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> Jennifer A. Harris
"Jennifer A. Harris" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 12 of 12 entries
Book Authors
The Body as Temple in the High Middle Ages
Jennifer A. Harris
Sacrifice in Religious Experience
Albert I. Baumgartner (Editors)
The Bible and the meaning of history in the Middle Ages
Jennifer A. Harris
The practice of the Bible in the Middle Ages: production, reception, & performance in Western Christianity /
Boynton, Susan,
Reilly, Diane J.
Columbia University Press,
Chapter Three - The advantages and disadvantages of self-insight: New psychological and neural perspectives
Jennifer S. Beer
Michelle A. Harris
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology
James M. Olson
Academic Press
N-3 Fatty Acids: Role in Treating Dyslipidemias and Preventing Cardiovascular Disease
Thomas A. Barringer
William S. Harris
Jennifer A. Fleming
Penny M. Kris-Etherton
Dyslipidemias: Pathophysiology, Evaluation and Management
Abhimanyu Garg
Humana Press
Intervention strategies
Deborah A. Hwa-Froelich
Samantha L. Wilson
Sarah E. Harris
Jennifer S. Ladage
Supporting development in internationally adopted children
Deborah A. Hwa-Froelich
Paul H. Brookes Pub.
Using AI-Enhanced Social Robots to Improve Children’s Healthcare Experiences
Mary Ellen Foster
Samina Ali
Sasha Litwin
Jennifer Parker
Ronald P. A. Petrick
David Harris Smith et al.
Social Robotics: 12th International Conference, ICSR 2020, Golden, CO, USA, November 14–18, 2020, Proceedings
Alan R. Wagner
David Feil-Seifer
Kerstin S. Haring
Silvia Rossi
Thomas Williams
Hongsheng He
Shuzhi Sam Ge
1st ed. 2020
Springer International Publishing
Pt. IV. School and Community. Ch. 13. Stop the Violence: Conflict Management in an Inner-City Junior High School through Action Research and Community Problem Solving
Arjen E. J. Wals.Ch. 14.Special Needs, Special Measures: Working with Homeless and Poor Youth /De Bryant, Jennifer Hanis and Charles Stoner.Ch. 15.Community-Based Service: Re-Creating the Beloved Community /Bonnie Winfield.Ch. 16.A Summer Institute on Nonviolence /Ian Murray Harris.
Peacebuilding for adolescents: strategies for educators and community leaders /
Forcey, Linda Rennie.
Harris, Ian M.,
[1999], ©1999.
P. Lang,
IV. Executive Function. 14. Theories, Models, and Measurements of Executive Functioning: An Information Processing Perspective
John G. Borkowski and Jennifer E. Burke.15.A Theory and Model of Executive Function: A Neuropsychological Perspective /Martha Bridge Denckla.16.Relational Frame Theory and Executive Function: A Behavioral Approach /Steven C. Hayes, Elizabeth V. Gifford and L. E. Ruckstuhl, Jr.17.Linkages Between Attention and Executive Functions /Russell A. Barkley.18.Executive Functions and Working Memory: Theoretical and Measurement Issues /Bruce F. Pennington, Loisa Bennetto, Owen McAleer and Ralph J. Roberts, Jr.19.Addressing Problems in Attention, Memory, and Executive Functioning: An Example from Self-Regulated Strategy Development /Steve Graham and Karen R. Harris.20.Conceptualizing, Describing, and Measuring Components of Executive Function: A Summary /Paul J. Eslinger
Attention, memory, and executive function /
Lyon, G. Reid,
Krasnegor, Norman A.
[1996], ©1996.
P.H. Brookes Pub. Co.,
Cognition, language, and learning: Early cognition and physical development, Infants' differential processing of female and male faces
Jennifer L. Ramsey-Rennels
Judith H. Langlois
Other-race effect develops during infancy / D.J. Kelly [and others]
New advances in understanding sensitive periods in brain development / Michael S.C. Thomas
Mark H. Johnson
Contributions of neuroscience to our understanding of cognitive development / Adele Diamond
Dima Amso
It's fun
but does it make you smarter? / Erika Packard
children's understanding of mental states / Paul L. Harris
Marc de Rosnay
Francisco Pons
Children's biased evaluations of lucky versus unlucky people
their social groups / Kristina R. Olson
Future thinking in young children / Cristina M. Atance
learning in school: When should a kid start kindergarten? / Elizabeth Weil
Child growth and development 10/11
Ellen Nan Junn
Chris J. Boyatzis
McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Rewards: One property a fortnight
Ron Hoy Fong. Positive crossroads / Michael Harris
Annette Harris. Securing a future / Roger Bruys
Sandra Bruys. Develop for profit / Dr Ruth Edwards. Freedom fast / Dean Jackson. We know it works / Kelvin Bermingham. Recycling equity / David Colley
Beryl Colley. Living the good life / Dianne Corfield. Positive from the start / David Gilling. Buying in bulk / Andrew Shanahan. Believing in property / Kay Harrison
Dave Harrison. Subdivide
conquer / Paul Coventry. Realising visions / Richard Potter. Freedom in three years / Kim Metcalf. From cattle to cash cows / Shane Allen
Ali Allen. Do up
do well / Andrew Brenchley. Accelerated success / Gary McMahon. A numbers game / Chris. Riding a rocket / Lynnette Butler
Eddie Butler. Changing attitudes / Jennifer Lim
Jared Hoy Fong. No money down / Stuart Pope. Give me passive income / Adam Laurie. No sitting still / Lindsay Topp. An eye for a buy / Dennis Cashman. Goal driven / Rustica Lamb
Garry Butler. Minimal outlay / Don Rankin
Sharon Rankin. Pass go / Tom Connelly. Getting time back / Graham Thomas. Sky's the limit / John Teviotdale. Starting early / Ivan Gunarajan. Eight houses in five months / Corrina Laird. No fear / Shaun Walker. Winning deals / Mark Bosje. Advantage from adversity / Jla (Grace) Zou. Rebuilding / Wayne Bray. Seeking self-sufficiency / Joy
Brian Hamilton. Bumpy but bountiful trip / Jeff Vickers
Maggie Vickers. The leverage game / Anthony (Sammy J) Johnson. Attitude
motivation / Bob Stewart
How to get rich rewards in real estate in 3 years
Phil Jones
Pt. 2. The Causes of System Complications. 10. Causes and Consequences of Impaired Gas Exchange
Thomas J. Gal.11.Causes and Consequences of Arrhythmias /Roger L. Royster.12.Hypotension, Hypertension, Perioperative Myocardial Ischemia, and Infarction /Stephen N. Harris.13.Complications Related to Cardiopulmonary Bypass /Anne T. Rogers, John C. Lundell and Sylvia Y. Dolinsky.14.Anesthetic Complications Related to Endocrine Disease /Richard A. Wiklund and Stanley H. Rosenbaum.15.Causes and Consequences of Hypothermia and Hyperthermia /Henry Rosenberg and Steven M. Frank.16.Impaired Central Nervous System Function /Deborah J. Culley and Gregory Crosby.17.Injuries to the Visual System and Other Sense Organs /Steven Roth and Inger Gillesberg.18.Immunologic Complications /Jerrold H. Levy, Mette Veien and Michael E. Weiss.19.Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting /John B. Rose and Mehernoor F. Watcha.20.Liver Dysfunction After Anesthesia /Phillip S. Mushlin and Simon Gelman.21.Renal Dysfunction /Robert J. Lowes and Donald S. Prough.22.Perioperative Electrolyte and Acid-Base Abnormalities /John L. Ard, Jr. and Donald S. Prough.23.Complications of Blood Transfusion /Randall Goskowicz.24.Causes and Consequences of Maternal-Fetal Perianesthetic Complications /Brian K. Ross and H. S. Chadwick.25.Anesthesia Complications Occurring Primarily in the Very Young /Jennifer E. O'Flaherty and Frederic A. Berry.26.Injury to the Anesthesiologist /Jay B. Brodsky
Anesthesia & perioperative complications /
Benumof, Jonathan,
Saidman, Lawrence J.,
[1999], ©1999.
Poster: Memristive Systems
Jung Ho Yoon
Hyung-Suk Jung
Min Hwan Lee
Gun Hwan Kim
Seul Ji Song
Jun Yeong Seok
Kyung Jean Yoon
Cheol Seong Hwang
M.-P. Besland
J. Tranchant
E. Souchier
P. Moreau
S. Salmon
B. Corraze
E. Janod
L. Cario
Raúl Zazpe
Mariana Ungureanu
Roger Llopis
Federico Golmar
Pablo Stoliar
Félix Casanova
Luis Eduardo Hueso
C. Hermes
M. Wimmer
S. Menzel
K. Fleck
V. Rana
M. Salinga
U. Böttger
R. Bruchhaus
M. Wuttig
R. Waser
F. Lentz
C. Hermes
B. Rösgen
T. Selle
R. Bruchhaus
V. Rana
R. Waser
Astrid Marchewka
Stephan Menzel
Ulrich Böttger
Dr.-Ing. Rainer Waser
Brian Hoskins
Fabien Alibart
Dmitri Strukov
Luca Pellegrino
Nicola Manca
Teruo Kanki
Hidekazu Tanaka
Michele Biasotti
Emilio Bellingeri
Antonio Sergio Siri
Daniele Marré
Antonio Claudio M. Padilha
Gustavo Martini Dalpian
Alexandre Reily Rocha
Themistoklis Prodromakis
Iulia Salaoru
Ali Khiat
Christopher Toumazou
Ella M. Gale
A. Madhavan
G. Adam
F. Alibart
L. Gao
D. B. Strukov
D. Wamwangi
W. Welnic
M. Wuttig
Behrad Gholipour
Chung-Che Huang
Alexandros Anastasopoulos
Feras Al-Saab
Brian E. Hayden
Daniel W. Hewak
Rui Lan
Rie Endo
Masashi Kuwahara
Yoshinao Kobayashi
Masahiro Susa
Paul Baumeister
Daniel Wortmann
Stefan Blügel
Riccardo Mazzarello
Yan Li
Wei Zhang
Ider Ronneberger
Ronnie Simon
Jens Gallus
Dimitrios Bessas
Ilya Sergueev
Hans-Christian Wille
Raphaël Pierre Hermann
Jennifer Luckas
Pascal Rausch
Daniel Krebs
Peter Zalden
Janika Boltz
Jean-Yves Raty
Martin Salinga
Christophe Longeaud
Matthias Wuttig
Haeri Kim
Dong-Wook Kim
Soo-Hyon Phark
Seungbum Hong
C. Park
A. Herpers
R. Bruchhaus
J. Verbeeck
R. Egoavil
F. Borgatti
G. Panaccione
F. Offi
R. Dittmann
Sergiu Clima
Kiroubanand Sankaran
Maarten Mees
Yang Yin Chen
Ludovic Goux
Bogdan Govoreanu
Dirk J. Wouters
Jorge Kittl
Malgorzata Jurczak
Geoffrey Pourtois
P. Calka
E. Martinez
V. Delaye
D. Lafond
G. Audoit
D. Mariolle
N. Chevalier
H. Grampeix
C. Cagli
V. Jousseaume
C. Guedj
Pragya Shrestha
Adaku Ochia
Kin. P. Cheung
Jason Campbell
Helmut Baumgart
Gary Harris
Malte Scherff
Bjoern Meyer
Julius Scholz
Joerg Hoffmann
Christian Jooss
Bo Xiao
Tomofumi Tada
Tingkun Gu
Arihiro Tawara
Satoshi Watanabe
Tai-Fa Young
Ya-Liang Yang
Ting-Chang Chang
Kuang-Ting Hsu
Chao-Yu Chen
A Burkert
I. Valov
G. Staikov
R. Waser
Jan van den Hurk
Ilia Valov
Rainer Waser
Ilia Valov
Stefan Tappertzhofen
Jan van der Hurk
Rainer Waser
G. Adam
F. Alibart
L. Gao
B. Hoskins
D. B. Strukov
Kyung Jean Yoon
Seul Ji Song
Gun Hwan Kim
Jun Yeong Seok
Jeong Ho Yoon
Cheol Seong Hwang
Jung Ho Yoon
Kyung Jin Yoon
Yao Shuai
Chuangui Wu
Wanli Zhang
Shengqiang Zhou
Danilo Bürger
Stefan Slesazeck
Thomas Mikolajick
Manfred Helm
Heidemarie Schmidt
Ella Gale
David Pearson
Stephen Kitson
Andrew Adamatzky
Ben de Lacy Costello
Eero Lehtonen
Jussi Poikonen
Mika Laiho
Pentti Kanerva
Hyungkwang Lim
Ho-won Jang
Doo Seok Jeong
Xun Cao
Meng Jiang
Feng Zhang
Xinjun Liu
Ping Jin
Kai Zhang
Madhavi Tangirala
Pragya Shrestha
Helmut Baumgart
Salinporn Kittiwatanakul
Jiwei Lu
Stuart Wolf
Venkateswara Pallem
Christian Dussarrat
S. Pinto
R. Krishna
C. Dias
G. Pimentel
G. N. P. Oliveira
J. M. Teixeira
P. Aguiar
E. Titus
J. Gracio
J. Ventura
J. P. Araujo
Frontiers in Electronic Materials - Correlation Effects, Spintronics, and Memristive Phenomena
Jörg Heber
Darrell Schlom
Yoshinori Tokura
Rainer Waser
Matthias Wuttig
John Wiley & Sons
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 entries