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> Michael B. Fischer
"Michael B. Fischer" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
Volume 3 1869
Victor Fischer
Michael B. Frank
Dahlia Armon
University of California Press
Mark Twain's letters
Mark Twain
Victor Fischer
Michael B. Frank
University of California Press
Computational Life Sciences II: Second International Symposium, CompLife 2006, Cambridge, UK, September 27-29, 2006, Proceedings
Michael R. Berthold
Robert Glen
Ingrid B. Fischer
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures: Engaging with Others in a Changing World
Peter B Smith
Ronald Fischer
Vivian L. Vignoles
Michael Harris Bond
September 2013
SAGE Publications Ltd
Computational Life Sciences: First International Symposium, CompLife 2005, Konstanz, Germany, September 25-27, 2005, Proceedings
Michael R. Berthold
Robert Glen
Kay Diederichs
Oliver Kohlbacher
Ingrid B. Fischer
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Companion to Cognitive Anthropology
David B. Kronenfeld
Giovanni Bennardo
Michael D. Fischer
Victor C. de Munck
John Wiley & Sons
Mark Twain's Helpful Hints for Good Living: A Handbook for the Damned Human Race
Twain, Mark
Salamo, Lin(Editor)
Fischer, Victor(Editor)
Frank, Michael B(Editor)
University of California Press
Silicon Heterostructure Handbook: Materials, Fabrication, Devices, Circuits and Applications of SiGe and Si Strained-Layer Epitaxy
John D. Cressler
Stephane Monfray
Greg Freeman
Daniel Friedman
Douglas J. Paul
Soichiro Tsujino
J. Cai
Alain Chantre
Lorenzo Colace
Leo N. C. de Vreede
B. El-Kareh
Didier Dutartre
Lawrence E. Larson
C.K Maiti
T. Meister
W. Ni
Michael Oehme
A. Peaker
David Sheridan
Bernd Tillack
Joy Laskar
Thomas Skotnicki
Stephan Borel
Johann-Friedrih Luy
Ken Rim
Bernard Meyerson
David R. Greenberg
Michael Schroter
Alvin Joseph
James S. Dunn
Eugene Fitzgerald
Mounir Meghelli
Detlev Grutzmacher
Thomas N. Adam
Gaetano Assanto
S. Balster
Sanjay Banerjee
Didier Belot
J. Bock
J. N. Burghartz
Sudipto Chakraborty
Roy A. Colclaser
F. Deleglise
Peter Deixler
Anders Elfving
C. Fellous
Ulf Gennser
A. Fischer
Robert Groves
David Harame
Judy L. Hoyt
Robert Hull
Jeffrey B. Johnson
Erich Kasper
Paul Kempf
H. J. Kim
Dieter Knoll
Rajendran Krishnasamy
RongLin Li
Qingqing Liang
Kyutae Lim
John R. Long
R. Malladi
Gianlorenzo Masini
Slobodan Mijalkovic
G. Niu
J. Osten
John Ioannis Papapolymerou
Stephane Pinel
Jae-Sung Rieh
L. Rubaldo
Hermann Schumacher
Raminderpal Singh
S. Strang
A. Talbot
M. Tentzeris
Scott E. Thompson
S. Tong
Youri V. Tretiakov
Mark P. van der Heijden
H. Baudry
B. Martinet
M. Marty
A. Monroy
J. Mourier
P. Steinmann
B. Szelag
G. Troillard
K. Wang
Katsuyoshi Washio
H. Yasuda
Peter Zaumseil
M. Laurens
P. Chevalier
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 13 of 13 entries
Book Authors
Simulation (and Modeling)
Michael Fischer
David B. Kronenfeld
Companion to Cognitive Anthropology
David B. Kronenfeld
Giovanni Bennardo
Michael D. Fischer
Victor C. de Munck
John Wiley & Sons
Information Limits of Optical Microscopy: Application to Fluorescent Labelled Tissue Section
Renata Rychtáriková
Georg Steiner
Michael B. Fischer
Dalibor Štys
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering: 5th International Work-Conference, IWBBIO 2017, Granada, Spain, April 26–28, 2017, Proceedings, Part I
Ignacio Rojas
Francisco Ortuño
1st ed. 2017
Springer International Publishing
A Guide to Protein Interaction Databases
Tiffany B. Fischer
Melissa Paczkowski
Michael F. Zettel
Jerry Tsai
The Proteomics Protocols Handbook
John M. Walker
Humana Press
Modulo-Type Precoding for Networks
Robert F. H. Fischer
Michael Cyran
Sebastian Stern
Johannes B. Huber
Communications in Interference Limited Networks
Wolfgang Utschick
1st ed. 2016
Springer International Publishing
In Situ X-Ray Synchrotron Profile Analysis During High Pressure Torsion of Ti
Erhard Schafler
Michael B. Kerber
Florian Spieckermann
Torben Fischer
Roman Schuster
Cornelia von Baeckmann
Magnesium Technology 2017
Kiran N. Solanki
Dmytro Orlov
Alok Singh
Neale R. Neelameggham
1st ed. 2017
Springer International Publishing
Spongiform encephalopathies: Insights from transgenic models
Adriano Aguzzi
Sebastian Brandner
Michael B. Fischer
Hisako Furukawa
Markus Glatzel
Cynthia Hawkins
Frank L. Heppner
Fabio Montrasio
Beatriz Navarro
Petra Parizek
Vladimir Pekarik
Marco Prinz
Alex J. Raeber
Christiane Röckl
Michael A. Klein
Neurovirology Viruses and the Brain
Michael J. Buchmeier
Iain L. Campbell
Academic Press
[1] GenBank: Current status and future directions
Christian Burks
Michael J. Cinkosky
Paul Gilna
Jamie E.-D. Hayden
Yuki Abe
Edwin J. Atencio
Steve Barnhouse
David Benton
Connie A. Buenafe
Karen E. Cumella
Dan B. Davison
David B. Emmert
Mary Jo Faulkner
James W. Fickett
William M. Fischer
Mark Good
Deborah A. Horne
F.Kay Houghton
Praful M. Kelkar
Tom A. Kelley
Methods in Enzymology
John N. Abelson
Russell F. Doolittle
Melvin I. Simon
Academic Press
Contributors to Volume 6
Hiroaki Aihara
Eduard Bardají
Margery C. Beinfeld
J. Edwin Blalock
Marvin R. Brown
J. Michael Conlon
J.D. Cremins
Lewis D. Fannon
Wolfgang H. Fischer
Laurel A. Fisher
Jon Florholmen
Carolyn J. Foster
Nathan B. Fountain
Carl Hoeger
Brent Jackson
Ivor M.D. Jackson
Evelyn Y. Jew
Jean Y. Jew
Gibbes R. Johnson
Janos Julesz
Neuropeptide Technology
P. Michael Conn
Academic Press
Fred Adams
Colin Allen
Steven M. Beighley
Carlos A. Botero
Kate L. Christison-Lagay
Reginald B. Cocroft
Yale E. Cohen
Richard G. Coss
Sasha R. X. Dall
Julia Fischer
Peter Godfrey-Smith
Claire Horisk
Andrew G. Horn
Caitlin R. Kight
Simon Kirby
Selvino R. de Kort
Michael Lachmann
Peter K. McGregor
John M. McNamara
Ruth Garrett Millikan
Eugene S. Morton
Michael J. Owren
Drew Rendall
Michael J. Ryan
Sahotra Sarkar
Andrea Scarantino
Thomas C. Scott-Phillips
David W. Stephens
R. Haven Wiley
Animal Communication Theory: Information and Influence
Ulrich E. Stegmann
Cambridge University Press
Pt. III. Assessment and Treatment. 33. Assessment of the Immune System
Helen M. Chapel and A. David B. Webster.34.Genetic Aspects of Primary Immunodeficiencies /Jennifer M. Puck.35.Immunodeficiency Mutation Databases /Mauno Vihinen, Heikki Lehvaslaiho and Richard G. H. Cotton.36.Conventional Therapy of Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases /E. Richard Stiehm.37.Bone Marrow Transplantation for Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases /Rebecca H. Buckley and Alain Fischer.38.Gene Therapy /Fabio Candotti and R. Michael Blaese.
Primary immunodeficiency diseases: a molecular and genetic approach /
Ochs, Hans D.,
Smith, C. I. Edvard,
Puck, Jennifer,
Oxford University Press,
Pt. 4. Toward 2000 and Beyond. 25. Introduction and Critique of the Vulgar Sociobiology [The Use and Abuse of Biology]
Marshall Saiilins.26.Mead's Misconstruing of Samoa /Derek Freeman.27.Introduction [Europe and the People Without History] /Eric R. Wolf.28.History as Commodity in Some Recent American (Anthropological) Literature /Michael Taussig.29.Reply to Michael Taussig /Sidney W. Mintz and Eric R. Wolf.30.Truth and Power /Michael Foucault.31.Structures, Habitus, and Practices /Pierre Bourdieu.32.Self-Interest and the Social Good: Some Implications of Hagen Gender Imagery /Marilyn Strathern.33.Cultural Roots /Benedict Anderson.34.Introduction: Partial Truths [Writing Culture] /James Clifford.35.A Crisis of Representation in the Human Sciences /George E. Marcus and Michael M. J. Fischer.36.Theory in Anthropology Since the Sixties /Sherry B. Ortner
Readings for A history of anthropological theory /
Erickson, Paul A.
Murphy, Liam D.
Erickson, Paul A.
[2001], ©2001.
Broadview Press,
Eric Adler
Anoushka Afonso
Dean B. Andropoulos
Adel Bassily-Marcus
Yaakov Beilin
Elliott Bennett-Guerrero
Howard H. Bernstein
Marc J. Bloom
David Bronheim
Albert T. Cheung
Samuel DeMaria
Deborah Dubensky
James B. Eisenkraft
Jonathan Elmer
Liza J. Enriquez
Jonathan Epstein
Jeffrey M. Feldman
Gregory W. Fischer
Brigid Flynn
Jennifer A. Frontera
Richard S. Gist
Glenn P. Gravlee
Christina L. Jeng
Ronald A. Kahn
Jenny Kam
Mukul Kapoor
Jung Kim
Roopa Kohli-Seth
Aaron F. Kopman
Tuula S. O. Kurki
Andrew B. Leibowitz
Matthew Levin
Adam I. Levine
Michael S. Lewis
Justin Lipper
Martin London
Michael L. McGarvey
Alexander J. C. Mittnacht
Timothy Mooney
Diana Mungall
Yasuharu Okuda
Peter J. Papadakos
Jayashree Raikhelkar
Lakshmi V. Ramanathan
David L. Reich
Meg A. Rosenblatt
Corey Scurlock
Tamas Seres
Linda Shore-Lesserson
Marc E. Stone
Daniel M. Thys
Judit Tolnai
David Wax
Nathaen Weitzel
Monitoring in Anesthesia and Perioperative Care
David L. Reich
Ronald A. Kahn
Alexander J. C. Mittnacht
Andrew B. Leibowitz
Marc E. Stone
James B. Eisenkraft
Cambridge University Press
F. Dal Bello
J. Walter
C. Hertel
W. P Hammes
G. Festag
N. Haag
Gabriele Beyer-Sehlmeyer
M. N. Ebert
B. Marian
Eva Gietl
Annett Klinder
Stella Pistoli
R. Goralczyk
H. Bachmann
G. Riss
C-P. Aebischer
B. Lenz
A. Kampkötter
E. Röhrdanz
K. Iwami
S. Ohler
W. Wätjen
Y. Chovolou
S. E. Kulling
R. Kahl
D. Kavvadias
P. Sand
P. Riederer
E. Richling
P. Schreier
Peter P. Hoppe
Klaus Kraemer
Henk van den Berg
Gery Steenge
Trinette van Vliet
S. Lebrun
H. Schulze
W. Föllmann
Leane Lehmann
P. Niering
I. Köhler
Q.-H. Tran-Thi
Erika Pfeiffer
Harald L. Esch
Simone Höhle
Aniko M. Solyom
Barbara N. Timmermann
Manfred Metzler
W. Seefelder
N. Bartke
T. Gronauer
S. Fischer
H.-U. Humpf
S. Schäfer
H.G. Kamp
C. Müller
B. Haber
G. Eisenbrand
C. Janzowski
W. Wätjen
K. Wertz
P. Buchwald
T. Hansen
M. Niehof
M. Dangers
J. Borlak
Stefanie Klenow
Michael Glei
Bernd Haber
Beatrice L. Pool-Zobel
Annette Baumgart
Melanie Schmidt
Hans-Joachim Schmitz
Dieter Schrenk
Achim Bub
Bernhard Watzl
M. Roller
G. Caderni
G. Rechkemmer
Karlis Briviba
Kerstin Schnäbele
Elke Schwertle
Kerstin Rebscher
Stephan W. Barth
Silvia Roser
Heike Lang
Anette Höll
Sabine Guth
Doris Marko
Monika Kemény
Michael Habermeyer
Edda Bernardy
Susanne Meiers
Ulrike Weyand
Functional Food - Safety Aspects, Symposium
Senate Commission on Food Safety SKLM
John Wiley & Sons
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 13 of 13 entries