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> Martin G Everett
"Martin G Everett" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
Evaluation and Remediation of Low Permeability and Dual Porosity Environments (ASTM Special Technical Publication, 1415)
Martin N. Sara, Lorne G. Everett (editors)
ASTM International
Analyzing Social Networks
Stephen P Borgatti
Martin G Everett
Jeffrey C Johnson
February 2018
SAGE Publications Ltd
Analyzing Social Networks Using R
Stephen P. Borgatti
Martin G. Everett
Jeffrey C. Johnson
Filip Agneessens
July 2022
SAGE Publications Ltd
Social Network Analysis for Ego-Nets
Nick Crossley
Elisa Bellotti
Gemma Edwards
Martin G Everett
Johan Koskinen
Mark Tranmer
August 2015
SAGE Publications Ltd
Isaac Asimov presents the best fantasy of the 19th century
Isaac Asimov
Charles G. Waugh
Martin H. Greenberg
Washington Irving
Prosper Mérimée
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
Charles Dickens
Hans Christian Andersen
Edward Everett Hale
Lev Nikolaevič Tolstoy
Oscar Wilde
Arthur Conan Doyle
Robert Louis Stevenson
Frank R. Stockton
H. Rider Haggard
H. G. Wells
Beaufort Books
The golden age of television
Chayefsky, Paddy,
Coe, Fred,
Mann, Delbert,
Serling, Rod,
Cook, Fielder,
Levin, Ira,
Segal, Alex,
Costigan, James,
Petrie, Daniel.
Schulman, Arnold.
Nelson, Ralph,
Manulis, Martin,
Frankenheimer, John,
Miller, J. P.
Steiger, Rod,
Marchand, Nancy,
Minciotti, Esther,
Ciolli, Augusta,
Mantell, Joe,
Palmer, Betsy.
Philips, Lee,
San Marco, Rossana.
Persoff, Nehemiah,
Caine, Howard.
Gordon, Don,
Roos, Joanna,
Arthur, Jack.
Ward, Victoria,
Montgomery, Elizabeth,
Baker, Sybil.
Standlee, Shirley.
Sloane, Everett,
Kiley, Richard.
Dayton, June.
Wilson, Elizabeth,
Newton, Theodore,
Begley, Ed,
Livesey, Jack,
Welsh, Ronnie.
Griffith, Andy,
Clark, Harry,
Emhardt, Robert,
LeRoy, Eddie,
Clark, Alexander,
Storch, Arthur,
Hastings, Bob,
Smith, G. Albert,
Harris, Julie,
Woods, Donald,
Stoddard, Haila.
Higgins, Michael,
Fletcher, Lawrence,
Congdon, James.
Newman, Paul,
Salmi, Albert.
Bond, Rudy,
Babcock, Barbara,
Gulager, Clu.
Johnson, Arch,
Johnson, Georgann.
McGovern, John,
Peppard, George.
Remsen, Bert,
Palance, Jack,
Wynn, Keenan,
Hunter, Kim,
Wynn, Ed,
Rooney, Mickey.
O'Brien, Edmond,
Tormé, Mel,
Bissell, Whit,
Donovan, King.
Ryder, Eddie.
Wynant, H. M.
Ross, Mike.
Robertson, Cliff,
Laurie, Piper,
Bickford, Charles,
Atterbury, Malcolm,
Elliott, Dick,
Gibson, Mimi.
Hayden, Sterling,
Lawrence, Marc,
Wentworth, Martha,
Hyman, Mac,
Harris, Mark,
Lehman, Ernest,
Criterion Collection,
Soil Processes and the Carbon Cycle
B.A. Stewart
E. Amezquita
Rattan Lal
John M. Kimble
Douglas L. Karlen
Ronald F. Follett
Hans-Wilhelm Scharpenseel
B.A. Stewart
Denis A. Angers
C. A. Campbell
Benjamin Harold Ellert
E.G. Gregorich
B. D. Kay
William B. McGill
Charles Tarnocai
R. C. Izaurralde
Hugo H. Rogers
Morris Schnitzer
Claire Chenu
J. M. Oades
Carlos M. Monreal
John M. Kimble
Elissa R. Levine
D. J. Greenland
M. Nyborg
Anthony S. Donigian, Jr.
N. G. Juma
Robert B. Grossman
Tim R. Moore
J. S. Kern
Chien-L. Ping
R.L. Malcolm
A. S. Patwardhan
Robert F. Grant
Ronald F. Follett
Keith H. Paustian
E. T. Elliott
Thomas O. Barnwell, Jr.
M. M. Wander
Barbara Lacelle
M. A. Arshad
Roshan M. Bajracharya
Jeff A. Baldock
James G. Bockheim
Cynthia A. Cambardella
Carlos C. Cerri
R. J. Chandler
Zheng Qui Chen
R. V. Chinnaswamy
C. E. Clapp
Jener F.L. de Moraes
H. Dinel
Ronald F. Dodson
Wendy R. Eisner
Lynn R. Everett
Brigitte J. Feigl
Myles J. Fisher
J. R. Fortner
D. S. Gamble
Alexander Gennadiyev
S. A. Glaum
J. A. Golchin
D. H. Harms
K. G. Harrison
S. L. Hartung
Jeff E. Herrick
Frank L. Himes
D. C. Jans-Hammermeister
H. Henry Jansen
Julie D. Jastrow
K. Killian
D. S. Kimes
Eva-Maria Klimanek
Dmitri Ye Konyushkov
Martin Korschens
M. S. Kuzila
Dennis R. Linden
Elena Lioubimtseva
Wendy M. Loya
S. S. Malhi
Maurice J. Mausbach
Betty F. McQuaid
Jerry M. Melillo
Stanislow Mercik
Gary J. Michaelson
R. Michael Miller
M. Molina-Ayala
Christopher Neill
Gail L. Olson
Steve Pawluk
E. M. Pfeiffer
Marisa C. Piccolo
Cathy A. Seybold
E. D. Solberg
Paul A. Steudler
Wilma Trujillo
David P. Turner
D. A. Walker
Annett Weigel
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 entries
Book Authors
Classical Algorithms for Social Network Analysis: Future and Current Trends
Martin G. Everett
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining
Reda Alhajj
Jon Rokne
Springer New York
Classical Algorithms for Social Network Analysis: Future and Current Trends
Martin G. Everett
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining
Reda Alhajj
Jon Rokne
2nd ed. 2018
Springer New York
Classical Algorithms for Social Network Analysis: Future and Current Trends
Martin G. Everett
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining
Reda Alhajj
Jon Rokne
0th ed. 2020
Springer New York
Three Perspectives on Centrality
Stephen P. Borgatti
Martin G. Everett
The Oxford Handbook of Social Networks
Ryan Light
James Moody
Oxford University Press
4 - Extending Centrality
Martin G. Everett
Stephen P. Borgatti
Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis
Peter J. Carrington
John Scott
Stanley Wasserman
Cambridge University Press
Partitioning Multimode Networks
Martin G Everett
Stephen P Borgatti
Advances in Network Clustering and Blockmodeling
Patrick Doreian
Vladimir Batagelj
Anuska Ferligoj
John Wiley & Sons
Stephen P. Borgatti
Martin G. Everett
Linton C. Freeman
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining
Reda Alhajj
Jon Rokne
Springer New York
Stephen P. Borgatti
Martin G. Everett
Linton C. Freeman
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining
Reda Alhajj
Jon Rokne
2nd ed. 2018
Springer New York
Stephen P. Borgatti
Martin G. Everett
Linton C. Freeman
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining
Reda Alhajj
Jon Rokne
0th ed. 2020
Springer New York
List of Contributors
Ruth A. Berman
Douglas Biber
Jens Brockmeier
A.-M. Chartier
Karine Chemla
Stephen Chrisomalis
Peter T. Daniels
Teresa M. Dobson
Nicholas Everett
Joseph P. Farrell
Alison F. Garton
James Paul Gee
Usha Goswami
Niloofar Haeri
Roy Harris
Bruce D. Homer
Martin Ingvar
Lisbeth Larsson
Elizabeth Long
Heather Murray
Stephen P. Norris
David R. Olson
Karl Magnus Petersson
Linda M. Phillips
Chris Pratt
Dorit Ravid
Alexandra Reis
Catherine E. Snow
Carolyn Steedman
Thomas G. Sticht
Brian Street
Rosalind Thomas
Liliana Tolchinsky
Nancy Torrance
Yaching Tsai
Paola Uccelli
Frits Van Holthoon
Daniel A. Wagner
Feng Wang
William S.-Y. Wang
John Willinsky
The Cambridge Handbook of Literacy
David R. Olson
Nancy Torrance
Cambridge University Press
Pt. III. Major Diseases and Health Conditions Affecting Indians. 7. Health Status and Clinical Indicators
George R. Brenneman, Aaron O. Handler and Stephen F. Kaufman /[et al.].8.Genetic Polymorphism and American Indian Origins, Affinities, and Health /Jeffrey C. Long and Joseph G. Lorenz.9.Maternal, Child, and Youth Health /George R. Brenneman.10.The Rise of Cardiovascular Diseases /Dorothy A. Rhoades, Everett R. Rhoades and Thomas Welty.11.Cancer among American Indians and Alaska Natives /James W. Hampton, James F. Maher and Charles R. Key /[et al.].12.Nutritional Health and Diet-Related Conditions /Mary Story, Karen F. Strauss and Tim J. Gilbert /[et al.].13.Diabetes Mellitus and Its Complications /Dorothy M. Gohdes and Kelly Acton.14.Unintentional Injuries and Trauma /Richard J. Smith III and Leon S. Robertson.15.Suicide among American Indians and Alaska Natives /Lawrence S. Wissow.16.Alcoholism and Substance Abuse /Matthew O. Howard, R. Dale Walker and Patricia S. Walker /[et al.].17.Tobacco Use /Dorothy A. Rhoades, Everett R. Rhoades and Candace M. Jones /[et al.].18.Mental Health and Mental Disorders /Scott H. Nelson and Spero M. Manson.19.Diseases of the Immune and Collagen Vascular Systems /R. Hal Scofield.20.Infectious Diseases /Edwin Asturias, George R. Brenneman and Kenneth M. Petersen /[et al.].21.Oral Health /Robert J. Collins, Candace M. Jones and Robert F. Martin.22.Environmental Health and Construction Programs /Gary J. Hartz, John G. Todd and Everett R. Rhoades
American Indian health: innovations in health care, promotion, and policy /
Rhoades, Everett R.
[2000], ©2000.
Johns Hopkins University Press,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 entries