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> L. Graham H. Horton-Smith
"L. Graham H. Horton-Smith" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries
Ancient northern family of Lumley and its Northamptonshire branch records of the past 680 years
L. Graham H. Horton-Smith
Campfield Pr.
Ars tragica Sophoclea cum Shaksperiana comparata
L. Graham H. Horton-Smith
Macmillan and Bowes
Two papers on the Oscan word anasaket.
L. Graham H. Horton-Smith
Two papers on the Oscan word anasaket
L. Graham H. Horton-Smith
D. Nutt
Ars Tragica Sophoclea cum Shaksperiana comparata: an essay on the tragic art of Sophocles and Shakspere
L. Graham H. Horton-Smith
Ars Tragica Sophoclea cum Shaksperiana comparata: an essay on the tragic art of Sophocles and Shakspere
L. Graham H. Horton-Smith
Ars tragica Sophoclea cum Shaksperiana comparata: an essay on the tragic art of Sophocles and Shakspere, to which was awarded the members' prize for Latin essay in the University of Cambridge, 1894
L. Graham H. Horton-Smith
Macmillan and Bowes
New Directions in Comparative Politics
Howard J. Wiarda
Paul S. Adams
Anthony Gill
Lawrence S. Graham
Ronald Inglehart
Christian Welzel
Joel S. Migdal
Gerardo L. Munck
Tony Smith
A. H. Somjee
Howard J. Wiarda
Frank L. Wilson
New Directions in Comparative Politics
Howard J. Wiarda
Paul S. Adams
Anthony Gill
Lawrence S. Graham
Ronald Inglehart
Christian Welzel
Joel S. Migdal
Gerardo L. Munck
Tony Smith
A. H. Somjee
Howard J. Wiarda
Frank L. Wilson
The Poetry of Cats
Samuel Carr
T. S. Eliot
Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth
Louis MacNeice
Ted Hughes
Walter De la Mare
Eleanor Farjeon
Harold Monro
Thomas Hardy
William Butler Yeats
Giles Lytton Strachey
William Wordsworth
Richard Church
Ewart Milne
Ford Madox Ford
W. H. Davies
Hal Summers
A. S. J. Tessimond
Geoffrey Chaucer
Stevie Smith
Thomas Hood
A. C. Swinburne
Christina Rossetti
John Skelton
William Langland
Miller, Mary Britton
William Cowper
Thomas Master
Thomas Gray
Charles Baudelaire
John Keats
Christopher Smart
Anna Seward
Thomas Flatman
Izaak Walton
Joanna Baillie
Jean de La Fontaine
James Boswell
Francis Scarfe
Matthew Arnold
Patrick R. Chalmers
Graham R. Tomson
A. L. Rowse
Robert Herrick
Edward Lear
Richard Garnett
Jonathan Swift
Alexander Gray
Annabel Farjeon
J. G. Whittier
Longmeadow Press
The Electrical Engineering Handbook - Six Volume Set
Bo Wei
Richard C. Dorf
Richard C. Dorf
Anne R. Haake
Sylvain Cruchon-Dupeyrat
Alan D. Kraus
Gregor Hoogers
Thomas R. Mancini
Gerd Keiser
Andrew Marshall
Leslie A. Geddes
Joseph Watson
Kenneth R. Demarest
Leland H. Hemming
Rosemary L. Smith
Safwat G. Zaky
Leon H. Sibul
Bogdan M. Wilamowski
Ali Emadi
Fang Lin Luo
Svetlana N. Yanushkevich
Lynne A. Slivovsky
Ayse E. Amac
Carl A. Argila
Thomas G. Robertazzi
Martin D. Fox
Rao S. Thallam
Michael R. Neuman
Sudarshan Rao Nelatury
Shaohua Kevin Zhou
B.S. Dhillon
M. Meyyappan
Stephanie A.C. Schuckers
Jerry C. Whitaker
Theodore A. Bickart
Paul Neudorfer
Gennady Gildenblat
Josh T. Nessmith
Stella N. Batalama
Boris Gelmont
Glenn R. Blackwell
Neville R. Watson
Rama Ramakumar
Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury
Luciano Lavagno
Anna Johnston
Thomas Nolte
Robert J. Marks, II
V. Carl Hamacher
Evelyn P. Rozanski
