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> Oscar Ahnfelt(3:13)
"Oscar Ahnfelt(3:13)" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries
Book Authors
Oscar Bianchi (7:13)
Melting the darkness.
Cuckson, Miranda,
Xenakis, Iannis,
Haas, Georg Friedrich.
Bianchi, Oscar,
Burns, Christopher,
Sigman, Alexander,
Pérez-Velázquez, Ileana,
Rowe, Robert,
Joka aamu on armo uus
Oscar Ahnfelt(3:13)
Soi kunniaksi Luojan.
Hyökki, Matti,
Chicago blues
Oscar Peterson (13:42)
The trio: Oscar Peterson, Joe Pass, Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen.
Peterson, Oscar,
Ørsted Pedersen, Niels Henning,
Pass, Joe,
Naxos Music Library,
Daisy's dream
Oscar Peterson (13:26).
The Oscar Peterson Trio at the Stratford Shakespearean Festival /
Peterson, Oscar,
[1993], ℗1993.
Old reliable
Oscar Pettiford(4:13)
Complete recordings
Cleveland, Jimmy,
Lone Hill Jazz,
When I grow too old to dream
Oscar Hammerstein II (3:13)
I love jump jazz.
Townsend, Bross,
Smith, Carrie,
Brooks, David Bubba,
My favorite things
Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein (13:41)
My favorite things /
Coltrane, John,
Tyner, McCoy.
Davis, Steve,
Jones, Elvin.
[1988], ℗1961.
I'll take romance
Oscar Hammerstein II-Ben Oakland (2:13).
Horn a-plenty
Hirt, Al.
May, Billy.
RCA Victor,
[v. 8] De profundis: from the original, unexpurgated German edition
translated by Henry Zick, Ph.D. Supplementary letters. The soul of man under socialism. Of him who died at No. 13 [i.e. Oscar Wilde] / by Leonard Charles van Noppen
The writings of Oscar Wilde.
Wilde, Oscar,
Barbey d'Aurevilly, J.
Zick, Henry.
A.R. Keller & Co. ...,
Pt. III. The Application of Biotechnology to Non-traditional Crops. 10. Current Advances in the Biotechnology of Banana
Oscar Arias.11.The Application of Biotechnology to Date Palm /Mohamed Aaouine.12.The Use of Coat Protein Technology to Develop Virus-resistant Cucurbits /Hector Quemada.13.The Biotechnology of Oil Palm /Suan-Choo Cheah
Agricultural biotechnology in international development /
Ives, C.
Bedford, Bruce.
[1998], ©1998.
CABI Pub.,
Pt. III. The Wider World. 10. The Political Economy of Income Inequality in the United States
Kwan S. Kim.11.Income Expectations and Political Instability in Germany, 1918-39 /Theo Balderston.12.Inequality, Growth, Economic Regime and Political Change in Latin America: An Overview /Oscar Altimir.13.Reflections and Retrospect /Malcolm Falkus.
Growth, distribution and political change: Asia and the wider world /
Minami, Ryōshin,
Kim, Kwan S.
Falkus, Malcolm E.
St. Martin's Press,
III. Production of Antimicrobial Compounds. 11. The Lantibiotics Nisin and Subtilin Act as Extracellular Regulators of Their Own Biosynthesis
Michiel Kleerebezem, Willem M. de Vos and Oscar P. Kuipers.12.Regulation of Group II Peptide Bacteriocin Synthesis by Quorum-Sensing Mechanisms /Ingolf F. Nes and Vincent G. H. Eijsink.13.[gamma]-Butyrolactones That Control Secondary Metabolism and Cell Differentiation in Streptomyces /Sucharu Horinouchi
Cell-cell signaling in bacteria /
Dunny, Gary M.
Winans, Stephen Carlyle.
[1999], ©1999.
ASM Press,
III. The Aftermath of the Colonial System, Coloniality, and the Geopolitics of Knowledge. 11. The Genesis of the Development Framework: The End of Laissez-Faire, the Eclipse of Colonial Empires, and the Structure of U. S. Hegemony
Fouad Makki.12.The Convergence of World-Historical Social Science, or Can There Be a Shared Methodology for World-Systems Analysis, Postcolonial Theory, and Subaltern Studies? /Santiago Castro-Gomez and Oscar Guardiola-Rivera.13.Making "Africa" in Brazil: Old Trends and New Opportunities /Livio Sansone.14.The Convergence of World-Historical Social Science: "Border Thinking" as an Alternative to the Classical Comparative Method /Khaldoun Subhi Samman.
The modern/colonial/capitalist world-system in the twentieth century: global processes, antisystemic movements, and the geopolitics of knowledge /
Grosfoguel, Ramón.
Cervantes-Rodríguez, Ana Margarita.
Greenwood Press,
Pt. III. The Carboniferous-Permian: A Paleogeograhic Reconstruction. 8. Permian World Topography and Climate
Alfred M. Ziegler, Michael L. Hulver and David B. Rowley.9.Glacial-Postglacial Transition in the Late Paleozoic Basins of Southern South America /Oscar R. Lopez-Gamundi.10.A Review of the Permo-Carboniferous Glaciation in Africa /Johan N. J. Visser.11.Transition from Freezing to Subtropical Climates in the Permo-Carboniferous of Afro-Arabia and India /Helmut Wopfner and Satyendra M. Casshyap.12.Permian Postglacial Environments of the Australian Plate /John F. Lindsay.13.Upper Paleozoic Glacial and Postglacial Deposits, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica /John L. Isbell, Gina M. Seegers and Greg A. Gelhar.14.Some Problems of the Permian (Asselian) Glaciation and the Subsequent Climate in the Permian /J. M. Dickins
Late glacial and postglacial environmental changes: Quaternary, Carboniferous-Permian, and Proterozoic /
Martini, I. P.
Oxford University Press,
Serie los medios alternativos para solucionar los litigios. 4, Medios compositivos de los litigios civiles
Fernando Flores García. 5
Los medios alternativos de solución de conflictos : base para su implementación / Roberto Omar Berizonce. 6
Los medios alternativos para solucionar los litigios
mediación y conciliación / Alberto Osvaldo Varela Wolff y Fernando Oscar Varela. 7
Vías alternativas de la tramitación judicial de las controversias en Texas / Guillermo F. Margadant S. 8
La conveniencia presente y futura de utilizar medios alternativos en la solución de litigios / Carlos Pérez González. 9
Arbitraje y proceso judicial
interferencias entre el arbitrafe y el proceso judicial / José Luis Vázquez Sotelo. 10
Sentido de mediación / Adolfo Gelsi Bidart. 11
El juez conciliador / Hugo Pereira Anabalón. 12
La nueva Ley de arbitraje brasileña / José Carlos Barbosa Moreira. 13
Medios alternativos de solución de conflictos con especial referencia a la República de Panamá y a la de Estados Unidos / Jorge Fábrega P.
Colección ensayos de derecho procesal.
Grupo Editorial, Graficentro Editores
Pt. 2. Case Studies in Transition. 5. Soviet Administration in Estonia: Continuity and Shifts in Attitudes in the Course of Reform
Harry Roots and Natalia Karotom.6.Transitions in the Public Service Sector of the Former German Democratic Republic after 1989/90: The German Experience (The Absorption Model) /Rupert Eilsberger.7.Reforming Local Government in Bulgaria: Bringing Democracy to the People /Ljudmil Georgieve.8.Transition in Slovenia from a Comparative Perspective /Mik Strmecki.9.The Local Response to Democracy and the Bureaucracy: The Case of Slovakia /Juraj Nemec.10.The Role of Public Administration in the Consolidation of Democracy in Portugal /Rui Afonso Lucas and Joao Francisco de Magalhaes Ilharco.11.Transitions from Authoritarianism: The Case of Spain /Manuel Villoria Mendieta and Laura Huntoon.12.Modernizing Public Organization from a Client/Citizen Perspective: The Experience of Brazil /Paulo Roberto Motta.13.Redemocratization and the Modernization of the State: The Alfonsin Era in Argentina /Oscar Oszlak.14.A Re-examination of the Political/Administrative Interface with Particular Reference to South Africa's Recent Democratic Experience /Christopher Thornhill
Transitions from authoritarianism: the role of the bureaucracy /
Baker, Randall.
Sect. V. Application to Sustainability Issues for Costa Rica's Natural Resources. 12. Temporal and Spatial Overview of Costa Rican Agricultural Production
Charles A. S. Hall, Carlos Leon and Will Ravenscroft /[et al.].13.Biophysical Agricultural Assessment and Management Models for Developing Countries /Gerrit Hoogenboom, Carlos Leon Perez and David Rossiter /[et al.].14.Geographical Synthesis of Data on Costa Rican Pastures and Their Potential for Improvement /Muhammad Ibrahim, Sergio Abarca and Oscar Flores.15.The Extent and Economic Impacts of Soil Erosion in Costa Rica /Benjamin D. Rubin and Glenn G. Hyman.16.Land Use and Cover Change in Costa Rica: A Geographic Perspective /G. Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa.17.Gradient Analysis of Biomass in Costa Rica and a First Estimate of Countrywide Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Biomass Burning /E. H. Helmer and Sandra Brown.18.Forestry in Costa Rica and an Estimate of Energy Potentially Available from Forests /Patrick G. Motel, Pablo Martinez and Meegan Carroll.19.Assessing the Role of Parks for Protecting Forest Resources Using GIS and Spatial Modeling /Joseph D. Cornell
Quantifying sustainable development: the future of tropical economies /
Hall, Charles A. S.
Hall, Charles A. S.
Perez, Carlos Leon.
Leclerc, Grégoire.
[2000], ©2000.
Academic Press,
Pt. II. Applications. 7. Modeling Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions and Primary Productivity
Joe Grzymski, Mark A. Moline and Jay T. Cullen.8.Impact of Dynamic Light and Nutrient Environments on Phytoplankton Communities in the Coastal Ocean /Mark A. Moline, Oscar Schofield and Joe Grzymski.9.Modeling Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) Distributions in Great Bay, New Hampshire /Pamela M. Behm and Roelof M. J. Bumans.10.Life-Stage-Based Recovery Dynamics of Marine Invertebrates in Soft-Sediment Habitats /Andrew M. Lohrer and Robert B. Whitlatch.11.Horseshoe Crabs and Shorebirds /Mark Maguire and Matthias Ruth.12.Kelp, Urchins and Otters in the California Coastal Region /Erin J. Tornatore and Matthias Ruth.13.Nile Perch Population Dynamics in Lake Victoria: Implications for Management and Conservation /Les Kaufman and Jesse Schwartz.14.Dynamics of Multiple Fish Species Under Variable Levels of Exploitation /Matthias Ruth and James Lindholm.15.Fish Population Responses to Sea Floor Habitat Alteration: Implications for the Design of Marine Protected Areas /James Lindholm, Peter Auster and Matthias Ruth /[et al.].16.Management of the Commons: Social Behavior and Resource Extraction /Brynhildur Davidsdottir.17.An Age-Structured Model of Fish Population Enhancement: Implications for Conservation and Economic Sustainability /Richard Langton, James Lindholm and James Wilson /[et al.].18.The Global Shrimp Market /Denise Johnston, Chris Soderquist and Donnella Meadows
Dynamic modeling for marine conservation /
Ruth, Matthias.
II. Neuropsychological Aspects of HIV: Issues, Approaches, and Findings. 5. The Dementias and AIDS
James T. Becker, Alex Martin and Oscar L. Lopez. 6. Methodological and Conceptual Issues in the Study of Cognitive Change in HIV Infection / Robert A. Bornstein. 7. Computerized Testing to Assess Cognition in HIV-Positive Individuals / Eric N. Miller and Frances L. Wilkie.8. Development of a Screening Battery for HIV-Related Cognitive Impairment: The MACS Experience / Ola A. Selnes and Eric N. Miller. 9. The Utility of Clinical Ratings for Detecting Cognitive Change in HIV Infection / Robert K. Heaton, Donald Kirson, Robert A. Velin and Igor Grant / The HNRC Group. 10. Everyday Functioning and Its Relationship to Cognitive Impairment in HIV Disease / Robert A. Velin, Robert K. Heaton and Igor Grant / The HNRC Group. 11. Neuropsychological Assessment of Seropositive Intravenous Drug Users / Yaakov Stern. 12. HIV, Cognition, and the Basal Ganglia / Alex Martin. 13. Neuroimaging in HIV Infection: Neuropsychological and Pathological Correlation / Thomas A. Kent, Benjamin B. Gelman, Karen Casper, Hans A. Langsjoen, Harvey S. Levin and Gilbert R. Hillman. 14. Neuropsychological Response to Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV Infection / Frederick A. Schmitt, Lesley R. Dickson and Pim Brouwers.15. The Use of Methylphenidate in HIV Patients: A Clinical Perspective / Francisco Fernandez, Joel K. Levy and Pedro Ruiz. 16. Developmental Deficits and Behavioral Change in Pediatric AIDS / Pim Brouwers, Howard Moss, Pam Wolters and Frederick A. Schmitt. 17. Motor and Cognitive Functioning in Nonhuman Primates Infected with Simian Immunodeficiency Virus / Lee E. Eiden, Elisabeth A. Murray and Dianne M. Rausch
Neuropsychology of HIV infection /
Grant, Igor,
Martin, Alex,
Oxford University Press,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries