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> John King (19:10)
"John King (19:10)" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 13 of 13 entries
Book Authors
Disc 8: Blues '99 (excerpt)
John King (19:10)
Music for Merce: 1952-2009.
Cunningham, Merce.
Wolff, Christian,
Cage, John.
Brown, Earle,
Nilsson, Bo.
Feldman, Morton,
Mumma, Gordon,
Ichiyanagi, Toshi,
Behrman, David.
Oliveros, Pauline,
Tudor, David,
Kosugi, Takehisa,
Amacher, Maryanne.
Gibson, Jon.
Tone, Yasunao.
King, John,
Pugliese, Michael.
Dempster, Stuart.
Lockwood, Annea,
New World Records,
gliss in sighs
John King (16:19)
Music for Merce: 1952-2009.
Cunningham, Merce.
Wolff, Christian,
Cage, John.
Brown, Earle,
Nilsson, Bo.
Feldman, Morton,
Mumma, Gordon,
Ichiyanagi, Toshi,
Behrman, David.
Oliveros, Pauline,
Tudor, David,
Kosugi, Takehisa,
Amacher, Maryanne.
Gibson, Jon.
Tone, Yasunao.
King, John,
Pugliese, Michael.
Dempster, Stuart.
Lockwood, Annea,
New World Records,
Pt. III. The Environment. Ch. 8. Rethinking Muir's First Summer in Yosemite
Steven J. Holmes.Ch. 9.Josiah Dwight Whitney, John Muir and Clarence King, and the "Chasm of the Yosemite" /Keith Burich.Ch. 10.John Muir and the Pioneer Conservationists of the Pacific Northwest /Ronald Eber.Ch. 11.The Botanist's Last Journey: John Muir in South America and Southern Africa, 1911-12 /C. Michael Hall and Stephen R. Mark
John Muir in historical perspective /
Miller, Sally M.,
[1999], ©1999.
Peter Lang,
The Cultural Connection. 9. The Influence of British Culture in Argentina
John King.10.Charles Darwin and W.H. Hudson /Jason Wilson.11.British Travel Writing and Argentina /John Walker.12.Borges and England /Evelyn Fishburn.13.'Hullo Tango!' The English Tango Craze and its After-Echoes /Simon Collier.14.The British Press and the Perons /Gwyn Howells.15.The Unnoticed Era /Eduardo Crawley
The land that England lost: Argentina and Britain, a special relationship /
Hennessy, C. A. M.
King, John,
In U.S. and Canada distributed by St. Martin's Press,
Pt. II. Cross-Cultural Issues. 17. Religion and Gender
Ursula King.18.Spirituality /Ursula King.19.The Study of Diaspora Religion /John R. Hinnells.20.African Diaspora Religion /Ossie Stuart.21.The Australian South Asian Diaspora /Purushottama Bilimoria.22.The Religions of South Asian Communities in Britain /Kim Knott.23.The Religions of the South Asian Diaspora in Canada /Harold Coward.24.South Asian Religions in the United States /Raymond Brady Williams.25.Comparative Reflections on South Asian Religion in International Migration /John R. Hinnells.
A new handbook of living religions /
Hinnells, John R.
Blackwell Publishers,
Pt. IV. Analyses. Ch. 13. Introduction to Part IV. Ch. 14. What Were the Grievances of France in 1789? The Most Common Demands in the Cahiers de Doleances
Gilbert Shapiro.Ch. 15.Consensus and Conflict at the Onset of Revolution /John Markoff and Gilbert Shapiro.Ch. 16.Allies and Opponents: Nobility and Third Estate in the Spring of 1789 /John Markoff.Ch. 17.The West in France in 1789: The Religious Factor in the Origins of the Counterrevolution /Timothy Tackett.Ch. 18.Social Mobility and Political Radicalism: The Case of the French Revolution of 1789 /Gilbert Shapiro and Philip Dawson.Ch. 19.Images of the King at the Beginning of the Revolution /John Markoff.Ch. 20.Peasants Protest: The Claims of Lord, Church and State in the Cahiers de Doleances /John Markoff.Ch. 21.Peasant Grievances and Peasant Insurrection: France in 1789 /John Markoff
Revolutionary demands: a content analysis of the Cahiers de doléances of 1789 /
Shapiro, Gilbert.
Tackett, Timothy,
Dawson, Philip.
Markoff, John,
Stanford University Press,
Pt. 3. Expansion and Approach to War. 8. On the Far China Station
George Van Deurs.9.On the Flying Trapeze /Harold Blaine Miller.10.Where Next, Columbus? /Herbert D. Riley.11.From a Nobody to a Somebody /Robert E. Carl.12.Searching for Amelia /Francis D. Foley.13.Williwaws, Gig'ems, and St. Elmo's Fire /John S. Thach.14.Goddamn, I'm a Mariner /Cecil St. Clair King, Jr.15.It Helps to Be a Sailor /Francis D. Foley.16.The End of an Era /Thomas H. Moorer
The golden age remembered: U. S. naval aviation, 1919-1941 /
Wooldridge, E. T.
Naval Institute Press,
Pt. II. New Stories: Modern American Indian Literatures. 7. Perception in D'Arcy McNickle's The Surrounded: A Postcolonial Reading
Jeri Zulli.8.Teaching Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony /Conrad Shumaker.9.Western Fictions in Welch's Fools Crow: Languages of Landscape and Culture /Blanca Chester.10.Native American Sleuths: Following in the Footsteps of the Indian Guides? /John K. Donaldson.11.King and Kodachrome: Green Grass, Running Water's Models for Non-Native Participation /Maurice Collins.12.Dialectic to Dialogic: Negotiating Bicultural Heritage in Sherman Alexie's Sonnets /Carrie Etter.13.Tales of Burning Love: Louise Erdich's "Scarlet Letter" /Tom Matchie.
Telling the stories: essays on American Indian literatures and cultures /
Hoffman, Elizabeth DeLaney,
Nelson, Malcolm A.
[2001], ©2001.
Peter Lang Pub.,
Ch. 3. Personality and Political Leadership. 9. The Hardball Practitioner
Lloyd S. Etheredge. 10. The Presidential Character / James David Barber. 11. Leader Appeal, Leader Performance, and the Motive Profiles of Leaders and Followers: A Study of American Presidents and Elections / David G. Winter. 12. Personality and Democratic Politics / Paul M. Sniderman. 13. Contributions of Psychohistory to Understanding Politics / Geoffrey Cocks.Ch. 4. Political Psychology of Destructive Obedience and Genocide. 14. Destroying the Innocent with a Clear Conscience: A Sociopsychology of the Holocaust / John P. Sabini and Maury Silver. 15. The Nazi Doctors / Robert Jay Lifton. 16. Sanctioned Massacres / Herbert C. Kelman and V. Lee Hamilton. 17. Thought Reform in China / John King Fairbank
Political psychology: classic and contemporary readings /
Kressel, Neil J.,
Paragon House Publishers,
Sect. 2. Sports-Specific Injuries. 12. Baseball
Christopher D. Harner, James P. Bradley, Patrick J. McMahon and Mininder S. Kocher.13. Basketball / Frank H. Bassett III. 14. Bicycling / Jack Harvey and Shawn Wotowey. 15. Boxing / W. Timothy Ward. 16. Competitive Diving / Richard L. Carter. 17. Cricket / Thomas Crisp and John B. King. 18. Dance and the Arts / Ruth Kamenski and Freddie H. Fu. 19. Emergency Medical Care at Sports Events / Vincent P. Verdile. 20. Equestrian / John Lester Firth. 21. Fencing / Julie A. Moyer, Rebecca Jaffe and Marlene Adrian. 22. Football / James J. Irrgang, Mark D. Miller and Darren L. Johnson. 23. Golf / John R. McCarroll. 24. Gymnastics / Jeffery R. Weiss. 25. Ice Hockey / Jeffrey Minkoff, Gerard P. Varlotta and Barry G. Simonson. 26. Ice Skating: Figure, Speed, Long Distance
Sports injuries: mechanisms, prevention, treatment /
Fu, Freddie H.
Stone, David A.
[1994], ©1994.
Williams & Wilkins,
Ch. 1. Colonialism and Revolution. 1. The Tainos: The Voyage of Christopher Columbus
John Cummins.2.Forced Conversion: King Ferdinand's letter to the Tainos /King Ferdinand of Castille.3.Colonisation: Les Racines du sous-developpement en Haiti /Benoit Joachim.4.The Buccaneers: La Nation haitienne /Dantes Bellegarde.5.Out of Africa: The Drum and the Hoe /Harold Courlander.6.Slaves and Profitability: The Black Jacobins /C. L. R. James.7.Torture: Notes a M. le Baron V. P. Malouet /Baron de Vastey.8.The Maroons: Marronage in the French Caribbean /Gabriel Debien.9.Poison: The Kingdom of This World /Alejo Carpentier.10.The Field Slaves: The Making of Haiti: the Saint-Domingue Revolution from Below /Carolyn Fick.11.White Society: A Civilization that Perished: the Last Years of White Colonial Rule /Moreau de Saint-Mery.12.The 'Pigmentocracy': Racial Categories: Description de la partie francaise de l'Ile de Saint-Domingue /Moreau de Saint-Mery.13.Boukman's Ceremony: Histoire de Toussaint L'ouverture /Pauleus Sannon.14.The Uprising: Black Liberator /Stephen Alexis.15.British Graveyard: The British Army and the Slave Revolt /David Geggus.16.Military Strategy: Letter to Laveaux /Toussaint Louverture.17.Slave Turned General: Toussaint Louverture: Haiti's Tragic Hero /Rene Depestre.18.Dessalines: Thank You Dessalines /Felix Morisseau-Leroy.19.Birth of Haiti: Declaration of Independence /Boisrond Tonnerre
A Haiti anthology: libète /
Arthur, Charles,
Dash, J. Michael.
Ian Randle Publishers,
Pt. III. Case Studies in Public Health and Managed Care. Ch. 11. Managed Care, Public Health, and Privatization: A Typology of Interorganizational Arrangements
Glen P. Mays, Paul K. Halverson and Arnold D. Kaluzny.Ch. 12.Case Study: Integrated Public and Private Health Care Systems in Denver, CO /Glen P. Mays.Ch. 13.Case Study: Group Health Cooperative and the Public Health System Serving Olympia, WA /Curtis P. McLaughlin, Paul K. Halverson and Glen P. Mays.Ch. 14.Case Study: A Public Sector HMO in Portland, OR /Glen P. Mays.Ch. 15.Case Study: Reconfiguring Memphis' Public Health System for Managed Care /Glen P. Mays.Ch. 16.Case Study: The Local Health Department's Role in Milwaukee's Managed Care Market /Glen P. Mays.Ch. 17.Case Study: Privatizing a Community Hospital in Rocky Mount, NC /Curtis P. McLaughlin.Ch. 18.Case Study: Providing Public Health Services through an Integrated Delivery System in Mecklenburg County, NC /Stephen R. Keener, John W. Baker and Glen P. Mays.Ch. 19.Case Study: Hospital Privatization as a Quality Improvement Strategy in Jersey City, NJ /Jonathan M. Metsch, Donald R. Haley and Donald Malafronte.Ch. 20.Case Study: Privatizing the Mental Health System in King County, WA /Anne Y. Ilinitch and Curtis P. McLaughlin
Managed care and public health /
Halverson, Paul K.
Kaluzny, Arnold D.
McLaughlin, Curtis P.
Mays, Glen P.
Aspen Publication,
IV. Special Pathology. 14. Skin and Its Appendages: Normal Anatomy and Pathology of Spontaneous, Transgenic, and Targeted Mouse Mutations
John P. Sundberg and Lloyd E. King, Jr.15.Interpretation of Ocular Pathology in Genetically Engineered and Spontaneous Mutant Mice /Richard S. Smith, Patsy M. Nishina and Sakae Ikeda /[et al.].16.Strategies for Behavioral Phenotyping of Transgenic and Knockout Mice /Jacqueline N. Crawley.17.Pathologic Characterization of Neurological Mutants /Roderick T. Bronson.18.Transgenic and Knockout Mice with Neuropathological Disorders /Liat Lomnitski, Abraham Nyska and Daniel M. Michaelson.19.Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Genetically Engineered and Spontaneous Mutant Mice /Michael Mahler, Bjorn Rozell and Joel F. Mahler /[et al.].20.Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Mouse Models: Role of Gastrointestinal Microbiota as Proinflammatory Modulators /James G. Fox, Charles A. Dangler and David B. Schauer.21.Hepatic Pathology in Genetically Engineered Mice /Maria L. Z. Dagli, Jerrold M. Ward and Glenn Merlino /[et al.].22.Pathology of the Reproductive System in Genetically Engineered and Spontaneous Mutant Mice /Joel F. Mahler.23.Renal Diseases in Genetically Engineered Mice /Michael A. Eckhaus and Jeffrey B. Kopp.24.Lymphomas in Genetically Engineered Mice /Lekidelu Taddesse-Heath and Herbert C. Morse III.
Pathology of genetically engineered mice /
Ward, Jerrold Michael,
[2000], ©2000.
Iowa State University Press,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 13 of 13 entries