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> Judith A. Kelly
"Judith A. Kelly" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
Art and appetite: American painting, culture, and cuisine /
Barter, Judith A.,
Madsen, Annelise K.
Oehler, Sarah Kelly.
Roberts, Ellen E.
Barter, Judith A.,
Art Inst of Chicago
Art and appetite: American painting,culture,and cuisine
Judith A. Barter
Annelise K. Madsen
Sarah Kelly Oehler
Ellen E. Roberts
River Quality: Dynamics and Restoration
David A. Dunnette
Margaret A. House
Jan R. Dojlido
Antonius Laenen
Patricia A. Benner
James R. Sedell
Elzbieta Niemirycz
Neil Mullane
Gerald A. Best
Gordon E. Grant
John C. Risley
Marshall W. Gannett
Stephen R. Hinkle
Valerie J. Kelly
Curtis L. DeGasperi
Tarang Khangaonkar
Marek J. Gromiec
Gregory J. Fuhrer
Stuart W. McKenzie
Joseph F. Rinella
Kenneth A. Skach
Tim D. Mayer
Wesley M. Jarrell
William Fish
Jacek Czerwinski
Marek Biziuk
Jacek Namiesnik
Patrick Sandra
Gregory A. Pettit
Adam Mierzwinski
Jacek Rulewski
Karin Sundblad
Andrzej Tonderski
Eugene Foster
Douglas Drake
Alan Herlihy
George Robinson
Jerzy Rybinski
Zbigniev Makowski
Elzbieta Heybowicz
Joseph L. Domagalski
Piotr Morawiec
Teresa Bogacka
Regina Taylor
Irena Kulik-Kuziemska
Romuald Ceglarski
Timothy D. Steele
Russell N. Clayshulte
Stephen G. Ellis
S. Tad Deshler
Richard Miller
Jan Zielinski
Bogdan Ozga-Zielinski
P.J. Ashton
H.R. Van Vliet
Mary Lou Soscia
Derek C. Godwin
J. Ronald Miner
Desmond Hammerton
William J. Sobolewski
Andrzej Dobrowolski
Faith E. Ruffing
Wojciech Szczepanski
Cheryl L. Martin
Philip R. Kaufmann
Lou Reynolds
Judith Li
E. George Robison
William C. Romanelli
Dennis G. Woodward
Waldemar Jarosinski
Maciej Smoreda
Barbara Glowacka
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries
Book Authors
Judith A. Kelly
The Target of Penicillin: The Murein Sacculus of Bacterial Cell Walls Architecture and Growth. Proceedings International FEMS Symposium Berlin (West), Germany, March 13–18, 1983
R. Hakenbeck
J. V. Höltje
H. Labischinski
De Gruyter
Renal blood flow in human diseases
John J Kelly
Judith A Whitworth
Advances in Organ Biology
R. G. Evans
Hypertension in Cushing’s Syndrome
Judith A. Whitworth
George J. Mangos
John J. Kelly
Secondary Hypertension: Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis, and Treatment
George A. Mansoor
Humana Press
Breeding to Improve Yield
James D. Kelly
Kristin A. Schneider
Judith M. Kolkman
Common Bean Improvement in the Twenty-First Century
Shree P. Singh
Springer Netherlands
Neuronal Firing Patterns in the Subthalamic Nucleus
Kelly A. Allers
Judith R. Walters
Deborah S. Kreiss
The Basal Ganglia VI
Ann M. Graybiel
Mahlon R. Delong
Stephen T. Kitai
Springer US
Effects of Dopamine Receptor Stimulation on Single Unit Activity in the Basal Ganglia
Judith R. Walters
David N. Ruskin
Kelly A. Allers
Debra A. Bergstrom
The Basal Ganglia VI
Ann M. Graybiel
Mahlon R. Delong
Stephen T. Kitai
Springer US
Do Systemically Administered Glutamate Antagonists Affect Subthalamic Nucleus Activity?
Kelly A. Allers
Debra A. Bergstrom
Leyla J. Ghazi
Deborah S. Kreiss
Judith R. Walters
The Basal Ganglia VIII
J. Paul Bolam
Cali A. Ingham
Peter J. Magill
Springer New York
Newborn Screening for Galactosemia in the United States: Looking Back, Looking Around, and Looking Ahead
Brook M. Pyhtila
Kelly A. Shaw
Samantha E. Neumann
Judith L. Fridovich-Keil
JIMD Reports, Volume 15
Johannes Zschocke
K. Michael Gibson
Garry Brown
Eva Morava
Verena Peters
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erratum to: Newborn Screening for Galactosemia in the United States: Looking Back, Looking Around, and Looking Ahead
Brook M. Pyhtila
Kelly A. Shaw
Samantha E. Neumann
Judith L. Fridovich-Keil
JIMD Reports, Volume 15
Johannes Zschocke
K. Michael Gibson
Garry Brown
Eva Morava
Verena Peters
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Gastrointestinal Health in Classic Galactosemia
Kelly A. Shaw
Jennifer G. Mulle
Michael P. Epstein
Judith L. Fridovich-Keil
JIMD Reports, Volume 33
Eva Morava
Matthias Baumgartner
Marc Patterson
Shamima Rahman
Johannes Zschocke
Verena Peters
1st ed. 2017
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Risk of cutaneous melanoma by number of melanocytic nevi and correlation of nevi by anatomic site
Elizabeth A. Holly
John W. Kelly
David K. Ahn
Steven N. Shpall
Judith I. Rosen
Epidemiological Aspects of Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma
Richard P. Gallagher
J. Mark Elwood
Springer US
Pt. III. What Moves Flexibly. 9. Prudential Lovers and Lost Heirs: Persuasion and the Presence of Scott
Jane Millgate.10.The Slow Process of Persuasion /Judith Terry.11.The Austens and the Elliots: A Consumer's Guide to Persuasion /Edward Copeland.12.Jane Austen's Real Business: The Novel, Literature and Cultural Capital /Gary Kelly.13.Private and Public in Persuasion /Julia Prewitt Brown
Jane Austen's business: her world and her profession /
McMaster, Juliet.
Stovel, Bruce.
St. Martin's Press,
II. Biological Perspectives. 6. Attachment Theory in Modern Evolutionary Perspective
Jeffry A. Simpson.7.Modern Evolutionary Theory and Patterns of Attachment /Jay Belsky.8.Psychobiological Origins of Infant Attachment and Separation Responses /H. Jonathan Polan and Myron A. Hofer.9.Attachment in Rhesus Monkeys /Stephen J. Suomi.10.Attachment and Temperament: Redundant, Independent, or Interacting Influences on Interpersonal Adaptation and Personality Development? /Brian E. Vaughn and Kelly K. Bost.11.Psychophysiological Measures in the Study of Attachment /Nathan A. Fox and Judith A. Card
Handbook of attachment: theory, research, and clinical applications /
Cassidy, Jude.
Shaver, Phillip R.
[1999], ©1999.
Guilford Press,
Pt. III. Christianity and Chinese Women. 10. Christian Virgins in Eighteenth-Century Sichuan
Robert E. Entenmann.11.Chinese Women and Protestant Christianity at the Turn of the Twentieth Century /Kwok Pui-Lan.12."Cradle of Female Talent": The McTyeire Home and School for Girls, 1892-1937 /Heidi A. Ross.13."An Oasis in a Heathen Land": St. Hilda's School for Girls, Wuchang, 1928-1936 /Judith Liu and Donald P. Kelly.14.Christianity, Feminism, and Communism: The Life and Times of Deng Yuzhi /Emily Honig
Christianity in China from the eighteenth century to the present /
Bays, Daniel H.
