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> Jenkins, Michael B.
"Jenkins, Michael B." appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
The business of sustainable forestry: strategies for an industry in transition /
Jenkins, Michael B.
Smith, Emily T.
[1999], ©1999.
Island Press,
Principles of genetics /
Snustad, D. Peter.
Simmons, Michael J.
Jenkins, John B.
[1997], ©1997.
John Wiley,
Circuits, Signals, and Speech and Image Processing
Ronald J. Tallarida
Richard C. Dorf
Richard C. Dorf
Ferenc Szidarovszky
Michael Pecht
Shu-Park Chan
William J. Kerwin
Jerry L. Hudgins
Jerry D. Gibson
Paul Neudorfer
S. Unnikrishna Pillai
Juergen Schroeter
Michael D. Ciletti
Delores M. Etter
J. Gregory Rollins
W. Kenneth Jenkins
Jose C. Principe
Yun Q. Shi
Robert W. Ives
David R. Martinez
Cameron H.G. Wright
Chih-Ming Chen
Clayton R. Paul
A. Terry Bahill
Wai-Kai Chen
Alexander D. Poularikas
C. Sankaran
J.R. Cogdell
J. David Irwin
Theodore A. Bickart
Nick Angelopoulos, C.E.T.
Allan D. Kraus
Norman Balabanian
Kartikeya Mayaram
Theodore F. Bogart
David E. Johnson
Yariv Ephraim
Rulph Chassaing
Demetrios Kazakos
Sara Rajala
Keshab K. Parhi
James A. Cadzow
Marcia A. Bush
Glen Ballou
Stella N. Batalama
William Bitler
Pradeep Lall
Theodore I. Shim
L. Montgomery Smith
David D. Sworder
Lynn D. Wilcox
N.K. Bose
Leon H. Sibul
Peter Bendix
Norman S. Nise
Bruce W. Bomar
Mohan M. Sondhi
Charles W. Therrien
M. Michael Vai
Taan ElAli
Vyacheslav Tuzlukov
Sina Balkir
Mohamed Ibnkahla
Israel Cohen
Daniel V. Rabinkin
Mahmudunnabi Basunia
Robert A. Bond
Yingzi Du
Yong Deak Kim
Won-Sik Yoon
Ping Xiong
Dean J. Krusienski
Michael G. Morrow
Wei Su
Ahmad Iyanda Sulyman
Thad B. Welch
Yu Cao
Gary W. Elko
John E. Boyd
Hui Dong
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
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Showing 1 to 20 of 20 entries
Book Authors
Probabilistic Cumulative Damage Numerical Modeling of the Mechanical Response of a Ceramic Matrix Composite in Flexure
B. Scott Kessler
Michael G. Jenkins
Paul E. Labossiere
26th Annual Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures: A: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 23, Issue 3
Mrityunjay Singh
Hua-Tay Lin
John Wiley & Sons
20. Dental Indicators of Fetal and Childhood Health in the Archaeological Remains of a Nineteenth Century African-American Community
Michael L. Blakey, Sean B. Jenkins and David Jamison [et al.]
Pathways to success /
Sloan, L. R.
Starr, B. James,
Howard University Press,
Charles E. Allen, Robert M. Jenkins and Michael B. Kraft [et al.]
President Reagan and the world /
Schmertz, Eric J.
Datlof, Natalie.
Ugrinsky, Alexej.
Greenwood Press,
Halford H. Fairchild Marcia Cantarella Sarah E. Hinlicky Peter L. DeGroote Racism is decreasing
Deroy Murdock Orlando Patterson Samuel Francis Hugh B. Price Robert Bullard
Jim Motavalli The Nicholas Confessore Donald Neff Jared Taylor Roger Clegg Alvin S. Felzenberg Michael Melchior Kenneth Jost Ward Connerly Nat Hentoff Wilbert Jenkins
Mary E. Williams
Greenhaven Press
Halford H. Fairchild Marcia Cantarella Sarah E. Hinlicky Peter L. DeGroote Racism is decreasing
Deroy Murdock Orlando Patterson Samuel Francis Hugh B. Price Robert Bullard
Jim Motavalli The Nicholas Confessore Donald Neff Jared Taylor Roger Clegg Alvin S. Felzenberg Michael Melchior Kenneth Jost Ward Connerly Nat Hentoff Wilbert Jenkins Harry P. Pachon
Mary E. Williams
Greenhaven Press
Halford H. Fairchild Marcia Cantarella Sarah E. Hinlicky Peter L. DeGroote Racism is decreasing
Deroy Murdock Orlando Patterson Samuel Francis Hugh B. Price Robert Bullard
Jim Motavalli The Nicholas Confessore Donald Neff Jared Taylor Roger Clegg Alvin S. Felzenberg Michael Melchior Kenneth Jost Ward Connerly Nat Hentoff Wilbert Jenkins Harry P. Pachon Manning Marable
Mary E. Williams
Greenhaven Press
Halford H. Fairchild Marcia Cantarella Sarah E. Hinlicky Peter L. DeGroote Racism is decreasing
Deroy Murdock Orlando Patterson Samuel Francis Hugh B. Price Robert Bullard
Jim Motavalli The Nicholas Confessore Donald Neff Jared Taylor Roger Clegg Alvin S. Felzenberg Michael Melchior Kenneth Jost Ward Connerly Nat Hentoff Wilbert Jenkins Harry P. Pachon Manning Marable John McWhorter
Mary E. Williams
Greenhaven Press
Halford H. Fairchild Marcia Cantarella Sarah E. Hinlicky Peter L. DeGroote Racism is decreasing
Deroy Murdock Orlando Patterson Samuel Francis Hugh B. Price Robert Bullard
Jim Motavalli The Nicholas Confessore Donald Neff Jared Taylor Roger Clegg Alvin S. Felzenberg Michael Melchior Kenneth Jost Ward Connerly Nat Hentoff Wilbert Jenkins Harry P. Pachon Manning Marable John McWhorter Randall Kennedy
Mary E. Williams
Greenhaven Press
Pt. IV. Liver. 18. Benign Neoplasms of the Liver
John B. Hanks and Lynn K. Rosenlof.19.Malignant Neoplasms of the Liver /Roger L. Jenkins.20.Portal Hypertension /Layton F. Rikkers and J. Michael Henderson.21.Liver Transplantation.Alan N. Langnas /Byers W. Shaw, Jr.22.Hepatic Trauma /Jon M. Burch and Ernest E. Moore.23.Atlas of Liver Surgery /J. Michael Henderson and Layton F. Rikkers
Digestive tract surgery: a text and atlas /
Bell, Richard H.,
Rikkers, Layton F.
Mulholland, Michael W.
[1996], ©1996.
Lippincott-Raven Publishers,
Halford H. Fairchild Marcia Cantarella Sarah E. Hinlicky Peter L. DeGroote Racism is decreasing
Deroy Murdock Orlando Patterson Samuel Francis Hugh B. Price Robert Bullard
Jim Motavalli The Nicholas Confessore Donald Neff Jared Taylor Roger Clegg Alvin S. Felzenberg Michael Melchior Kenneth Jost Ward Connerly Nat Hentoff Wilbert Jenkins Harry P. Pachon Manning Marable John McWhorter Randall Kennedy William Stamps
Mary E. Williams
Greenhaven Press
Halford H. Fairchild Marcia Cantarella Sarah E. Hinlicky Peter L. DeGroote Racism is decreasing
Deroy Murdock Orlando Patterson Samuel Francis Hugh B. Price Robert Bullard
Jim Motavalli The Nicholas Confessore Donald Neff Jared Taylor Roger Clegg Alvin S. Felzenberg Michael Melchior Kenneth Jost Ward Connerly Nat Hentoff Wilbert Jenkins Harry P. Pachon Manning Marable John McWhorter Randall Kennedy William Stamps Tobin Miller Shearer
Mary E. Williams
Greenhaven Press
Halford H. Fairchild Marcia Cantarella Sarah E. Hinlicky Peter L. DeGroote Racism is decreasing
Deroy Murdock Orlando Patterson Samuel Francis Hugh B. Price Robert Bullard
Jim Motavalli The Nicholas Confessore Donald Neff Jared Taylor Roger Clegg Alvin S. Felzenberg Michael Melchior Kenneth Jost Ward Connerly Nat Hentoff Wilbert Jenkins Harry P. Pachon Manning Marable John McWhorter Randall Kennedy William Stamps Tobin Miller Shearer Susan Wise Bauer
Mary E. Williams
Greenhaven Press
Halford H. Fairchild Marcia Cantarella Sarah E. Hinlicky Peter L. DeGroote Racism is decreasing
Deroy Murdock Orlando Patterson Samuel Francis Hugh B. Price Robert Bullard
Jim Motavalli The Nicholas Confessore Donald Neff Jared Taylor Roger Clegg Alvin S. Felzenberg Michael Melchior Kenneth Jost Ward Connerly Nat Hentoff Wilbert Jenkins Harry P. Pachon Manning Marable John McWhorter Randall Kennedy William Stamps Tobin Miller Shearer Susan Wise Bauer Farai Chideya
Mary E. Williams
Greenhaven Press
Halford H. Fairchild Marcia Cantarella Sarah E. Hinlicky Peter L. DeGroote Racism is decreasing
Deroy Murdock Orlando Patterson Samuel Francis Hugh B. Price Robert Bullard
Jim Motavalli The Nicholas Confessore Donald Neff Jared Taylor Roger Clegg Alvin S. Felzenberg Michael Melchior Kenneth Jost Ward Connerly Nat Hentoff Wilbert Jenkins Harry P. Pachon Manning Marable John McWhorter Randall Kennedy William Stamps Tobin Miller Shearer Susan Wise Bauer Farai Chideya Peter Schwartz
Mary E. Williams
Greenhaven Press
Halford H. Fairchild Marcia Cantarella Sarah E. Hinlicky Peter L. DeGroote Racism is decreasing
Deroy Murdock Orlando Patterson Samuel Francis Hugh B. Price Robert Bullard
Jim Motavalli The Nicholas Confessore Donald Neff Jared Taylor Roger Clegg Alvin S. Felzenberg Michael Melchior Kenneth Jost Ward Connerly Nat Hentoff Wilbert Jenkins Harry P. Pachon Manning Marable John McWhorter Randall Kennedy William Stamps Tobin Miller Shearer Susan Wise Bauer Farai Chideya Peter Schwartz Grace Lee Boggs.
Mary E. Williams
Greenhaven Press
VI. Trauma. 24. Initial Stabilization and Transport of the Pediatric Trauma Patient
Deborah Loeff, Michael S. Sabel and Angel B. Bassuk.25.Central Nervous System Injuries /Yoon S. Hahn.26.Cardiothoracic Injuries in Children /Michel N. Ilbawi, Lou M. Smith and Philip C. Smith.27.Abdominal Anomalies /Deborah Loeff, Janet Meller and Ascension M. Torres.28.Skeletal Injuries /John W. Graneto and David F. Soglin.29.Burns and Inhalation Injuries /Richard J. Kagan and Marilyn E. Jenkins
Handbook of pediatric and neonatal transport medicine /
Jaimovich, David G.,
Vidyasagar, D.
[2002], ©2002.
Hanley & Belfus,
Support of the neonate. Prenatal environment: effect on neonatal outcome
Mary Lepley
Radhika Ghatge Gogoi. Perinatal transport / Gary Pettett
Eugenia K. Pallotto
Gerald B. Merenstein. Delivery room care / Susan Niermeyer
Susan B. Clarke. Initial nursery care / Sandra L. Gardner
Janis L. Johnson. Heat balance / W. Woods Blake
Judith A. Murray. Physiologic monitoring / Wanda Todd Bradshaw
Barbara S. Turner
John R. Pierce. Diagnostic imaging in the neonate / John D. Strain
Juley C. Jenkins. Pharmacology in neonatal care / C. Michael Cotten
Barbara S. Turner
Mary Miller-Bell. Drug withdrawal in the neonate / Susan M. Weiner
Loretta P. Finnegan. Acid-base homeostasis
oxygenation / William H. Parry
Jan Zimmer. Pain
pain relief / Sandra L. Gardner
Mary I. Enzman Hagedorn
Lorraine A. Dickey. The neonate
the environment: impact on development / Sandra L. Gardner
Edward Goldson
Handbook of neonatal intensive care
Gerald B. Merenstein
Sandra L. Gardner
Sandra Lee Gardner
Mosby Elsevier
Chapter 2 - The Intertidal Zone of the North-East Atlantic Region
Stephen J. Hawkins
Kathryn E. Pack
Louise B. Firth
Nova Mieszkowska
Ally J. Evans
Gustavo M. Martins
Per Åberg
Leoni C. Adams
Francisco Arenas
Diana M. Boaventura
Katrin Bohn
C. Debora G. Borges
João J. Castro
Ross A. Coleman
Tasman P. Crowe
Teresa Cruz
Mark S. Davies
Graham Epstein
João Faria
João G. Ferreira
Natalie J. Frost
John N. Griffin
ME Hanley
Roger J. H. Herbert
Kieran Hyder
Mark P. Johnson
Fernando P. Lima
Patricia Masterson-Algar
Pippa J. Moore
Paula S. Moschella
Gillian M. Notman
Federica G. Pannacciulli
Pedro A. Ribeiro
Antonio M. Santos
Ana C. F. Silva
Martin W. Skov
Heather Sugden
Maria Vale
Kringpaka Wangkulangkul
Edward J. G. Wort
Richard C. Thompson
Richard G. Hartnoll
Michael T. Burrows
Stuart R. Jenkins
Interactions in the Marine Benthos: Global Patterns and Processes
Stephen J. Hawkins
Katrin Bohn
Louise B. Firth
Gray A. Williams
Cambridge University Press
Pt. 3. Specific Clinical Applications. 13. Children's Stories, Children's Solutions: Social Constructionist Therapy for Children and Their Families
Jeff Chang.14.Minimizing Hierarchy in Therapeutic Relationships: A Reflecting Team Approach /S. Michele Cohen, Gene Combs and Bill DeLaurenti.15.Escaping the Lost World of Impossibility: Honoring Clients' Language, Motivation, and Theories of Change /Barry L. Duncan, Mark A. Hubble and Scott D. Miller.16.Solution-Focused Couple Therapy: Helping Clients Construct Self-Fulfilling Realities /Michael F. Hoyt and Insoo Kim Berg.17.Solution-Focused Ideas for Briefer Therapy with Longer-Term Clients /James W. Kreider.18.The Narrative Solutions Approach for Retelling Children's Stories: Using Preferred Views to Construct Useful Conversations /Thomas W. Lund and Joseph B. Eron.19.A Narrative Approach to Anorexia: Discourse, Reflexivity, and Questions /Stephen P. Madigan and Elliot M. Goldner.20.Internalized Other Questioning with Men Who Are Violent /David Nylund, Victor Corsiglia and Alan Jenkins.21.Using Therapeutic Splits to Construct Empathic Narratives.
The Handbook of constructive therapies: innovative approaches from leading practitioners /
Hoyt, Michael F.
[1998], ©1998.
Jossey-Bass Publishers,
Pt. II. Sexual and Reproductive Health. Sect. 3. Reproductive Health
Edited by Gertrud S. Berkowitz and Janet R. Daling.8.Puberty and Adolescent Pregnancy /Theresa O. Scholl.9.Menstruation and Menstrual Disorders: The Epidemiology of Menstruation and Menstrual Dysfunction /Sioban D. Harlow.10.Premenstrual Syndrome /Joseph F. Mortola.11.Women's Fecundability and Factors Affecting It /Donna Day Baird and Beverly I. Strassmann.12.Contraception /Donna Shoupe and Daniel R. Mishell, Jr.13.Induced Abortion /Hani K. Atrash and Audrey F. Saftlas.14.Maternal Morbidity /Michelle A. Williams and Robert Mittendorf.15.Labor and Delivery /William D. Fraser and Michael S. Kramer.16.Infertility /Marlene B. Goldman, Stacey A. Missmer and Robert L. Barbieri.17.Assisted Reproductive Technologies /David A. Grainger and Bruce L. Tjaden.18.Endometriosis /Victoria L. Holt and Janna Jenkins.19.Uterine Leiomyomata /Stephen M. Schwartz and Lynn M. Marshall.20.Hysterectomy /Kay Dickersin and Gail Schoen LeMaire.Sect. 4.Sexually Transmitted Diseases /Edited by Nancy S. Padian.21.Chlamydia /Gale Burstein and Anne M. Rampala.22.Gonococcal Infection in Women /Noreen A. Hynes and Anne M. Rampalo.23.Syphilis in Women /Jeanne M. Marrazzo and Connie L. Celum.24.Genital Herpes /Anna Wald and Joelle M. Brown.25.Human Papilloma Virus Infection in Women /Naomi Jay and Anna-Barbara Moscicki.26.Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDS in Women /Mary L. Kamb and Pascale M. Wortley.27.Vaginal Infections /Jane R. Schwebke.28.Urinary Tract Infection /Betsy Foxman.29.Pelvic Inflammatory Disease /Roberta Ness and Deborah Brooks-Nelson.30.The Interrelationship of Reproductive Health and Sexually Transmitted Diseases /Willard Cates, Jr. and Nancy S. Padian.Sect. 5.International Women's Health /Edited by Zena Stein.31.Maternal Mortality and Morbidity /Deborah Maine and Therese McGinn.32.Female Circumcision/Female Genital Mutilation /Susan Izett and Nahid Toubia.33.Women and HIV/AIDS: A Global Perspective: Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Challenges /Q. Abdool Karim and Z. A. Stein.34.Human Rights and Women's Health /Lynn P. Freedman
Women and health /
Goldman, Marlene B.
Hatch, Maureen.
[2000], ©2000.
Academic Press,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 20 of 20 entries