Johannes J. Martin
Capers Jones
Barry W. Johnson
Jay Liebowitz
Christopher G. Guy
Gordon K.F. Lee
Raymond G. Jacquot
Mahdi Abdelguerfi
William L. Brogan
Andrew P. Sage
T. C. Hsia
R. Lal Tummala
Cornelius T. Leondes
Dan Martinec
Nicholas G. Odrey
Cary R. Spitzer
George E. Cook
Myron Kayton
Edward J. Berbari
James A. Cadzow
Marcia A. Bush
Daniel F. DiFonzo
Steven L. Maddy
William H. Tranter
Peter H. Graham
Yu Cao
Ronald A. Arif
Mitra Dutta
Lawrence A. Hornak
Gary W. Elko
Zhian Jin
James M. Gilbert
George A. Constantinides
Michael G. Morrow
T.V. Sujan Parthasaradhi
Tirthajyoti Sarkar
Michael S. Mazzola
Harvey J. Stiegler
Wei Su
Ahmad Iyanda Sulyman
Bert Wong
Thad B. Welch
Reza Derakshani
Chih-Ming Chen
Reza Khosravani
Alan D. Dorval
John E. Boyd
Hui Dong
Mark L. Nagurka
Cajetan M. Akujuobi
Melvin Belcher
John E. Ayers
Hong Ye
Grant Martin
Kenneth L. Kaiser
Nikos Passas
Dariusz Ucinski
Sudip K. Mazumder
Vlad P. Shmerko
Remzi Seker
Nan C. Schaller
David R. Martinez
Kleanthis Thramboulidis
Mikael Nolin
Israel Cohen
Albert A. Liddicoat
Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications
Rastislav Lukac
Philip A. Laplante
Philip A. Laplante
Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos
Konstantinos N. Plataniotis
Ioannis Pitas
Bogdan Smolka
Alberto Del Bimbo
M.G. Strintzis
Matti Kalevi Pietikainen
Stefano Berretti
Hiroaki Kotera
Ryoichi Saito
Guillermo Sapiro
Henryk Palus
Alessia De Rosa
Lisimachos Paul Kondi
Alireza Osareh
Abdenour Hadid
Janna Birgitta Martinkauppi
Yoshito Abe
Matthias F. Carlsohn
Theo Gevers
Dan Witzner Hansen
Andreas Kercek
Choon-Woo Kim
Raimund Leitner
Sanjit K. Mitra
Vishal Monga
Jayanta Mukherjee
Abhay Sharma
Yu-Hoon Kim
Ioannis Kompatslaris
Stefano Piva
Alessandro Piva
Yiannis Kompatsiaris
Savvas Argyropoulos
Yannis Avrithis
Nikolaos V. Boulgouris
Vito Cappellini
Zuzana Cernekova
Costas Cotsaces
Niranjan Damera-Venkata
Stamatia Dasiopoulou
Brian L. Evans
Graham D. Finlayson
Fred A. Hamprecht
Hu He
Michael Kelm
Bjoern H. Menze
Nikos Nikolaidis
Gerrit Polder
Carlo S. Regazzoni
Hwa-Seok Seong
Marcello Spirito
Evaggelos Spyrou
Harro Stokman
Nikolaos Thomos
Pamela Vercellone-Smith
Joost Van de Weijer
Liron Yatziv
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes: The British Tradition
Kate Kinsella
Kevin Feldman
Colleen, Ph. D. Shea-stump
Joyce Armstrong Carroll
Edward E. Wilson
Joseph Addison
Anna Akhmatova
Yehuda Amichai
Matthew Arnold
W. H. Auden
Jane Austen
Joanna Baillie
Charles Baudelaire
Bei Dao
James Berry
Tony Blair
William Blake
Eavan Boland
Robert Bolt
Jorge Luis Borges
James Boswell
Elizabeth Bowen
Charlotte Brontë
Emily Brontë
Brooke, Rupert
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Robert Browning
Robert Burns
Buson Yosa
Lord Byron
Tracy Chapman
Geoffrey Chaucer
Winston Churchill
Arthur C. Clarke
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Joseph Conrad
Daniel Defoe
Anita Desai
Charles Dickens
John Donne
T. S. Eliot
Elizabeth l, Queen of England
Anne Finch
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Nadine Gordimer
Thomas Gray
Graham Greene
Thomas Hardy
Seamus Heaney
Heinrich Heine
Robert Herrick
Gerard Manley Hopkins
A. E. Housman
Ken Hughes
Ted Hughes
Kobayashi, Issa
Thomas Jefferson
Francis Jeffrey
Samuel Johnson LL.D.
