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> Jack H Simon
"Jack H Simon" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries
Imaging Acute Neurologic Disease: A Symptom-Based Approach
Massimo Filippi
Jack H. Simon
Cambridge University Press
Julian Symons remembered: tributes from friends /
Walsdorf, John J.
Symons, Kathleen.
Adrian, Jack.
Barker, Jonathan.
Brett, Simon.
Brown, Ashley,
Clark, John J.
Conquest, Robert.
Davidson, Lionel.
Ewart, Gavin.
Fox, C. J.
Fuller, John.
Gilbert, Michael Francis,
Hardinge, George,
Hill, Reginald.
James, P. D.
Keating, H. R. F.
Lovesey, Peter.
Moody, Susan.
Pritchard, William H.
Ross, Alan.
Sims, George,
Symons, Mark.
Watson, Graham,
Welcome, John,
Winks, Robin W.
Vamosi, Rosemary,
Connors, Sandy.
Yellow Barn Press,
Handbook of ZOONOSES: Section A: Bacterial, Rickettsial, Chlamydial, and Mycotic
George W. Beran
David Dennis
Allan C. Pier
Miodrag Ristic
Jim C. Williams
Elmer H. Marth
Dwight W. Lambe, Jr.
Simon M. Shane
Loren A. Will
Rance LeFebvre
Jennifer Greenier
Libero Ajello
Michael G. Groves
Kathleen S. Harrington
Georg Kapperud
Richard L. Wood
Arvind A. Padhye
James Harlan Steele
Clifford Wray
J. Stephen Dumler
Julie A. Rawlings
Keith A. Clark
Jack D. Poland
Thomas J. Quan
Allan M. Barnes
David K. Blackmore
Stan Fenwick
Magne Bisgaard
Don A. Franco
Wilhelm Frederiksen
Peter Gallien
James E. Grimes
Matthias Hartung
Anna K. Hopla
Cluff E. Hopla
Martin E. Hugh-Jones
Alan R. Katz
Wesley E. Kloos
R. Victor Lachica
Susan E. Lance
Donald W. Luchsinger
Walter Mannheim
C. John Mare
Roger B. Marshall
Hugh E. Metcalf
Charles R. Middleton
David A. Miller
Reinier Mutters
Gary D. Osweiler
S. R. Pattyn
Winthrop C. Ray
Vanessa Sanchez
David Sasaki
Emmet B. Schotts
Glenn H. Snoeyenbos
Charles O. Thoen
Michael Torten
Irene V. Wesley
Howard W. Whitford
David E. Williams
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes: The American Experience
Kate Kinsella
Abigail Adams Smith
Edward Albee
Amos Bronson Alcott
Julia Alvarez
A. R. Ammons
Sherwood Anderson
W. H. Auden
James Baldwin
Ambrose Bierce
Arna Wendell Bontemps
William Bradford
Anne Bradstreet
Gwendolyn Brooks
Joseph Bruchac
William Cullen Bryant
Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
Michael J. Caduto
Willa Cather
Lorna Dee Cervantes
Diana Chang
Mary Chesnut
Chief Joseph
Kate Chopin
Sandra Cisneros
Miriam Davis Colt
George Cooper
Stephen Crane
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
Countee Cullen
E. E. Cummings
Emily Dickinson
Annie Dillard
E. L. Doctorow
H. D.
Frederick Douglass
Rita Dove
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Jonathan Edwards
T. S. Eliot
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Olaudah Equiano
Louise Erdrich
Erdoes, Richard
Martín Espada
William Faulkner
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Stephen Foster
Benjamin Franklin
Ian Frazier
Robert Frost
Margaret Fuller
Goss, Warren Lee
H. D.
Alex Haley
Lorraine Hansberry
Joy Harjo
Bret Harte
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Robert Hayden
Lillian Hellman
Ernest Hemingway
Patrick Henry
John Richard Hersey
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Garrett Hongo
Langston Hughes
Zora Neale Hurston
Washington Irving
Stonewall Jackson
Randall Jarrell
Thomas Jefferson
John F. Kennedy
Martin Luther King Jr.
Maxine Hong Kingston
Yusef Komunyakaa
Robert E. Lee
Meriwether Lewis
Abraham Lincoln
Jack London
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Garcia Lopez de Cardenas
James Russell Lowell
Robert Lowell
Archibald MacLeish
Bernard Malamud
Edgar Lee Masters
Washington Matthews
Carson McCullers
Colleen McElroy
Claude McKay
McKim, Randolph H.
Larry McMurtry
Herman Melville
Arthur Miller
N. Scott Momaday
Marianne Moore
Molly Moore
Naomi Shihab Nye
Joyce Carol Oates
Tim O'Brien
Flannery O'Connor
Eugene O'Neill
Alfonso Ortiz
Simon Ortiz
Thomas Paine
Grace Paley
Arthur C. Parker
Sylvia Plath
Edgar Allan Poe
Katherine Anne Porter
Ezra Pound
John Wesley Powell
Anna Quindlen
Adrienne Rich
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Theodore Roethke
William Safire
Ricardo Sanchez
Carl Sandburg
John Smith
William Stafford
John Steinbeck
Wallace Stevens
Amy Tan
Edward Taylor
Henry David Thoreau
James Thurber
Jean Toomer
Sojourner Truth
Rev. Henry M. Turner
Mark Twain
Anne Tyler
John Updike
Alice Walker
Robert Penn Warren
Eudora Welty
Edith Wharton
Phillis Wheatley
E. B. White
Walt Whitman
John Greenleaf Whittier
Thornton Wilder
Tennessee Williams
William Carlos Williams
Darryl Babe Wilson
Thomas Wolfe
Pearson Prentice Hall
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes: The American Experience
Kate Kinsella
Abigail Adams Smith
Edward Albee
Amos Bronson Alcott
Julia Alvarez
A. R. Ammons
Sherwood Anderson
W. H. Auden
James Baldwin
Ambrose Bierce
Arna Wendell Bontemps
William Bradford
Anne Bradstreet
Gwendolyn Brooks
Joseph Bruchac
William Cullen Bryant
Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
Michael J. Caduto
Willa Cather
Lorna Dee Cervantes
Diana Chang
Mary Chesnut
Chief Joseph
Kate Chopin
Sandra Cisneros
Miriam Davis Colt
George Cooper
Stephen Crane
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
Countee Cullen
E. E. Cummings
Emily Dickinson
Annie Dillard
E. L. Doctorow
H. D.
Frederick Douglass
Rita Dove
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Jonathan Edwards
T. S. Eliot
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Olaudah Equiano
Louise Erdrich
Erdoes, Richard
Martín Espada
William Faulkner
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Stephen Foster
Benjamin Franklin
Ian Frazier
Robert Frost
Margaret Fuller
Goss, Warren Lee
H. D.
Alex Haley
Lorraine Hansberry
Joy Harjo
Bret Harte
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Robert Hayden
Lillian Hellman
Ernest Hemingway
Patrick Henry
John Richard Hersey
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Garrett Hongo
Langston Hughes
Zora Neale Hurston
Washington Irving
Stonewall Jackson
Randall Jarrell
Thomas Jefferson
John F. Kennedy
Martin Luther King Jr.
Maxine Hong Kingston
Yusef Komunyakaa
Robert E. Lee
Meriwether Lewis
Abraham Lincoln
Jack London
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Garcia Lopez de Cardenas
James Russell Lowell
Robert Lowell
Archibald MacLeish
Bernard Malamud
Edgar Lee Masters
Washington Matthews
Carson McCullers
Colleen McElroy
Claude McKay
McKim, Randolph H.
Larry McMurtry
Herman Melville
Arthur Miller
N. Scott Momaday
Marianne Moore
Molly Moore
Naomi Shihab Nye
Joyce Carol Oates
Tim O'Brien
Flannery O'Connor
Eugene O'Neill
Alfonso Ortiz
Simon Ortiz
Thomas Paine
Grace Paley
Arthur C. Parker
Sylvia Plath
Edgar Allan Poe
Katherine Anne Porter
Ezra Pound
John Wesley Powell
Anna Quindlen
Adrienne Rich
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Theodore Roethke
William Safire
Ricardo Sanchez
Carl Sandburg
John Smith
William Stafford
John Steinbeck
Wallace Stevens
Amy Tan
Edward Taylor
Henry David Thoreau
James Thurber
Jean Toomer
Sojourner Truth
Rev. Henry M. Turner
Mark Twain
Anne Tyler
John Updike
Alice Walker
Robert Penn Warren
Eudora Welty
Edith Wharton
Phillis Wheatley
E. B. White
Walt Whitman
John Greenleaf Whittier
Thornton Wilder
Tennessee Williams
William Carlos Williams
Darryl Babe Wilson
Thomas Wolfe
Prentice Hall
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes: The American Experience
Amy K. Duer
Richard Lederer
Christopher Columbus
Garcia Lopez de Cardenas
Darryl Babe Wilson
Joni Mitchell
John Smith
William Bradford
Tom Wolfe
Anne Bradstreet
Edward Taylor
Jonathan Edwards
Steve Wulf
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Paine
Phillis Wheatley
Phillis Wheatley
Patrick Henry
John F. Kennedy
Abigail Adams
Michel-guillaume Jean De Crevecoeur
Alex Haley
Margaret Fuller
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Washington Irving
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
William Cullen Bryant
Oliver Wendell Holmes
James Russell Lowell
John Greenleaf Whittier
Meriwether Lewis
John Wesley Powell
Annie Dillard
Edgar Allan Poe
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Herman Melville
Joyce Carol Oates
Henry David Thoreau
Bailey White
Emily Saliers
Emily Dickinson
Walt Whitman
Langston Hughes
Angela De Hoyos
Stephen Crane
Stephen Foster
George Cooper
Frederick Douglass
Ambrose Bierce
Abraham Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
Robert E. Lee
Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut
Goss, Warren Lee
McKim, Randolph H.
Stonewall Jackson
Rev. Henry M. Turner
Sojourner Truth
Molly Moore
Mark Twain
Bret Harte
Miriam Davis Colt
Chief Joseph
Jack London
James Cloyd Bowman
Larry McMurtry
Kate Chopin
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Edgar Lee Masters
Willa Cather
Anna Quindlen
T. S. Eliot
Ezra Pound
William Carlos Williams
F. Scott Fitzgerald
John Steinbeck
E. E. Cummings
W. H. Auden
Wallace Stevens
Archibald MacLeish
Marianne Moore
Joel, Billy.
Ernest Hemingway
Sherwood Anderson
Eudora Welty
Grace Paley
Edith Wharton
Carl Sandburg
Katherine Anne Porter
William Faulkner
Robert Frost
James Thurber
E. B. White
Zora Neale Hurston
Claude McKay
Countee Cullen
Arna Wendell Bontemps
Jean Toomer
Ricardo Sanchez
Flannery Oconnor
Bernard Malamud
John Updike
Robert Lowell
Robert Penn Warren
Theodore Roethke
William Stafford
Anne Tyler
N. Scott Momaday
Naomi Shihab Nye
Joy Harjo
Alice Walker
Maxine Hong Kingston
Julia Alvarez
Lorna Dee Cervantes
Martin Espada
Simon J. Ortiz
Diana Chang
Garret Hongo
Carson McCullers
Ian Frazier
Sandra Cisneros
Rita Dove
Amy Tan
James Baldwin
John Richard Hersey
Randall Jarrell
Sylvia Plath
Adrienne Rich
Gwendolyn Brooks
Robert Hayden
Colleen McElroy
Louise Erdrich
E. L. Doctorow
Yusef Komunyakaa
Tim O'Brien
Arthur Miller
Prentice Hall
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 18 of 18 entries
Book Authors
Chapter 18 - MRI outcomes in the diagnosis and disease course of multiple sclerosis
Jack H. Simon
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders
Douglas S. Goodin
The pathology of multiple sclerosis as revealed by in vivo magnetic resonance-based approaches
Jack H. Simon
Multiple sclerosis: immunology, pathology, and pathophysiology
Robert M. Herndon
6. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, Elucidation of Disease Course, and Determining Prognosis
Jack H. Simon
Multiple sclerosis: diagnosis, medical management, and rehabilitation /
Burks, Jack S.
Johnson, Kenneth P.,
Imaging Acute Neurologic Disease - Title page
Massimo Filippi
Jack H. Simon
Imaging Acute Neurologic Disease: A Symptom-Based Approach
Massimo Filippi
Jack H. Simon
Cambridge University Press
Measures of gadolinium enhancement, T1 black holes and T2-hyperintense lesions on magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis
Jack H Simon
David E Miller
Multiple Sclerosis Therapeutics
Jeffrey A. Cohen
Eli Minkoff
Eli Baker
Richard A. Rudick
9 - Measures of acute and chronic lesions visualized by conventional magnetic resonance imaging
Jack H. Simon
Jerry S. Wolinsky
Multiple Sclerosis Therapeutics
Jeffrey A. Cohen
Richard A. Rudick
Cambridge University Press
Chapter 14 - Acute brain trauma
Carl D. Stevens
Jack H. Simon
Imaging Acute Neurologic Disease: A Symptom-Based Approach
Massimo Filippi
Jack H. Simon
Cambridge University Press
Dysmyelinating and demyelinating disorders
B.K. Kleinschmidt-DeMasters, Jack H. Simon
Neuropathology /
Prayson, Richard A.
17. Neuroimaging of Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders
Lawrence Jacobs and Jack H. Simon
Neuroimaging: a companion to Adams and Victor's Principles of neurology /
Greenberg, Jack O.
Adams, Raymond D.
[1995], ©1995.
McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division,
Variants of Multiple Sclerosis
Jack H. Simon
Bette K. Kleinschmidt-DeMasters
MR Imaging in White Matter Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord
Massimo Filippi
Nicola de Stefano
Vincent Dousset
Joseph C. McGowan
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Chapter 2 - Delirium and confusion
Jay Yao
Holly E. Hinson
Jack H. Simon
Imaging Acute Neurologic Disease: A Symptom-Based Approach
Massimo Filippi
Jack H. Simon
Cambridge University Press
Chapter 16 - Bladder, bowel, and sexual dysfunction
Firouz Daneshgari
Raj M. Paspulati
Jack H. Simon
Imaging Acute Neurologic Disease: A Symptom-Based Approach
Massimo Filippi
Jack H. Simon
Cambridge University Press
Chapter 21 - Paresthesias and dysesthesias
Priyesh Mehta
Christopher A. Potter
Joseph H. Feinberg
Jack H. Simon
Ken R. Maravilla
Imaging Acute Neurologic Disease: A Symptom-Based Approach
Massimo Filippi
Jack H. Simon
Cambridge University Press
Siegfried Berninghaus
Henry Brighton
Maxwell Burton-Chellew
Claire El Mouden
Andy Gardner
Gerd Gigerenzer
Herbert Gintis
Natalie Gold
Werner Güth
Peter Hammerstein
Alasdair I. Houston
Simon M. Huttegger
Julian Jamison
Hartmut Kliemt
Kim Sterelny
Jack Vromen
Stuart A. West
David H. Wolpert
Kevin J. S. Zollman
Evolution and Rationality: Decisions, Co-operation and Strategic Behaviour
Samir Okasha
Ken Binmore
Cambridge University Press
Pt. 2. The problem of crime I: causation. 9. Genetic factors in the etiology of criminal behavior
Sarnoff A. Mednick, William F. Gabrielli, Jr. and Barry Hutchings.10.Personality theory and the problem of criminality /H. J. Eysenck.11.Explanations of crime and place /Anthony E. Bottoms and Paul Wiles.12.Crime and consumption /Simon Field.13.The underclass /Charles Murray.14.Relative deprivation /John Lea and Jock Young.15.Seductions and repulsions of crime /Jack Katz.16.The etiology of female crime /Dorie Klein.17.Explaining male violence /Lynne Segal
Criminological perspectives: a reader /
Muncie, John.
McLaughlin, Eugene,
Langan, Mary.
Sage, in association with the Open University,
Pt. 3. The Major Categories of Neurologic Disease. 11. Disturbances of Cerebrospinal Fluid Circulation, Including Hydrocephalus and Meningeal Reactions
Suzan Khoromi and Leon D. Prockop.12.Intracranial Neoplasms /Jack O. Greenberg and Ilydio Polachini, Jr.13.Viral and Nonviral Infections of the Nervous System /Alvaro C. de Almeida Magalhaes, Luiz Alberto Bacheschi and Antonio Alci Barone.14.The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome /Joseph R. Berger, M. Judith Donovan Post and Robert M. Levy.15.Neuroimaging in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease /Louis R. Caplan, L. Dana DeWitt and Joan C. Breen.16.Diseases of the Spinal Cord /Franz Fazekas and Peter Kapeller.17.Imaging Multiple Sclerosis /Jack H. Simon and Lawrence Jacobs.18.Imaging the Brain Lesions of Alcoholics /Steven J. Warach and Michael E. Charness.19.Pediatric Neuroimaging /Eduard Michel and Chip Truwit
Neuroimaging: a companion to Adams and Victor's Principles of neurology /
Greenberg, Jack O.
Adams, Raymond D.
[1999], ©1999.
McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division,
Sect. I. Cardiac and Arterial Disease. Ch. 2. Epidemiology of Arterial Thromboembolism
Simon W. Rabkin.Ch. 3.Pathogenesis of Arterial Thrombosis /Cedric J. Carter.Ch. 4.Antiplatelet Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease /Scott H. Goodnight.Ch. 5.Coronary Thrombolysis /J. A. Cairns.Ch. 6.Heparin Therapy for Acute Cardiac Disorders /Graham F. Pineo, Gary E. Raskob and Russell D. Hull.Ch. 7.Oral Anticoagulants (Antithrombotic Agents) for Cardiovascular Disorders /Richard C. Becker and Jack Ansell.Ch. 8.Antithrombotic Therapy in Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease /Pierre Theroux and David Garcia-Dorado.Ch. 9.Atrial Fibrillation /Andreas Laupacis and Gregory W. Albers.Ch. 10.Acute Stroke /Gordon D. O. Lowe.Ch. 11.Stroke Prevention /Henry J. M. Barnett and H. E. Meldrum.Ch. 12.Acute Arterial Obstruction /Kenneth Ouriel and Victor J. Marder.Ch. 13.Chronic Arterial Obstruction /William D. Suggs and Frank J. Veith
Disorders of thrombosis /
Hull, Russell.
Pineo, Graham F.
[1996], ©1996.
W.B. Saunders,
European and American Philosophers
John Marenbon
Douglas Kellner
Richard D. Parry
Gregory Schufreider
Ralph McInerny
Andrea Nye
R. M. Dancy
Vernon J. Bourke
A. A. Long
James F. Harris
Thomas Oberdan
Paul S. MacDonald
Véronique M. Fóti
F. Rosen
James Dye
Pete A. Y. Gunter
Lisa J. Downing
W. J. Mander
Peter Simons
Maurice Friedman
Robert C. Solomon
Nigel Love
Mary Pickering
Andrew Reck
Simon J. Evnine
Iakovos Vasiliou
John C. Coker
Georges Dicker
James Gouinlock
Paul J. Welty
Gianluigi Oliveri
Jack Zupko
Tom Rockmore
Wayne M. Martin
Ladelle McWhorter
Hans-Johann Glock
Georgia Warnke
John Haldane
Joseph S. Ullian
Steven Rieber
David Ingram
Nick Fotion
George Rainbolt
Thomas Sheehan
Gerald J. Massey
Barbara D. Massey
David E. Cooper
David Gauthier
James M. Humber
J. N. Mohanty
Michael H. Dearmey
Oswald O. Schrag
Ralf Meerbote
George J. Stack
John P. Burgess
Paul Hoyningen-Huene
Nicholas Jolley
Adriaan T. Peperzak
E. J. Lowe
William D. Richardson
Stephen Mulhall
Gary L. Cesarz
John V. Canfield
Daisie Radner
Allen W. Wood
Hugh J. Silverman
Geoffrey Scarre
Avrum Stroll
Richard Schacht
John Shand
Anthony Levi
Robert Almeder
C. D. C. Reeve
Lloyd P. Gerson
Mark A. Notturno
Douglas G. Winblad
Roger F. Gibson
Thomas W. Pogge
William L. Rowe
G. B. Madison
Kai Nielsen
Robert Wokler
Bert P. Helm
Peter Hylton
William Lyons
William R. Schroeder
Judith Norman
John Beversluis
Genevieve Lloyd
Donald Phillip Verene
Lewis S. Ford
P. M. S. Hacker
Linda A. Bell
Companion to the Philosophers
Robert L. Arrington
John Wiley & Sons
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 18 of 18 entries