Stanford University Press,
Gregory A. Aarons
Nick Axford
Frances Wallace Bailey
Judith Bennett
Karen A. Blase
James Boyle
Tracey Bywater
Linda L. Caldwell
Jeanne Century
Anne Michelle Daniels
Thomas J. Dishion
Celene E. Domitrovich
Morgaen Donaldson
Glen Dunlap
Carl J. Dunst
Melissa Van Dyke
Dean L. Fixsen
Tamsin Ford
Lise Fox
Cassie Freeman
Robyn M. Gillies
Amy E. Green
Mark T. Greenberg
Violet H. Harada
Tim Hobbs
Cindy Huang
Robert J. Illback
Barbara Kelly
Kathryn Margolis
Elizabeth Miller
Dana T. Mitra
Jeremy J. Monsen
Julia E. Moore
Louise Morpeth
Barbara Neufeld
Colleen K. Reutebuch
Mollie Rudnick
Robert Savage
Robert E. Slavin
Elizabeth A. Stormshack
Phillip Strain
Keith J. Topping
Carol M. Trivette
Sharon Vaughn
Janet A. Welsh
Lisa Marks Woolfson
Joyce Yukawa
Handbook of Implementation Science for Psychology in Education
Barbara Kelly
Daniel F. Perkins
Cambridge University Press
Pt. II. Outcomes Data. Practice Guidelines: Texts in Search of Authority
Judith Wilson Ross.The Development of Practice Guidelines: A Case Study of Otitis Media with Effusion /Larry Culpepper and Jane Sisk.The Quest for the Trial to End All Trials: The Case of Technology Assessment and Management of Glue Ear /Gert Jan van der Wilt and Pieter F. de Vries Robbe.Guideline Glitches: Measurements, Money, and Malpractice /Donald J. Murphy.Technology Assessment, Outcomes Data, and Social Context: The Case of Hormone Therapy /Susan E. Bell."Rescue" Technologies following High-Dose Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer: How Social Context Shapes the Assessment of Innovative, Aggressive, and Lifesaving Medical Technologies /Susan E. Kelly and Barbara A. Koenig.Outcomes, Guidelines, and Implementation in France, the Netherlands, and Great Britain /Dick Willems
Getting doctors to listen: ethics and outcomes data in context /
Boyle, Philip.
[1998], ©1998.
Georgetown University Press,
Cognition, language, and learning: Early cognition and physical development, Infants' differential processing of female and male faces
Jennifer L. Ramsey-Rennels
Judith H. Langlois
Other-race effect develops during infancy / D.J. Kelly [and others]
New advances in understanding sensitive periods in brain development / Michael S.C. Thomas
Mark H. Johnson
Contributions of neuroscience to our understanding of cognitive development / Adele Diamond
Dima Amso
It's fun
but does it make you smarter? / Erika Packard
children's understanding of mental states / Paul L. Harris
Marc de Rosnay
Francisco Pons
Children's biased evaluations of lucky versus unlucky people
their social groups / Kristina R. Olson
Future thinking in young children / Cristina M. Atance
learning in school: When should a kid start kindergarten? / Elizabeth Weil
Child growth and development 10/11
Ellen Nan Junn
Chris J. Boyatzis
McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Unit IV. Pharmacotherapy for Common Primary Care Disorders. 20. Cardiovascular Disorders
Judith Bunnell Sellers and Mary L. Brubaker.21.Upper Respiratory Disorders /Constance R. Uphold and Thomas E. Johns.22.Lower Respiratory Disorders /Kathleen M. Tauer and Lauwana E. Hollis.23.Eye Disorders /Joanne K. Singleton and Robert V. DiGregorio.24.Ear Disorders /Jeanette F. Kissinger, Kathleen J. Sawin and Debra S. Israel.25.Gastrointestinal Disorders /Patricia J. Kelly and Candice Smith-Scott.26.Musculoskeletal Disorders /Sharon L. Sheahan, Aimee Gelhot and Angela B. Hoth.27.Dermatologic Disorders /Candace M. Burns and Douglas F. Covey.28.Hematologic Disorders /Margaret A. Fitzgerald.29.Neurologic Disorders /Jessie Drew-Cates and Robert A. Gross.30.Endocrine Disorders: Thyroid and Adrenal Conditions /Jeanne Archer and Michael S. Monaghan.31.Endocrine Disorders: Diabetes Mellitus /Martha J. Price and Daniel Kent.32.Obesity /Ellis Quinn Youngkin and Jeanette F. Kissinger.33.Mental Health Disorders /B. J. Landis and Stephen G. Bryant.34.Urinary Tract Disorders and Male Sexual Dysfunction /Linda D. Scott and David H. Nelson.35.Gynecologic Disorders and Female Sexual Dysfunction /Linda O. Morphis and M. Sharm Steadman.36.Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Vaginitis, and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease /Susan Rawlins, Robert L. Martin and Mai Duong.37.Immune System Disorders: HIV/AIDS, Mononucleosis, and Allergic Responses /C. Fay Parpart, Mary S. Peery and Kathleen J. Sawin
Pharmacotherapeutics: a primary care clinical guide /
Youngkin, Ellis Quinn.
[1999], ©1999.
Appleton & Lange,
Pt. III. Techniques. Systems-Centered Therapy for Groups and Individuals
Yvonne M. Agazarian.Resolving Grief /Steve Andreas.Vocational Fantasy: An Empowering Technique /Edward S. Beck and Robert Hoppock.Changing Core Beliefs: Use of the Core Belief Worksheet /Judith S. Beck.From Subtraction to Addition /Dorothy S. Becvar and Raphael J. Becvar.Psychodynamic Uncovering Technique (PUT) /John D. Boyd.Humility, Augmented by the Deep Breath Technique /Peter R. Breggin.Hypnotically Enhanced Interactive Cognitive Rehearsal /W. Gary Cannon.Lifeline /Victoria D. Coleman.Turning the Tables on the Client: Making the Client the Counselor /Raymond J. Corsini.The Use of Symbols and Rituals in Psychotherapy /Richard H. Cox.The SAEB System (Symptoms, Automatic Thoughts, Emotions, and Behavior) in the Treatment and Conceptualization of Panic Attacks /Frank M. Dattilio.Vigorous Disputing of Irrational Beliefs in Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) /Albert Ellis.Art Therapy /Phoebe Farris-Dufrene.Voice Therapy /Robert W. Firestone.Working from Client Experiential Vignettes /Sterling K. Gerber.Reality Therapy and Choice Theory /William Glasser.Using Stories in Therapy with Children and Families /Larry Golden.Memory Work with Children /Linda Goldman.Creating Vision, Mission, and Values for Couples in Counseling /Russell Grieger.Assertion Strategies /Paul A. Hauck.Dereflection for Depression /Rosemary Henrion.The Last Five Minutes Technique /Joseph W. Hollis.Community Genogram: Identifying Strengths /Allen E. Ivey.Relationship-Centered Counseling: An Integrative Humanistic Approach for Diverse Problems /Eugene W. Kelly, Jr.Creative Collection of Therapeutic Adventures: Feelings, Fears, and Worries /Melissa T. Korenblat-Hanin.The SET Communication System Strategy /Jerold J. Kreisman.Time Tripping /Arnold A. Lazarus.The Four-Step Experiential Session for Deep-Seated Personality Change /Alvin R. Mahrer.Memory Collage /Jean Marnocha and Beth Haasl.Therapeutic Assessment /Scott T. Meier.Creating Spa in Counseling /Richard C. Nelson.Support and Challenge: Use of Metaphor as a Higher Level Empathic Response /Edward Neukrug.Social Therapy /Fred Newman.Gaining Rapport and a Common Base of Understanding: Defining Rational Reality on Which to Build Through Counseling /Donald L. Peters.Wally the Worrying Warthog /Janie J. Plaxco.Dealing with Silence: The Turtle Analogy for Psychotherapists and Counselors /John E. Poarch.Olfactory Conditioning: The Sweet Aroma of Post-Hypnotics /Howard G. Rosenthal.Using Early Memories to Elicit Complementarity in Couples Counseling /Steven Slavik.Life-Play Fantasy Exercise /Robert Taibbi.Well-Being Scale: An Assessment Tool for Caregivers /Susan Steiger Tebb.Posttraumatic Loss Debriefing /Rosemary A. Thompson.Draw Your Family Table/Family-O-Gram /James P. Trotzer.The Technique of Nucleus Therapy /Ellen Walkenstein.Bibliotherapy /Bea Wehrly.The "Telephone" Technique /William J. Weikel.Body Scan /Ira David Welch.Rational-Emotive Imagery (REI) /Jerry Wilde.Client Inner Self-evaluation: A Necessary Prelude to Change /Robert E. Wubbolding
Favorite counseling and therapy techniques: 51 therapists share their most creative strategies /
Rosenthal, Howard,
[1998], ©1998.
Accelerated Development,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries