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> Robert E. Mayer-Picard
"Robert E. Mayer-Picard" appeared in Books and Chapters
entries per page
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
Tourism, Ethnicity, and the State in Asian and Pacific Societies
Michel Picard
Robert E. Wood
University of Hawaii Press
Rewriting Crusoe: The Robinsonade across Languages, Cultures, and Media
Robert Mayer
Rivka Swenson
Patrick A. Gill
Przemyslaw Uscinski
Frederick Burwick
Marta Pellerdi
Lora E. Geriguis
Krzysztof Skonieczny
Jennifer Preston Wilson
Ian Kinane
Daniel Cook
Jakub Lipski
Bucknell University Press
Forschungen zur neueren Litteraturgeschichte /
David, Jakob Julius, 1859-1906 | Heinzel, Richard, 1838-1905 [Honoree
Other] | David, Jakob Julius, 1859-1906 [Other] | Arnold, Robert Franz, 1872-1938 | Brandl, Alois, 1855-1940 | Castle, Eduard, 1875-1959 | Hauffen, Adolf, 1863-1930 | Hoenig, Berthold | Horner, Emil | Luick, Karl, 1865-1935 | Mayer, Friedrich Arnold | Minor, Jacob, 1855-1912 | Murko, Matthias, 1861-1952 | Petak, Arthur | Sauer, August, 1855-1926 | Schmidt, Erich, 1853-1913 | Spengler, Franz | Wackernell, J. E. 1850-1920 | Wahle, Julius, 1861- | Walzel, Oskar Felix | Weilen, Alexander von, 1863-1918 | Werner, Richard Maria, 1854-1913 | Zeidler, Jakob
E. Felber,
Prentice Hall Literature: Copper
Lawrence E. Berliner
Isaac Bashevis Singer
John Gardner
Jack London
Jane Yolen
Isaac Asimov
Joan Aiken
Philippa Pearce
Kristin Hunter Lattany
Sandra Cisneros
Myron Levoy
Rudyard Kipling
Louis Untermeyer
Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve
Laurence Yep
Francisco Jiménez
Lloyd Alexander
Lensey Namioka
Jack Cope
Ray Bradbury
Susan Nanus
Margery Facklam
Andrew A. Rooney
Neil McAleer
Lee Bennett Hopkins
Russell Freedman
Brenda A. Johnston
Susy Clemens
Beverly Cleary
Seattle Chief
C. S. Lewis
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Garrison Keillor
Rhoda Blumberg
Jesse Stuart
Katherine B. Shippen
Hattie Clark
Carrol Alice Stout
Bill Cosby
Jean Craighead George
Thomas Boswell
May Swenson
Richard Peck
Robert Frost
Ogden Nash
John Ciardi
Charlotte Pomerantz
David McCord
Eve Merriam
Valerie Worth
Jack Prelutsky
Sheryl L Nelms
Langston Hughes
Nikki Giovanni
Paul Fleischman
William Shakespeare
E. E. Cummings
Carl Sandburg
Lillian Morrison
Ian Serraillier
Mary Austin
Lewis Carroll
Arnold Adoff
Juan Ramón Jiménez
Emily Dickinson
Elizabeth Coatsworth
Myra Cohn Livingston
Judith Viorst
Charlotte Zolotow
Eloise Greenfield
Shel Silverstein
T. S. Eliot
Mai Vo-Dinh
Gail Robinson
Douglas Hill
Courlander, Harold
Horacio Quiroga
Carol Kendall
Yao-Wen Li
Yoshiko Uchida
Vivian L. Thompson
l. G. Edmonds
Virginia Hamilton
George Herzog
James Thurber
Olivia Coolidge
Alice Low
Anne Terry White
Marianna Mayer
Mary MacLeod
Natalie Babbitt
Prentice Hall;Pearson Prentice Hall
Prentice Hall Literature: Copper
Lawrence E. Berliner
Isaac Bashevis Singer
John Gardner
Jack London
Jane Yolen
Isaac Asimov
Joan Aiken
Philippa Pearce
Kristin Hunter Lattany
Sandra Cisneros
Myron Levoy
Rudyard Kipling
Louis Untermeyer
Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve
Laurence Yep
Francisco Jiménez
Lloyd Alexander
Lensey Namioka
Jack Cope
Ray Bradbury
Susan Nanus
Margery Facklam
Andrew A. Rooney
Neil McAleer
Lee Bennett Hopkins
Russell Freedman
Brenda A. Johnston
Susy Clemens
Beverly Cleary
Seattle Chief
C. S. Lewis
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Garrison Keillor
Rhoda Blumberg
Jesse Stuart
Katherine B. Shippen
Hattie Clark
Carrol Alice Stout
Bill Cosby
Jean Craighead George
Thomas Boswell
May Swenson
Richard Peck
Robert Frost
Ogden Nash
John Ciardi
Charlotte Pomerantz
David McCord
Eve Merriam
Valerie Worth
Jack Prelutsky
Sheryl L Nelms
Langston Hughes
Nikki Giovanni
Paul Fleischman
William Shakespeare
E. E. Cummings
Carl Sandburg
Lillian Morrison
Ian Serraillier
Mary Austin
Lewis Carroll
Arnold Adoff
Juan Ramón Jiménez
Emily Dickinson
Elizabeth Coatsworth
Myra Cohn Livingston
Judith Viorst
Charlotte Zolotow
Eloise Greenfield
Shel Silverstein
T. S. Eliot
Mai Vo-Dinh
Gail Robinson
Douglas Hill
Courlander, Harold
Horacio Quiroga
Carol Kendall
Yao-Wen Li
Yoshiko Uchida
Vivian L. Thompson
l. G. Edmonds
Virginia Hamilton
George Herzog
James Thurber
Olivia Coolidge
Alice Low
Anne Terry White
Marianna Mayer
Mary MacLeod
Natalie Babbitt
Prentice Hall
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 entries
Book Authors
Michel Picard
Robert E. Wood
Tourism, Ethnicity, and the State in Asian and Pacific Societies
Michel Picard
Robert E. Wood
University of Hawaii Press
Virtuelle Seminare in der allgemeinen Erwachsenenbildung: Erfahrungen aus dem Projekt NETZBALL
Helmut F. Friedrich
Robert E. Mayer-Picard
Friedrich W. Hesse
Online-Lernen und Weiterbildung
Dorothee M. Meister
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Measuring and Increasing Self-Efficacy in a Game
Harold F. O&s
Richard E. Mayer
Robert Rueda
Eva L. Baker
Using Cognitive and Affective Metrics in Educational Simulations and Games: Applications in School and Workplace Contexts
Harold F. O&s
Eva L. Baker
Ray S. Perez
Stephen E. Watson
Pt. 5. Technological Advances in Diagnosis and Management. 34. Establishing and Running a Pediatric Sleep Laboratory
Robert T. Brouillette, Karen A. Waters and Angela Morielli.35.Home Monitoring of Sleep and Breathing in Children /Sheila V. Jacob and Robert T. Brouillette.36.Ventilator Management of Abnormal Breathing During Sleep: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure and Nocturnal Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation /Carole L. Marcus.37.Diaphragm Pacing in Infancy and Childhood /Debra E. Weese-Mayer
Sleep and breathing in children: a developmental approach /
Loughlin, Gerald M.
Carroll, John L.
Marcus, Carole L.
[2000], ©2000.
Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
List of Contributors
Marcia L. Collaer
Sergio Della Sala
Eric G. Freedman
Diane F. Halpern
Mary Hegarty
Friderike Heuer
Amy E. Learmonth
Robert H. Logie
Richard E. Mayer
Akira Miyake
Daniel R. Montello
Nora S. Newcombe
Daniel Reisberg
Mike Rinck
Priti Shah
Holly A. Taylor
Barbara Tversky
Ioanna Vekiri
Michelle Vincow
David A. Waller
Christopher D. Wickens
Michelle Yeh
The Cambridge Handbook of Visuospatial Thinking
Priti Shah
Akira Miyake
Cambridge University Press
Pt. 1. Conceptualization of Key Constructs. 1. Social Intelligence: The Development and Maintenance of Purposive Behavior
Sabrina Zirkel.2.Social Competence: The Social Construction of the Concept /Keith Topping, William Bremner and Elizabeth A. Holmes.3.An Overview of the Alexithymia Construct /Graeme J. Taylor and R. Michael Bagby.4.Emotional Competence: A Developmental Perspective /Carolyn Saarni.5.Emotional Intelligence as Zeitgeist, as Personality, and as a Mental Ability /John D. Mayer, Peter Salovey and David R. Caruso.6.Psychological Mindedness and Emotional Intelligence /Mary McCallum and William E. Piper.7.Too Many Intelligences? Integrating Social, Emotional, and Practical Intelligence /Jennifer Hedlund and Robert J. Sternberg
The handbook of emotional intelligence: theory, development, assessment, and application at home, school, and in the workplace /
Bar-On, Reuven,
Parker, James D. A.
[2000], ©2000.
Venkataraman Anantharaman
Philip D. Anderson
Christopher W. Baugh
J. Stephen Bohan
Kirsten Boyd
Matthias Brachmann
Peter R. Brown
Shelley Calder
David Callaway
Peter Cameron
Jody Crane
Meaghan Cussen
Christina Dempsey
Jonathan A. Edlow
Thomas Fleischmann
Robert L. Freitas
John D. Halamka
Manuel Hernandez
Cherri Hobgood
Jock Hoffman
Steven Horng
Kirk B. Jensen
Jennifer R. Johnson
Stephanie Kayden
Tasnim Khan
Daniel G. Kirkpatrick
James Lennon
Mary Leupold
Thom Mayer
J. Lawrence Mottley
Scott B. Murray
Deirdre Mylod
Larry A. Nathanson
Michael P. Pietrzak
Elke Platz
Nadeem Qureshi
Matthew M. Rice
Andrew Schenkel
Chet Schrader
Puneet Seth
Richard B. Siegrist
David Smith
Robert E. Suter
Carrie Tibbles
Sebastian N. Walker
Lee A. Wallis
Julie Welch
Leana S. Wen
Emergency Department Leadership and Management: Best Principles and Practice
Stephanie Kayden
Philip D. Anderson
Robert Freitas
Elke Platz
Cambridge University Press
Pt. II. Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus. 10. The Genetic Aspects of Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus
M. McCarthy and G. A. Hitman.Interaction of Genetic and Non-genetic Factors. 11. Epidemiological Studies of the Causes of Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus / William C. Knowler, David R. McCance, Dinesh K. Nagi and David J. Pettitt. 12. Family Studies: Perspectives on the Genetic and Environmental Determinants of Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus / Joanne Cook and Robert Turner. 13. Risk Factors for Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Evidence from Twin Studies / B. Newman, E. J. Mayer and J. V. Selby. 14. Thrifty Genotypes / P. Zimmet and K. O'Dea. 15. The Thrifty Phenotype Hypothesis / D. I. W. Phillips and D. J. P. Barker. 16. Syndrome X / M. Walker and K. G. M. M. Alberti. 17. Towards Prevention of Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus / Angela Spelsberg and JoAnn E. Manson.
Causes of diabetes: genetic and environmental factors /
Leslie, R. D. G.
[1993], ©1993.
J. Wiley,
Sect. 5. How an Organization Utilizes Public Relations. 34. The Utility and Its Publics
Howard A. Praeger and James F. Minehan.35.Public Relations for the Business and Professional Association /J. Carroll Bateman.36.Public Relations for Financial Organizations /Ronald E. Rhody.37.Public Relations for Retailers /Terry Mayer.38.Public Relations for the Small to Mid-Sized Company /Philip Taggart.39.Public Relations for Charities and Other Nonprofit Organizations /Don Bates.40.Public Relations for Religions and Religious Groups /Marvin C. Wilbur.41.Public Relations for Educational Institutions /Michael Radock.42.The Public Relations of Government /William I. Greener, Jr. and George J. Tanber.43.Public Relations for the Professional Firm /Richard R. Conarroe and Ronald R. Conarroe.44.Public Relations for Political Candidates /John F. Kraft, Morris V. Rosenbloom and Diane Hendricks.45.International Public Relations /Robert S. Leaf
Lesly's handbook of public relations and communications /
Lesly, Philip,
[1998], ©1998.
Contemporary Books,
W. Föllmann
A. Dörrenhaus
A. Flieger
K. Golka
Gisela H. Degen
Kerstin Groß-Steinmeyer
J. Weymann
H. G. Koebe
M. Metzler
Hans-Ulrich Humpf
E.-M. Schmelz
F. I. Meredith
A. H. Merrill
Martin Fein
Karl-Hermann Fuchs
Stefanie Diem
Markus Herderich
Elke Richling
Dietmar Häring
Peter Schreier
Marc Vollenbröker
Karl Eichner
Monika Hofer
Christine Janzowski
Richard N. Loeppky
Gerhard Eisenbrand
Wolfgang Wörner
Martina Müller
Hans-Joachim Schmitz
Dieter Schrenk
Matthias Baum
Werner Köhl
Steven S. Hecht
Shantu Amin
F. Peter Guengerich
Martin Burkart
Aribert Vetter
Eva Ritter
Christiane Meilike
Harry Scherthan
Heinrich Zankl
A. Genzlinger
I. Zimmermann
V. Glaab
E. Samimi
B. L. Pool-Zobel
Robert Landsiedel
U. Andrae
A. Kuhlow
M. Scholtyssek
H. R. Glatt
Andrea Hartwig
U. D. Gröblinghoff
Y. Hiemstra
L. H. F. Mullenders
S. Guth
D. Seng
S. Böhm
B. Mußler
Eric Jacobs
S. E. Kulling
Leane Lehmann
S. Mayer
Michael Glei
B. Spänkuch
Gerhard Rechkemmer
Wilhelm Stahl
S. Nicolai
A. Clairmont
H. Sies
Matthias Schneider
Kerstin Diemer
Karin Engelhart
Wolfgang E. Trommer
Hans K. Biesalski
Annette Kopp-Schneider
Werner K. Lutz
Stefan O. Müller
Marko Schmitt
Wolfgang Dekant
Helga Stopper
Josef Schlatter
R. Simmering
Heiko Schneider
M. Blaut
Holger Pforte
Jürg Hempel
Gisela Jacobasch
Ellen Niederberger
Susanne Meiers
W. C. Tang
D. Marko
Uwe Wenzel
Sabine Kuntz
Stefan Storcksdieck
Ulrike Jambor
Hannelore Daniel
Carcinogenic and Anticarcinogenic Factors in Food- Symposium
Anthony David Dayan
Peter Stefan Elias
Werner Grunow
Josef Schlatter
G. Eisenbrand
John Wiley & Sons
v. 2. Life with a star
Jirí Weil
Man's search for meaning / Viktor Emil Frankl
The master plan / Heather Pringle
Masters of death / Richard Rhodes
Maus / Art Spiegelman
The Nazi doctors / Robert Jay Lifton
Nazi Germany
the Jews / Saul Friedländer
Nazi terror / Eric A. Johnson
Never to forget / Milton Meltzer
Night / Elie Wiesel
Nightfather / Carl Friedman
Number the stars / Lois Lowry
O the chimneys / Nelly Sachs
On the natural history of destruction / W.G. Sebald
Open closed open / Yehuda Amichai
Ordinary men / Christopher R. Browning
The origins of totalitarianism / Hannah Arendt
Our Golda / David A. Adler
Paul Celan / John Felstiner
The pawnbroker / Edward Lewis Wallant
The periodic table / Primo Levi
bystanders / Raul Hilberg
The pianist / Władysław Szpilman
Playing for time / Fania Fénelon
The portage to San Cristóbal of A.H. / George Steiner
Preaching eugenics / Christine Rosen
"A problem from hell" / Samantha Power
Rethinking the Holocaust / Yehuda Bauer
Return to Auschwitz / Kitty Hart
Reunion / Fred Uhlman
The rise
fall of Adolf Hitler / William L. Shirer
Schindler's list / Thomas Keneally
A scrap of time
other stories / Ida Fink
The Second World War / Martin Gilbert
The shawl / Cynthia Ozick
Shoah / Claude Lanzmann
Sophie's choice / William Styron
The State of Israel vs. Adolf Eichmann / Hanna Yablonka
Still alive / Ruth Klüger
The sunflower / Simon Wiesenthal
Survival in Auschwitz / Primo Levi
The Terezín requiem / Josef Bor
The texture of memory / James E. Young
"This way for the gas
gentlemen" / Tadeusz Borowski
Time's arrow / Martin Amis
Touch wood / Renée Roth-Hano
Tzili / Aharon Appelfeld
The upstairs room / Johanna Reiss
The wall / John Hersey
War against the weak / Edwin Black
Why did the heavens not darken? / Arno J. Mayer
The Wilkomirski affair / Stefan Maechler
A world at arms / Gerhard L. Weinberg.
Holocaust literature
John K. Roth
Salem Press
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 entries