Ben Jonson
James Joyce
John Keats
Rudyard Kipling
Amelia Lanier
Philip Larkin
David Herbert Lawrence
Doris Lessing
Richard Lovelace
Thomas Babington Macaulay
Louis MacNeice
Thomas Malory
Christopher Marlowe
Andrew Marvell
Catherine McGuinness
John Milton
Thomas More
V. S. Naipaul
Pablo Neruda
Sir Isaac Newton
George Orwell
Wilfred Owen - undifferentiated
Margaret Paston
Samuel Pepys
Francesco Petrarca
Edgar Allan Poe
Alexander Pope
Anna Quindlen
Walter Raleigh
Redgrove, Peter.
Arthur Rimbaud
Siegfried Sassoon
William Shakespeare
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Sir Philip Sidney
Alan Sillitoe
Stevie Smith
Sydney Smith
Muriel Spark
Stephen Spender
Edmund Spenser
Suckling, John Sir
Jonathan Swift
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Dylan Thomas
Emma Thompson
William Trevor
Tu Fu
Suzanne Vega
Derek Walcott
Mary Wollstonecraft
Virginia Woolf
William Wordsworth
William Butler Yeats
Pearson Prentice Hall
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices,Timeless Themes: The British Tradition
Kate Kinsella
Kevin Feldman
Colleen, Ph. D. Shea-stump
Joyce Armstrong Carroll
Edward E. Wilson
Joseph Addison
Anna Akhmatova
Yehuda Amichai
Matthew Arnold
W. H. Auden
Jane Austen
Joanna Baillie
Charles Baudelaire
Bei Dao
James Berry
Tony Blair
William Blake
Eavan Boland
Robert Bolt
Jorge Luis Borges
James Boswell
Elizabeth Bowen
Charlotte Brontë
Emily Brontë
Brooke, Rupert
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Robert Browning
Robert Burns
Buson Yosa
Lord Byron
Tracy Chapman
Geoffrey Chaucer
Winston Churchill
Arthur C. Clarke
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Joseph Conrad
Daniel Defoe
Anita Desai
Charles Dickens
John Donne
T. S. Eliot
Elizabeth l, Queen of England
Anne Finch
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Nadine Gordimer
Thomas Gray
Graham Greene
Thomas Hardy
Seamus Heaney
Heinrich Heine
Robert Herrick
Gerard Manley Hopkins
A. E. Housman
Ken Hughes
Ted Hughes
Kobayashi, Issa
Thomas Jefferson
Francis Jeffrey
Samuel Johnson LL.D.
Ben Jonson
James Joyce
John Keats
Rudyard Kipling
Amelia Lanier
Philip Larkin
David Herbert Lawrence
Doris Lessing
Richard Lovelace
Thomas Babington Macaulay
Louis MacNeice
Thomas Malory
Christopher Marlowe
Andrew Marvell
Catherine McGuinness
John Milton
Thomas More
V. S. Naipaul
Pablo Neruda
Sir Isaac Newton
George Orwell
Wilfred Owen
Margaret Paston
Samuel Pepys
Francesco Petrarca
Edgar Allan Poe
Alexander Pope
Anna Quindlen
Walter Raleigh
Redgrove, Peter.
Arthur Rimbaud
Siegfried Sassoon
William Shakespeare
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Sir Philip Sidney
Alan Sillitoe
Stevie Smith
Sydney Smith
Muriel Spark
Stephen Spender
Edmund Spenser
Suckling, John Sir
Jonathan Swift
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Dylan Thomas
Emma Thompson
William Trevor
Tu Fu
Suzanne Vega
Derek Walcott
Mary Wollstonecraft
Virginia Woolf
William Wordsworth
William Butler Yeats
Prentice Hall
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries
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Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
Book Authors
VI. Evolution and Function of Consciousness. 21. The Privatization of Sensation
Nicholas Humphrey.22.Flagging the Present Moment with Qualia /Richard L. Gregory.23.If Qualia Evolved ... /A. Graham Cairns-Smith.24.Handaxes and Ice Age Carvings: Hard Evidence for the Evolution of Consciousness /Steven Mithen.25.Ephemeral Levels of Mental Organization: Darwinian Competitions as a Basis for Consciousness /William H. Calvin
Toward a science of consciousness III: the third Tucson discussions and debates /
Hameroff, Stuart R.
Kaszniak, Alfred W.,
Chalmers, David John,
MIT Press,
Saleh H. Alwasel
Susan P. Bagby
David J. P Barker
Richard Boyd
Robert Boyd
Graham Burdge
Graham J Burton
Anthony M Carter
Irene Cetin
Zoe Cole
Cyrus Cooper
Hilary Critchley
Elaine Dennison
Susie Earl
Johan G Eriksson
Caroline H. D Fall
Anne C. Ferguson-Smith
Tom P. Fleming
Alison J. Forhead
Abigail L. Fowden
Dino Giussani
Laura Goodfellow
Nicholas Harvey
Christopher Holroyd
Joan Hunt
Alan A. Jackson
Thomas Jansson
Eric Jauniaux
Rosalind John
Eero Kajantie
Michelle Lampl
Karen Lillycrop
Charlie Loke
Samantha Louey
Per Magnus
Ashley Moffett
Lorna G. Moore
Terry Morgan
Clive Osmond
Perrie F. O'
Robert Pijnenborg
Lucilla Poston
Theresa L. Powell
Elizabeth J. Radford
Tessa J. Roseboom
Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri
Colin P. Sibley
Gordon C. S. Smith
Emanuela Taricco
Kent Thornburg
Benjamin Tycko
Owen R. Vaughan
Lisbeth Vercruysse
The Placenta and Human Developmental Programming
Graham J. Burton
David J. P. Barker
Ashley Moffett
Kent Thornburg
Cambridge University Press
Sayeda Abu-Amero
Ivo Brosens
Jan Brosens
Graham J. Burton
Anthony M. Carter
Judith E. Cartwright
Brianna Cloke
Christophe L. Depoix
Sascha Drewlo
Caroline Dunk
Qi Fu
Luca Fusi
David Haig
Myriam C. Hanssens
Frans M. Helmerhorst
Pak Chung Ho
Eric Jauniaux
S. Ananth Karumanchi
Marc J. N. C. Keirse
Eliyahu V. Khankin
T. Yee Khong
Stephen R. Killick
Chong Jai Kim
John C. P. Kingdom
Juan Pedro Kusanovic
Robert H. Lane
Piotr Lesny
Robert D. Martin
Robert A. McKnight
Kari K. Melve
Ashley Moffett
Gudrun E. Moore
Linda Morgan
Ernest Hung Yu Ng
Robert Pijnenborg
Leslie Proctor
Sarosh Rana
Roberto Romero
Rolv Skjaerven
Gordon C. S. Smith
Robert N. Taylor
May Lee Tjoa
Lars J. Vatten
Lisbeth Vercruysse
Guy St. J. Whitley
Placental Bed Disorders: Basic Science and its Translation to Obstetrics
Robert Pijnenborg
Ivo Brosens
Roberto Romero
Cambridge University Press
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries