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> Michael A. Simmons
"Michael A. Simmons" appeared in Books and Chapters
entries per page
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
Accountability and objectives for Music Education
James A. Livingston, Michael D. Poland, Ronald E. Simmons
Educational Media Press
Covered bridges and the birth of American engineering
Justine Christianson
Christopher H. Marston
James Barker
Lola Bennett
Joseph D. Conwill
Sheila Rimal Duwadi
Dario A. Gasparini
Richard O'Connor
M. K. Reckard
Rachel Herring Sangree
Harrison, Michael R. (Museum curator)
David A. Simmons
National Park Service, Historic American Engineering Record
I Pharmacotherapeutics in General, Mental and Sexual Health
Joseph L. Calles
Cynthia Feucht
Donald E. Greydanus
Elizabeth K. Hawver
Marlene B. Huff
Gabriel Kaplan
Carolyn M. Lentzsch-Parcells
Patricia MacTaggart
Trudy McKanna
Joav Merrick
Ahsan Nazeer
Hatim A. Omar
Dilip R. Patel
Helen Pratt
Ryan Rodarmer
John D. Rowlett
Jane Seyler
Saad Shebrain
Michael Simmons
Shawn Sorrel
Stephanie Stockburger
Helga V. Toriello
Jacqueline Wegge
Donald E. Greydanus
Dilip R. Patel
Hatim A. Omar
Cynthia Feucht
Joav Merrick
De Gruyter
Darker masques
J. N. Williamson
Edward Gorman
Michael Seidman
Ray Russell
Melissa Mia Hall
D.W. Taylor
Thomas Millstead
Paul Dale Anderson
Graham Masterton
Alan Rogers
R. Patrick Gates
R. Patrick Gates
Ralph Rainwater Jr
Wayne Allen Sallee
Mark McNease
Bill Ryan
Rex Miller
Joey Froehlich
Diane Taylor
William F. Nolan
John Maclay
Gary A. Braunbeck
Mort Castle
Stanley Wiater
Bruce Boston
Robert Frazier
James Kisner
G. Wayne Miller
Joseph A. Citro
Steve Rasnic Tem
John Keefauver
Dan Simmons
Amanda Russell
Ray Bradbury
Chet Williamson
F. Paul Wilson
John Maclay
Denise Dumars
Gary Brandner
Denise Dumars
Darrell Schweitzer
Kathryn Ptacek
T. Winter-Damon
John Coyne
Cameron Nolan
Lois Tilton
Rick Hautala
Kensington Pub. Corp.
Phat bottom tubas /
Morette, Mark J.
Morris, R. Winston.
McMillan, Ben.
Good, Adam.
Kile, Keith.
Marsee, Aaron.
Murphy, Lindsey.
Merritt, Amy.
Prichard, Curtis.
Chavez, Jesse.
Allen, Cory.
Box, Jared.
Butterfield, Josh.
Crunk, Chris.
Fletcher, Jared.
Huron, Kyle.
Kabe, Kenji.
McFarlane, Martin.
Newland, Kyle.
Robbins, Travis.
Rose, Josh.
Smith, Daniel.
Smith, Mark.
Tupper, Kevin.
Stone, Kerry.
Breland, Lonnie.
Sharp, Andrew.
May, Brian,
Brozak, George A.
Casey, H. W.
Deacon John
Wilson, Charlie,
Simmons, Lonnie.
Penn, Michael.
Clayton-Thomas, David.
Dawson, Cory.
Hauser, Joseph.
Cherry, Bill.
Trenet, Charles L.
Martin, Glenn.
Silver, Horace,
Kanno, Yoko.
Oliver, John.
Mark Custom Recording Service, Inc.,
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries
Book Authors
How Noise Affects Bats and What It Reveals About Their Biosonar Systems
Michael S. Smotherman
Andrea Megela Simmons
James A. Simmons
50 Years of Bat Research: Foundations and New Frontiers
Burton K. Lim
M. Brock Fenton
R. Mark Brigham
Shahroukh Mistry
Allen Kurta
Erin H. Gillam
Amy Russell
Jorge Ortega
1st ed. 2021
Springer International Publishing
The Low-Birth-Weight Infant
Frederick C. Battaglia
Michael A. Simmons
Human Growth: 2 Postnatal Growth
F. Falkner
Springer US
Converging Approaches to Determining Sound Localization Mechanisms in the Big Brown Bat, Eptesicus fuscus
Tim Haresign
Janine M. Wotton
Michael Ferragamo
James A. Simmons
Neuroethological Studies of Cognitive and Perceptual Processes
Cynthia F. Moss
Sara J. Shettleworth
Engineering design of covered bridges
Dario Gasparini
Rachel Sangree
Jim Barker
David A. Simmons
Michael R. Harrison
Covered bridges and the birth of American engineering
Justine Christianson
Christopher H. Marston
James Barker
Lola Bennett
Joseph D. Conwill
Sheila Rimal Duwadi
Dario A. Gasparini
Richard O'Connor
M. K. Reckard
Rachel Herring Sangree
Harrison, Michael R. (Museum curator)
David A. Simmons
National Park Service, Historic American Engineering Record
Dynamic Mechanisms of Perception Exhibited by Bat Biosonar
James A. Simmons
Michael J. Ferragamo
Tim Haresign
Steven P. Dear
Mark I. Sanderson
Central Auditory Processing and Neural Modeling
Paul F. Poon
John F. Brugge
Springer US
Ch. 9. Auditory Computations for Biosonar Target Imaging in Bats
James A. Simmons, Prestor A. Saillant, Michael J. Ferragamo, Tim Haresign, Steven P. Dear, Jonathan Fritz and Teresa A. McMullen
Auditory computation /
Hawkins, Harold L.
[1996], ©1996.
Springer Verlag,
Auditory Computations for Biosonar Target Imaging in Bats
James A. Simmons
Prestor A. Saillant
Michael J. Ferragamo
Tim Haresign
Steven P. Dear
Jonathan Fritz et al.
Auditory Computation
Harold L. Hawkins
Teresa A. McMullen
Arthur N. Popper
Richard R. Fay
Springer New York
Auditory Dimensions of Acoustic Images in Echolocation
James A. Simmons
Michael J. Ferragamo
Prestor A. Saillant
Tim Haresign
Janine M. Wotton
Steven P. Dear et al.
Hearing by Bats
Arthur N. Popper
Richard R. Fay
Springer New York
Ch. 4. Auditory Dimensions of Acoustic Images in Echolocation
James A. Simmons, Michael J. Ferragamo, Prestor A. Saillant, Tim Haresign, Janine M. Wotton, Steven P. Dear and David N. Lee
Hearing by bats /
Popper, Arthur N.
Fay, Richard R.
[1995], ©1995.
Predictive Simulation of a Validation Forging Using a Recrystallization Model
Arthur A. Brown
Bonnie R. Antoun
Michael L. Chiesa
Stephen B. Margolis
Devin O’Connor
Jason M. Simmons et al.
Time Dependent Constitutive Behavior and Fracture/Failure Processes, Volume 3: Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Tom Proulx
Springer New York
Ultra-Efficient Solid-State Lighting: Likely Characteristics, Economic Benefits, Technological Approaches
Jeff Y. Tsao
Jonathan J. Wierer Jr.
Lauren E.S. Rohwer
Michael E. Coltrin
Mary H. Crawford
Jerry A. Simmons et al.
III-Nitride Based Light Emitting Diodes and Applications
Tae-Yeon Seong
Jung Han
Hiroshi Amano
Hadis Morkoç
2nd ed. 2017
Springer Nature Singapore
Introduction Part B. Ultra-efficient Solid-State Lighting: Likely Characteristics, Economic Benefits, Technological Approaches
Jeff Y. Tsao
Jonathan J. Wierer Jr.
Lauren E. S. Rohwer
Michael E. Coltrin
Mary H. Crawford
Jerry A. Simmons et al.
III-Nitride Based Light Emitting Diodes and Applications
Tae-Yeon Seong
Jung Han
Hiroshi Amano
Hadis Morkoc
Springer Netherlands
The Authors and Editors
Terence C. Halliday
Gregory Shaffer
Susan Block-Lieb
Daniel Bodansky
Tim Büthe
Philipp Genschel
Laurence R. Helfer
Eric Helleiner
Paulette Lloyd
Roderick A. Macdonald
Sally Engle Merry
Leigh A. Payne
Jothie Rajah
Thomas Rixen
Beth A. Simmons
Michael Waibel
Transnational Legal Orders
Terence C. Halliday
Gregory Shaffer
Cambridge University Press
Pt. V. Social, Institutional, and Political Constraints to Family Planning Programme Effectiveness. 13. Constraints on Supply and Demand for Family Planning: Evidence from Rural Bangladesh
Michael A. Koenig and Ruth Simmons.14.State-Society Links: Political Dimensions of Population Policies and Programmes, with Special Reference to China /Susan Greenhalgh.15.The Determinants of Impact and Utilization of Fertility Research on Public Policy: China and Mexico /Axel I. Mundigo
Family planning programmes and fertility /
Phillips, James F.
Ross, John A.,
List of Contributors
Helmut Philipp Aust
Tim Gemkow
John Gillespie
Linn Hammergren
Monika Heupel
Paulette Lloyd
Wolfgang Merkel
André Nollkaemper
Georg Nolte
Sarah M. H. Nouwen
Randall Peerenboom
Tilmann J. Röder
Frank Schimmelfennig
Gunnar Folke Schuppert
Beth A. Simmons
Brandon M. Stewart
Richard Zajac Sannerholm
Michael Zürn
Rule of Law Dynamics: In an Era of International and Transnational Governance
Michael Zurn
Andre Nollkaemper
Randy Peerenboom
Cambridge University Press
IV. Critiques. International Organization: A State of the Art on an Art of the State
Friedrich Kratochwil and John Gerard Ruggie.The Limits of International Organization: Systematic Failure in the Management of International Relations /Giulio M. Gallarotti.The Politics, Power, and Pathologies of International Organizations /Michael N. Barnett and Martha Finnemore.Theories and Empirical Studies of International Institutions /Lisa L. Martin and Beth A. Simmons.
International institutions: an international organization reader /
Martin, Lisa L.,
Simmons, Beth A.,
[2001], ©2001.
MIT Press,
Jeremy Ackerman
Polly Bijur
Hans Bradshaw
Ciaran J. Browne
John H. Burton
Lisa Calder
David Cline
Rita K. Cydulka
Deborah B. Diercks
James Ducharme
Megan L. Fix
Michel Galinski
Ula Hwang
Jonathan S. Ilgen
Andy Jagoda
Samuel Kim
Robert Knopp
Jason B. Lester
Adam Levine
Todd M. Listwa
Frank LoVecchio
Sharon E. Mace
Alan P. Marco
Catherine A. Marco
Chris McEachin
James R. Miner
Kalani Olmsted
Sohan Parekh
Peter Rosen
Michael S. Runyon
Michael T. Schultz
Adam J. Singer
Robert A. Swor
Joshua H. Tamayo-Sarver
Stephen H. Thomas
Michael Turturro
Michael Walta
Benjamin A. White
Beth Wicklund
Susan R. Wilcox
Nathanael Wood
Dale P. Woolridge
Andrew Worster
Janet Simmons Young
Kelly Young
Emergency Department Analgesia: An Evidence-Based Guide
Stephen H. Thomas
Cambridge University Press
Nanosession: Qubit Systems
Andrew Briggs
Martin P. Weides
Michael R. Vissers
Jeffrey S. Kline
Martin O. Sandberg
David P. Pappas
Joshua Veazey
Guanglei Cheng
Patrick Irvin
Shicheng Lu
Mengchen Huang
Chung Wung Bark
Sangwoo Ryu
Chang-Beom Eom
Jeremy Levy
Levy R. P. G. McNeil
M. Kataoka
C. J. B. Ford
C. H. W. Barnes
D. Anderson
G. A. C. Jones
I. Farrer
D. A. Ritchie.
Vasileia Filidou
Stephanie Simmons
Steven D. Karlen
Feliciano Giustino
Harry L. Anderson
John J. L. Morton
Thomas Fink
Hendrik Bluhm
Frontiers in Electronic Materials - Correlation Effects, Spintronics, and Memristive Phenomena
Jörg Heber
Darrell Schlom
Yoshinori Tokura
Rainer Waser
Matthias Wuttig
John Wiley & Sons
Pt. 2. Climatic Change on the Landscape. 5. Peat bogs as sources of proxy climatic data: past approaches and future research
Jeff Blackford. 6. Forest response to Holocene climatic change: equilibrium or non-equilibnum / Richard Bradshaw. 7. Isolating the climatic factors in early- and mid-Holocene palaeobotanical records from Scotland / J. John Lowe. 8. Radiocarbon dating of arctic-alpine palaeosols and the reconstruction of Holocene palaeoenvironmental change / John A. Matthews.Pt. 3. Evidence for Human Impact. 9. Earliest palynological records of human impact on the world's vegetation / D. Walker and G. Singh. 10. Vegetation change during the Mesolithic in the British Isles: some amplifications / I.G. Simmons. 11. The development of high moorland on Dartmoor: fire and the influence of Mesolithic activity on vegetation change / Chris Caseldine and Jackie Hatton. 12. Models of mid-Holocene forest farming for north-west Europe / Kevin J. Edwards. 13. The influence of human communities on the English chalklands from the Mesolithic to the Iron Age: the molluscan evidence / J.G. Evans. 14. Mesolithic, early Neolithic, and later prehistoric impacts on vegetation at a riverine site in Derbyshire, England / Patricia E.J. Wiltshire and Kevin J. Edwards. 15. Holocene (Flandrian) vegetation change and human activity in the Carneddau area of upland mid-Wales / M.J.C. Walker.16. Early land use and vegetation history at Derryinver Hill, Renvyle Peninsula, Co. Calway, Ireland / Karen Molloy and Michael O'Connell
Climate change and human impact on the landscape: studies in palaeoecology and environmental archaeology /
Chambers, F. M.
Chapman & Hall,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries