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> Maurice, Michael A.,
"Maurice, Michael A.," appeared in Books and Chapters
entries per page
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
The Merleau-Ponty aesthetics reader: philosophy and painting /
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice,
Johnson, Galen A.,
Smith, Michael B.
Northwestern University Press,
The Wadi al-Jubah archaeological project /
Toplyn, Michael R.
Blakely, Jeffrey A.,
Sauer, James A.
Grolier, Maurice J.
Brinkmann, Robert.
Overstreet, William C.
The Foundation ;
Vocalises /
Dessay, Natalie,
Schønwandt, Michael,
Rachmaninoff, Sergei,
Ali︠a︡bʹev, A.
Saint-Saëns, Camille,
Delibes, Léo,
Ravel, Maurice,
Granados, Enrique,
Proch, Heinrich.
Dell'Acqua, Eva,
Glière, Reinhold Morit︠s︡evich,
Strauss, Johann,
Composers' Forum concert,
Chatham, Rhys,
List, Garrett,
Burton, Jim
Deak, Jon,
Taylor, Stephen
Black, Alice
Stevens, Leigh Howard,
Payne, Dorothy,
Maurice, Michael A.,
Louwenaar, Karyl,
Moore, Carman,
Deak, Jon.
Deak, Jon.
Deak, Jon.
Penn, William,
Penn, William,
Penn, William,
African Urban Spaces in Historical Perspective
Maurice Nyamanga Amutabi
Mark Dike De Lancey
Thomas Ngomba Ekali
Omar A. Eno
Toyin Falola
Doug T. Feremenga
Laurent Fourchard
James Genova
Fatima Muller-Friedman
Godwin R. Murunga
Kefa M. Otiso
Michael Ralph
Jeremy Rich
Eric Ross
Steven J. Salm
Corinne Sandwith
Wessel Visser
Boydell & Brewer
If I were a bird: a piano aviary.
Lewin, Michael,
Balakirev, Miliĭ Alekseevich,
Siloti, Alexander,
Liszt, Franz,
Agosti, Guido,
Rameau, Jean-Philippe,
Hofmann, Josef,
Griffes, Charles Tomlinson,
MacDowell, Edward,
Messiaen, Olivier,
Grieg, Edvard,
Granados, Enrique,
Jensen, Adolf,
Leschetizky, Theodor,
Ravel, Maurice,
Glinka, M. I.
Schumann, Robert,
Scott, Cyril,
Daquin, Louis-Claude,
Saint-Saëns, Camille,
Ali︠a︡bʹev, A.
Guion, David W.
Henselt, Adolf von,
Niemann, Walter,
Stravinsky, Igor,
Stravinsky, Igor,
Stravinsky, Igor,
Dorian Sono Luminus,
Great preachers
Turpie, Bill.
Taylor, Gardner C.
Willimon, William H.
Craddock, Fred B.,
Long, Thomas G.,
Stott, John R. W.
Forbes, James,
Burghardt, Walter J.
Taylor, Barbara Brown.
Robinson, Haddon W.
Graham, Billy,
Wright, Jeremiah A.,
Campolo, Anthony.
Collins, John N.
Holmes, Zan W.,
Johnson Cook, Suzan D.
Claypool, John.
Loving, Linda.
Kushner, Harold S.
Curry, Michael.
Lischer, Richard.
Kavanaugh, John F.
Stowell, Joseph M.
Lowry, Eugene L.
Gomes, Peter J.
Childers, Jana.
Story, Peter.
Adams, Charles.
Brueggemann, Walter.
Nutt, Maurice.
Youngblood, Johnny Ray.
Gateway Films/Vision Video,
Soil Processes and the Carbon Cycle
B.A. Stewart
E. Amezquita
Rattan Lal
John M. Kimble
Douglas L. Karlen
Ronald F. Follett
Hans-Wilhelm Scharpenseel
B.A. Stewart
Denis A. Angers
C. A. Campbell
Benjamin Harold Ellert
E.G. Gregorich
B. D. Kay
William B. McGill
Charles Tarnocai
R. C. Izaurralde
Hugo H. Rogers
Morris Schnitzer
Claire Chenu
J. M. Oades
Carlos M. Monreal
John M. Kimble
Elissa R. Levine
D. J. Greenland
M. Nyborg
Anthony S. Donigian, Jr.
N. G. Juma
Robert B. Grossman
Tim R. Moore
J. S. Kern
Chien-L. Ping
R.L. Malcolm
A. S. Patwardhan
Robert F. Grant
Ronald F. Follett
Keith H. Paustian
E. T. Elliott
Thomas O. Barnwell, Jr.
M. M. Wander
Barbara Lacelle
M. A. Arshad
Roshan M. Bajracharya
Jeff A. Baldock
James G. Bockheim
Cynthia A. Cambardella
Carlos C. Cerri
R. J. Chandler
Zheng Qui Chen
R. V. Chinnaswamy
C. E. Clapp
Jener F.L. de Moraes
H. Dinel
Ronald F. Dodson
Wendy R. Eisner
Lynn R. Everett
Brigitte J. Feigl
Myles J. Fisher
J. R. Fortner
D. S. Gamble
Alexander Gennadiyev
S. A. Glaum
J. A. Golchin
D. H. Harms
K. G. Harrison
S. L. Hartung
Jeff E. Herrick
Frank L. Himes
D. C. Jans-Hammermeister
H. Henry Jansen
Julie D. Jastrow
K. Killian
D. S. Kimes
Eva-Maria Klimanek
Dmitri Ye Konyushkov
Martin Korschens
M. S. Kuzila
Dennis R. Linden
Elena Lioubimtseva
Wendy M. Loya
S. S. Malhi
Maurice J. Mausbach
Betty F. McQuaid
Jerry M. Melillo
Stanislow Mercik
Gary J. Michaelson
R. Michael Miller
M. Molina-Ayala
Christopher Neill
Gail L. Olson
Steve Pawluk
E. M. Pfeiffer
Marisa C. Piccolo
Cathy A. Seybold
E. D. Solberg
Paul A. Steudler
Wilma Trujillo
David P. Turner
D. A. Walker
Annett Weigel
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 20 of 25 entries
Book Authors
Chapter 5 Nanoscale Particles and Processes: A New Dimension in Soil Science
Patricia A. Maurice
Michael F. Hochella
Advances in Agronomy
Donald L. Sparks
Academic Press
The Prerequisites for an International Financial Center
Michael A. Goldberg
Robert Helsley
Maurice D. Levi
International Banking and Financial Centers
Yoon S. Park
Musa Essayyad
Springer Netherlands
General and Comparative. An Old California Word for 'Mountain Lion/Wildcat'
Michael J. P. Nichols.Ethnobotany as a Linguistic Tool /Maurice L. Zigmond.
Studies in American Indian languages: description and theory /
Hinton, Leanne.
Munro, Pamela.
[1998], ©1998.
University of California Press,
Underfill: The Enabling Technology for Flip-Chip Packaging
Stephen L. Buchwalter
Maurice E. Edwards
Daniel Gamota
Michael A. Gaynes
Son K. Tran
Area Array Interconnection Handbook
Karl J. Puttlitz
Paul A. Totta
Springer US
Measuring Motivational Concepts and Personality Aspects in the National Educational Panel Study
Florian Wohlkinger
A. Raphaela Blumenfelder
Michael Bayer
Jutta von Maurice
Hartmut Ditton
Hans-Peter Blossfeld
Education as a Lifelong Process: The German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)
Hans-Peter Blossfeld
Hans-Günther Roßbach
2nd ed. 2019
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Ch. 30. Permanent Pacing in Atrial Flutter
S. Serge Batold, Michael D. Falkoff, Ling S. Ong, Maurice J. Vaughan and Robert A. Heinle
Atrial flutter: advances in mechanisms and management /
Waldo, Albert L.
Touboul, Paul.
Futura Pub.,
Curriculum and Assessment in SIMMS Integrated Mathematics
Johnny W. Lott
James Hirstein
Glenn Allinger
Sharon Walen
Maurice Burke
Michael Lundin
Terry A. Souhrada
Dean Preble
Standards-Based School Mathematics Curricula: What Are They? What Do Students Learn?
Sharon L. Senk
Denisse R. Thompson
Pt. III. Mapping New Citizenship Practices. 7. Citizenship and Social Change: Beyond the Dominant Paradigm
Maurice Roche.8.A New/Old Frontier of Inequalities: Respect and Self-Respect As Policy Issues /S. Michael Miller.9.Dissidence and Insurgency: Municipal Foreign Policy in the 1980s /Warren Magnusson.
Artful practices: the political economy of everyday life /
Lustiger-Thaler, Henri,
Salée, Daniel.
[1994], ©1994.
Black Rose Books,
The NASA Mars 2020 Rover Mission and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
Kenneth H. Williford
Kenneth A. Farley
Kathryn M. Stack
Abigail C. Allwood
David Beaty
Luther W. Beegle
Rohit Bhartia
Adrian J. Brown
Manuel de la Torre Juarez
Svein-Erik Hamran
Michael H. Hecht
Joel A. Hurowitz
Jose A. Rodriguez-Manfredi
Sylvestre Maurice
Sarah Milkovich
Roger C. Wiens
From Habitability to Life on Mars
Nathalie A. Cabrol and Edmond A. Grin
Rosita Arvigo
Michael J Balick
David G. Campbell
Thomas JS Carlson
Richard A Cech
Gordon Cragg
Angela Duncan Diop
S Mbua Ngale Efange
Elaine Elisabetsky
Andrew Galiwango
Nigel Gericke
Michael A Gollin
Joerg Gruenwald
Marianne Guerin-McManus
Alan Harvey
Maurice M Iwu
Carey Jackson
BR Kanyerezi
Steven R King
Sirimani Kisingi Kato
Ethnomedicine and Drug Discovery
Maurice M Iwu
Jacqueline C Wootton
2. Understanding the Lunar Surface and Space-Moon Interactions
Paul Lucey
Randy L. Korotev
Jeffrey J. Gillis
Larry A. Taylor
David Lawrence
Bruce A. Campbell
Rick Elphic
Bill Feldman
Lon L. Hood
Donald Hunten
Michael Mendillo
Sarah Noble
James J. Papike
Robert C. Reedy
Stefanie Lawson
Tom Prettyman
Olivier Gasnault
Sylvestre Maurice
New Views of the Moon
Bradley L. Jolliff
Mark A. Wieczorek
Charles K. Shearer
Clive R. Neal
De Gruyter
IV. International Perspectives. 10. From Smoot-Hawley to Reciprocal Trade Agreements: Changing the Course of U. S. Trade Policy in the 1930s
Douglas A. Irwin.11.The Great Depression as a Watershed: International Capital Mobility over the Long Run /Maurice Obstfeld and Alan M. Taylor.12.Implications of the Great Depression for the Development of the International Monetary System /Michael D. Bordo and Barry Eichengreen.
The defining moment: the Great Depression and the American economy in the twentieth century /
Bordo, Michael D.
Goldin, Claudia Dale.
White, Eugene Nelson,
[1998], ©1998.
University of Chicago Press,
Pt. I. Justifying Democracy? De/Reconstructing Democracy? 1. The Moral Basis of Democracy
Gordon Graham. 2. To Rule in No Matters, To Obey in All: Democracy and Autonomy / Russell Hardin. 3. False Stability and Defensive Justification on Rawlsian Liberalism: A Feminist Critique / David Anderson. 4. The Self, Difference, and Democratic Theory / Michael W. Howard. 5. A (Somewhat) Communitarian (Partial) Reformulation of Liberalism / Maurice L. Wade
The Ethics of liberal democracy: morality and democracy in theory and practice /
Churchill, Robert Paul.
Pt. 6. The Role of Discourse in Social Change. Requirements, Problems, and Strategies: A Theory of Persuasion for Social Movements
Herbert W. Simons.The Rhetoric of Women's Liberation: An Oxymoron /Karlyn Kohrs Campbell.The Functions of Presidential Campaigning /Bruce Gronbeck.The "Ideograph": A Link Between Rhetoric and Ideology /Michael Calvin McGee.Critical Rhetoric: Theory and Praxis /Raymie E. McKerrow.Rehabilitating Rhetoric: Confronting Blindspots in Discourse and Social Theory /Maurice Charland
Contemporary rhetorical theory: a reader /
Lucaites, John Louis.
Condit, Celeste Michelle,
Caudill, Sally.
[1999], ©1999.
Guilford Press,
Pt. I. Translations. The Book of the Description of the Encompassing Circles (Al-Insha ad-Dawair)
Paul B. Fenton and Maurice Gloton. Excerpts from the Epistle on the Spirit of Holiness (Risalah Ruh al-Quds) / Roger Boase and Farid Sahnoun. How to Study the Futuhat: Ibn Arabi's Own Advice / James Winston Morris. Two Chapters from the Futuhat al-Makkiyya / William C. Chittick. Towards a Poetic Translation of the Fusus al-Hikam / Michael Sells
Muhyiddin ibn ʻArabi: a commemorative volume /
Ibn al-ʻArabī,
Hirtenstein, Stephen.
Tiernan, Michael.
Imran M. Ahmed
Richard P. Allen
Carl W. Bazil
Meredith Broderick
Oliviero Bruni
Christina J. Calamaro
Rosalind D. Cartwright
James Allan Cheyne
Sudhansu Chokroverty
Irshaad O. Ebrahim
Raffaele Ferri
Elena Finotti
Gina Graci
Christian Guilleminault
Divya Gupta
Shelby F. Harris
Timothy F. Hoban
Nelly Huynh
Raffaele Manni
Anissa M. Maroof
Thornton B. A. Mason
Thomas A. Mellman
Renee Monderer
Pasquale Montagna
Jacques Montplaisir
Eric A. Nofzinger
Luana Novelli
Maurice M. Ohayon
Alessandro Oldani
Rafael Pelayo
Giuseppe Plazzi
Satish C. Rao
Michael Schredl
Colin M. Shapiro
Michael H. Silber
Ravi Singareddy
Deepti Sinha
Gregory Stores
Shannon S. Sullivan
Michele Terzaghi
Michael J. Thorpy
Nikola N. Trajanovic
Thomas W. Uhde
Stefano Vandi
Roberto Vetrugno
John W. Winkelman
Antonio Zadra
Marco Zucconi
The Parasomnias and Other Sleep-Related Movement Disorders
Michael J. Thorpy
Giuseppe Plazzi
Cambridge University Press
Authors and the Law of Libel: Plea for Reform. To the Editor of The Times (13 Mar 1936)
Richard Aldington
Michael Arlen
Maurice Baring
Phyllis Bentley
Edmund Blunden
Vera Brittain
John Drinkwater
T. S. Eliot
David Garnett
Philip Gibbs
Philip Guedalla
A. P. Herbert
Aldous Huxley
Storm Jameson
Sheila Kaye-Smith
E. V. Knox
Rose Macaulay
John Masefield
A. A. Milne
Naomi Mitchison
Charles Morgan
Henry W. Nevinson
R. Ellis Roberts
V. Sackville-West
Beatrice Kean Seymour
William Kean Seymour
Evelyn Sharp
Helen Simpson
Ralph Straus
Frank Swinnerton
H. M. Tomlinson
H. G. Wells
Rebecca West
Virginia Woolf.
The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot: The Critical Edition: Tradition and Orthodoxy, 19341939
edited by Jewel Spears Brooker and Ronald Schuchard
Johns Hopkins University Press
IV. Regional Voices, Political Issues, and Civil Society. 12. The Internet as a Space for Civic Discourse: The Case of the Unity Debate in Canada
Chantal Benoit-Barne.13.The Impossibility of Conservatism: The Discourse of New Right Ideology /Darin Barney.14.The Center-Periphery Dialectic in Cape Breton: A Discourse Analysis /Carol Corbin and Mike Hunter.15.Virtually Civil: Studio XX, Feminist Voices, and Digital Technology in Canadian Civil Society /Neil Gerlach and Sheryl N. Hamilton.16.Law and Constitution in Canadian Civil Culture /Michael Dorland and Maurice Charland.17.Public Sphere and Public Sphericules: Civic Discourse in Ethnic Media /Karim H. Karim.18.Major League Sports, Civic Discourse, and the World-Class City: A Case Study of Vancouver /Mark Douglas Lowes
Civic discourse and cultural politics in Canada: a cacophony of voices /
Ferguson, Sherry Devereaux.
Shade, Leslie Regan,
Ablex Pub.,
Sect. 2. Prenatal Care. Ch. 6. Preconception and Prenatal Care: Part of the Continuum
Timothy R. B. Johnson and Jennifer R. Niebyl.Ch. 7.Occupational and Environmental Perspectives of Birth Defects /Joe Leigh Simpson and Jennifer R. Niebyl.Ch. 8.Genetic Counseling and Prenatal Diagnosis /Joe Leigh Simpson.Ch. 9.Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation /Jennifer R. Niebyl.Ch. 10.Obstetric Ultrasound: Assessment of Fetal Growth and Anatomy /Frank A. Chervenka and Steven G. Gabbe.Ch. 11.Fetal Therapeutic Intervention /Mark I. Evans, Michael R. Harrison and Alan W. Flake /[et al.].Ch. 12.Antepartum Fetal Evaluation /Maurice L. Druzin, Steven G. Gabbe and Kathryn L. Reed
Obstetrics: normal and problem pregnancies /
Gabbe, Steven G.
Niebyl, Jennifer R.
Simpson, Joe Leigh,
[2002], ©2002.
Churchill Livingstone,
Loonis, Alec & the great American songbook
Jerry Shinn
Nina Simone put a spell on us / Charles Blackburn Jr
Link Wray / Brendan McKennedy
Peg Leg Jackson : the last medicine show / Jerry Bledsoe
Hope Nicholls / Courtney Devores
Shrimp City Slim / Clair DeLune
Tommy Faile : crackerjack country / Jack Dillard
Little Eva / Mick Patrick
Malcolm Baumgart
Sam Moss
me / Peter Holsapple
Richard "Big Boy" Henry / Janet Hartman
Gina Stewart : go your own way / Sheila Saints
Maurice Williams / Ann Wicker
Hip-hop in the Carolinas / Clyde Smith
Pink Anderson / Peter Cooper
Carlisle Floyd / Michael Prince
Randy Travis / Woody Mitchell
Shirley Caesar : the singing evangelist / Matt Ehlers
Fred Wesley
Jr. : sideman extraordinaire / Ann Wicker
Live from the revival
it's James Brown! / John Grooms
James Taylor / David Perlmutt
Making notes: music of the Carolinas
Ann Wicker
Novello Festival Press
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 20 of 25 entries