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> John J. Walters
"John J. Walters" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
Econversations: today's students discuss today's issues
John J. Walters
Stephen John Kasabuski Walters
Everything's an argument with readings
Walters, Keith
Lunsford, Andrea A.
Ruszkiewicz, John J
Bedford;St. Martins
Everything's an Argument
Andrea A. Lunsford
John J. Ruszkiewicz
Keith Walters
Oct 05, 2012
Brand: Bedford/St. Martin's;Bedford/St. Martin's
Figuring Out Fluency – Operations With Rational Numbers and Algebraic Equations: A Classroom Companion
Jennifer M. Bay-Williams
John J. SanGiovanni
C. David Walters
Sherri Martinie
Corwin Mathematics
Wind ensemble original album.
Kaneda, Bin,
Carter, Charles,
Olivadoti, Joseph,
Giovannini, Caesar.
Caudill, Jim Andy.
Nelhybel, Vaclav.
Walters, Harold L.
Morrissey, John J.,
Williams, Clifton,
Figures of Buddhist Modernity in Asia
Ian G. Baird
Corey L. Bell
Stephen C. Berkwitz
Anya Bernstein
Kalzang Dorjee Bhutia
Jane E. Caple
Jack Meng-Tat Chia
Sienna Craig
William Elison
Christoph Emmrich
Grant Evans
Paul J. Farrelly
Jane M. Ferguson
Gareth Fisher
Daniel G. Friedrich
Florence Galmiche
Michele R. Gamburd
Holly Gayley
David N. Gellner
Tim Graf
Elizabeth Guthrie
Elizabeth J. Harris
Sandya Hewamanne
Holly High
Amy Holmes-Tagchungdarpa
Sarah H. Jacoby
Michael Jerryson
Irving Chan Johnson
Hiroko Kawanami
Daniel W. Kent
Susanne Ryuyin Kerekes
Hwansoo Ilmee Kim
Tongthida Krawengit
Judy Ledgerwood
Jun-Youb (JY) Lee
Jacques P. Leider
Chiara Letizia
Sarah LeVine
Charlene Makley
John Marston
Levi McLaughlin
David L. McMahan
Leigh Miller
John K. Nelson
Brian J. Nichols
Carina Pichler
Visisya Pinthongvijayakul
Justin R. Ritzinger
Roger Casas (Ruiz)
Gregory A. Scott
Arthid Sheravanichkul
Nicolas Sihlé
Jessica Starling
Gitanjali Surendran
Nicola Tannenbaum
Antonio Terrone
Ashley Thompson
Stefania Travagnin
Jonathan S. Walters
Jeffrey Samuels
Justin Thomas McDaniel
Mark Michael Rowe
University of Hawaii Press
The Power Electronics Handbook
Timothy L. Skvarenina
J. David Irwin
Kaushik S. Rajashekara
Ronald Brown
Saandor Halasz
Attila Karpati
Istvan Nagy
Alex Domijan
Joseph T. Piechocki
Iqbal Husain
Roman Stemprok
Hirofumi Akagi
Mahesh M. Swamy
Ali Feliachi
Mehrdad Ehsani
Wayne Galli
Ralph V. Staus
Sohail Anwar
Raja Ayyanar
Hossein Salehfar
Patrick Chapman
Michael E. Ropp
Samuel A. Guccione
Roger Messenger
Keith Corzine
Alex Q. Huang
Richard W. Wies
Dariusz Czarkowski
Eric Walters
Phil Krein
Badrul Chowdhury
John Hecklesmiller
Dave Layden
Laura Steffek
Brian Young
Vrej Barkhordarian
Roger Messenger
Michael G. Giesselmann
Daniel Logue
Ali Emadi
Paolo Mattavelli
Giorgio Spiazzi
A. Stankovic
Amit Kumar Jain
Zhidong Song
Ali Agah
Ashish Agrawal
Tilak Gopalarathnam
Azra Hasanovic
Javad Mahdavi
Bipin Satavalekar
Karl Schoder
Tahmid Ur Rahman
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
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Showing 1 to 13 of 13 entries
Book Authors
(Ps, E+E-)
John Ludlow
H. R. J. Walters
Many-Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules, Clusters, and Surfaces
J. Berakdar
J. Kirschner
Springer US
Experimental Ecological Tests with Stocked Marine Fish
John M. Miller
Carl J. Walters
Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching - Developments, Pitfalls and Opportunities, Second Edition
Shuichi Kitada
Terje Svasand
H. L. Blankenship
John Wiley & Sons
Thioamide Labeling of Proteins through a Combination of Semisynthetic Methods
Christopher R. Walters
John J. Ferrie
E. James Petersson
Chemical Ligation: Tools for Biomolecule Synthesis and Modification
Alessandra Romanelli
Luca D. D'Andrea
John Wiley & Sons
Chapter 1 Automatic VHDL Model Generation of Parameterized FIR Filters
E. George Walters III, John Glossner, and Michael J. Schulte
Domain-specific processors: systems, architectures, modeling, and simulation /
Bhattacharyya, Shuvra S.,
Deprettere, Ed. F.,
Teich, Jrgen,
Marcel Dekker,
1 - The history of sperm cryopreservation
Eric M. Walters
James D. Benson
Erik J. Woods
John K. Critser
Sperm Banking: Theory and Practice
Allan A. Pacey
Mathew J. Tomlinson
Cambridge University Press
Overhauser Boundary Elements in Potential Theory and Linear Elastostatics
H. G. Walters
J. C. Ortiz
G. Steven Gipson
John A. Brewer III
Advanced Boundary Element Methods: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, April 13–16, 1987
Thomas A. Cruse
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Susan Avery
James D. Benson
Marylin A. Crawshaw
John K. Critser
Hasan M. El-Fakahany
Sepideh Mehri
Marvin L. Meistrich
Allan A. Pacey
Pasquale Patrizio
Denny Sakkas
Jose Sepulveda
Mathew J. Tomlinson
Eric M. Walters
Erik J. Woods
Sperm Banking: Theory and Practice
Allan A. Pacey
Mathew J. Tomlinson
Cambridge University Press
Notes on contributors
Margaret Bent
Anna Maria Busse Berger
Lawrence F. Bernstein
Bonnie J. Blackburn
M. Jennifer Bloxam
Philippe Canguilhem
Julie E. Cumming
Anthony M. Cummings
David Fallows
David Fiala
Alison K. Frazier
James Hankins
Leofranc Holford-Strevens
Deborah Howard
Andrew Kirkman
Michael Long
Laurenz Lütteken
Evan A. MacCarthy
Patrick Macey
Honey Meconi
John Milsom
Klaus Pietschmann
Alejandro Enrique Planchart
Yolanda Plumley
Keith Polk
Anne Walters Robertson
Jesse Rodin
David J. Rothenberg
Thomas Schmidt-Beste
Peter Schubert
Nicole Schwindt
Richard Sherr
Pamela F. Starr
Anne Stone
Reinhard Strohm
Richard Taruskin
Blake Wilson
Emily Zazulia
The Cambridge History of Fifteenth-Century Music
Anna Maria Busse Berger
Jesse Rodin
Cambridge University Press
Pt. II. Political Aspects of Intergovernmental Relations. 8. Governmental Diversity: Bane of the Grants Strategy in the United States
Robert D. Reischauer.9.Governments as Interest Groups /Anne Marie Cammisa.10.Lobbying for the Good Old Days /Jonathan Walters.11.State Government Influence in the National Policy Process: Lessons from the 104th Congress /John Dinan.12.The Preemption Beast: The Gorilla That Swallows State Laws /Ellen Perlman.13.Federal Coalitions for Federal Programs /Thomas J. Anton.14.The Impact of United States v. Lopez on Intergovernmental Relations: A Preliminary Assessment /Kenneth T. Palmer and Edward B. Laverty.15.Ways of Achieving Federal Objectives /Martha Derthick
American intergovernmental relations: Foundations, perspectives, and issues /
O'Toole, Laurence J.,
Congressional Quarterly,
Katherine J. Aitchison
Louis Appleby
John Bancroft
Aaron T. Beck
Sidney Bloch
Marc B. J. Blom
Roger Bloor
Anne Buist
Alistair Burns
E. Jane Byrne
Paul Carey
David J. Castle
Alex Cohen
Michael Craig
Ilana B. Crome
Kimberlie Dean
Tom Fahy
Anne E. Farmer
Michael Farrell
Alan J. Flisher
Glen O. Gabbard
Ragy R. Girgis
Sir David Goldberg
Ian M. Goodyer
Wayne Hall
Edwin Harari
Anthony Holland
Matthew Hotopf
Assen Jablensky
Navneet Kapur
Shitij Kapur
Kenneth S. Kendler
Sean Lennon
Jeffrey A. Lieberman
David Mamo
Peter McGuffin
Paul E. Mullen
Robin Murray
David Ndegwa
Jessica R. Nittler
Vikram Patel
Perminder Sachdev
Ulrike Schmidt
Scott A. Schobel
Jan Scott
Pak C. Sham
Dan J. Stein
Ezra Susser
Michele Tansella
Graham Thornicroft
Janet Treasure
Evangelia M. Tsapakis
André Tylee
Peter Tyrer
Jim van Os
Elizabeth Walsh
Paul Walters
Myrna M. Weissman
Simon Wessely
Marieke Wichers
Kimberly Yonkers
Essential Psychiatry
Robin M. Murray
Kenneth S. Kendler
Peter McGuffin
Simon Wessely
David J. Castle
Cambridge University Press
v. 2. In the beginning: male and female (Gen 1-3)
Rick R. Marrs. Sarah : her life
legacy / Jack W. Vancil. Deborah : judge
military leader
mother in Israel / Charme E. Robarts. "Wise women" in the Bible : identifying a trajectory / Michael S. Moore. Huldah
other biblical prophetesses / John T. Willis. The capable wife (Prov. 31:10-31) / Jack P. Lewis. A note on Luke 18:29-30 / John McRay
Carroll D. Osburn. Women in the Gospel of John / Frank Wheeler. Hup andros : sobordination of women in Rom. 7:2 / James C. Walters. 1 Cor. 7:4 : authority over the body / Robert F. Hull
Jr. Priscilla
Aquila : co-workers in Christ / Wendell Willis. Women
prophecy in the Corinthian church / Gary Selby. I Cor. 11:2-16 : public or private / Carroll D. Osburn. Was Sarah a believer? : reflections on Hebrews 11:11 / James Thompson. Tertullian
against women? / Earl Lavender. Women ministers in Constantinian Christianity / Frederick W. Norris. Women in the European Middle Ages / Dale Pauls. The problem of credulity of women in the history of Christian thought / Gerald C. Tiffin. Gender roles
conservative churches : 1870-1930 / Kathy J. Pulley. The cult of true womanhood
the disciple path to female preaching / Fred A. Bailey. The role of women in the New Testament doctrine of ministry / Allan J. McNicol. Women in the church : the hermeneutical problem / Thomas H. Olbricht
Essays on women in earliest Christianity
Carroll D. Osburn
Wipf & Stock
Pt. 3. Occupational asthma, respiratory illness due to dust exposures, and organic dust diseases. 21. Assessment of airway responsiveness relevant to occupational exposures
Susan M. Tarlo, Neil Alexis and Frances Silverman.22.Mechanisms of occupational asthma /Chris Stenton, Gavin Spickett and David Hendrick.23.Occupational asthma due to low-molecular weight compounds /P. Maestrelli, M. Saetta and C. E. Mapp [et al.].24.Isocyanate-induced asthma /Cristina E. Mapp.25.Occupational asthma due to high-molecular weight agents /Jeremy R. Beach, Francis Thien and E. Hadyn Walters.26.Urban epidemic asthma /Josep M. Anto and Jordi Sunyer.27.The effects of cotton dust on the lung /Ragnar Rylander.28.Byssinosis in India and the developing world /Rohini V. Chowgule.29.Hypersensitivity pneumonitis /John E. Salvaggio, Ann E. Vockroth and Manuel Lopez.30.Acute toxic chemical exposures: mechanisms and outcomes /Paul Cullinan and A. J. Newman Taylor
Occupational lung disease: an international perspective /
Banks, Daniel E.
Parker, John E.
Chapman & Hall Medical,
v. 1. Women in the church in recent discussion
Kathy J. Pulley. Women in the Old Testament / John T. Willis. Women in the Hellenistic
Roman worlds (323 BCE-138 CE) / Gregory E. Sterling. Jewish women in the Greco-Roman era / Randall D. Chesnutt. "Neither male
female" (Gal. 3:28) / Jan Faver Hailey. "Phoebe"
"Junia(s)" : Rom. 16:1-2
7 / James Walters. 1 Cor. 11:2-16 : a re-investigation / Mark C. Black. The interpretation of 1 Cor. 14:34-35 / Carroll D. Osburn. "Submission" in Eph. 5:21-33 / Kenneth V. Neller. Women in the earlier Philippian Church (Acts 16:13-15
Phil. 4:2-3) in recent scholarship / J. Paul Pollard. Admonitions to women in 1 Tim. 2:8-15 / Thomas C. Geer
Jr. The identity of the "women" in 1 Tim. 3:11 / Barry L. Blackburn. The "widows" in 1 Tim. 5:3-16 / Marcia D. Moore. Titus 2:5 : must women stay at home? / Stanley N. Helton. The submission of wives in 1 Peter / James W. Thompson. Markan characterization of women / Frederick D. Aquino
A. Brian McLemore. Women in Matthew's Gospel : a methodological study / Larry Chouinard. Women in the Gospel of Luke / Allen Black. "Anti-feminist" tendency in the "Western" text of Acts? / Jeffrey W. Childers
L. Curt Niccum. Women in the post-Apostolic Church / Everett Ferguson
Essays on women in earliest Christianity
Carroll D. Osburn
Wipf & Stock
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 13 of 13 entries