrench, F. Yeats-Brown, G. M. Young.
The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot: The Critical Edition: Tradition and Orthodoxy, 19341939
edited by Jewel Spears Brooker and Ronald Schuchard
Johns Hopkins University Press
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 20 of 22 entries