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> John Gregory (3:45)
"John Gregory (3:45)" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Book Authors
John Gregory (3:45)
A man for all seasons /
Gregory, John
John Gregory (3:32).
A man for all seasons /
Gregory, John
Pt. I. Our "Speakers"1. Stupid Perceptions?
Irvin Rock.2.Smart Geometry! /John M. Kennedy.3.Action Potentials to Potential Actions /Richard L. Gregory
Looking at looking: an introduction to the intelligence of vision /
Parks, Theodore E.
Rock, Irvin.
[2001], ©2001.
Sage Publications,
Pt. II. Intergovernmental Relations: A Two-Level Game?2. Get Away from Me Closer, You're Near Me Too Far: Europe and America after the Uruguay Round
John Peterson.3.Dispute Prevention and Dispute Settlement in the EU-US Transatlantic Partnership /Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann.4.The Blurring of the Intergovernmental: Public-Private Partnerships behind US and EC Trade Claims /Gregory C. Shaffer
Transatlantic governance in the global economy /
Pollack, Mark A.,
Shaffer, Gregory C.,
[2001], ©2001.
Rowman & Littlefield,
4. Lasers in Endoscopy. 4-1. Applied Physics: Lasers in Endoscopy
Gregory T. Absten.4-2.Equipment /John L. Marlow.4-3.The CO[subscript 2] Laser /Dan C. Martin.4-4.Laparoscopic Use of the KTP/YAG Laser /James F. Daniell.4-5.The Argon Laser in Gynecologic Operative Laparoscopy /Sanford S. Osher.4-6.Nd:YAG Laser Laparoscopy /Stephen L. Corson
Operative laparoscopy /
Soderstrom, Richard M.
[1998], ©1998.
Pt. 1. Field Methods: Sub-Sector Analysis. 1. Rapid Reconnaissance Methods for Diagnosis of Sub-Sector Limitations: Maize in Paraguay
Michael L. Morris.2.Using Rapid Appraisal to Examine Coarse Grain Processing and Utilization in Mali /John S. Holtzman, John A. Lichte and James F. Tefft.3.The Policy Analysis Matrix Applied to Agricultural Commodity Markets /Barry I. Shapiro and Steven J. Staal.4.A Multi-Product Sub-Sector Study in Rwanda /Scott Loveridge.5.Methods for Evaluating the Market Potential of Processed Products /Gregory J. Scott
Prices, products, and people: analyzing agricultural markets in developing countries /
Scott, Gregory J.
Lynne Rienner Publishers,
Pt. I. Superintending Political Resources. 2. The United States Supreme Court's Response to American Political Corruption: The Failure of Constitutional Law or the Success or Republican Liberty?
Christopher P. Banks.3.A Legal Strategy for Challenging Buckley v. Valeo /John C. Bonifaz, Gregory G. Luke and Brenda Wright.4.Dollars and Sense: In Praise of Buckley v. Valeo /Joel M. Gora.5.The Role of Disclosure in Campaign Finance Reform /Trevor Potter.6.Splitting the Difference: The Supreme Court's Search for the Middle Ground in Racial Gerrymandering Cases /Barbara Perry
Superintending democracy: the courts and the political process /
Banks, Christopher P.
Green, John Clifford,
University of Akron Press,
I. Discourse Analysis and Linguistics. 1. Intonation and Discourse: Current Views from Within
Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen.2.Cohesion and Texture /J. R. Martin.3.Discourse Markers: Language, Meaning, and Context /Deborah Schiffrin.4.Discourse and Semantics /Neal R. Norrick.5.Discourse and Relevance Theory /Diane Blakemore.6.Discourse and Information Structure /Gregory Ward and Betty J. Birner.7.Historical Discourse Analysis /Laurel J. Brinton.8.Typology and Discourse Analysis /John Myhill.9.Register Variation: A Corpus Approach /Douglas Biber and Susan Conrad
The handbook of discourse analysis /
Schiffrin, Deborah.
Tannen, Deborah.
Hamilton, Heidi Ehernberger.
Blackwell Publishers,
Pt. 1. The Popular Tradition. 1. "Mystic Chords of Memory": The Cultural Voice of Ken Burns
Gary R. Edgerton.2.The Rise and Fall of Saturday Night Live: Lorne Michaels as a Television Writer-Producer /George Plasketes.3.Evolution of the Academy Award-Winning Script for Witness /Michael T. Marsden.4.Flow, Genre, and the Television Text /Gregory A. Waller.5.The Question of Popular Genres Revisited /John G. Cawelti.6.Researching Film and Television Audiences /Bruce A. Austin.7.Motion Picture Story Magazine and the Gendered Construction of the Movie Fan /Kathryn H. Fuller
In the eye of the beholder: critical perspectives in popular film and television /
Edgerton, Gary R.
Marsden, Michael T.
Nachbar, John G.
[1997], ©1997.
Bowling Green State University Popular Press,
v. 1. Women in the church in recent discussion
Kathy J. Pulley. Women in the Old Testament / John T. Willis. Women in the Hellenistic
Roman worlds (323 BCE-138 CE) / Gregory E. Sterling. Jewish women in the Greco-Roman era / Randall D. Chesnutt. "Neither male
female" (Gal. 3:28) / Jan Faver Hailey. "Phoebe"
"Junia(s)" : Rom. 16:1-2
7 / James Walters. 1 Cor. 11:2-16 : a re-investigation / Mark C. Black. The interpretation of 1 Cor. 14:34-35 / Carroll D. Osburn. "Submission" in Eph. 5:21-33 / Kenneth V. Neller. Women in the earlier Philippian Church (Acts 16:13-15
Phil. 4:2-3) in recent scholarship / J. Paul Pollard. Admonitions to women in 1 Tim. 2:8-15 / Thomas C. Geer
Jr. The identity of the "women" in 1 Tim. 3:11 / Barry L. Blackburn. The "widows" in 1 Tim. 5:3-16 / Marcia D. Moore. Titus 2:5 : must women stay at home? / Stanley N. Helton. The submission of wives in 1 Peter / James W. Thompson. Markan characterization of women / Frederick D. Aquino
A. Brian McLemore. Women in Matthew's Gospel : a methodological study / Larry Chouinard. Women in the Gospel of Luke / Allen Black. "Anti-feminist" tendency in the "Western" text of Acts? / Jeffrey W. Childers
L. Curt Niccum. Women in the post-Apostolic Church / Everett Ferguson
Essays on women in earliest Christianity
Carroll D. Osburn
Wipf & Stock
Pt. I. Judaica. 1. An introduction to prayer at Qumran
Esther G. Chazon and Moshe J. Bernstein.2.A thanksgiving for God's help (4Q434 ii-iii) /Edward M. Cook.3.Apostrophe to Zion (11Q Psalms Scroll 22:1-15) /Lawrence H. Schiffman.4.Dibre Hamme'orot: Prayer for the Sixth Day (4Q504 1-2 v-vi) /Esther G. Chazon.5.Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice /Carol A. Newsom.6.Hymn on Occasions for Prayer (1QS 10:8b-17) /Moseh J. Bernstein.7.Prayers in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha /Randall D. Chesnutt and Judith Newman.8.In misery, Tobit prays for death (3:1-6) /Carey A. Moore.9.God condemns the arrogance of power: the prayer in 3 Maccabees 6:2-15 /Judith Newman.10.Prayer of Noah: Jubilees 10:3-6 /John C. Endres.11.Judith prays for help (Judith 9:1-14) /Toni Craven.12.Prayer of a convert to Judaism (Joseph and Aseneth 12-13) /Randall D. Chesnut.13.The Song of Hannah in Pseudo-Philo's Biblical Antiquities /Joan E. Cook.14.2 Baruch 54:1-22 /F. W. Dobbs-Allsopp.15.Josephus and Philo /Mark Harding.16.The prayer of Moses in Josephus, Antiquities 2:355-7 /Mark Harding.17.Philo of Alexandria: two prayers /Gregory E. Sterling.18.The Shema and the Amidah: rabbinic prayer /Reuven Kimelman
Prayer from Alexander to Constantine: a critical anthology /
Kiley, Mark Christopher.
Cross-Cultural Communication: Introduction
William B. Gudykunst.2.Cross-Cultural Communication Theories /William B. Gudykunst and Carmen M. Lee.3.Cultural Communication /Gerry Philipsen.4.Language and Verbal Communication Across Cultures /Tae-Seop Lim.5.Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures /Peter A. Andersen, Michael L. Hecht and Gregory D. Hoobler /[et al.].6.Cultural Influences on the Expression and Perception of Emotion /David Matsumoto, Brenda Franklin and Jung-Wook Choi /[et al.].7.Cognition and Affect in Cross-Cultural Relations /Cookie White Stephan and Walter G. Stephan.8.Cross-Cultural Face Concerns and Conflict Styles: Current Status and Future Directions /Stella Ting-Toomey and John G. Oetzel.9.Issues in Cross-Cultural Communication Research /William B. Gudykunst
Handbook of international and intercultural communication /
Gudykunst, William B.
Mody, Bella.
[2002], ©2002.
Sage Publications,
I. Instrumentation. 1. Overview of Interventional MRI Magnets
Zong-Ping Zhao.2.Interventional Magnet and System Design at Low Field /Gerald W. Lenz.3.Design of a Mid-Field Intraoperative MR System at 0.5 Tesla /Stephen G. Hushek.4.A Proposed New Magnet Design for MR - Guided Surgery at 0.6 Tesla /Gordon Danby, John Linardos and Jevan Damadian [et al.].5.High-Field Interventional MR System for Neurologic Applications /Alastair J. Martin and Joop J. van Vaals.6.Endovascular Coils for Interventional MRI /Gregory C. Hurst.7.MR-Compatible Instruments for Interventional MRI /Andreas Melzer, Dieter Stoeckel and Martin Busch [et al.].8.Site Planning for Interventional MR /Andreas Staubert, Christian R. Wirtz and Volker M. Tronnier.9.Anesthetic Management for Intraoperative MRI /Heinrich Polarz, Angela M. Browne and Eike Martin.10.Safety Issues for Interventional MRI /Frank G. Shellock
Interventional MRI /
Lufkin, Robert B.
[1999], ©1999.
Pt. III. Wrist and Hand. Ch. 26. Anatomy
Matthew M. Tomaino, James C. McIntosh, Jr. and James H. Herndon.Ch. 27.Nerve Entrapments at the Wrist and Hand /E. Bruce Toby and L. Andrew Koman.Ch. 28.Contracture and Skin Loss /W. Bradford Rockwell and Graham D. Lister.Ch. 29.Paralysis: Functional Restoration /Richard A. Berger.Ch. 30.Spasticity /William B. Strecker and Paul R. Manske.Ch. 31.Dislocations and Ligament Injuries /William P. Cooney.Ch. 32.Wrist Fractures /Choon Lai Toh and Jesse B. Jupiter.Ch. 33.Malunion and Nonunion /Thomas R. Hunt and A. Lee Osterman.Ch. 34.Contracture /Lawrence C. Kurtzman, Sean M. Maguire and James H. Herndon.Ch. 35.Kienbock's Disease /Arnold-Peter C. Weiss and Andrew J. Weiland.Ch. 36.Tumors and Amputations /Robert J. Strauch and Harold M. Dick.Ch. 37.Congenital Malformations /Terry R. Light and Chantal Janelle.Ch. 38.Arthroplasty /Donald G. Ferlic.Ch. 39.Arthrodesis /Matthew M. Tomaino and James H. Herndon.Ch. 40.Dislocations and Ligament Injuries /Joel D. Krakauer and Peter J. Stern.Ch. 41.Fractures /Gregory Hung, Dean G. Sotereanos and James H. Herndon.Ch. 42.Malunion and Nonunion /Thomas E. Trumble and Eric Vanderhooft.Ch. 43.Compartment Syndrome and Abscesses /Matthew M. Tomaino and James H. Herndon.Ch. 44.Dupuytren's Contracture /Alexander Bee Dagum and Lawrence Colwyn Hurst.Ch. 45.Tumors and Amputations /Robert J. Strauch and Harold M. Dick.Ch. 46.Amputation /Dermot A. O'Farrell and James R. Urbaniak.Ch. 47.Congenital Malformations /Amy L. Ladd and Vincent R. Hentz.Ch. 48.Nailbed Reconstruction /Elvin G. Zook and Richard E. Broun.Ch. 49.Tendon Reconstruction /Robert S. Richards.Ch. 50.Arthroplasty /Matthew M. Tomaino and James H. Herndon.Ch. 51.Arthrodesis /John D. Lubahn and John M. Hood.
Surgical reconstruction of the upper extremity /
Herndon, James H.,
[1999], ©1999.
Appleton & Lange,
Sect. II. The Agents. 17. Poxviruses
Frank Fenner.18.Herpes Simplex Viruses /Richard J. Whitley and Bernard Roizman.19.Cercopithecine Herpesvirus (B Virus) /Richard J. Whitley and Julia Hilliard.20.Varicella-Zoster Virus /Anne A. Gershon and Saul J. Silverstein.21.Cytomegalovirus /Paul David Griffiths and Vincent Clive Emery.22.Human Herpesvirus 6 and Human Herpesvirus 7 /Koichi Yamanishi.23.Epstein-Barr Virus /Brian L. Beaulieu and John L. Sullivan.24.Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus /Patrick S. Moore and Yuan Chang.25.Adenoviruses /Olli Ruuskanen, Olli Meurman and Goran Akusjarvi.26.Polyomaviruses /John E. Greenlee and Frank J. O'Neill.27.Papillomavirus /William Bonnez.28.Human Parvovirus B19 /Larry J. Anderson.29.TT Virus and Related Human Circoviruses /Peter Simmonds.30.Hepatitis B Virus /Jean-Pierre Zarski, Don Ganem and Teresa L. Wright.31.Human Lymphotropic Viruses: HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 /William A. Blattner.32.Human Immunodeficiency Virus /John C. Guatelli, Robert F. Siliciano and Daniel R. Kuritzkes /[et al.].33.Colorado Tick Fever Virus and Other Arthropod-Borne Reoviridae /Joseph K. Wong.34.Rotaviruses /Manuel A. Franco and Harry B. Greenberg.35.Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Parainfluenza Viruses /Pedro A. Piedra, Janet A. Englund and W. Paul Glezen.36.Measles Virus /Michael N. Oxman.37.Mumps Virus /John W. Gnann, Jr.38.Zoonotic Paramyxoviruses /William J. Bellini, Paul A. Rota and Umesh Parashar.39.Rhabdoviruses /Thomas P. Bleck and Charles E. Rupprecht.40.Filoviridae /Mike Bray.41.Influenza Virus /Frederick G. Hayden and Peter Palese.42.Bunyaviridae: Bunyaviruses, Phleboviruses, Nairoviruses, and Hantaviruses /Gregory J. Mertz.43.Arenaviruses /C. J. Peters.44.Enteroviruses /Harley A. Rotbart.45.Rhinovirus /Jack M. Gwaltney, Jr. and Beverly A. Heinz.46.Hepatitis A Virus /Stephen M. Feinstone and Ian D. Gust.47.Norwalk Virus and Related Caliciviruses Causing Gastroenteritis /Robert L. Atmar and Mary K. Estes.48.Hepatitis E. Virus /David A. Anderson and Iswar L. Shrestha.49.Astrovirus /Suzanne M. Matsui.50.Coronaviruses /Kenneth McIntosh.51.Flaviviruses /Thomas P. Monath and Theodore F. Tsai.52.Hepatitis C. Virus /Laurence Garnier, Genevieve Inchauspe and Christian Trepo.53.Alphaviruses /Theodore F. Tsai, Scott C. Weaver and Thomas P. Monath.54.Rubella Virus /David W. Kimberlin.55.Hepatitis D Virus /Antonina Smedile, Alessia Ciancio and Mario Rizzetto.56.Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (Prion Protein Diseases) /Bruce Chesebro and Byron Caughey.
Clinical virology /
Richman, Douglas D.
Whitley, Richard J.
Hayden, Frederick G.
[2002], ©2002.
ASM Press,
Pt. 4. Pay Systems. 28. Pay Systems. 29. The Linkage of Business Context, Leadership, and Executive Reward
Webb Bassick.30.Comparison of Valuation Models for Long-Term Incentive Plans /Diane Gerard and Pamela Delaney.31.Executive Pay in International Markets /Damien Knight.32.Directors' Compensation: U.S. Practices /Webb Bassick.33.Job Family Modeling /John Gooding and Martin Gregory.34.Merit Pay /Robert L. Heneman.35.Team Pay /Steven E. Gross and Stephanie Penner Leffler.36.Competency-Based Pay: A Practitioner's Guide /Kathryn Lemaire.37.Solving the Performance Management Dilemma: One Size Does Not Fit All /Tracey Weiss.38.Successful Skill-Based Pay Plans /Nina Gupta and Jason D. Shaw.39.Gainsharing /Brian Graham-Moore.40.Recognition /Roger D. Stotz.41.Special Incentives /Richard J. Rabjohn and Raymond J. LaRose.42.Broad-Based Stock Ownership /Bruce R. Ellig.43."Hot Occupation" Pay /Margaret A. Coil.44.Industry and Occupational Influences on Compensation /Eric R. Schulz, David Van De Voort and Thomas G. Nocerino.45.Pay in the Public Service /Helen Murlis.46.Expatriate Pay /Calvin Reynolds.47.New Directions in Expatriate Management: A Customer Focus /R. Andrew Craggs.48.Coping with National Cultural Differences /Robert G. Hartley.49.Effective Communications /Doran Twer, Patricia Cooney and Scott Spreier.50.Analyzing the Costs of a Compensation Program /Robert H. Meehan.51.Managing Compensation Information /G. Lindsay Scott.52.Assessing Program Effectiveness /Robert J. Greene.53.Positioning Compensation Effectively in Organizational Change /Diane Gerard.54.The Changing Role of the Rewards Function /Charles Fay.55.Compensation: Agenda for the Future /The Editors.56.Appendix: The Hay Guide Chart - Profile Method /Richard Sperling.
The executive handbook on compensation: linking strategic rewards to business performance /
Fay, Charles H.
Thompson, Michael A.
Knight, Damien,
[2001], ©2001.
Free Press,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 entries