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> Michael T. Glenn
"Michael T. Glenn" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries
Lessons in Success from the Nba's Top Players
Michael T. Glenn
April 1997
Visions Technology in Education
Organizations in industry: strategy, structure, and selection /
Carroll, Glenn.
Hannan, Michael T.
Oxford University Press,
The demography of corporations and industries /
Carroll, Glenn.
Hannan, Michael T.
[2000], ©2000.
Princeton University Press,
The Demography of Corporations and Industries
Glenn R. Carroll
Michael T. Hannan
Princeton University Press
Dynamics of organizational populations: density,legitimation,and competition
Michael T. Hannan
Glenn R. Carroll
Oxford University Press
MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-297): Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure
Walter Glenn
Michael T. Simpson
Microsoft Corporation
October 15, 2003
Microsoft Press
Logics of organization theory: audiences, codes, and ecologies /
Hannan, Michael T.
Pólos, László.
Carroll, Glenn.
Princeton University Press,
Logics of Organization Theory: Audiences, Codes, and Ecologies
Michael T. Hannan
László Pólos
Glenn R. Carroll
Princeton University Press
TranceClassical /
Beiser, Maya,
Bach, Johann Sebastian,
Gordon, Michael,
Heap, Imogen.
Kotche, Glenn.
Reed, Lou.
Wolfe, Julia.
Fairouz, Mohammed.
Little, David T.,
TranceClassical /
Beiser, Maya,
Lee, Andrew McKenna,
Lang, David
Bach, Johann Sebastian,
Gordon, Michael,
Heap, Imogen.
Kotche, Glenn.
Reed, Lou.
Wolfe, Julia.
Fairouz, Mohammed.
Little, David T.,
Alabama Governors: A Political History of the State
D. Alan Harris, Lee Allen, Sarah Woolfolk Wiggins, Robert David Ward, J. Mills Thornton, William H. Stewart, Randy B. Rosenburg, William Warren Rogers, William Warren Rogers, Marlene Hunt Rikard, Paul M. Pruitt Jr., Michael Perman, Anne Permaloff, Henry Mel McKiven, Mary Jane McDaniel, John Mayfield, Harvey H. Jackson, Gordon E. Harvey, Carl Grafton, Wayne Flynt, Michael W. Fitzgerald, Glenn Feldman, Glenn T. Eskew, Daniel Dupre, Harriet E. Amos Doss, Kit Carson Carter, Michael Breedlove, Jonathan Bass, Hugh C. Bailey,
The University of Alabama Press
JLA: riddle of the beast /
Grant, Alan,
Kaluta, Michael Wm.
Robinson, Andrew
Sweet, Justin
Critchlow, Carl,
Davis, S. B.
Fabry, Glenn,
Foster, Jon,
Garres, Rafa,
Gregory, Doug Alexander,
Horley, Alex,
Sharp, Liam,
Mejia, Hermann,
Murray, Jim,
Staples, Greg,
Tenuta, Saverio,
Watson, John,
Williams, Martin T.,
Lopez, Ken.
DC Comics
The Electrical Engineering Handbook - Six Volume Set
Bo Wei
Richard C. Dorf
Richard C. Dorf
Anne R. Haake
Sylvain Cruchon-Dupeyrat
Alan D. Kraus
Gregor Hoogers
Thomas R. Mancini
Gerd Keiser
Andrew Marshall
Leslie A. Geddes
Joseph Watson
Kenneth R. Demarest
Leland H. Hemming
Rosemary L. Smith
Safwat G. Zaky
Leon H. Sibul
Bogdan M. Wilamowski
Ali Emadi
Fang Lin Luo
Svetlana N. Yanushkevich
Lynne A. Slivovsky
Ayse E. Amac
Carl A. Argila
Thomas G. Robertazzi
Martin D. Fox
Rao S. Thallam
Michael R. Neuman
Sudarshan Rao Nelatury
Shaohua Kevin Zhou
B.S. Dhillon
M. Meyyappan
Stephanie A.C. Schuckers
Jerry C. Whitaker
Theodore A. Bickart
Paul Neudorfer
Gennady Gildenblat
Josh T. Nessmith
Stella N. Batalama
Boris Gelmont
Glenn R. Blackwell
Neville R. Watson
Rama Ramakumar
Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury
Luciano Lavagno
Anna Johnston
Thomas Nolte
Robert J. Marks, II
V. Carl Hamacher
Evelyn P. Rozanski
Johannes J. Martin
Capers Jones
Barry W. Johnson
Jay Liebowitz
Christopher G. Guy
