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> Jack Self
"Jack Self" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Real estates: life without debt
Jack Self
Bedford Press
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Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries
Book Authors
The Self as a Design Subject
Jack Self
Architects After Architecture: Alternative Pathways for Practice
Harriet Harriss
Rory Hyde
Roberta Marcaccio
Beyond the Self
Jack Self
Superhumanity: Design of the Self
Nick Axel
University of Minnesota Press
Derivative architecture
Jack Self
Real estates: life without debt
Jack Self
Bedford Press
Protect me from what I want
Jack Self
Models ruins power.
Bose, Shumi,
Cisar, Sasha,
Brennan, Nicholas Lobo,
Ch. 7. Building Transnational Capabilities: The Management Challenge. Cases. Ideal Standard France: Pat Paterson. Conex do Brasil. Matsushita Electric Industrial (MEI) in 1987. The Philips Group: 1987. Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) in 1988. Readings. "Matrix Management: Not a Structure, a Frame of Mind"
Christopher A. Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal. "Speed, Simplicity, Self-Confidence: An Interview with Jack Welch" / Noel Tichy and Ram Charan. "The Logic of Global Business: An Interview with ABB's Percy Barnevik" / William Taylor.
Transnational management: text, cases, and readings in cross-border management /
Bartlett, Christopher A.,
Ghoshal, Sumantra.
[1992], ©1992.
Machine generated contents note: Acknowledgments Introduction: The Suffering of Sisyphus
Deanna Holtzman PhD and Nancy Kulish. Clinical Constellations of Masochistic Psychopathology / Otto F. Kernberg, MD. Masochism in Childhood and Adolescence as a Self-Regulatory Disorder / Alan Sugarman, Ph. D. Some Suggestions for Engaging with the Clinical Problem of Masochism / Kerry Kelly Novick and Jack Novick Ph.D. Clinical Observations on Masochistic Character Structure / Robert Alan Glick MD Chapter 6.Sadomasochistic Stuckness. Stanley J. Coen M. D. Masochism as a Multiply-Determined Phenomenon / Glen O. Gabbard MD. Self-abuse and Suicidality
The clinical problem of masochism /
Holtzman, Deanna.
Kulish, Nancy.
Jason Aronson,
Pt. I. Regional Perspectives. Autonomy, Dependency and Sustainability: A Greenland Perspective
Lars Emil Johansen.The Nunavut Land Claim and the Nunavut Government: Political Structures of Self-Government in Canada's Eastern Arctic /Jack Hicks.Autonomous Regions and Indigenous Rights in Transition in Northern Russia /Gail Fondahl.Envisioning a Sustainable Arctic: Nunavut in Contrast to the Russian North /Richard Langlais.Towards a 'Post-Sovereign' Political Landscape? /Bjarne Lindstrom
Dependency, autonomy, sustainability in the Arctic /
Petersen, Hanne,
Poppel, Birger.
V. Extensions of Self-Organizing Maps. 17. A Stochastic Self-Organizing Map for Proximity Data
Thore Graepel and Klaus Obermayer.18.Self-Organized Formation of Various Invariant-Feature Filters in the Adaptive-Subspace SOM /Teuvo Kohonen, Samuel Kaski and Harri Lappalainen.19.Faithful Representation of Separable Distributions /Juan Lin, David G. Grier and Jack D. Cowan.20.Dynamic Cell Structure Learns Perfectly Topology Preserving Map /Jorg Bruske and Gerald Sommer.21.An Analysis of the Elastic Net Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem /Richard Durbin, Richard Szeliski and Alan Yuille.22.Sorting with Self-Organizing Maps /Marco Budinich.
Self-organizing map formation: foundations of neural computation /
Obermayer, Klaus.
[2001], ©2001.
MIT Press,
Symposium: Ostjuden in Central and Western Europe: The east European Jew and German Jewish identity
Steven E. Aschheim
"Heureux comme Dieu en France" : east European Jews in Paris
1881-1914 / David Weinberg
East European Jews in the Weltanschauung of German Zionists
1881-1914 / Jehuda Reinharz
Fin-de-siècle orientalism
the Ostjuden
the aesthetics of Jewish self-affirmation / Paul Mendes-Flohr
Jewish lobbyists
the German citizenship law of 1914 : a documentary account / Jack Wertheimer
Judah L. Magnes' trip to Przedborz / A. Goren
The east European Jew in the Weimar press : stereotype
attempted rebuttal / Trude Maurer
Studies in contemporary Jewry.
Jonathan Frankel
Published for the Institute by Indiana University Press
II. Sports Law: The Regulation of Organized Sports. The NCAA and the Courts: College Football on Television
Eric A. Seiken.Books and Bulldogs: Athletes and Academic Standards Abuses /Donald M. McKale.Switzer, a Sooner Scofflaw? /James W. Hewitt.The Win at Any Price Syndrome: Steroids in Athletics /Heather M. Feuerhelm.To Play or Not to Play: Substance Abuse Policies of Three Major Sports Leagues /David Sitz.Two All-Pros Collide with the Football Commissioner /Terry Radtke.Commissioner Kuhn Victorious over Owner Finley /M. Philip Lucas.George Steinbrenner's Bronx Zoo /David F. Dolan.In the Groove? The Legal War over Golf Clubs /John W. Johnson.Baseball's Big Inning: The Sacrifice of the 1919 Black Sox /Wayne S. Quirk.Beating the Spread: College Basketball Point Shaving /Ted Hovet, Jr. and Scott McEthron.Jack Molinas: A Basketball Player with Great but Unclean Hands /Charles E. Quirk.Fast Balls and Fast Bucks Don't Mix /Jack Kolbe.A Gridiron Hero Self-Destructs /Jack Kolbe.Charlie the Hustler and the Hall of Saints /David Rodgers.Fantasy Sports and the Law /William L. Wegman
Sports and the law: major legal cases /
Quirk, Charles E.,
Garland Pub.,
Pt. II. Vulnerability, Risk, and Models of Depression. 7. Genetics of Depression
John Wallace, Tiffany Schneider and Peter McGuffin.8.Biological Aspects of Depression /Michael E. Thase, Ripu Jindal and Robert H. Howland.9.The Representation and Regulation of Emotion in Depression: Perspectives from Affective Neuroscience /Richard J. Davidson, Diego Pizzagalli and Jack B. Nitschke.10.Depression and Early Adverse Experiences /Sherryl H. Goodman.11.Cognitive Vulnerability-Stress Models of Depression in a Self-Regulatory and Psychobiological Context /Lyn Y. Abramson, Lauren B. Alloy and Benjamin L. Hankin /[et al.].12.Depression in Its Interpersonal Context /Thomas E. Joiner, Jr.13.The Social Environment and Depression: Focusing on Severe Life Stress /Scott M. Monroe and Katholiki Hadijiyannakis
Handbook of depression /
Gotlib, Ian H.
Hammen, Constance L.
[2002], ©2002.
Guilford Press,
Issues. Ch. 2. Basic Decencies and Participatory Rights. 4. The Sovereign Territorial State: The Right to Genocide
Leo Kuper. 5. Torture as Policy / Amnesty International. 6. Civil Rights / Richard B. Lillich. 7. Race, Sex, and Religious Discrimination in International Law / Jack Greenberg. 8. Refugees: A Never-Ending Story / W. R. Smyser. 9. Human Rights on the Periphery: No Room in the Ark for the Yanomami? / Christian Bay. Ch. 3. Basic Human Needs, Security Rights, and Humane Governance. 10. Human Rights in Liberal, Socialist, and Third World Perspective / Adamantia Pollis. 11. Realization of Social and Economic Rights and the Minimum Threshold Approach / Asbjorn Eide. 12. The Right of Development as a Human Right / Hector Gros Espiell.13. Self-Determination as a Human Right / Hurst Hannum. 14. Planetary Rights / Edith Brown Weiss. 15. Peace as a Human Right / Philip Alston
Human rights in the world community: issues and action /
Claude, Richard Pierre,
Weston, Burns H.,
[1992], ©1992.
University of Pennsylvania Press,
III. Toward a New Land Ethic. Ch. 6. Good Work. Do You Work for a Living?
Richard White.Conservation Is Good Work /Wendell Berry.Good Work /E. F. Schumacher.Up River /Olive Pierce.The Ecology of Eden /Evan Eisenberg.Crossing Borders /Verlyn Klinkenborg.Letter to the Editor /Small Farmer's Journal.Grapes of Wrath /John Steinbeck.Ch. 7.Home.Child of the Far Frontier /Wallace Stegner.Staying Put /Scott Russell Sanders.The Abstract Wild /Jack Turner.The Center of the World /Harry S. Truman.The Ecology of Eden /Evan Eisenberg.The Geography of Nowhere /James Howard Kunstler.Teaching a Stone to Talk /Annie Dillard.The Thunder Tree /Robert Michael Pyle.Children of Crisis /Robert Coles.Wild Geese /Mary Oliver.Daughter of Growing Things /Rachel L. Bagby.Ch. 8.Storytelling.The Places of Stories /Robert Archibald.Cultures of Habitat /Gary Paul Nabhan.Solo Faces /Eddy L. Harris.Crow and Weasel /Barry Lopez.Thin Places /Ann Forbes.The Record /Wendell Berry.Ch. 9.The Whole Individual.Conservation is Good Work /Wendell Berry.World as Lover, World as Self /Joanna Macy.Living the Good Life /Helen Nearing and Scott Nearing.On the Path, Off the Trail /Gary Snyder.The Abstract Wild /Jack Turner.The Thunder Tree /Robert Michael Pyle.Dwellings /Linda Hogan.The Little Prince /Antoine de Saint-Exupery.Speech to Organic Growers /Wendell Berry.Self-Reliance /Ralph Waldo Emerson.Ch. 10.The Whole Community.The Ecology of Eden /Evan Eisenberg.The Good City and the Good Life /Daniel Kemmis.The Life of Mahatma Gandhi /Louis Fischer.Coming into the Watershed /Gary Snyder.The Hidden Wound /Wendell Berry.Solo Faces /Eddy L. Harris.A Power of Numbers /Rachel L. Bagby.
Our land, ourselves: readings on people and place /
Forbes, Peter.
Armbrecht, Ann,
Whybrow, Helen.
[1999], ©1999.
Trust for Public Land,
Rounds or catches of four voices (Hey, down a down (III). Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la (I). Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la (I): Melvill version. Miserere mei Deus. Conditor kyrie omnium qui vivunt. In te Domine speravi. Exaudi Domine orationem meam. Ora et labora. Ora et labora: five-part version. Quicquid petieritis. Cantate Domino canticum novum. Mane nobiscum Christe. Emitte lucem tuam et veritatem. Fides est anima vita (I). Descendit Christus de coelo. Ascendit Christus in coelum. Adiuva nos Deus. O Lord of whom I do depend. Attend, my people, and give ear. O Lord, in thee is all my trust. O Lord, turn not away thy face. A Dieu seul soit honneur et gloire
Paschal de L'Estocart. Célébrons sans cesse de Dieu les bontés / Orlando di Lasso. Saincté escriture te propose / de l'Estocart. Donez à boire. As I me walked in a May morning. As I me walked on a morning fair : Melvill version. The white hen she cackles. The wind blows out of the west. Jack, boy, ho boy, news. Blow thy horn, thou jolly hunter. Banbury ale. A miller would I be. Birch and green holly. The lark, linnet and nightingale. Troll the bowl to me. Now, Robin, lend to me thy bow. Farewell, mine own sweet heart. Fa, mi, fa, re, la mi. Musing mine own self all alone. To Portsmouth it is a gallant town. Come, drink to me, and I will drink to thee. Let's have a peal for John Cook's soul (I). Sing we this roundelay merrily, my mate. Ut, re, mi, fa, mi, re, ut. Ut, re, me, fa, mi, re, ut : four-part version. Lady, come down and see. Love, sweet love. Sing after, fellows, as you hear me. Sing after, fellows, as you hear me : Lant version)
Rounds, canons and songs from printed sources /
Ravenscroft, Thomas,
Morehen, John.
Mateer, David.
Bennet, John,
Pearce, Edward,
Ravenscroft, Thomas,
Ravenscroft, Thomas,
Bennet, John,
Ravenscroft, Thomas,
Ravenscroft, Thomas,
Bennet, John,
Ravenscroft, Thomas,
Ravenscroft, Thomas,
Bennet, John,
Bennet, John,
Pearce, Edward,
Ravenscroft, Thomas,
Ravenscroft, Thomas,
Ravenscroft, Thomas,
Ravenscroft, Thomas,
Bennet, John,
L'Estocart, Paschal de,
Lasso, Orlando di,
L'Estocart, Paschal de,
Stainer and Bell,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries