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> Linda M. Gordon
"Linda M. Gordon" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
East Goshen Township Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Linda M. Gordon
Arcadia Publishing (SC)
New Proclamation: Year B,2000,Easter Through Pentecost (New Proclamation: Interpreting the Lessons of the Church Year)
Linda M. Maloney
Gordon Lathrop
Neil Elliott
Frank C. Senn
February 2000
Augsburg Fortress Publishers
Systems, Controls, Embedded Systems, Energy, and Machines
Ronald J. Tallarida
Richard C. Dorf
Richard C. Dorf
George Karady
K. Neil Stanton
Evelyn P. Rozanski
William L. Brogan
R. Lal Tummala
Cary R. Spitzer
George E. Cook
Myron Kayton
Rao S. Thallam
Ty A. Lasky
William H. Kersting
Richard Zurawski
Linda Sue Boehmer
Jos Arrillaga
Karen Blades
Christopher P. Arnold
Andrew Hanson
Svetlana N. Yanushkevich
Johan H. R. Enslin
Rama Chellappa
Ioan Serban
Ion Boldea
Arun G. Phadke
J. Duncan Glover
Anjan Bose
Mohamed E. El-Hawary
R. B. Gungor
Charles A. Gross
Gordon K.F. Lee
Raymond G. Jacquot
Andrew P. Sage
T. C. Hsia
Cornelius T. Leondes
Dan Martinec
Nicholas G. Odrey
Jay C. Giri
Royce D. Harbor
John E. McInroy
Derek P. Atherton
Thomas R. Kurfess
Rama Ramakumar
Charles Phillips
Leonard L. Grigsby
Neville R. Watson
Elias G. Strangas
Braden Allenby
Hitay Ozbay
Roger Messenger
Jerry Ventre
Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury
Gregor Hoogers
Vyacheslav P. Tuzlukov
Alvin M. Strauss
Thomas Allen Short
Thomas R. Mancini
Dariusz Ucinski
Vlad P. Shmerko
Kleanthis Thramboulidis
Mikael Nolin
Thomas Nolte
Reginald Crawford
David R. Delapp
Yong Deak Kim
Won-Sik Yoon
Michele Blazek
Mehdi Ferdowsi
Hans Hanson
Shaohua Kevin Zhou
Anne R. Haake
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
Book Authors
The Role of the Gap Junction Protein Connexin32 in the Myelin Sheath
Steven S. Scherer
Linda J. Bone
Suzanne M. Deschênes
Kenneth Fischbeck
Rita J. Balice-Gordon
Cell Biology and Pathology of Myelin: Evolving Biological Concepts and Therapeutic Approaches
Bernhard H.J. Juurlink
Richard M. Devon
J. Ronald Doucette
Adil J. Nazarali
David J. Schreyer
Valerie M.K. Verge
Springer US
Micronutrient Homeostasis
Mette M. Berger
Linda E. Sousse
Gordon L. Klein
Ludwik K. Branski
David N. Herndon
Total Burn Care (Fifth Edition)
David N. Herndon
Synthetic High-Density Lipoprotein-Like Nanoparticles as Cancer Therapy
Kaylin M. McMahon
Linda Foit
Nicholas L. Angeloni
Francis J. Giles
Leo I. Gordon
C. Shad Thaxton
Nanotechnology-Based Precision Tools for the Detection and Treatment of Cancer
Chad A. Mirkin
Thomas J. Meade
Sarah Hurst Petrosko
Alexander H. Stegh
Springer International Publishing
The Role of the Gap Junction Protein Connexin32 in the Pathogenesis of X-Linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
Steven S. Scherer
Linda Jo Bone
Suzanne M. Deschênes
Annette Abel
Rita J. Balice-Gordon
Kenneth H. Fischbeck
Novartis Foundation Symposium 219 - Gap Junction- Mediated Intercellular Signalling in Health and Disease
Gail Cardew
John Wiley & Sons
Pt. VI. Systems and Settings. Ch. 15. Systems Considerations in Treating Juvenline Offenders With Mental Disorders
Craig Winston LeCroy, Phillip Stevenson and Gordon MacNeil.Ch. 16.Administrative Concerns Associated With the Treatment of Offenders With Mental Illness /Thomas L. Hafemeister, Susan R. Hall and Joel A. Dvoskin.Ch. 17.Treating Juvenile Offenders in Community Settings /Tamara L. Brown, Charles M. Borduin and Scott W. Henggeler.Ch. 18.Adult Offenders and Community Settings: Some Case Examples /H. Richard Lamb and Linda E. Weinberger.
Treating adult and juvenile offenders with special needs /
Ashford, José B.
Sales, Bruce Dennis.
Reid, William H.,
[2001], ©2001.
American Psychological Association,
Sayeda Abu-Amero
Ivo Brosens
Jan Brosens
Graham J. Burton
Anthony M. Carter
Judith E. Cartwright
Brianna Cloke
Christophe L. Depoix
Sascha Drewlo
Caroline Dunk
Qi Fu
Luca Fusi
David Haig
Myriam C. Hanssens
Frans M. Helmerhorst
Pak Chung Ho
Eric Jauniaux
S. Ananth Karumanchi
Marc J. N. C. Keirse
Eliyahu V. Khankin
T. Yee Khong
Stephen R. Killick
Chong Jai Kim
John C. P. Kingdom
Juan Pedro Kusanovic
Robert H. Lane
Piotr Lesny
Robert D. Martin
Robert A. McKnight
Kari K. Melve
Ashley Moffett
Gudrun E. Moore
Linda Morgan
Ernest Hung Yu Ng
Robert Pijnenborg
Leslie Proctor
Sarosh Rana
Roberto Romero
Rolv Skjaerven
Gordon C. S. Smith
Robert N. Taylor
May Lee Tjoa
Lars J. Vatten
Lisbeth Vercruysse
Guy St. J. Whitley
Placental Bed Disorders: Basic Science and its Translation to Obstetrics
Robert Pijnenborg
Ivo Brosens
Roberto Romero
Cambridge University Press
Pt. III. Women and Health in the Late Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Issues. 8. "Something Happens to Girls": Menarche and the Emergence of the Modern American Hygienic Imperative
Joan Jacobs Brumberg.9.From Robust Appetites to Calorie Counting: The Emergence of Dieting Among Smith College Students in the 1920s /Margaret A. Lowe.10.What Ought to Be and What Was: Women's Sexuality in the Nineteenth Century /Carl N. Degler.11.Romantic Friends or a "Different Race of Creatures"? The Representation of Lesbian Pathology in Nineteenth-Century America /Marylynne Diggs.12."A New Generation of Women": Progressive Psychiatrists and the Hypersexual Female /Elizabeth Lunbeck.13.Voluntary Motherhood: The Beginnings of Feminist Birth Control Ideas in the United States /Linda Gordon.14."About to Meet Her Maker": Women, Doctors, Dying Declarations, and the State's Investigation of Abortion, Chicago, 1867-1940 /Leslie J. Reagan.15.The Black Community and the Birth Control Movement /Jessie M. Rodrique.16.Contraceptive Consumers: Gender and the Political Economy of Birth Control in the 1930s /Andrea Tone.17.Under the Shadow of Maternity: American Women's Responses to Death and Debility Fears in Nineteenth-Century Childbirth /Judith Walzer Leavitt.18.And the Results Showed Promise ... Physicians, Childbirth, and Southern Black Migrant Women, 1916-1930: Pittsburgh as a Case Study /Carolyn Leonard Carson.19.Race and "Value": Black and White Illegitimate Babies, in the U.S.A., 1945-1965 /Rickie Solinger.20.The Invention of Kleptomania /Elaine S. Abelson.21.Diagnosing Unnatural Motherhood: Nineteenth-Century Physicians and "Puerperal Insanity" /Nancy Theriot.22.The Training and Practice of Midwives: A Wisconsin Study /Charlotte G. Borst.23.White Nurses, Black Midwives, and Public Health in Mississippi, 1920-1950 /Susan L. Smith.24."Neither for the Drawing Room nor for the Kitchen": Private Duty Nursing in Boston, 1873-1920 /Susan Reverby.25."They Shall Mount Up with Wings as Eagles": Historical Images of Black Nurses, 1890-1950 /Darlene Clark Hine.26.Interactions Between Public Health Nurses and Clients on American Indian Reservations During the 1930s /Emily K. Abel and Nancy Reifel.27.Feminist Showplace /Mary Roth Walsh.28.The Gendering of Empathic Expertise: How Women Physicians Became More Empathic Than Men /Regina Morantz-Sanchez.29.Uncle Sam's Loyal Nieces: American Medical Women, Citizenship, and War Service in World War I /Kimberly Jensen.30.A "Terrible and Exhausting" Struggle: Family Caregiving During the Transformation of Medicine /Emily K. Abel.31.Ministries of Healing: Mary Baker Eddy, Ellen G. White, and the Religion of Health /Ronald L. Numbers and Rennie B. Schoepflin.32.Spreading the Germ Theory: Sanitary Science and Home Economics, 1880-1930 /Nancy Tomes.33.Gendered Expectations: Women and Early Twentieth-Century Public Health /Judith Walzer Leavitt.34.The Growth of Medical Authority: Technology and Morals in Turn-of-the-Century Obstetrics /Judith Walzer Leavitt.35."A Complete Disaster": Abortion and the Politics of Hospital Abortion Committees, 1950-1970 /Rickie Solinger
Women and health in America: historical readings /
Leavitt, Judith Walzer.
[1999], ©1999.
University of Wisconsin Press,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries