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> Smith, Patrick B
"Smith, Patrick B" appeared in Books and Chapters
entries per page
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 entries
Biobased Monomers,Polymers,and Materials
Patrick B. Smith
Richard B. Gross
American Chemical Society
Renewable and Sustainable Polymers
Gregory F. Payne and Patrick B. Smith (Eds.)
American Chemical Society
Green polymer chemistry: biocatalysis and materials II
Cheng, H. N.
Gross, Richard A.
Smith, Patrick B
American Chemical Society
Roger Corman's cult classics triple feature action packed collection
Tucker, Tanya.
Nunn, Terri.
Smith, Lane,
Kirkland, Sally.
Patrick, Dennis.
Hayward, David.
Gilliam, Burton.
Willingham, Noble,
Benedict, Dirk.
McNichol, Jimmy,
Julian, Janet,
Barnes, Walter,
Jennings, Claudia,
Jones, Jocelyn.
Crawford, Johnny,
Benderoth, Mick.
Stettin, Monte.
Hjortsberg, William,
Luger, Lois.
Sbardellati, James.
Hammel, Thomas M.
Corman, Roger,
Haller, Daniel,
Apple, Max.
Williams, Brian.
Hurd, Gale Anne.
Griffith, Charles B.,
Kirkpatrick, David,
Rosin, Mark.
Anderson, Jamie.
Safan, Craig.
Moore, Millie.
Macgregor-Scott, Peter.
Backlar, Marshal.
Whitfield, Marshall.
Whitfield, Karen.
Irving, David.
Pressman, Michael.
Shout Factory,
Hydroxyapatite and Related Materials
Paul W. Brown
Racquel Zapanta Legeros
Brent Constantz
Melvin J. Glimcher
Saeed R. Khan
Della M. Roy
Deane K. Smith
Masahiro Yoshimura
Hiroyuki Suda
George H. Nancollas
Jingwu Zhang
Raymond L. Hackett
Branko B. Tomazic
J. G. Hanlon
M. Spector
Laurence C. Chow
Shozo Takagi
Kunio Ishikawa
Milenko Markovic
Bruce O. Fowler
Ming S. Tung
Changjian Lin
Theresa H. Chow
Pei Sung
A. T. -C. Wong
J. T. Czernuszka
E. P. Paschalis
B. E. Tucker
S. Mukhopadhyay
K. Wikiel
N. B. Beals
J. A. Bearcroft
Subramanian Gunasekaran
Ian C. Bathurst
James Quiaoit
John Ross
Philip J. Barr
Denis Gospodarowicz
Christian Rey
Hyun-Man Kim
Lin Song
Allison A. Campbell
Bruce C. Bunker
Makoto Otsuka
Yoshihisa Matsuda
Yoshiko Suwa
Jeffrey L. Fox
William I. Higuchi
E. Mejdoubi
J. J. Lacout
P. Michaud
F. Rodriguez
Ira C. Ison
Mark T. Fulmer
Bryan M. Barr
G. Sardin
M. Varela
J. L. Morenza
A. Lebugle
M. Subirade
V. Delpech
Patrick Frayssinet
P. Conte
F. Tourenne
N. Rouquet
L. M. Wang
M. Cameron
W. J. Weber
K. D. Crowley
R. C. Ewing
J. L. Lacout
A. Taitai
A. Deptula
T. Olczak
W. Lada
A. Borello
C. Alvani
L. Lorenzini
A. DiBartolomeo
Y. Fang
D. K. Agrawal
A. Wilke
S. v. Hirschheydt
J. Orth
W. R. Walsh
H. D. Kim
D. P. Labrador
N. Guzelsu
J. Reyes-Gasga
C. M. Alcantara-Rodriguez
M. L. Olmedo
A. -P. C. Weiss
L. Zou
M. G. Ehrlich
B. Sallek
Augusto A. Morrone
Guy P. Latorre
James H. Adair
Nanomanufacturing HANDBOOK
Ahmed Busnaina
George G. Adams
Rouget F. Henschel
Phillip Gibson
Shinji Matsui
Patrick Lemoine
Michael J. Heller
Seunghun Hong
Sung-Young Park
Juwan Kang
Tae-Kyung Kim
Jun-Tae Ko
John A. Rogers
Nam-Goo Cha
Kwang Heo
Kyung- Eun Byun
Dong-Jun Lee
Sun Nam- Kung
Stephen B. Maeibus
Yung Joon Jung
Carol Barry
Julie Chen
Joey L. Mead
Darren K. Brock
Jonathan W. Ward
Claude Bertin
Brent M. Segal
Thomas Rueckes
Dietrich Dehlinger
Benjamin Sullivan
Sadik Esener
Paul Swanson
Dalibor Hodko
Loucas Tsakalakos
Etienne Menard
Ken-ichiro Nakamatsu
Jin-Goo Park
Nicol E. McGruer
John Paul Quinn
Pagona Papakonstantinou
Paul Maguire
James McLaughlin
Phil Gibson
Heidi Schreuder-Gibson
Christopher J. Bosso
Jacqueline A. Isaacs
William D. Kay
Ronald L. Sandler
William Lincoln Smith
Kaveh Bakhtari
Won-Seok Chang
Chang-Soo Han
Jun-Hyuk Choi
Eung-Sug Lee
Jae Jong Lee
Sang-Rok Lee
Jun Ho Jeong
Hak-Joo Lee
Choi Doosun
Kyung Hylin Whang
The West Wing: the complete series /
Sorkin, Aaron.
Wells, John,
Schlamme, Thomas.
Wells, Llewellyn.
Attie, Eli.
Cahn, Debora.
Walden, W. G.
Del Ruth, Thomas,
Antonio, Lou,
Barclay, Paris.
Berlinger, Robert.
Bernstein, Andrew.
Coles, John David.
D'Elia, Bill.
Drazan, Anthony,
Engler, Michael.
Ensler, Jason,
Glatter, Lesli Linka.
Gordon, Bryan.
Graves, Alex.
Hébert, Julie.
Holcomb, Rod.
Hutman, Jon.
Innes, Laura,
Johnson, Clark,
Kagan, Jeremy Paul.
Leder, Mimi,
Lehmann, Michael,
Mayer, Max.
McCormick, Nelson.
McCrane, Paul.
Misiano, Christopher.
Misiano, Vincent.
Nutter, David.
Olin, Ken.
Sanford, Arlene.
Scardino, Don.
Shill, Steve.
Sullivan, Kevin Rodney.
Taylor, Alan,
Winant, Scott.
Yu, Jessica.
Abner, Allison,
Baitz, Jon Robin,
Caddell, Patrick.
Chitre, Nanda.
Cleveland, Rick.
Dahl, Julia,
Falls, Kevin.
Flint, Carol.
Gerken, David.
Glasser, Laura.
Goffman, Mark A.
Handelman, David.
Junge, Alexa.
McCabe, Peter,
Myers, Dee Dee.
Noah, Peter.
O'Donnell, Lawrence.
Osborn, Ron.
Palmer, Michael Oates.
Parnell, Peter.
Redford, Paul.
Reno, Jeff.
Schmidt, Lauren.
Sind, William.
Singer, Josh.
Sperling, Gene B.
Whitford, Bradley.
Willson, Felicia.
Yoo, Paula.
Young, John Sacret,
Sheen, Martin.
Janney, Allison.
Whitford, Bradley.
Schiff, Richard,
Spencer, John,
Hill, Dulé.
Moloney, Janel,
Robinson, NiCole,
Fitzgerald, Melissa.
Lowe, Rob.
Malina, Joshua,
Channing, Stockard.
Webster, Kim.
Murphy, Kris.
Davis-Reed, Timothy.
McCormack, Mary,
Duffy, William
Smith, Peter James,
Estevez, Renée.
Noland, Charles.
Parikh, Devika.
Smits, Jimmy.
Chenoweth, Kristin.
Tomlin, Lily.
Seeger, Mindy.
Joosten, Kathryn.
Busfield, Timothy.
Alda, Alan,
Allen, Ivan
Moss, Elisabeth,
Parker, Mary-Louise.
Kelly, Moira.
Campbell, Karis.
Amos, John,
Cole, Gary,
Smith, Anna Deavere.
Brooks, Randy,
Matheson, Tim,
Silver, Ron,
Polo, Teri,
Matlin, Marlee.
Ryan, Steve,
Del Negro, Matthew.
O'Neill, Michael.
Garofalo, Janeane.
Warner Home Video,
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes: The American Experience
Kate Kinsella
Abigail Adams Smith
Edward Albee
Amos Bronson Alcott
Julia Alvarez
A. R. Ammons
Sherwood Anderson
W. H. Auden
James Baldwin
Ambrose Bierce
Arna Wendell Bontemps
William Bradford
Anne Bradstreet
Gwendolyn Brooks
Joseph Bruchac
William Cullen Bryant
Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
Michael J. Caduto
Willa Cather
Lorna Dee Cervantes
Diana Chang
Mary Chesnut
Chief Joseph
Kate Chopin
Sandra Cisneros
Miriam Davis Colt
George Cooper
Stephen Crane
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
Countee Cullen
E. E. Cummings
Emily Dickinson
Annie Dillard
E. L. Doctorow
H. D.
Frederick Douglass
Rita Dove
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Jonathan Edwards
T. S. Eliot
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Olaudah Equiano
Louise Erdrich
Erdoes, Richard
Martín Espada
William Faulkner
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Stephen Foster
Benjamin Franklin
Ian Frazier
Robert Frost
Margaret Fuller
Goss, Warren Lee
H. D.
Alex Haley
Lorraine Hansberry
Joy Harjo
Bret Harte
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Robert Hayden
Lillian Hellman
Ernest Hemingway
Patrick Henry
John Richard Hersey
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Garrett Hongo
Langston Hughes
Zora Neale Hurston
Washington Irving
Stonewall Jackson
Randall Jarrell
Thomas Jefferson
John F. Kennedy
Martin Luther King Jr.
Maxine Hong Kingston
Yusef Komunyakaa
Robert E. Lee
Meriwether Lewis
Abraham Lincoln
Jack London
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Garcia Lopez de Cardenas
James Russell Lowell
Robert Lowell
Archibald MacLeish
Bernard Malamud
Edgar Lee Masters
Washington Matthews
Carson McCullers
Colleen McElroy
Claude McKay
McKim, Randolph H.
Larry McMurtry
Herman Melville
Arthur Miller
N. Scott Momaday
Marianne Moore
Molly Moore
Naomi Shihab Nye
Joyce Carol Oates
Tim O'Brien
Flannery O'Connor
Eugene O'Neill
Alfonso Ortiz
Simon Ortiz
Thomas Paine
Grace Paley
Arthur C. Parker
Sylvia Plath
Edgar Allan Poe
Katherine Anne Porter
Ezra Pound
John Wesley Powell
Anna Quindlen
Adrienne Rich
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Theodore Roethke
William Safire
Ricardo Sanchez
Carl Sandburg
John Smith
William Stafford
John Steinbeck
Wallace Stevens
Amy Tan
Edward Taylor
Henry David Thoreau
James Thurber
Jean Toomer
Sojourner Truth
Rev. Henry M. Turner
Mark Twain
Anne Tyler
John Updike
Alice Walker
Robert Penn Warren
Eudora Welty
Edith Wharton
Phillis Wheatley
E. B. White
Walt Whitman
John Greenleaf Whittier
Thornton Wilder
Tennessee Williams
William Carlos Williams
Darryl Babe Wilson
Thomas Wolfe
Pearson Prentice Hall
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes: The American Experience
Kate Kinsella
Abigail Adams Smith
Edward Albee
Amos Bronson Alcott
Julia Alvarez
A. R. Ammons
Sherwood Anderson
W. H. Auden
James Baldwin
Ambrose Bierce
Arna Wendell Bontemps
William Bradford
Anne Bradstreet
Gwendolyn Brooks
Joseph Bruchac
William Cullen Bryant
Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
Michael J. Caduto
Willa Cather
Lorna Dee Cervantes
Diana Chang
Mary Chesnut
Chief Joseph
Kate Chopin
Sandra Cisneros
Miriam Davis Colt
George Cooper
Stephen Crane
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
Countee Cullen
E. E. Cummings
Emily Dickinson
Annie Dillard
E. L. Doctorow
H. D.
Frederick Douglass
Rita Dove
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Jonathan Edwards
T. S. Eliot
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Olaudah Equiano
Louise Erdrich
Erdoes, Richard
Martín Espada
William Faulkner
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Stephen Foster
Benjamin Franklin
Ian Frazier
Robert Frost
Margaret Fuller
Goss, Warren Lee
H. D.
Alex Haley
Lorraine Hansberry
Joy Harjo
Bret Harte
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Robert Hayden
Lillian Hellman
Ernest Hemingway
Patrick Henry
John Richard Hersey
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Garrett Hongo
Langston Hughes
Zora Neale Hurston
Washington Irving
Stonewall Jackson
Randall Jarrell
Thomas Jefferson
John F. Kennedy
Martin Luther King Jr.
Maxine Hong Kingston
Yusef Komunyakaa
Robert E. Lee
Meriwether Lewis
Abraham Lincoln
Jack London
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Garcia Lopez de Cardenas
James Russell Lowell
Robert Lowell
Archibald MacLeish
Bernard Malamud
Edgar Lee Masters
Washington Matthews
Carson McCullers
Colleen McElroy
Claude McKay
McKim, Randolph H.
Larry McMurtry
Herman Melville
Arthur Miller
N. Scott Momaday
Marianne Moore
Molly Moore
Naomi Shihab Nye
Joyce Carol Oates
Tim O'Brien
Flannery O'Connor
Eugene O'Neill
Alfonso Ortiz
Simon Ortiz
Thomas Paine
Grace Paley
Arthur C. Parker
Sylvia Plath
Edgar Allan Poe
Katherine Anne Porter
Ezra Pound
John Wesley Powell
Anna Quindlen
Adrienne Rich
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Theodore Roethke
William Safire
Ricardo Sanchez
Carl Sandburg
John Smith
William Stafford
John Steinbeck
Wallace Stevens
Amy Tan
Edward Taylor
Henry David Thoreau
James Thurber
Jean Toomer
Sojourner Truth
Rev. Henry M. Turner
Mark Twain
Anne Tyler
John Updike
Alice Walker
Robert Penn Warren
Eudora Welty
Edith Wharton
Phillis Wheatley
E. B. White
Walt Whitman
John Greenleaf Whittier
Thornton Wilder
Tennessee Williams
William Carlos Williams
Darryl Babe Wilson
Thomas Wolfe
Prentice Hall
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes: The American Experience
Amy K. Duer
Richard Lederer
Christopher Columbus
Garcia Lopez de Cardenas
Darryl Babe Wilson
Joni Mitchell
John Smith
William Bradford
Tom Wolfe
Anne Bradstreet
Edward Taylor
Jonathan Edwards
Steve Wulf
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Paine
Phillis Wheatley
Phillis Wheatley
Patrick Henry
John F. Kennedy
Abigail Adams
Michel-guillaume Jean De Crevecoeur
Alex Haley
Margaret Fuller
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Washington Irving
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
William Cullen Bryant
Oliver Wendell Holmes
James Russell Lowell
John Greenleaf Whittier
Meriwether Lewis
John Wesley Powell
Annie Dillard
Edgar Allan Poe
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Herman Melville
Joyce Carol Oates
Henry David Thoreau
Bailey White
Emily Saliers
Emily Dickinson
Walt Whitman
Langston Hughes
Angela De Hoyos
Stephen Crane
Stephen Foster
George Cooper
Frederick Douglass
Ambrose Bierce
Abraham Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
Robert E. Lee
Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut
Goss, Warren Lee
McKim, Randolph H.
Stonewall Jackson
Rev. Henry M. Turner
Sojourner Truth
Molly Moore
Mark Twain
Bret Harte
Miriam Davis Colt
Chief Joseph
Jack London
James Cloyd Bowman
Larry McMurtry
Kate Chopin
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Edgar Lee Masters
Willa Cather
Anna Quindlen
T. S. Eliot
Ezra Pound
William Carlos Williams
F. Scott Fitzgerald
John Steinbeck
E. E. Cummings
W. H. Auden
Wallace Stevens
Archibald MacLeish
Marianne Moore
Joel, Billy.
Ernest Hemingway
Sherwood Anderson
Eudora Welty
Grace Paley
Edith Wharton
Carl Sandburg
Katherine Anne Porter
William Faulkner
Robert Frost
James Thurber
E. B. White
Zora Neale Hurston
Claude McKay
Countee Cullen
Arna Wendell Bontemps
Jean Toomer
Ricardo Sanchez
Flannery Oconnor
Bernard Malamud
John Updike
Robert Lowell
Robert Penn Warren
Theodore Roethke
William Stafford
Anne Tyler
N. Scott Momaday
Naomi Shihab Nye
Joy Harjo
Alice Walker
Maxine Hong Kingston
Julia Alvarez
Lorna Dee Cervantes
Martin Espada
Simon J. Ortiz
Diana Chang
Garret Hongo
Carson McCullers
Ian Frazier
Sandra Cisneros
Rita Dove
Amy Tan
James Baldwin
John Richard Hersey
Randall Jarrell
Sylvia Plath
Adrienne Rich
Gwendolyn Brooks
Robert Hayden
Colleen McElroy
Louise Erdrich
E. L. Doctorow
Yusef Komunyakaa
Tim O'Brien
Arthur Miller
Prentice Hall
The United States in Literature
James E. Miller Jr.
Carlota Cárdenas de Dwyer
Kerry M. Wood
John Smith
William Bradford
Sarah Kemble Knight
William Byrd II
Cotton Mather
Jonathan Edwards - undifferentiated
Anne Bradstreet
Taylor, Edward
Phillis Wheatley
Philip Morin Freneau
Benjamin Franklin
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Paine
Washington Irving
James Fenimore Cooper
William Cullen Bryant
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Oliver Wendell Holmes
John Greenleaf Whittier
James Russell Lowell
James W. C. Pennington
Francis Wright
W. E. B. Du Bois
Edgar Allan Poe
Edward Rowe Snow
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Seattle Chief
Margaret Fuller
Harriet Jane Hanson Robinson
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Louisa May Alcott
Frederick Douglass
Abraham Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
Mollie Dorsey Sanford
Sidney Lanier
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Walt Whitman
Emily Dickinson
Mark Twain
Chief Joseph
Ambrose Bierce
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
Kate Chopin
Stephen Crane
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Edgar Lee Masters
James Thurber
Willa Cather
Sherwood Anderson
Katherine Anne Porter
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
William Faulkner
John Steinbeck
Richard Wright
Eudora Welty
Ezra Pound
Amy Lowell
Carl Sandburg
Langston Hughes
Marianne Moore
Archibald MacLeish
Robert Frost
Countee Cullen
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Elinor Wylie
Sara Teasdale
T. S. Eliot
James Weldon Johnson
John Crowe Ransom
Wallace Stevens
Jean Toomer
William Carlos Williams
E. E. Cummings
Phyllis McGinley
Arna Wendell Bontemps
Claude McKay
Margaret Walker
Robinson Jeffers
Louise Bogan
Lewis Thomas
Dorothy Parker
Tennessee Williams
Robert Anderson
Lillian Hellman
Patrick F. McManus
William Least Heat Moon
Richard Rodriguez
Sabine R. Ulibarrí
Lorraine Hansberry
James Baldwin
Ralph Ellison
Mona Van Duyn
Richard Wilbur
Denise Levertov
David Wagoner
Theodore Roethke
Robert Hayden
Karl Jay Shapiro
Adrienne Rich
Richard Eberhart
May Swenson
Mari Evans
Maxine Kumin
Elizabeth Bishop
Howard Nemerov
Robert Lowell
Galway Kinnell
William Stafford
Randall Jarrell
Gwendolyn Brooks
John N. Morris
Sylvia Plath
Imamu Amiri Baraka
Vern Rutsala
N. Scott Momaday
Lawson Fusao Inada
Jim Wayne Miller
James Masao Mitsui
Gary Soto
Leslie Silko
Teresa Palomo Acosta
Isaac Asimov
John Updike
Bernard Malamud
Carson McCullers
Kurt Vonnegut
Flannery O'Connor
Ray Bradbury
Eugenia Collier
Annie Dillard
Henry James Jr.
Edith Wharton
Scott, Forseman and Company
The United States in Literature w/Three Long Stories
James E. Miller Jr.
Carlota Cárdenas de Dwyer
Kerry M. Wood
John Smith
William Bradford
Sarah Kemble Knight
William Byrd II
Cotton Mather
Jonathan Edwards - undifferentiated
Anne Bradstreet
Taylor, Edward
Phillis Wheatley
Philip Morin Freneau
Benjamin Franklin
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Paine
Washington Irving
James Fenimore Cooper
William Cullen Bryant
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Oliver Wendell Holmes
John Greenleaf Whittier
James Russell Lowell
James W. C. Pennington
Francis Wright
W. E. B. Du Bois
Edgar Allan Poe
Edward Rowe Snow
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Seattle Chief
Margaret Fuller
Harriet Jane Hanson Robinson
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Louisa May Alcott
Frederick Douglass
Abraham Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
Mollie Dorsey Sanford
Sidney Lanier
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Walt Whitman
Emily Dickinson
Mark Twain
Chief Joseph
Ambrose Bierce
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
Kate Chopin
Stephen Crane
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Edgar Lee Masters
James Thurber
Willa Cather
Sherwood Anderson
Katherine Anne Porter
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
William Faulkner
John Steinbeck
Richard Wright
Eudora Welty
Ezra Pound
Amy Lowell
Carl Sandburg
Langston Hughes
Marianne Moore
Archibald MacLeish
Robert Frost
Countee Cullen
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Elinor Wylie
Sara Teasdale
T. S. Eliot
James Weldon Johnson
John Crowe Ransom
Wallace Stevens
Jean Toomer
William Carlos Williams
E. E. Cummings
Phyllis McGinley
Arna Wendell Bontemps
Claude McKay
Margaret Walker
Robinson Jeffers
Louise Bogan
Lewis Thomas
Dorothy Parker
Tennessee Williams
Robert Anderson
Lillian Hellman
Patrick F. McManus
William Least Heat Moon
Richard Rodriguez
Sabine R. Ulibarrí
Lorraine Hansberry
James Baldwin
Ralph Ellison
Mona Van Duyn
Richard Wilbur
Denise Levertov
David Wagoner
Theodore Roethke
Robert Hayden
Karl Jay Shapiro
Adrienne Rich
Richard Eberhart
May Swenson
Mari Evans
Maxine Kumin
Elizabeth Bishop
Howard Nemerov
Robert Lowell
Galway Kinnell
William Stafford
Randall Jarrell
Gwendolyn Brooks
John N. Morris
Sylvia Plath
Imamu Amiri Baraka
Vern Rutsala
N. Scott Momaday
Lawson Fusao Inada
Jim Wayne Miller
James Masao Mitsui
Gary Soto
Leslie Silko
Teresa Palomo Acosta
Isaac Asimov
John Updike
Bernard Malamud
Carson McCullers
Kurt Vonnegut
Flannery O'Connor
Ray Bradbury
Eugenia Collier
Annie Dillard
Henry James Jr.
Edith Wharton
Scott Foresman
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 20 of 23 entries
Book Authors
Jennifer L. Smith
Patrick R. Harrison
Fred B. Bryant
Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research
Alex C. Michalos
Springer Netherlands
Jennifer L. Smith
Patrick R. Harrison
Fred B. Bryant
Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research
Filomena Maggino
0th ed. 2020
Springer International Publishing
It's okay to believe in the "hot hand"
Patrick D. Larkey
Richard A. Smith
Joseph B. Kadane
Navigating through probability in grades 9-12
Michael Shaughnessy
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
15. Control of synaptic function by local protein synthesis and degradation
W. B. Smith, B. Bingol, G. N. Patrick and E. M. Schuman
Cell growth: control of cell size /
Hall, Michael N.
Raff, Martin C.
Thomas, G.
[2004], ©2004.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,
The BTC40 Survey for High-z Quasars
Patrick S. Osmer
Eric Monier
Julia Kennefick
Patrick B. Hall
Malcolm G. Smith
Richard F. Green
Lighthouses of the Universe: The Most Luminous Celestial Objects and Their Use for Cosmology: Proceedings of the MPA/ESO/MPE/USM Joint Astronomy Conference, Held in Garching, Germany, 6-10 August 2001
Marat Gilfanov
Rashid Sunyaev
Eugene Churazov
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Nurturing the Capacity to Savor: Interventions to Enhance the Enjoyment of Positive Experiences
Jennifer L. Smith
Patrick R. Harrison
Jaime L. Kurtz
Fred B. Bryant
The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Positive Psychological Interventions
Acacia C. Parks
Stephen Schueller
John Wiley & Sons
Molecular Topology Fractionation of Polystyrene Stars and Long Chain Branched Polyethylene Fractions
David M. Meunier
Theodore M. Stokich Jr.
David Gillespie
Patrick B. Smith
Polyolefin Characterization
Joao B. P. Soares
John Wiley & Sons
4. Analysis and Characterization of Superabsorbent Polymers
Sergio S. Cutie, Patrick B. Smith and Robert E. Reim [et al.]
Modern superabsorbent polymer technology /
Buchholz, Fredric L.,
Graham, Andrew T.,
[1998], ©1998.
Ch. 11. Building Protection, Support, and Opportunity for Inner-City Children and Youth and Their Families
Patrick H. Tolan, Lonnie R. Sherrod, Deborah Gorman-Smith and David B. Henry
Investing in children, youth, families, and communities: strengths-based research and policy /
Maton, Kenneth I.
[2004], ©2004.
American Psychological Association,
17 - Ultrasonography to assess and enhance health and reproduction in the giant panda
Thomas B. Hildebrandt
Janine L. Brown
Frank Goritz
Andreas Ochs
Patrick Morris
Meg Sutherland-Smith
Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and Management
David E. Wildt
Anju Zhang
Hemin Zhang
Donald L. Janssen
Susie Ellis
Cambridge University Press
Ch. 5. Schools and families educating children: a preventive intervention for early elementary school children
Deborah Gorman-Smith, Patrick Tolan, David B. Henry, Elena Quintana, Kelly Lutovsky and Amy Leventhal
Preventing youth substance abuse: science-based programs for children and adolescents /
Tolan, Patrick H.
Szapocznik, José.
Sambrano, Soledad.
American Psychological Association,
Discovery and Optimization of β-MSH Derived Melanocortin-4 Selective Agonists
John P. Mayer
Hansen M. Hsiung
David B. Flora
Patrick Edwards
Dennis P. Smith
Xing-Yue Zhang et al.
Understanding Biology Using Peptides: Proceedings of the Nineteenth American Peptide Symposium
Sylvie E. Blondelle
Springer New York
Psychoanalytic Theories
Patrick J. Haggard
Andrew C. Furman
Steven T. Levy
Jonathan E. Dunn
Robert M. Galatzer-Levy
Sybil A. Ginsburg
Lawrence B. Inderbitzen
Mark E. James
Arnold D. Richards
Ralph E. Roughton
Beth Seelig
Henry F. Smith
Psychiatry 3e V 1 and V 2 Set
Allan Tasman
Jerald Kay
Jeffrey A. Lieberman
Judy Fletcher
John Wiley & Sons
Carbon Emissions from Peatlands
Nancy B. Dise
Narasinha J. Shurpali
Peter Weishampel
Shashi B. Verma
Elon S. Verry
Eville Gorham
Patrick M. Crill
Robert C. Harriss
Cheryl A. Kelley
Joseph B. Yavitt
Kurt A. Smemo
Randall K. Kolka
Kelly Smith
Joon Kim
Robert J. Clement
Timothy J. Arkebauer
Karen B. Bartlett
David P. Billesbach
Scott D. Bridgham
Art E. Elling
Patricia A. Flebbe
Jennifer Y. King
Christopher S. Martens
Daniel I. Sebacher
Christopher J. Williams
R. Kelman Wieder
Peatland Biogeochemistry and Watershed Hydrology at the Marcell Experimental Forest
Randall Kolka
Stephen Sebestyen
Elon S. Verry
Kenneth Brooks
Brandon R. Barnett
Charles C. Mokhtarzadeh
Joshua S. Figueroa
Paul Lummis
Shuai Wang
Joshua D. Queen
John Gavenonis
Nicolas Schüwer
T. Don Tilley
Jessica N. Boynton
Philip P. Power
Treffly B. Ditri
Nils Weidemann
Brandon R. Barnett
Douglas W. Agnew
Joshua S. Figueroa
Patrick William Smith
Treffly B. Ditri
Brandon R. Barnett
Alex E. Carpenter
Charles C. Mokhtarzadeh
Douglas W. Agnew
Joshua S. Figueroa
Patrick William Smith
Jade K. Pratt
Philip P. Power
Noah D. Mendelson
Joshua S. Figueroa
Joshua D. Queen
Philip P. Power
Douglas W. Agnew
Alex E. Carpenter
Joshua S. Figueroa
Inorganic Syntheses, Volume 37
Philip P. Power
John Wiley & Sons
Pt. IV. Working With Specific Populations. Ch. 17. Youth Sports as a Behavior Setting for Psychosocial Interventions
Ronald E. Smith and Frank L. Smoll.Ch. 18.Helping College Student-Athletes In and Out of Sport /Mark B. Andersen.Ch. 19.Working With Elite Athletes /Patrick H. F. Baillie and Bruce C. Ogilvie.Ch. 20.Diversity in Sport /Karen D. Cogan and Trent A. Petrie
Exploring sport and exercise psychology /
Van Raalte, Judy L.
Brewer, Britton W.
[2002], ©2002.
American Psychological Association,
Section One: Assessment in the classroom and beyond for tomorrow's schools: Assessment criteria in the first grade
Elizabeth Pryor. Learning about literacy through retelling / Gail G. Smith
Diane Keister. Profiling students' achievement in language
literacy / Gerry Shiel
Patrick Forde. Assessment of reading attitudes / Mary M. Brittain
Clay V. Brittain. "I believe learning is concentrating
figuring things out
sometimes having fun" / Nancy B. Cothern
Literacy assessment for today's schools: monograph of the College Reading Association 1996
College Reading Association
II. Coronary Heart Disease Risk and Prevention. 3. Epidemiology and Prevention of Heart Disease
Lori Mosca.4.Lipids /John C. LaRosa.5.Carbohydrate Metabolism, Obesity, and Diabetes Mellitus /Patrick J. Skerrett, Angela Spelsberg and JoAnn E. Manson.6.Diet, Nutrition, and Coronary Heart Disease /Frank B. Hu and Walter C. Willett.7.Hypertension /Vera Bittner and Suzanne Oparil.8.Smoking Cessation /Jane E. Anderson, Stevens S. Smith and Douglas E. Jorenby /[et al.].9.Hemostasis and Thrombosis /Babette B. Weksler.10.Physical Activity /Mary L. O'Toole.11.Psychosocial and Socioeconomic Risk Factors for Heart Disease /Suzanne G. Haynes, Susan M. Czajkowski and Sarah S. Knox
Cardiovascular health and disease in women /
Douglas, Pamela S.
[2002], ©2002.
W. B. Saunders,
Introduction: Public Policy - A Process With a Purpose
Robert G. Frank and Joanne E. Callan.Ch. 1.Toward a Psychology of Change and Innovation /Seymour B. Sarason.Ch. 2.Public Policy and Public Service: Our Professional Duty /Patrick H. DeLeon.Ch. 3.Psychology and Public Policy in the "Health Care Revolution" /Charles A. Kiesler and Teru L. Morton.Ch. 4.Legal Policy Analysis and Evaluation /Michael J. Saks.Ch. 5.Psychology in the Public Interest: What Have We Done? What Can We Do? /M. Brewster Smith
Psychology and public policy: balancing public service and professional need /
Lorion, Raymond P.
[1996], ©1996.
American Psychological Association,
Jay M. Baltz
Diana Patricia Bernal
William R. Boone
Ching-Chien Chang
Ri-Cheng Chian
Takeo Cho
Natalie A. Clark
Joe Conaghan
Shan-Jun Dai
Anna P. Ferraretti
Luca Gianaroli
H. Lee Higdon
Theresa Jeary
Eduardo Kelly
Michelle Lane
Henry J. Leese
M. Cristina Magli
Marius Meintjes
Kathleen A. Miller
Markus H. M. Montag
André Monteiro da Rocha
David Mortimer
Sharon T. Mortimer
Zsolt Peter Nagy
Kamilla S. Pedersen
Thomas B. Pool
Patrick Quinn
Niels B. Ramsing
Sarah A. Robertson
Gary Daniel Smith
Jason E. Swain
Jeremy G. Thompson
Yao Wang
Sarah-Louise Whitear
Deirdre Zander-Fox
Culture Media, Solutions, and Systems in Human ART
Patrick Quinn
Cambridge University Press
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 20 of 23 entries