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> Robert V. Jones
"Robert V. Jones" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries
The challenge of liberty
Robert V. Jones
Heritage Foundation
From King Cane to the Last Sugar Mill: Agricultural Technology and the Making of Hawaii' s Premier Crop
C. Allan Jones
Robert V. Osgood
University of Hawai'i Press
From King Cane to the Last Sugar Mill: Agricultural Technology and the Making of Hawaii's Premier Crop
C. Allan Jones
Robert V. Osgood
University of Hawaii Press
Development of undergraduate laboratory experiments and classroom demonstrations utilizing solid and gas lasers
Drannan Carson Hamby, Robert Edward Jones, Gordon V. Berry, Gordon V. Berry
Linfield College
Eicosanoids and other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation, and Radiation Injury 3
Kenneth V. Honn
Lawrence J. Marnett
Santosh Nigam
Robert L. Jones
Patrick Y.-K. Wong
Springer US
Landmarks /
McCalla, Aaron,
Jones, Troy V.,
Chesnutt, Rod M.,
Stephenson, James M.,
Spittal, Robert,
Broughton, Bruce,
Schmitt, Florent,
Ellerby, Martin,
McAllister, Scott.
Freund, Don.
Ethics of Spying: A Reader for the Intelligence Professional
Jan Goldman, Joel H. Rosenthal, J E. Drexel Godfrey, R V. Jones, Arthur S. Hulnick, David W. Mattausch, Kent Pekel, Tony Pfaff, John P. Langan, John B. Chomeau, Anne C. Rudolph, Fritz Allhoff, Michael Skerker, Robert M. Gates, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, Andrew Wilkie, James Ernest Roscoe, Lincoln P. Bloomfield Jr, Charles R. Beitz, David L. Perry, James A. Barry
Scarecrow Press
Commercial Wireless Circuits and Components Handbook
Mike Golio
Michael Steer
Joe Staudinger
Charles Nelson
Warren Seely
Robert Newgard
Mark Bloom
R.J. Trew
John F. Sevic
Ronald E. Ham
Jeanne Pavio
Alfy Riddle
Walter R. Curtice
Richard V. Snyder
Anthony Parker
J. Stevenson Kenney
Jakub Kucera
Ron Kielmeyer
J-P Lanteri
Anthony Pavio
Bill Deal
Dan Swanson
Urs Lott
Vesna Radisic
Tatsuo Itoh
James Grantley Rathmell
Jonathan B. Scott
Christopher Jones
John R. Mahon
The Electrical Engineering Handbook - Six Volume Set
Bo Wei
Richard C. Dorf
Richard C. Dorf
Anne R. Haake
Sylvain Cruchon-Dupeyrat
Alan D. Kraus
Gregor Hoogers
Thomas R. Mancini
Gerd Keiser
Andrew Marshall
Leslie A. Geddes
Joseph Watson
Kenneth R. Demarest
Leland H. Hemming
Rosemary L. Smith
Safwat G. Zaky
Leon H. Sibul
Bogdan M. Wilamowski
Ali Emadi
Fang Lin Luo
Svetlana N. Yanushkevich
Lynne A. Slivovsky
Ayse E. Amac
Carl A. Argila
Thomas G. Robertazzi
Martin D. Fox
Rao S. Thallam
Michael R. Neuman
Sudarshan Rao Nelatury
Shaohua Kevin Zhou
B.S. Dhillon
M. Meyyappan
Stephanie A.C. Schuckers
Jerry C. Whitaker
Theodore A. Bickart
Paul Neudorfer
Gennady Gildenblat
Josh T. Nessmith
Stella N. Batalama
Boris Gelmont
Glenn R. Blackwell
Neville R. Watson
Rama Ramakumar
Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury
Luciano Lavagno
Anna Johnston
Thomas Nolte
Robert J. Marks, II
V. Carl Hamacher
Evelyn P. Rozanski
Johannes J. Martin
Capers Jones
Barry W. Johnson
Jay Liebowitz
Christopher G. Guy
Gordon K.F. Lee
Raymond G. Jacquot
Mahdi Abdelguerfi
William L. Brogan
Andrew P. Sage
T. C. Hsia
R. Lal Tummala
Cornelius T. Leondes
Dan Martinec
Nicholas G. Odrey
Cary R. Spitzer
George E. Cook
Myron Kayton
Edward J. Berbari
James A. Cadzow
Marcia A. Bush
Daniel F. DiFonzo
Steven L. Maddy
William H. Tranter
Peter H. Graham
Yu Cao
Ronald A. Arif
Mitra Dutta
Lawrence A. Hornak
Gary W. Elko
Zhian Jin
James M. Gilbert
George A. Constantinides
Michael G. Morrow
T.V. Sujan Parthasaradhi
Tirthajyoti Sarkar
Michael S. Mazzola
Harvey J. Stiegler
Wei Su
Ahmad Iyanda Sulyman
Bert Wong
Thad B. Welch
Reza Derakshani
Chih-Ming Chen
Reza Khosravani
Alan D. Dorval
John E. Boyd
Hui Dong
Mark L. Nagurka
Cajetan M. Akujuobi
Melvin Belcher
John E. Ayers
Hong Ye
Grant Martin
Kenneth L. Kaiser
Nikos Passas
Dariusz Ucinski
Sudip K. Mazumder
Vlad P. Shmerko
Remzi Seker
Nan C. Schaller
David R. Martinez
Kleanthis Thramboulidis
Mikael Nolin
Israel Cohen
Albert A. Liddicoat
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries
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Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries
Book Authors
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Daniel B. Jones
Robert V Rege
Surgical Research
Wiley W. Souba and Douglas W. Wilmore
Academic Press
5. Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Infections
Lorraine V. Jones-Brando and Robert H. Yolken
Antiviral agents and human viral diseases /
Galasso, George J.
Whitley, Richard J.
Merigan, Thomas C.,
[1997], ©1997.
Lippincott-Raven Publishers,
Introduction to Structural Properties of Composite Materials
Valery V. Vasiliev
Robert M. Jones
Lucia I. Man
Mechanics of Composite Structures
V.V. Vasiliev
Equations of Composite Structure Mechanics
Valery V. Vasiliev
Robert M. Jones
Lucia I. Man
Mechanics of Composite Structures
V.V. Vasiliev
Composite Beams, Columns, and Rings
Valery V. Vasiliev
Robert M. Jones
Lucia I. Man
Mechanics of Composite Structures
V.V. Vasiliev
Thin-Walled Beams
Valery V. Vasiliev
Robert M. Jones
Lucia I. Man
Mechanics of Composite Structures
V.V. Vasiliev
Composite Panels and Plates
Valery V. Vasiliev
Robert M. Jones
Lucia I. Man
Mechanics of Composite Structures
V.V. Vasiliev
Circular Cylindrical Shells
Valery V. Vasiliev
Robert M. Jones
Lucia I. Man
Mechanics of Composite Structures
V.V. Vasiliev
Axisymmetric Deformation of Shells Of Revolution
Valery V. Vasiliev
Robert M. Jones
Lucia I. Man
Mechanics of Composite Structures
V.V. Vasiliev
Interferons: therapy for cancer
David Goldstein
Robert Jones
Richard V. Smalley
Ernest C. Borden
Principles of Cancer Biotherapy
Robert K. Oldham
Robert O. Dillman
5th ed. 2009
Springer Netherlands
Interferons: therapy for cancer
David Goldstein
Robert Jones
Richard V. Smalley
Ernest C. Borden
Principles of Cancer Biotherapy
Robert K. Oldham
Robert O. Dillman
4th ed. 2003
Springer Netherlands
The Distances to RR Lyrae Variables
Rodney V. Jones
Bruce W. Carney
David W. Latham
Robert L. Kurucz
The Harlow-Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies: Proceedings of the 126th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U. S. A. , August 25–29, 1986
Jonathan E. Grindlay
A.G. Davis Philip
Springer Netherlands
Tensor Visualization and Defect Detection for Nematic Liquid Crystals using Shape Characteristics
T. J. Jankun-Kelly
Song Zhang
A. C. Callan-Jones
Robert A. Pelcovits
V. A. Slavin
David H. Laidlaw
Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields: Advances and Perspectives
David H. Laidlaw
Joachim Weickert
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Paul S. Appelbaum
Elizabeth K. Dollard
Peter Ash
Madelon V. Baranoski
Alec Buchanan
Philip J. Candilis
J. Richard Ciccone
Eric Elbogen
Graham D. Glancy
Robert P. Granacher
Ezra E. H. Griffith
Jeffrey S. Janofsky
Sally Johnson
Joshua Jones
Alyson Kuroski-Mazzei
Li-Wen Grace Lee
Gregory B. Leong
Barbara McDermott
Richard Martinez
Michael A. Norko
John O’Grady
Debra A. Pinals
Marilyn Price
Patricia Ryan Recupero
Phillip J. Resnick
Robert L. Sadoff
Charles Scott
J. Arturo Silva
Sherif Soliman
Aleksandra Stankovic
Robert Weinstock
Kenneth J. Weiss
Robert M. Wettstein
Cheryl Wills
Howard Zonana
The Psychiatric Report: Principles and Practice of Forensic Writing
Alec Buchanan
Michael A. Norko
Cambridge University Press
Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau
Jean-Jacques Becker
Richard Bessel
Ian M. Brown
Martin Ceadel
Dittmar Dahlmann
Stig Förster
Robert Gerwarth
Stefan Goebel
Frédéric Guelton
Heather Jones
Helmut Konrad
Alan Kramer
Samuël Kruizinga
Gerd Krumeich
Roy Macleod
Antoine Prost
Leonard V. Smith
Georges-Henri Soutou
David Stevenson
Barry Supple
Hans-Peter Ullmann
Alexander Watson
Arndt Weinrich
Jay Winter
Benjamin Ziemann
The Cambridge History of the First World War
Jay Winter
Cambridge University Press
Pt. II. The University in the Knowledge-Based Society. 6. Being Digital: The Unavoidable Transformation of Research Universities
Robert S. Sullivan.7.Industry-University Linkage and the Role of Universities in the 21st Century /Yasuo Konishi.8.On the Socioeconomic Context and Organizational Development of the Research University /Pedro Conceicao, Manuel V. Heitor and Pedro Oliveira /[et al.].9.Entrepreneurial Universities: Policies, Strategies, and Practice /Dylan Jones-Evans.10.A Generation of Technology Innovation in a Russian Technical University in a Transition Economy: Challenges and Barriers /Nikolay Rogalev
Science, technology, and innovation policy: opportunities and challenges for the knowledge economy /
Conceição, Pedro.
Quorum Books,
Contributing Authors
Brendan J. Astley
Michael Dale Bassett
Andrew M. Bauer
Lisa L. Bethea
Norman Bolden
Vera V. Borzova
Jeffrey A. Brown
Melvyn J. Y. Chin
Sheila Chiu-Miller
Varun Dixit
Jennifer Eismon
Ryan J. Gunselman
Maureen S. Harders
Alma Hoxha
Kelly P. Jones
Matthew A. Joy
Robert C. Lee
Jessica A. Lovich-Sapola
Joni Maga
Donn Marciniak
Cristian M. Prada
Aditya Reddy
Kasia Petelenz Rubin
Kamaljit K. Sidhu
Kanwaljit Rani Sidhu
Donald M. Voltz
Karl Wagner
Anesthesia Oral Board Review: Knocking Out the Boards
Jessica A. Lovich-Sapola
Cambridge University Press
Pt. 2. Outside the Spotlight: Case Studies of Lesser Known Black Sociological Careers
Donald Cunnigen.Ch. 6.Studies of the African Diaspora: The Work and Reflections of St. Clair Drake /Benjamin P. Bowser.Ch. 7.Retrospective on St. Clair Drake /Benjamin P. Bowser.Ch. 8.Horace Cayton: Reflections on an Unfulfilled Sociological Career /Robert E. Washington.Ch. 9.Walter R. Chivers: An Advocate of Situation Sociology /Charles V. Willie.Ch. 10.Using Pragmatist Sociology for Praxis: The Career of Charles H. Parrish /Anthony J. Blasi.Ch. 11.Daniel C. Thompson and Butler A. Jones: A Comparison of Interdisciplinary Approaches to Sociology /Donald Cunnigen
Confronting the American dilemma of race: the second generation Black American sociologists /
Washington, Robert E.,
Cunnigen, Donald.
[2002], ©2002.
University Press of America,
Ch. 4. The Romano-British Villa at Castle Copse, Great Bedwyn. 4. 1. Siting
Eric Hostetter.4.2.Topography, Geology, and Hydrology of the Villa /David K. Keefer.4.3.Stratigraphy /Thomas Noble Howe and Eric Hostetter.4.4.Architecture /Thomas Noble Howe.4.5.Mosaics /John F. Kenfield.4.6.Wall Painting /John F. Kenfield.4.7.Coins /Theodore V. Buttrey.4.8.Objects of Metal /Bradley Ault and Valerie Hutchinson Pennanen.4.9.Analysis of the Iron Assemblage /Robert M. Ehrenreich.4.10.Triangular Impressed Clay Fragment (Lost) /Ruth Megaw and Vincent Megaw.4.11.Pottery /Anthony R. Wilmott.4.12.Glass Vessels and Objects /David Frederick Grose.4.13.Beads /Margaret Guido.4.14.Objects of Stone /Maryline Parca.4.15.Bone and Antler Objects /Rosemary J. Payne.4.16.Animal Remains /Sebastian Payne.Birds /Enid Allison.Fishes /Andrew K. G. Jones.4.17.Archaeobotanical Evidence /Alan Clapham and Kathryn L. Gleason.4.18.Observations on the Bedwyn Dyke /Thomas Noble Howe and Eric Hostetter.4.19.Summary /Eric Hostetter
The Romano-British villa at Castle Copse, Great Bedwyn /
Hostetter, Eric.
Howe, Thomas Noble,
Allison, E. P.
[1996], ©1996.
Indiana University Press,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries