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> Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu
"Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
Conciles provinciaux et synodes diocésains du concile de Trente à la Révolution française: Défis ecclésiaux et enjeux politiques ?
Marc Aoun
Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu
Presses universitaires de Strasbourg
Cell activation and apoptosis in HIV infection: implications for pathogenesis and therapy /
Andrieu, Jean-Marie.
Lu, Wei.
[1995], ©1995.
Plenum Press,
Cell Activation and Apoptosis in HIV Infection: Implications for Pathogenesis and Therapy
Jean-Marie Andrieu
Wei Lu
Springer US
Politiques du passé: Usages politiques du passé dans la France contemporaine
Claire Andrieu
Marie-Claire Lavabre
Danielle Tartakowsky
Presses universitaires de Provence
Transforming IQ into “Orthopédie Mentale“: An Introduction to A. Binet and V. Vaney on Mental Orthopedics
Hayo Siemsen
John Testelin
Lisa Martin-Hansen
Karl Hayo Siemsen
Bernard Andrieu
Jean-Marie Fèvre
1st ed. 2017
Springer International Publishing
Droit et religion en Europe
Philippe Auvergnon
Françoise Curtit
René de Quenaudon
Anne Fornerod
Vincente Fortier
Gérard Gonzalez
Céline Pauthier
Thierry Rambaud
Isabelle Riassetto
Michel Storck
Yves Strickler
Nadine Weibel
Jean-Paul Willaime
Anne-Laure Zwilling
Marc Aoun
Jean-Luc Hiebel
Rik Torfs
Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu
Patrick Valdrini
Samim Akgönül
Brigitte Basdevant-Gaudemet
Michel Deneken
Silvio Ferrari
Franck Frégosi
Iván Carlos Ibán
Marcel Metzger
Pierre-Henri Prélot
Miguel Rodríguez Blanco
Balázs Schanda
Jean-Marie Woehrling
Presses universitaires de Strasbourg
Style(s) de (la) bande dessinée
Berthou Benoît
Dürrenmatt Jacques
Andrieu de Levis Jean-Charles
Baudry Julien
Berthou Benoît
Bréan Simon
Caraco Benjamin
Carneiro Maria Clara da S. R.
Cheilan Liliane
Dahan Léopold
Demange Julie
Dürrenmatt Jacques
Genoudet Adrien
Guilbert Xavier
Hébert Xavier
Kohn Jessica
Laureillard Marie
Lesage Sylvain
Mao Catherine
Martin Côme
Poudevigne François
Roger Kevin
Scepi Anastasia
Shakhnova Maria
Classiques Garnier
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 18 of 18 entries
Book Authors
Funding of Religious Activities in France 1790–1905
Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu
Public Funding of Religions in Europe
Francis Messner
Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu
Conciles provinciaux et synodes diocésains du concile de Trente à la Révolution française: Défis ecclésiaux et enjeux politiques ?
Marc Aoun
Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu
Presses universitaires de Strasbourg
L’engagement religieux. Approche comparée sur l’obéissance canonique et sur la subordination juridique
Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu
Droit et religion en Europe
Philippe Auvergnon
Françoise Curtit
René de Quenaudon
Anne Fornerod
Vincente Fortier
Gérard Gonzalez
Céline Pauthier
Thierry Rambaud
Isabelle Riassetto
Michel Storck
Yves Strickler
Nadine Weibel
Jean-Paul Willaime
Anne-Laure Zwilling
Marc Aoun
Jean-Luc Hiebel
Rik Torfs
Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu
Patrick Valdrini
Samim Akgönül
Brigitte Basdevant-Gaudemet
Michel Deneken
Silvio Ferrari
Franck Frégosi
Iván Carlos Ibán
Marcel Metzger
Pierre-Henri Prélot
Miguel Rodríguez Blanco
Balázs Schanda
Jean-Marie Woehrling
Presses universitaires de Strasbourg
L’exercice de la liberté de conscience sur le lieu de travail : contribution à l’étude du repos dominical de 1801 à 1880
Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu
Liberté des consciences et religion: Enjeux et conflits (xiiie-xxe siècle)
Bruno Maes, Catherine Guyon, Marta Peguera Poch, Anne-Élisabeth Spica (dir.)
Presses universitaires de Rennes
L’encadrement juridique du voyage ouvrier au xixe siècle
Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu
Les formes du voyage: Approches interdisciplinaires
Dominique Dinet
Jean-Noël Grandhomme
Presses universitaires de Strasbourg
Prospective Views of HIV Pathology
Wei Lu
Jean-Marie Andrieu
Cell Activation and Apoptosis in HIV Infection: Implications for Pathogenesis and Therapy
Jean-Marie Andrieu
Wei Lu
Springer US
Sur les comportements complexes. Table-ronde
Claire Andrieu
Jean-Marie Guillon
Anne-Marie Granet
Les comportements collectifs en France et dans l'Europe allemande: Historiographie, normes, prismes (1940-1945)
Pierre Laborie
François Marcot
Presses universitaires de Rennes
21. Prospective Views of HIV Pathology: Clues for Therapeutic Strategies
Wei Lu and Jean-Marie Andrieu.
Cell activation and apoptosis in HIV infection: implications for pathogenesis and therapy /
Andrieu, Jean-Marie.
Lu, Wei.
[1995], ©1995.
Plenum Press,
14C Pulse Labeling to Estimate External Fluxes and Turnovers in Primary Metabolism
Katia Pianelli
Antoine Monier
Marie-Hélène Andrieu
Bertrand Beauvoit
Martine Dieuaide-Noubhani
Plant Metabolic Flux Analysis: Methods and Protocols
Martine Dieuaide-Noubhani
Ana Paula Alonso
Humana Press
Characteristics of Distribution Networks
Marie-Cécile Alvarez-Hérault
Raphaël Caire
Sylvain Martino
Christophe Andrieu
Bertrand Raison
Electrical Distribution Networks
Nouredine Hadjsaïd
John Wiley & Sons
Influence of Localized Plasticity on IASCC Sensitivity of Austenitic Stainless Steels under PWR Primary Water
Sarata Cissé
Benoit Tanguy
Lydia Laffont
Marie-Christine Lafont
Catherine Guerre
Eric Andrieu
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems - Water Reactors
Gabriell Ilevbare
Jeremy Busby
Peter Andersen
1st ed. 2016
Springer International Publishing
Long-Term Follow-up of HIV Positive Asymptomatic Patients Having Received Cyclosporin A
Rafaël Levy
Jean-Philippe Jais
Jean-Marc Tourani
Philippe Even
Jean-Marie Andrieu
Cell Activation and Apoptosis in HIV Infection: Implications for Pathogenesis and Therapy
Jean-Marie Andrieu
Wei Lu
Springer US
From Planar to Trigate and Nanowire Fully Depleted Transistors
Franc¸ois Andrieu, Olivier Weber, Marie-Anne Jaud, Thomas Ernst, and Olivier Faynot
Intelligent Integrated Systems: Devices, Technologies, and Architectures
Simon Deleonibus
20. Long-Term Follow-up of HIV Positive Asymptomatic Patients Having Received Cyclosporin A
Rafael Levy, Jean-Philippe Jais, Jean-Marc Tourani, Philippe Even and Jean-Marie Andrieu
Cell activation and apoptosis in HIV infection: implications for pathogenesis and therapy /
Andrieu, Jean-Marie.
Lu, Wei.
[1995], ©1995.
Plenum Press,
Andrieu de Levis (Jean-Charles)
Kohn (Jessica)
Laureillard (Marie)
Martin (Côme)
Scepi (Anastasia)
Shakhnova (Maria)
Style(s) de (la) bande dessinée
Berthou Benoît
Dürrenmatt Jacques
Andrieu de Levis Jean-Charles
Baudry Julien
Berthou Benoît
Bréan Simon
Caraco Benjamin
Carneiro Maria Clara da S. R.
Cheilan Liliane
Dahan Léopold
Demange Julie
Dürrenmatt Jacques
Genoudet Adrien
Guilbert Xavier
Hébert Xavier
Kohn Jessica
Laureillard Marie
Lesage Sylvain
Mao Catherine
Martin Côme
Poudevigne François
Roger Kevin
Scepi Anastasia
Shakhnova Maria
Classiques Garnier
Alfred Binet’s Empirical Results from Current Pedagogical Perspective: Genesis and Incusion
Hayo Siemsen
John Testelin
Lisa Martin-Hansen
Karl Hayo Siemsen
Bernard Andrieu
Jean-Marie Fèvre
Transforming IQ into “Orthopédie Mentale“: An Introduction to A. Binet and V. Vaney on Mental Orthopedics
Hayo Siemsen
John Testelin
Lisa Martin-Hansen
Karl Hayo Siemsen
Bernard Andrieu
Jean-Marie Fèvre
1st ed. 2017
Springer International Publishing
Historical Article by Binet and Vaney
Hayo Siemsen
John Testelin
Lisa Martin-Hansen
Karl Hayo Siemsen
Bernard Andrieu
Jean-Marie Fèvre
Transforming IQ into “Orthopédie Mentale“: An Introduction to A. Binet and V. Vaney on Mental Orthopedics
Hayo Siemsen
John Testelin
Lisa Martin-Hansen
Karl Hayo Siemsen
Bernard Andrieu
Jean-Marie Fèvre
1st ed. 2017
Springer International Publishing
Introduction: The Story of the Twelve Stories
Bruno Tardieu.Ch. 1.Restoring Dialogue between School and All Parents /Anne Marie Toussaint, Claude Pair and Bruno Tardieu.Ch. 2.No More Power Cuts: Electricity Is a Public Service: A Trio of Concerned Engineers Mobilizes the French Electric Power Company /Laurent Ferrari and Bruno Tardieu.Ch. 3.We Stand by You, No Matter What: The Saga of a Small Business and a Homeless Employee /Annick Aubry, Jean Michel Aubry and Naomi Berline /[et al.].Ch. 4.The Media and the Voiceless - One Ethic for All: Ignored Families Are Heard Through the Baseler Zeitung /Jurg Meyer and Bruno Tardieu.Ch. 5.Beyond Harassment: A Parish Priest, a Village and an Outcast Family /Paul Arnesen and Bruno Tardieu.Ch. 6.The Powerless Renew the Struggle for Equity: Hospital Trade Union Reaches Out to Cleaning Staff /Annie Fifre, Bruno Tardieu and Isabelle Frochaux.Ch. 7.Europe's Poorest Citizens and the European Union: A Civil Servant in Brussels Becomes an Ambassador of the Fourth World /Robert Pendville and Bruno Tardieu.Ch. 8.Disenfranchised Families Inspire Public Policy: The French Economic and Social Council Adopts the Wresinski Report /Jean Andrieu, Bruno Tardieu and Jona M. Rosenfeld.Ch. 9.Being Heard in Court When No One Listens to You: The Struggle of a Lawyer and a Family Whom Everyone Judged /Myriam Gruter and Bruno Tardieu.Ch. 10.Forging the Links of Democracy in City Government: Linking the "Excluded." the "Included" and the Elected /Bernadette Maraud, Veronique Fayet and Bruno Tardieu /[et al.].Ch. 11.When Nations Unite with the Poor: An International Civil Servant Paves the Way to the Fourth World in the UN /Harry Lennon, Vincent Fanelli and Bruno Tardieu /[et al.].Ch. 12.The Knowledge Gained by the Poor Reaches: Professionals and Scientists: A University Teacher Connects with the Ignored /Jona M. Rosenfeld, Bruno Tardieu and Eyal Ben-Ary
Artisans of democracy: how ordinary people, families in extreme poverty, and social institutions become allies to overcome social exclusion /
Rosenfeld, Jona M.
Tardieu, Bruno.
[2000], ©2000.
University Press of America,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 18 of 18 entries