Gordon K.F. Lee
Raymond G. Jacquot
Mahdi Abdelguerfi
William L. Brogan
Andrew P. Sage
T. C. Hsia
R. Lal Tummala
Cornelius T. Leondes
Dan Martinec
Nicholas G. Odrey
Cary R. Spitzer
George E. Cook
Myron Kayton
Edward J. Berbari
James A. Cadzow
Marcia A. Bush
Daniel F. DiFonzo
Steven L. Maddy
William H. Tranter
Peter H. Graham
Yu Cao
Ronald A. Arif
Mitra Dutta
Lawrence A. Hornak
Gary W. Elko
Zhian Jin
James M. Gilbert
George A. Constantinides
Michael G. Morrow
T.V. Sujan Parthasaradhi
Tirthajyoti Sarkar
Michael S. Mazzola
Harvey J. Stiegler
Wei Su
Ahmad Iyanda Sulyman
Bert Wong
Thad B. Welch
Reza Derakshani
Chih-Ming Chen
Reza Khosravani
Alan D. Dorval
John E. Boyd
Hui Dong
Mark L. Nagurka
Cajetan M. Akujuobi
Melvin Belcher
John E. Ayers
Hong Ye
Grant Martin
Kenneth L. Kaiser
Nikos Passas
Dariusz Ucinski
Sudip K. Mazumder
Vlad P. Shmerko
Remzi Seker
Nan C. Schaller
David R. Martinez
Kleanthis Thramboulidis
Mikael Nolin
Israel Cohen
Albert A. Liddicoat
The Electronics Handbook
Jerry C. Whitaker
Richard C. Dorf
Mark H. Kryder
James F. Shackelford
Vijai K. Tripathi
Gene DeSantis
Eugene D. Fabricius
Michel Daoud Yacoub
Michael Pecht
C. Sankaran
Yariv Ephraim
G. Clifford Carter
John Brews
John Choma, Jr.
Wayne Needham
Susan A. Garrod
Ashoka K.S. Bhat
Kenneth R. Demarest
Michael Steer
Almon H. Clegg
Stanley Salek
Daniel F. DiFonzo
Michael D. Ciletti
Edward J. Delp, III
Dennis F. Doelitzsch
Kurt L. Kosbar
John E. McInroy
Sanjay K. Mehta
Bogdan M. Wilamowski
Peter Aronhime
Igor Filanovsky
Carol Smidts
George Cain
Sawasd Tantaratana
Jerry C. Hamann
Sidney Soclof
Rodger E. Ziemer
Paul D. Franzon
Praveen Asthana
Fred Baumgartner
Terrence Baun
David F. Besch
Glenn R. Blackwell
Jerome R. Breitenbach
Isidor Buchmann
Jonathon A. Chambers
Curtis Chan
Tom Chen
Badrul Chowdhury
George I. Cohn
James Cottle
Charles H. Cox
Kerry Cozad
William E. DeWitt
Tom F. Edgar
Ezz I. El-Masry
Steve Epstein
Cliff Ferris
Robert J. Feugate
David Fiske
James E. Goldman
Margaret H. Hamilton
William F. Hammett
Cecil Harrison
James B. Hatfield
Robert J. Hofinger
James M. Howell
Timothy P. Hulick
Thomas Koryu Ishii
T.S. Kalkur
Nicholas Kaplan
Ranga Kasturi
Robert Kubichek
Gopal Lakhani
Francis Long
Shih-Lien Lu
Melissa S. Mattmuller
Ed McConnell
Victor Meeldijk
John Meyer
Jan H. Mooij
Gibson, Jr. Morris
John Norgard
Martin Parker
Eugene T. Patronis
Benjamin B. Peterson
Fabrizio Pollara
Charles Rhodes
Roy W. Rising
David E. Rittenhause
Richard Rudman
Martin "Sandy" Sandberg
Jerry E. Sergent
Ken Seymour
Joy Shetler
David Stafford
Tom Stanley
Michael Starling
Zbigniew J. Staszak
Gerhard J. Straub
Timothy F. Summers
Robert Surette
Stuart K. Tewksbury
Cynthia L. Tomovic
Sadrul Ula
Ardie D. Walser
Robert Weirather
Douglas H. Werner
Donald White
Allan White
Fred Wylie
Harry E. Young
John Pierre
Iuliana Bordelon
Stan Felder
Paul Kit-Lai Yu
Constantine Anagnosopoulos
Electronics, Power Electronics, Optoelectronics, Microwaves, Electromagnetics, and Radar
Ronald J. Tallarida
Richard C. Dorf
Richard C. Dorf
Matthew N.O. Sadiku
Harold G. Parks
Eldredge J. Kennedy
Gordon L. Carpenter
John W. Steadman
Jeff Hecht
Richard A. Becker
Samuel O. Agbo
Michael Steer
Leland H. Hemming
Karl F. Etzold
Alexander Ehrlich
Ray Bartnikas
Kevin A. Delin
Nicholas J. Kolias
Banmali S. Rawat
Lyle Dean Feisel
Allen M. Dewey
Sidney Soclof
Glenn R. Blackwell
John Okyere Attia
Melvin Belcher
John E. Ayers
Fang Lin Luo
Rattikorn Yimnirun
Ian D. Robertson
Andrew Marshall
Mark H. Kryder
Martin A. Uman
Bimal K. Bose
Miram Milkovic
Gennady Gildenblat
John Brews
John Choma, Jr.
Wayne Needham
S. Rajaram
Joseph Watson
Mehdi R. Zargham
Kaushik S. Rajashekara
Laurence S. Watkins
Ashoka K.S. Bhat
Geoffrey Bate
Kenneth R. Demarest
J. Patrick Fitch
Robert Trew
Josh T. Nessmith
Inder J. Bahl
Richard C. Compton
James C. Wiltse
Peter H. Rogers
Terry P. Orlando
James E. Morris
Boris Gelmont
Spyros Tragoudas
Bogdan M. Wilamowski
Marc J. Madou
Stuart K. Tewksbury
Robert E. Newnham
Halit Eren
Joe E. Brewer
Christian Piguet
Ali Emadi
Hong Ye
Kenneth L. Kaiser
Sudip K. Mazumder
Samuel O. Piper
Benjamin Y. Park
Rabih Zaouk
Ayse E. Amac
Gerd Keiser
Moncef Benjamin Tayahi
Mark B. Moffett
Charles H. Sherman
Tirthajyoti Sarkar
Michael S. Mazzola
Sudarshan Rao Nelatury
Harvey J. Stiegler
Bert Wong
Mitra Dutta
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries
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Showing 1 to 16 of 16 entries
Book Authors
Direct Product Profit: a Sensitivity Analysis
Glenn T. Stoops
Michael M. Pearson
Proceedings of the 1989 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference
Jon M. Hawes
Springer International Publishing
Density-Dependent Processes
Glenn R. Carroll / Michael T. Hannan
The Sociology of Organizations: Classic, Contemporary, and Critical Readings
Michael J Handel
September 2002
SAGE Publications, Inc
Identifying the Factors Contributing to Customers Driving Directly by a Competitor to Shop at the Host Store
Michael M. Pearson
Glenn T. Stoops
Bob T. W. Wu
Proceedings of the 1986 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference
Naresh K. Malhotra
Springer International Publishing
6. Land Tenure and the Adoption of Agricultural Technology in Haiti
Glenn R. Smucker, T. Anderson White and Michael Bannister
Innovation in natural resource management: the role of property rights and collective action in developing countries /
Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela.
[2002], ©2002.
Johns Hopkins University Press,
I. Theoretical Issues in Studying Organizations. 1. Focus on Industry: The Organizational Lens
Glenn R. Carroll and Michael T. Hannan. 2. An Introduction to Organizational Ecology / Michael T. Hannan and Glenn R. Carroll
Organizations in industry: strategy, structure, and selection /
Carroll, Glenn.
Hannan, Michael T.
Oxford University Press,
Glutamatergic Synaptic Dysregulation in Schizophrenia: Therapeutic Implications
Joseph T. Coyle
Alo Basu
Michael Benneyworth
Darrick Balu
Glenn Konopaske
Novel Antischizophrenia Treatments
Mark A. Geyer
Gerhard Gross
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
III. Density-Dependent Evolution. 6. Labor Unions
Michael T. Hannan. 7. Credit Unions / David Barron. 8. Health Maintenance Organizations / David Strang. 9. Newspaper Publishers / Glenn R. Carroll. 10. Automobile Manufacturers / Glenn R. Carroll and Michael T. Hannan
Organizations in industry: strategy, structure, and selection /
Carroll, Glenn.
Hannan, Michael T.
Oxford University Press,
Sect. V. Treatment of Pediatric Ventricular Fibrillation. Ch. 11. Ion Channels and Ventricular Fibrillation
Glenn T. Wetzel.Ch. 12.Pediatric Defibrillation /Dianne L. Atkins.Ch. 13.Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators /Michael J. Silka and Jack Kron
Ventricular fibrillation: a pediatric problem /
Quan, Linda,
Franklin, Wayne H.
[2000], ©2000.
Futura Pub.,
Subclassification of Leukemia Using Monoclonal Antibodies
Glenn R. Pilkington
Grace T. H. Lee
Patricia M. Michael
O. Margaret Garson
Norbert Kraft
Robert C. Atkins et al.
Leukocyte Typing II: Volume 2 Human B Lymphocytes
Ellis L. Reinherz
Barton F. Haynes
Lee M. Nadler
Irwin D. Bernstein
Springer New York
21. Inherited Retinal Dystrophy in Mer Knockout Mice
Jacque L. Duncan, Haidong Yang, Douglas Vollrath, Douglas Yasumura, Michael T. Matthes, Nikolaus Trautmann, Aimee V. Chappelow, Wei Feng, H. Shelton Earp, Glenn K. Matsushima and Matthew M. LaVail
Retinal degenerations: mechanisms and experimental therapy /
LaVail, Matthew M.
Hollyfield, Joe G.
Anderson, Robert E.
[2003], ©2003.
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers,
The Alzheimer''s Disease Centers'' Neuropsychological Database Initiative: A Resource for Alzheimer''s Disease Prevention Trials
Michael Grundman
Hyun T. Kim
David Salmon
Martha Storandt
Glenn Smith
Steven Ferris
Richard Mohs
Jason Brandt
Rachelle Doody
Kathleen Welsh-Bohmer
Judith Saxton
Kathy Saine
Frederick Schmitt
Paula Ogrocki
Nancy Johnson
Diane Howieson
Michelle Papka
Joanne Green
Anthony Gamst
Walter Kukull
Leon J. Thal
Alzheimers Disease - Advances in Etiology Pathogenisis & Therapeutics
Khalid Iqbal
Sangram S. Sisodia
Bengt Winblad
John Wiley & Sons
Seascape Evolution on Clastic Continental Shelves and Slopes
Lincoln F. Pratson
Charles A. Nittrouer
Patricia L. Wiberg
Michael S. Steckler
John B. Swenson
David A. Cacchione
Jeffery A. Karson
A. Bradley Murray
Matthew A. Wolinsky
Thomas P. Gerber
Beth L. Mullenbach
Glenn A. Spinelli
Craig S. Fulthorpe
Damian B. O'grady
Gary Parker
Neal W. Driscoll
Robert L. Burger
Christopher Paola
Daniel L. Orange
Michael E. Field
Carl T. Friedrichs
Juan J. Fedele
Continental Margin Sedimentation - From Sediment Transport to Sequence Stratigraphy
Charles A. Nittrouer
James A. Austin
Michael E. Field
Joseph H. Kravitz
Patricia L. Wiberg
John Wiley & Sons
Jon Altman
Nicholas Biddle
Jeff Borland
Matthew Butlin
William Coleman
Robert Dixon
Henry Ergas
Lionel Frost
David Greasley
Edwyna Harris
Tim Hatton
Boyd Hunter
Diane Hutchinson
Michael Keating
Monica Keneley
Christopher Lloyd
Peter J. Lloyd
Rodney Maddock
Jakob B. Madsen
Gary B. Magee
David Meredith
David T. Merrett
Deborah Oxley
Jonathan Pincus
Richard Pomfret
Andrew Seltzer
Martin P. Shanahan
Simon Ville
John K. Wilson
Glenn Withers Ao Fassa
The Cambridge Economic History of Australia
Simon Ville
Glenn Withers
Cambridge University Press
I. Therapeutic Techniques in Rehabilitation. 1. CranioSacral Therapy
John E. Upledger.2.Chiropractic /Michael J. Kudlas.3.Massage Therapy /Douglas Alexander.4.The Feldenkrais Method /Olivia Cheever and Lisa Janice Cohen.5.Yoga Therapy for Neurologic Illness /Robyn Ross.6.Tai Chi /Joseph F. Audette and Young Soo Jin.7.Nutrition /Glenn S. Rothfeld.8.Clinical Hypnosis /Philip R. Appel.9.Meditation /Andrew David Shiller.10.Biofeedback /Richard A. Sherman.11.Psychotherapy /Richard T. Goldberg.12.The Placebo Effect /Paul Arnstein.13.Acupuncture /Gary Kaplan.14.Homeopathy /Edward H. Chapman.15.Electromagnetic Therapies /Michael I. Weintraub.16.Qigong /Effie Poy Yew Chow and May Loo.17.Meridian-Based Psychotherapy /Fred P. Gallo.18.Compassion-Based Rehabilitation /Lauro S. Halstead.19.Transpersonal Medicine /G. Frank Lawlis.20.Spirituality /Mary Samson, Sr.21.Nature-Based Therapies /Rebecca Reynolds Weil.22.Holistic Nursing /Charlotte Eliopoulos
Complementary and alternative medicine in rehabilitation /
Leskowitz, Eric D.
[2003], ©2003.
Churchill Livingstone,
Eric Adler
Anoushka Afonso
Dean B. Andropoulos
Adel Bassily-Marcus
Yaakov Beilin
Elliott Bennett-Guerrero
Howard H. Bernstein
Marc J. Bloom
David Bronheim
Albert T. Cheung
Samuel DeMaria
Deborah Dubensky
James B. Eisenkraft
Jonathan Elmer
Liza J. Enriquez
Jonathan Epstein
Jeffrey M. Feldman
Gregory W. Fischer
Brigid Flynn
Jennifer A. Frontera
Richard S. Gist
Glenn P. Gravlee
Christina L. Jeng
Ronald A. Kahn
Jenny Kam
Mukul Kapoor
Jung Kim
Roopa Kohli-Seth
Aaron F. Kopman
Tuula S. O. Kurki
Andrew B. Leibowitz
Matthew Levin
Adam I. Levine
Michael S. Lewis
Justin Lipper
Martin London
Michael L. McGarvey
Alexander J. C. Mittnacht
Timothy Mooney
Diana Mungall
Yasuharu Okuda
Peter J. Papadakos
Jayashree Raikhelkar
Lakshmi V. Ramanathan
David L. Reich
Meg A. Rosenblatt
Corey Scurlock
Tamas Seres
Linda Shore-Lesserson
Marc E. Stone
Daniel M. Thys
Judit Tolnai
David Wax
Nathaen Weitzel
Monitoring in Anesthesia and Perioperative Care
David L. Reich
Ronald A. Kahn
Alexander J. C. Mittnacht
Andrew B. Leibowitz
Marc E. Stone
James B. Eisenkraft
Cambridge University Press
IV. Special Pathology. 14. Skin and Its Appendages: Normal Anatomy and Pathology of Spontaneous, Transgenic, and Targeted Mouse Mutations
John P. Sundberg and Lloyd E. King, Jr.15.Interpretation of Ocular Pathology in Genetically Engineered and Spontaneous Mutant Mice /Richard S. Smith, Patsy M. Nishina and Sakae Ikeda /[et al.].16.Strategies for Behavioral Phenotyping of Transgenic and Knockout Mice /Jacqueline N. Crawley.17.Pathologic Characterization of Neurological Mutants /Roderick T. Bronson.18.Transgenic and Knockout Mice with Neuropathological Disorders /Liat Lomnitski, Abraham Nyska and Daniel M. Michaelson.19.Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Genetically Engineered and Spontaneous Mutant Mice /Michael Mahler, Bjorn Rozell and Joel F. Mahler /[et al.].20.Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Mouse Models: Role of Gastrointestinal Microbiota as Proinflammatory Modulators /James G. Fox, Charles A. Dangler and David B. Schauer.21.Hepatic Pathology in Genetically Engineered Mice /Maria L. Z. Dagli, Jerrold M. Ward and Glenn Merlino /[et al.].22.Pathology of the Reproductive System in Genetically Engineered and Spontaneous Mutant Mice /Joel F. Mahler.23.Renal Diseases in Genetically Engineered Mice /Michael A. Eckhaus and Jeffrey B. Kopp.24.Lymphomas in Genetically Engineered Mice /Lekidelu Taddesse-Heath and Herbert C. Morse III.
Pathology of genetically engineered mice /
Ward, Jerrold Michael,
[2000], ©2000.
Iowa State University Press,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 entries