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> Johnson, Jeff A
"Johnson, Jeff A" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
Do-it-yourself early learning: easy and fun activities and toys from everyday home center materials
Johnson, Jeff
Jeff A. Johnson
Tasha A. Johnson
Redleaf Press
Keeping your smile: caring for children with joy, love, and intention
Jeff A. Johnson
Redleaf Press
Finding your smile again: a child care professional's guide to reducing stress and avoiding burnout
Jeff A. Johnson
Redleaf Press
Everyday early learning: easy and fun activities and toys from stuff you can find around the house
Jeff A. Johnson
Redleaf Press
Babies in the rain: promoting play,exploration,and discovery with infants and toddlers
Jeff A. Johnson
Redleaf Press
Tattoo machine: tall tales, true stories, and my life in ink
Jeff A. Johnson
Spiegel & Grau
Let's all play: a group-learning (un)curriculum
Dinger, Denita
Johnson, Jeff A
Redleaf Press
The West Wing: the complete series /
Sorkin, Aaron.
Wells, John,
Schlamme, Thomas.
Wells, Llewellyn.
Attie, Eli.
Cahn, Debora.
Walden, W. G.
Del Ruth, Thomas,
Antonio, Lou,
Barclay, Paris.
Berlinger, Robert.
Bernstein, Andrew.
Coles, John David.
D'Elia, Bill.
Drazan, Anthony,
Engler, Michael.
Ensler, Jason,
Glatter, Lesli Linka.
Gordon, Bryan.
Graves, Alex.
Hébert, Julie.
Holcomb, Rod.
Hutman, Jon.
Innes, Laura,
Johnson, Clark,
Kagan, Jeremy Paul.
Leder, Mimi,
Lehmann, Michael,
Mayer, Max.
McCormick, Nelson.
McCrane, Paul.
Misiano, Christopher.
Misiano, Vincent.
Nutter, David.
Olin, Ken.
Sanford, Arlene.
Scardino, Don.
Shill, Steve.
Sullivan, Kevin Rodney.
Taylor, Alan,
Winant, Scott.
Yu, Jessica.
Abner, Allison,
Baitz, Jon Robin,
Caddell, Patrick.
Chitre, Nanda.
Cleveland, Rick.
Dahl, Julia,
Falls, Kevin.
Flint, Carol.
Gerken, David.
Glasser, Laura.
Goffman, Mark A.
Handelman, David.
Junge, Alexa.
McCabe, Peter,
Myers, Dee Dee.
Noah, Peter.
O'Donnell, Lawrence.
Osborn, Ron.
Palmer, Michael Oates.
Parnell, Peter.
Redford, Paul.
Reno, Jeff.
Schmidt, Lauren.
Sind, William.
Singer, Josh.
Sperling, Gene B.
Whitford, Bradley.
Willson, Felicia.
Yoo, Paula.
Young, John Sacret,
Sheen, Martin.
Janney, Allison.
Whitford, Bradley.
Schiff, Richard,
Spencer, John,
Hill, Dulé.
Moloney, Janel,
Robinson, NiCole,
Fitzgerald, Melissa.
Lowe, Rob.
Malina, Joshua,
Channing, Stockard.
Webster, Kim.
Murphy, Kris.
Davis-Reed, Timothy.
McCormack, Mary,
Duffy, William
Smith, Peter James,
Estevez, Renée.
Noland, Charles.
Parikh, Devika.
Smits, Jimmy.
Chenoweth, Kristin.
Tomlin, Lily.
Seeger, Mindy.
Joosten, Kathryn.
Busfield, Timothy.
Alda, Alan,
Allen, Ivan
Moss, Elisabeth,
Parker, Mary-Louise.
Kelly, Moira.
Campbell, Karis.
Amos, John,
Cole, Gary,
Smith, Anna Deavere.
Brooks, Randy,
Matheson, Tim,
Silver, Ron,
Polo, Teri,
Matlin, Marlee.
Ryan, Steve,
Del Negro, Matthew.
O'Neill, Michael.
Garofalo, Janeane.
Warner Home Video,
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
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Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
Book Authors
Modeling the Influence of Personality on Individuals at Work: A Review and Research Agenda
Jeff W. Johnson
Sarah A. Hezlett
The Oxford Handbook of Personnel Psychology
Susan Cartwright
Cary L. Cooper
Oxford University Press
Phylogeny, Taxonomy, and Geographic Diversity of Diurnal Raptors: Falconiformes, Accipitriformes, and Cathartiformes
David P. Mindell
Jérôme Fuchs
Jeff A. Johnson
Birds of Prey: Biology and conservation in the XXI century
José Hernán Sarasola
Juan Manuel Grande
Juan José Negro
1st ed. 2018
Springer International Publishing
Suicidal Behavior Runs in Families
David A. Brent
Jeff Bridge
Barbara A. Johnson
John Connolly
Suicide Prevention: The Global Context
Robert J. Kosky
Hadi S. Eshkevari
Robert D. Goldney
Riaz Hassan
Springer US
White fright
Richard Johnson.12.Reading black masculinities /David Marriott.13.Is masculinity dead? A critique of the concept of masculinity/masculinities /Jeff Hearn.
Understanding masculinities: social relations and cultural arenas /
Mac an Ghaill, Mairtin.
Open University Press,
Phillip L. Ackerman
Evelyn Au
Frida Barak
Rainer P. Born
Jerome Bruner
Chi-yue Chiu
Karl Edlinger
Anastasia Efklides
Michael W. Eysenck
Evridiki Fioratou
Dida Fleisig
Eva Gatarik
Ken J. Gilhooly
Ksenija Jaušovec
Norbert Jaušovec
Wendy Johnson
Shulamith Kreitler
Arie W. Kruglanski
David J. McGarva
Thomas Nickel
Jaak Panksepp
Klaus-Uwe Panther
K. Ann Renninger
Kathryn R. Riley
Mark A. Runco
Anna Sheveland
Dorothy G. Singer
Jerome L. Singer
Jeff Stewart
Ola Svenson
Nicole Szesny
Wendy Wan
Kineret Weissler
Manfred Wimmer
Dan Zakay
Edward F. Zigler
Josef Zihl
Cognition and Motivation: Forging an Interdisciplinary Perspective
Shulamith Kreitler
Cambridge University Press
and In-Line
David L. Muller, Per A. F. H. Renstrom and John I. B. Pyne. 27. Judo and Karate-do / Joseph F. Fetto. 28. Lacrosse / Leslie S. Matthews and Roger H. Michael. 29. Nordic and Alpine Skiing / Lars-Gunnar Elmqvist, Robert J. Johnson, Michael J. Kaplan and Per A. F. H. Renstrom.30. Paragliding and Hang Gliding / Douglas H. Hildreth, Linda L. Hildreth, Mark W. Shipman and Robert P. Wills. 31. Power Lifting, Weight Lifting, and Body Building / Thomas C. Namey and Peter J. Carek. 32. Racquet Sports / W. Benjamin Kibler and T. Jeff Chandler. 33. Rugby / J. P. R. Williams. 34. Running / David N. M. Caborn, Larry J. Grollman, John A. Nyland and Tony Brosky. 35. Scuba Diving / Kevin O'Toole. 36. Soccer / John H. Lohnes, William E. Garrett, Jr. and Raymond R. Monto. 37. Surfing / David A. Stone. 38. Swimming / Peter J. Fowler. 39. Track and Field / Jerome V. Ciullo and Jeffrey D. Shapiro. 40. Triathalon / Mary L. O'Toole and T. David Sisk. 41. Volleyball / E. Lee Rice and Kenneth L. Anderson III. 42. Water Skiing / Noelle Grace, Ross Outerbridge, John F. Pepper and Wally Sokolowski. 43. Wrestling / Mark C. Mysnyk and George A. Snook
Sports injuries: mechanisms, prevention, treatment /
Fu, Freddie H.
Stone, David A.
[1994], ©1994.
Williams & Wilkins,
II. Systems. 2. Human Conversation as a System Framework: Designing Embodied Conversational Agents
Justine Cassell, Tim Bickmore and Lee Campbell /[et al.].3."May I Help You?": Designing Embodied Conversational Agent Allies /Elizabeth F. Churchill, Linda Cook and Peter Hodgson /[et al.].4.Task-Oriented Collaboration with Embodied Agents in Virtual Worlds /Jeff Rickel and W. Lewis Johnson.5.Deictic and Emotive Communication in Animated Pedagogical Agents /James C. Lester, Stuart G. Towns and Charles B. Callaway /[et al.].6.Performative Facial Expressions in Animated Faces /Isabella Poggi and Catherine Pelachaud.7.Emotion and Personality in a Conversational Agent /Gene Ball and Jack Breese.8.The Automated Design of Believable Dialogues for Animated Presentation Teams /Elisabeth Andre, Thomas Rist and Susanne van Mulken /[et al.].9.Parameterized Action Representation for Virtual Human Agents /Norman I. Badler, Rama Bindiganavale and Jan Allbeck /[et al.]
Embodied conversational agents /
Cassell, Justine,
[2000], ©2000.
MIT Press,
Rewards: One property a fortnight
Ron Hoy Fong. Positive crossroads / Michael Harris
Annette Harris. Securing a future / Roger Bruys
Sandra Bruys. Develop for profit / Dr Ruth Edwards. Freedom fast / Dean Jackson. We know it works / Kelvin Bermingham. Recycling equity / David Colley
Beryl Colley. Living the good life / Dianne Corfield. Positive from the start / David Gilling. Buying in bulk / Andrew Shanahan. Believing in property / Kay Harrison
Dave Harrison. Subdivide
conquer / Paul Coventry. Realising visions / Richard Potter. Freedom in three years / Kim Metcalf. From cattle to cash cows / Shane Allen
Ali Allen. Do up
do well / Andrew Brenchley. Accelerated success / Gary McMahon. A numbers game / Chris. Riding a rocket / Lynnette Butler
Eddie Butler. Changing attitudes / Jennifer Lim
Jared Hoy Fong. No money down / Stuart Pope. Give me passive income / Adam Laurie. No sitting still / Lindsay Topp. An eye for a buy / Dennis Cashman. Goal driven / Rustica Lamb
Garry Butler. Minimal outlay / Don Rankin
Sharon Rankin. Pass go / Tom Connelly. Getting time back / Graham Thomas. Sky's the limit / John Teviotdale. Starting early / Ivan Gunarajan. Eight houses in five months / Corrina Laird. No fear / Shaun Walker. Winning deals / Mark Bosje. Advantage from adversity / Jla (Grace) Zou. Rebuilding / Wayne Bray. Seeking self-sufficiency / Joy
Brian Hamilton. Bumpy but bountiful trip / Jeff Vickers
Maggie Vickers. The leverage game / Anthony (Sammy J) Johnson. Attitude
motivation / Bob Stewart
How to get rich rewards in real estate in 3 years
Phil Jones
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries