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> Lewis, R. Anthony,
"Lewis, R. Anthony," appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
Gender variances and sexual diversity in the Caribbean: perspectives, histories, experiences /
Bruin, Marjan de,
Lewis, R. Anthony,
University of the West Indies Press
Essentials of Economics
R Glenn Hubbard, Anne M Garnett, Philip Lewis, Anthony O'Brien
Pearson, Australia
Shadowgraph, 5 (Sextet)
Lewis, George,
Davis, Anthony,
Ewart, Douglas R.,
Jenkins, Leroy.
Mitchell, Roscoe,
Wadud, Abdul
Abrams, Muhal Richard,
Black Saint,
Space mail
Isaac Asimov
Martin H. Greenberg
Joseph D. Olander
Cyril M. Kornbluth
Chandler Davis
Patricia Nurse
Ray Russell
William Sambrot
Judith Merril
Sharon Webb
Fredric Brown
Jack Lewis
Gordon R. Dickson
Mildred Clingerman
A. E. van Vogt
Dean R. Lambe
Howard Fast
Daniel Keyes
George R. R. Martin
Judith Merril
Barry N. Malzberg
Christopher Anvil
Anthony R. Lewis
H. Beam Piper
Murray Leinster
Fawcett Crest
From The Kitchen archives. : 1976-1983.
Howard, Earl,
Davis, Anthony,
Hemingway, Gerry,
Mitchell, Roscoe,
Oshita, Gerald,
Buckner, Thomas,
Lake, Oliver,
Jackson, Michael Gregory,
Hopkins, Fred,
akLaff, Pheeroan,
Ewart, Douglas R.,
Lewis, George,
Teitelbaum, Richard,
Wadud, Abdul
A Political Companion to W. E. B. Du Bois
edited by Nick Bromellwith contributions by Charles Mills, Lewis R. Gordon, Anthony Reed, James E. Ford III, Melvin L. Rogers, Nick Bromell, Robert W. Williams, Alexander Livingston, Arash Davari, David Haekwon Kim, and Vijay Phulwani
The University Press of Kentucky
Glitter + ashes: queer tales of a world that wouldn't die /
Ring, Dave,
Moll, Anthony,
Caldwell, Christopher,
Wasserstein, Izzy,
Lieffe, Otter,
Kurella, Jordan,
Milne, Michael,
Clark, C. L.,
Theodore, R. J.,
Bangs, Elly,
Shannon, Adam R.,
Riddle, Aun-Juli,
Little Badger, Darcie,
Lewis, L. D.,
Kirby, Marianne,
Williams-Childs, Brendan,
Ring, Lauren,
Louise, A. Z.,
Thayer, A. P.,
Ness, Mari,
Columbus, Josie,
Medina, V.,
Jessop, Blake,
Galey, Trip,
Barton, Phoebe,
Agostini, Saida,
Alder, Avery,
Great Cat Tales
Jacob A. Riis
P. G. Wodehouse
Charles Perrault
Jerome Klapka Jerome
Paul Gallico
Algernon Blackwood
C. H. Ross
Herbert Ravenel Sass
Harry Graham
Dorothy M. Stewart
Lord Zouche
Théophile Gautier
La Fontaine
Samuel Lover
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
Christina Rossetti
Mark Twain
Anatole France
Michael Joseph
Rudyard Kipling
E. L. James
Charles Dudley Warner
Perez, Bernard
Emily Dickinson
N. Margaret Campbell
Ambrose Bierce
James Anthony Froude
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Edmund Lear
John S Lopez
Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Marguerite Steen
Don Marquis
Arnold Bennett
Q. Patrick
F. R. Buckley
Patricia Highsmith
Anne Marks
William Butler Yeats
Émile Zola
Lewis Carroll
Bret Harte
Judy Martin
Lady Morgan
Samuel Courtland
Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge
G. H. Powell
Edgar Allan Poe
Allan Cunningham
Anna Seward
Dr. Darwin
Oscar Wilde
Christopher Smart
Pierre Loti
Rosamund Marriott Watson
Charles N. De Manoncourt
Edwina Stanton Babcock
Oswald Barron
W. L. Alden
W. L. Alden
Louisa Victoria Barry
Douglas Hyde
John Keats
Wilde Lady
Leah Hunt-Hendrix
Honoré de Balzac
John Coleman Adams
Dorset Press
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
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Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries
Book Authors
From Dogma to Pastoral Compassion: A Response to A Statement of the Antilles Episcopal Conference on HIV-AIDS
R. Anthony Lewis
Justice and Peace in a Renewed Caribbean: Contemporary Catholic Reflections
Anna Kasafi Perkins
Donald Chambers
Jacqueline Porter
Palgrave Macmillan US
The adventure of the illegal alien
Anthony R. Lewis
Sherlock Holmes in Orbit
Mike Resnick
Martin H. Greenberg
Michael D. Resnick
February 1, 1995
Loss of phase
Anthony R. Lewis
Michael D. Resnick
DAW Books
The adventure of the illegal alien
Anthony R. Lewis
Sherlock Holmes in orbit
Mike Resnick
Martin H. Greenberg
Michael D. Resnick
DAW Books
The turning test
Anthony R. Lewis
Deals with the devil
Copyright Paperback Collection (Library of Congress)
Daw Books
Dem Bow: translation, globalization and Dancehall's recalibrated anti-gay discourse
R. Anthony Lewis.
Gender variances and sexual diversity in the Caribbean: perspectives, histories, experiences /
Bruin, Marjan de,
Lewis, R. Anthony,
University of the West Indies Press
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and training devices
Sheena M Ferguson
Anthony R Lewis
Manual of Simulation in Healthcare
Richard H. Riley
Oxford University Press
Bioavailability of drug products
Lewis W. Dittert and Anthony R. DiSanto
The bioavailability of drug products; the APHA bioabailability pilot project
J. F. S. Ross
REE behaviour in the Yellowstone geothermal system
Anita J. Lewis
Martin R. Palmer
Anthony J. Kemp
Neil C. Sturchio
Water-Rock Interaction: Proceedings of the 8th international symposium, WRI-8, Vladivostok, Russia, 15-19 August 1995
Yousif K. Kharaka
Oleg V. Chudaev
James J. Thordsen
Haldor Armannsson
George N. Breit
William C. Evans
Terry E.C. Keith
7 - The Martian Planetary Boundary Layer
Peter L. Read
Boris Galperin
Søren E. Larsen
Stephen R. Lewis
Anni Määttänen
Arakel Petrosyan
Nilton Rennó
Hannu Savijärvi
Tero Siili
Aymeric Spiga
Anthony Toigo
Luis Vázquez
The Atmosphere and Climate of Mars
Robert M. Haberle
R. Todd Clancy
François Forget
Michael D. Smith
Richard W. Zurek
Cambridge University Press
Akio Arakawa
Chia Chou
Paul N. Edwards
Kerry Emanuel
Michael Ghil
Milton Halen
James Hansen
Ross P. Heikes
Andrea Hudson
Anthony Hollingsworth
Donald R. Johnson
Akira Kasahara
Dorothy Koch
Jules Kouatchou
Steve Krueger
Andrew Lacis
John M. Lewis
Johnny Wei-Bing Lin
James C. McWilliams
Fedor Mesinger
General Circulation Model Development
David A. Randall
Academic Press
Amy F. T. Arnsten.3.The Catecholamine Innervation of Primate Cerebral Cortex /David A. Lewis.4.Stimulant Effects on Striatal and Cortical Dopamine Systems Involved in Reward-Related Behavior and Impulsivity /Jane R. Taylor and J. David Jentsch.5.Psychostimulant Actions on Dopamine and Limbic System Function: Relevance to the Pathophysiology and Treatment of ADHD /Anthony A. Grace.6.Arousal- and Attention-Related Actions of the Locus Coeruleus-Noradrenergic System: Potential Target in the Therapeutic Actions of Amphetamine-Like Stimulants /Craig W. Berridge.7.Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic Influences on Cognitive Functions Mediated by Prefrontal Cortex /Amy F. T. Arnsten.8.A Review of Rodent Models of ADHD /Sherry A. Ferguson.9.The Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat as a Model of ADHD /Terje Sagvolden
Stimulant drugs and ADHD: basic and clinical neuroscience /
Solanto, Mary V.
Arnsten, Amy Frances Torrance,
Castellanos, F. Xavier.
Oxford University Press,
European and American Philosophers
John Marenbon
Douglas Kellner
Richard D. Parry
Gregory Schufreider
Ralph McInerny
Andrea Nye
R. M. Dancy
Vernon J. Bourke
A. A. Long
James F. Harris
Thomas Oberdan
Paul S. MacDonald
Véronique M. Fóti
F. Rosen
James Dye
Pete A. Y. Gunter
Lisa J. Downing
W. J. Mander
Peter Simons
Maurice Friedman
Robert C. Solomon
Nigel Love
Mary Pickering
Andrew Reck
Simon J. Evnine
Iakovos Vasiliou
John C. Coker
Georges Dicker
James Gouinlock
Paul J. Welty
Gianluigi Oliveri
Jack Zupko
Tom Rockmore
Wayne M. Martin
Ladelle McWhorter
Hans-Johann Glock
Georgia Warnke
John Haldane
Joseph S. Ullian
Steven Rieber
David Ingram
Nick Fotion
George Rainbolt
Thomas Sheehan
Gerald J. Massey
Barbara D. Massey
David E. Cooper
David Gauthier
James M. Humber
J. N. Mohanty
Michael H. Dearmey
Oswald O. Schrag
Ralf Meerbote
George J. Stack
John P. Burgess
Paul Hoyningen-Huene
Nicholas Jolley
Adriaan T. Peperzak
E. J. Lowe
William D. Richardson
Stephen Mulhall
Gary L. Cesarz
John V. Canfield
Daisie Radner
Allen W. Wood
Hugh J. Silverman
Geoffrey Scarre
Avrum Stroll
Richard Schacht
John Shand
Anthony Levi
Robert Almeder
C. D. C. Reeve
Lloyd P. Gerson
Mark A. Notturno
Douglas G. Winblad
Roger F. Gibson
Thomas W. Pogge
William L. Rowe
G. B. Madison
Kai Nielsen
Robert Wokler
Bert P. Helm
Peter Hylton
William Lyons
William R. Schroeder
Judith Norman
John Beversluis
Genevieve Lloyd
Donald Phillip Verene
Lewis S. Ford
P. M. S. Hacker
Linda A. Bell
Companion to the Philosophers
Robert L. Arrington
John Wiley & Sons
Pt. 2. Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Calvin J. Hobel.7.The Menstrual Cycle, Ovulation, Fertilization, Implantation, and the Placenta /Eric S. Surrey, John K. H. Lu and Paul J. Toot.8.Endocrinology of Pregnancy and Parturition /Mary E. Carsten.9.Maternal Physiology /Bahij Nuwayhid, Tuan Nguyen and Ali Khraibi.10.Immunology of Pregnancy /Arnold L. Medearis and J. George Moore.11.Prenatal Care /Calvin J. Hobel.12.Genetic Evaluation and Teratology /Michelle Fox and Ann Garber.13.Anatomic Characteristics of the Fetal Head and Maternal Pelvis /Clifford Bochner.14.Normal Labor, Delivery, and the Puerperium /Michael G. Ross and Calvin J. Hobel.15.Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthesia /Kenneth A. Conklin.16.Resuscitation of the Newborn /Calvin J. Hobel.17.Antepartum Hemorrhage /Jean Ricci Goodman.18.Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy /Lony C. Castro.19.AIDS and Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy /Jean Ricci Goodman.20.Licit and Illicit Drug Use in Pregnancy /Carol L. Archie.21.Medical Complications of Pregnancy /Bahij Nuwayhid, Tuan Nguyen and Samir Khalife.22.Surgical Conditions in Pregnancy /J. George Moore.23.Fetal Malpresentations /Arnold L. Medearis and James R. Shields.24.Multiple Gestation /Arnold L. Medearis and James R. Shields.25.Fetal Distress Assessment During Labor /Klaus J. Staisch.26.Gap Junctions, Uterine Contractility, and Dystocia /Robert H. Hayashi and Richard A. Bashore.27.Preterm Labor and Premature Rupture of Membranes /Calvin J. Hobel.28.Intrauterine Growth Restriction, Post-term Pregnancy, and Intrauterine Fetal Demise /O. Anthony Ogundipe and Lewis A. Hamilton, Jr.29.Postpartum Hemorrhage and Puerperal Sepsis /Robert H. Hayashi.30.Rhesus Isoimmunization /Khalil Tabsh and Nancy Theroux.31.Forceps Delivery, Vacuum Extraction, and Cesarean Section /John P. Newnham and Calvin J. Hobel
Essentials of obstetrics and gynecology /
Hacker, Neville F.
Moore, J. George,
[1998], ©1998.
W.B. Saunders,
Modernist Literature. Naturalisme et modernite
Yves Chevrel.Fictitious History: From Decadence to Modernism /Leonard R. Koos.Decadence et modernisme: "Les Lauriers sont coupes" d'Edouard Dujardin /Julia Przybos.Karl Kraus and Modernism: A Reassessment /Antonio Ribeiro.Proust entre le modernisme et l'avant-garde /Enid G. Marantz.Ronald A. Firbank: "Fragrant Prayers, a Fury of Paint" /Kristiaan P. Aercke.Temps et valeurs sur la Scene Viennoise: Hofmannsthal "Der Rosenkavalier" - Schnitzler "Der Grune Kakadu" /Peter Por.Between River and Rock: Landmarks in European Modernism /Leon Burnett.L'imaginaire des signes a l'aube du XXe siecle /Dominique Viart.Writing and Modernism: Liquidation of the Self /Serafima Roll.Le Complexe de Mercure /Jean-Louis Cornille.Turning Around the Century: Modernism's Ends /Mary Lewis Shaw.A Mode(rni)st Beginning? The Women of the "Athenaeum" 1890-1910 /Marysa Demoor.Young Lukacs, the Sunday Circle, and Their Critique of Aestheticism /Istvan Varkonyi.Towards Techno-Poetics and Beyond: The Emergence of Modernist/Avant-Garde Poetics out of Science and Media-Technology /Frank Hellemans.Facing Modernism - German Expressionism: Fulfillment or Escape? /Walter Erhart.Between Symbolist Decline and the Rise of Newspeak: Mapping the Dynamics of the Russian Literary Avant-Garde /Edward Mozejko.New Objectivity, Realism, and Avant-Garde /Jaap Goedegebuure.Mythe et Modernisme: etude sur Tristan /Jacqueline Thibault-Schaefer.The Meaning of 'Life' in European Aesthetics at the End of the Nineteenth Century, with Implications for a Useful Definition of Modernism /Anthony Pym.The Secrets Cities of Modernity: Topographies of Perception in Georges Rodenbach, Robert Walser, and Franz Hessel /Anke Gleber.The Aestheticization of the City in Modernism /Bart Keunen.Modernite de Hofmannsthal /Roger Bauer
The Turn of the century: modernism and modernity in literature and the arts = Le tournant du siècle: le modernisme et modernité dans la littérature et les arts /
Berg, Christian,
Durieux, Frank.
Lernout, Geert,
W. de Gruyter,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries