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> W. David Freeman
"W. David Freeman" appeared in Books and Chapters
entries per page
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries
Neurohospitalist Medicine
S. Andrew Josephson
W. David Freeman
David J. Likosky
Cambridge University Press
Perspectives on the Restoration of the Mississippi Delta: The Once and Future Delta
John W. Day
G. Paul Kemp
Angelina M. Freeman
David P. Muth
Springer Netherlands
Renaissance Papers 2012
Andrew Shifflett
Edward Gieskes
David Ainsworth
Thomas W. Dabbs
Sonya Freeman Loftis
Russell Hugh McConnell
Robert L. Reid
Amrita Sen
Susan C. Staub
Emily Stockard
Nathan Stogdill
Christina A. Taormina
Emma Annette Wilson
Boydell & Brewer
Essays: English and American: Volume 28
Charles W. Eliot
William Makepeace Thackeray
John Henry Newman
Matthew Arnold
John Ruskin
Walter Bagehot
Thomas Henry Huxley
Edward Augustus Freeman
Robert Louis Stevenson
William Ellery Channing
Edgar Allan Poe
Henry David Thoreau
James Russell Lowell
P.F. Collier & Son
Essays: English and American: Volume 28
Charles W. Eliot
William Makepeace Thackeray
John Henry Newman
Matthew Arnold
John Ruskin
Walter Bagehot
Thomas Henry Huxley
Edward Augustus Freeman
Robert Louis Stevenson
William Ellery Channing
Edgar Allan Poe
Henry David Thoreau
James Russell Lowell
P.F. Collier & Son
Technology and Society: Building Our Sociotechnical Future
Freeman J. Dyson
Francis Fukuyama
E.M. Forster
Stellan Welin
Bill Joy
Robert L. Heilbroner
Trevor Pinch
Wiebe E. Bijker
Thomas Parke Hughes
Bruno Latour
Lawrence Lessig
Patrick D. Hopkins
Langdon Winner
George Ritzer
Richard Dyer
Rachel Weber
Daniel Sarewitz
Jameson M. Wetmore
W. Patrick McCray
Dominique Vinck
Harold Collins
M. Carme Alemany Gomez
John L. Pollock
Gary Chapman
Judy Wajcman
Fabio Salamanca-Buentello
Noela Invernizzi
Roopali Phadke
Bruce Schneier
Torin Monahan
David Elliott
Kristin S. Shrader-Frechette
Michael Bess
Deborah G. Johnson
Jameson M. Wetmore
MIT Press
Silicon Heterostructure Handbook: Materials, Fabrication, Devices, Circuits and Applications of SiGe and Si Strained-Layer Epitaxy
John D. Cressler
Stephane Monfray
Greg Freeman
Daniel Friedman
Douglas J. Paul
Soichiro Tsujino
J. Cai
Alain Chantre
Lorenzo Colace
Leo N. C. de Vreede
B. El-Kareh
Didier Dutartre
Lawrence E. Larson
C.K Maiti
T. Meister
W. Ni
Michael Oehme
A. Peaker
David Sheridan
Bernd Tillack
Joy Laskar
Thomas Skotnicki
Stephan Borel
Johann-Friedrih Luy
Ken Rim
Bernard Meyerson
David R. Greenberg
Michael Schroter
Alvin Joseph
James S. Dunn
Eugene Fitzgerald
Mounir Meghelli
Detlev Grutzmacher
Thomas N. Adam
Gaetano Assanto
S. Balster
Sanjay Banerjee
Didier Belot
J. Bock
J. N. Burghartz
Sudipto Chakraborty
Roy A. Colclaser
F. Deleglise
Peter Deixler
Anders Elfving
C. Fellous
Ulf Gennser
A. Fischer
Robert Groves
David Harame
Judy L. Hoyt
Robert Hull
Jeffrey B. Johnson
Erich Kasper
Paul Kempf
H. J. Kim
Dieter Knoll
Rajendran Krishnasamy
RongLin Li
Qingqing Liang
Kyutae Lim
John R. Long
R. Malladi
Gianlorenzo Masini
Slobodan Mijalkovic
G. Niu
J. Osten
John Ioannis Papapolymerou
Stephane Pinel
Jae-Sung Rieh
L. Rubaldo
Hermann Schumacher
Raminderpal Singh
S. Strang
A. Talbot
M. Tentzeris
Scott E. Thompson
S. Tong
Youri V. Tretiakov
Mark P. van der Heijden
H. Baudry
B. Martinet
M. Marty
A. Monroy
J. Mourier
P. Steinmann
B. Szelag
G. Troillard
K. Wang
Katsuyoshi Washio
H. Yasuda
Peter Zaumseil
M. Laurens
P. Chevalier
Words of Ages: Witnessing U. S. History Through Literature
Close Up Foundation
John Smith
Robert Beverley
William Bradford
Winthrop, John
Anne Bradstreet
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Jonathan Edwards
Benjamin Franklin
John Woolman
James Fenimore Cooper
Thomas Paine
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
Abigail Adams
Philip Morin Freneau
John Jay
Olaudah Equiano
Meriwether Lewis
William Clark
Washington Irving
William Tecumseh Sherman
John Dos Passos
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Margaret Fuller
Walt Whitman
O'Sullivan, John L.
Juan Nepomuceno Seguín
Frederick Douglass
Harriet A. Jacobs
Harriet Beecher Stowe
George Fitzhugh
Angelina Weld Grimké
John Greenleaf Whittier
Herman Melville
Stephen Crane
Louisa May Alcott
Booker T. Washington
W. E. B. Du Bois
Willa Cather
Bret Harte
Nat Love
Hamlin Garland
Black Elk
Rebecca Harding Davis
Edith Wharton
Hart Crane
Abraham Cahan
Carl Sandburg
Francis E. Watkins Harper
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
Mark Twain
Steffens, Lincoln
Upton Sinclair
Henry James Jr.
Rudyard Kipling
Crosby, Ernest Howard
Jose De Diego
E. E. Cummings
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Dorothy Parker
Toni Morrison
Langston Hughes
Zora Neale Hurston
Clifford Odets
Meridel Le Sueur
John Steinbeck
Ralph Ellison
Taggard, Genevieve
E. B. White
Leon Uris
Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston
James D. Houston
Countee Cullen
Martha Gellhorn
Elie Wiesel
John Hershey
Annie Dillard
Sloan Wilson
Jack Kerouac
Anne Moody
Arthur Miller
Tom Wolfe
Martin Luther King Jr.
Malcom X
Judy Brady
Sandra Cisneros
Mary Crow Dog
Bob Dylan
David Halberstam
Tim O'Brien
Denise Levertov
Philip Roth
Robert Olen Butler
July 2000
Close Up Foundation
The United States in Literature
James E. Miller Jr.
Carlota Cárdenas de Dwyer
Kerry M. Wood
John Smith
William Bradford
Sarah Kemble Knight
William Byrd II
Cotton Mather
Jonathan Edwards - undifferentiated
Anne Bradstreet
Taylor, Edward
Phillis Wheatley
Philip Morin Freneau
Benjamin Franklin
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Paine
Washington Irving
James Fenimore Cooper
William Cullen Bryant
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Oliver Wendell Holmes
John Greenleaf Whittier
James Russell Lowell
James W. C. Pennington
Francis Wright
W. E. B. Du Bois
Edgar Allan Poe
Edward Rowe Snow
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Seattle Chief
Margaret Fuller
Harriet Jane Hanson Robinson
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Louisa May Alcott
Frederick Douglass
Abraham Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
Mollie Dorsey Sanford
Sidney Lanier
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Walt Whitman
Emily Dickinson
Mark Twain
Chief Joseph
Ambrose Bierce
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
Kate Chopin
Stephen Crane
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Edgar Lee Masters
James Thurber
Willa Cather
Sherwood Anderson
Katherine Anne Porter
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
William Faulkner
John Steinbeck
Richard Wright
Eudora Welty
Ezra Pound
Amy Lowell
Carl Sandburg
Langston Hughes
Marianne Moore
Archibald MacLeish
Robert Frost
Countee Cullen
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Elinor Wylie
Sara Teasdale
T. S. Eliot
James Weldon Johnson
John Crowe Ransom
Wallace Stevens
Jean Toomer
William Carlos Williams
E. E. Cummings
Phyllis McGinley
Arna Wendell Bontemps
Claude McKay
Margaret Walker
Robinson Jeffers
Louise Bogan
Lewis Thomas
Dorothy Parker
Tennessee Williams
Robert Anderson
Lillian Hellman
Patrick F. McManus
William Least Heat Moon
Richard Rodriguez
Sabine R. Ulibarrí
Lorraine Hansberry
James Baldwin
Ralph Ellison
Mona Van Duyn
Richard Wilbur
Denise Levertov
David Wagoner
Theodore Roethke
Robert Hayden
Karl Jay Shapiro
Adrienne Rich
Richard Eberhart
May Swenson
Mari Evans
Maxine Kumin
Elizabeth Bishop
Howard Nemerov
Robert Lowell
Galway Kinnell
William Stafford
Randall Jarrell
Gwendolyn Brooks
John N. Morris
Sylvia Plath
Imamu Amiri Baraka
Vern Rutsala
N. Scott Momaday
Lawson Fusao Inada
Jim Wayne Miller
James Masao Mitsui
Gary Soto
Leslie Silko
Teresa Palomo Acosta
Isaac Asimov
John Updike
Bernard Malamud
Carson McCullers
Kurt Vonnegut
Flannery O'Connor
Ray Bradbury
Eugenia Collier
Annie Dillard
Henry James Jr.
Edith Wharton
Scott, Forseman and Company
The United States in Literature w/Three Long Stories
James E. Miller Jr.
Carlota Cárdenas de Dwyer
Kerry M. Wood
John Smith
William Bradford
Sarah Kemble Knight
William Byrd II
Cotton Mather
Jonathan Edwards - undifferentiated
Anne Bradstreet
Taylor, Edward
Phillis Wheatley
Philip Morin Freneau
Benjamin Franklin
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Paine
Washington Irving
James Fenimore Cooper
William Cullen Bryant
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Oliver Wendell Holmes
John Greenleaf Whittier
James Russell Lowell
James W. C. Pennington
Francis Wright
W. E. B. Du Bois
Edgar Allan Poe
Edward Rowe Snow
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Seattle Chief
Margaret Fuller
Harriet Jane Hanson Robinson
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Louisa May Alcott
Frederick Douglass
Abraham Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
Mollie Dorsey Sanford
Sidney Lanier
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Walt Whitman
Emily Dickinson
Mark Twain
Chief Joseph
Ambrose Bierce
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
Kate Chopin
Stephen Crane
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Edgar Lee Masters
James Thurber
Willa Cather
Sherwood Anderson
Katherine Anne Porter
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
William Faulkner
John Steinbeck
Richard Wright
Eudora Welty
Ezra Pound
Amy Lowell
Carl Sandburg
Langston Hughes
Marianne Moore
Archibald MacLeish
Robert Frost
Countee Cullen
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Elinor Wylie
Sara Teasdale
T. S. Eliot
James Weldon Johnson
John Crowe Ransom
Wallace Stevens
Jean Toomer
William Carlos Williams
E. E. Cummings
Phyllis McGinley
Arna Wendell Bontemps
Claude McKay
Margaret Walker
Robinson Jeffers
Louise Bogan
Lewis Thomas
Dorothy Parker
Tennessee Williams
Robert Anderson
Lillian Hellman
Patrick F. McManus
William Least Heat Moon
Richard Rodriguez
Sabine R. Ulibarrí
Lorraine Hansberry
James Baldwin
Ralph Ellison
Mona Van Duyn
Richard Wilbur
Denise Levertov
David Wagoner
Theodore Roethke
Robert Hayden
Karl Jay Shapiro
Adrienne Rich
Richard Eberhart
May Swenson
Mari Evans
Maxine Kumin
Elizabeth Bishop
Howard Nemerov
Robert Lowell
Galway Kinnell
William Stafford
Randall Jarrell
Gwendolyn Brooks
John N. Morris
Sylvia Plath
Imamu Amiri Baraka
Vern Rutsala
N. Scott Momaday
Lawson Fusao Inada
Jim Wayne Miller
James Masao Mitsui
Gary Soto
Leslie Silko
Teresa Palomo Acosta
Isaac Asimov
John Updike
Bernard Malamud
Carson McCullers
Kurt Vonnegut
Flannery O'Connor
Ray Bradbury
Eugenia Collier
Annie Dillard
Henry James Jr.
Edith Wharton
Scott Foresman
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries
entries per page
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 entries
Book Authors
Seizures in the Intensive Care Unit
Jason Siegel
W. David Freeman
Epilepsy Case Studies: Pearls for Patient Care
William O. Tatum
Joseph I. Sirven
Gregory D. Cascino
2nd ed. 2021
Springer International Publishing
Trauma and Trauma Recovery for Dually Diagnosed Male Survivors
David W. Freeman
Roger D. Fallot
Sexual Abuse in the Lives of Women Diagnosed with Serious Mental Illness
Maxine Harris
Christine L. Landis
Neurohospitalist Medicine - Title page
S. Andrew Josephson
W. David Freeman
David J. Likosky
Neurohospitalist Medicine
S. Andrew Josephson
W. David Freeman
David J. Likosky
Cambridge University Press
Plasma Observations in the Magnetotail
David A. Hardy
John W. Freeman
H. Kent Hills
Magnetospheric Particles and Fields: Proceedings of the Summer Advanced Study School, Held in Graz, Austria, August 4–15, 1975
B. M. McCormac
Springer Netherlands
Secondary Prevention After Cardioembolic Stroke
Mark N. Rubin
W. David Freeman
Maria I. Aguilar
Ischemic Stroke Therapeutics: A Comprehensive Guide
Bruce Ovbiagele
Tanya N. Turan
1st ed. 2016
Springer International Publishing
Computational Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Glassy Polymer Blends and Thermosets
David Rigby
Paul W. Saxe
Clive M. Freeman
Benoit Leblanc
Advanced Composites for Aerospace, Marine, and Land Applications
Tomoko Sano
T.S. Srivatsan
Michael Peretti
1st ed. 2014
Springer International Publishing
Introduction: Perspectives on the Restoration of the Mississippi Delta
John W. Day
G. Paul Kemp
Angelina M. Freeman
David P. Muth
Perspectives on the Restoration of the Mississippi Delta: The Once and Future Delta
John W. Day
G. Paul Kemp
Angelina M. Freeman
David P. Muth
Springer Netherlands
A Study of Atomic Layer Deposition and Reactive Plasma Compatibility With Mesoporous Organosilicate Glass Films
E. Todd Ryan, Melissa Freeman, Lynne Svedberg, J. J. Lee, Todd Guenther, Jim Connor, Katie Yu, Jianing Sun and David W. Gidley
Materials, technology and reliability for advanced interconnects and low-k dielectrics--2003: symposium held April 21-25, 2003, San Francisco, California, U. S. A /
McKerrow, Andrew J.
[2003], ©2003.
Materials Research Society,
Carmel Armon
Maria Baldwin
Kevin M. Barrett
José Biller
David J. Blacker
Thomas G. Brott
Ira Chang
Winston Chiong
Todd Czartoski
Arielle Davis
Janavi Dunuwille
John W. Engstrom
W. David Freeman
Leslie A. Gillum
Jeffrey J. Glasheen
David M. Greer
John W. Henson
S. Andrew Josephson
Sandeep Khot
Dimitriy Levin
David J. Likosky
Edward M. Manno
Glenn R. Markenson
David McCollum
Sarkis Morales-Vidal
David Palestrant
Alejandro A. Rabinstein
Michael J. Schneck
Brian J. Scott
Patricia D. Scripko
Macarena Cabrera Serrano
William O. Tatum
Jennifer Wulff
Neurohospitalist Medicine
S. Andrew Josephson
W. David Freeman
David J. Likosky
Cambridge University Press
List of contributors
H. Elliott Albers
Reut Avinun
Karen L. Bales
Jorge A. Barraza
Michael T. Bowen
Sunny K. Boyd
Heather K. Caldwell
Elena Choleris
Amy E. Clipperton-Allen
Bruce S. Cushing
Monica B. Dhakar
Riccardo Dore
Richard P. Ebstein
Craig F. Ferris
Sara M. Freeman
James L. Goodson
Joshua J. Green
Haruhiro Higashida
Eric Hollander
Salomon Israel
Martin Kavaliers
Keith M. Kendrick
Ariel Knafo
Yoav Litvin
Olga Lopatina
David Mankuta
Iain S. McGregor
Richard H. Melloni
Inga D. Neumann
Jerome H. Pagani
Cort A. Pedersen
Donald W. Pfaff
Anna Phan
Benjamin J. Ragen
Amina Sarwat
Idan Shalev
Erica L. Stevenson
Bonnie Taylor
Richmond R. Thompson
Florina Uzefovsky
Erwin H. van den Burg
James C. Walton
Scott R. Wersinger
Nurit Yirmiya
Larry J. Young
W. Scott Young
Paul J. Zak
Oxytocin, Vasopressin and Related Peptides in the Regulation of Behavior
Elena Choleris
Donald W. Pfaff
Martin Kavaliers
Cambridge University Press
Sect. III. Extended Case Studies. Ch. 13. Building an Ecology of Support for a Young Woman with Severe Problem Behaviors Living in the Community
Joseph M. Lucyshyn, Deborah L. Olson and Robert H. Horner.Ch. 14.Michel's Story: We Needed Only to Listen to Him /Denise Fraser and Lucien Labbe.Ch. 15.Creating Multiple Support Strategies for an Individual with Serious Challenging Behavior /Karen A. Berkman.Ch. 16.The School Consultation Project: Functional Assessment and Educative Intervention for Excess Behavior in Various Community Environments /Cynthia M. Anderson, Kurt A. Freeman and Kimberly B. Mullen /[et al.].Ch. 17.Communication-Based Interventions /Denise Berotti and V. Mark Durand.Ch. 18.Applying Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Procedures in Home Environments: A 2-Year Evaluation of Behavior Problems and Social Interactions for a Young Girl /Wendy K. Berg, David P. Wacker and Jay W. Harding /[et al.].Ch. 19.Issues and Challenges in Implementing Community-Based Behavioral Support for Two Boys with Severe Behavioral Difficulties /Meme Hieneman and Glen Dunlap.Ch. 20.A Person-Centered Approach to Providing Support to an Adolescent with a History of Parental Abuse /Cynthia M. Anderson, Alisa B. Bahl and Donald W. Kincaid
Behavioral intervention: principles, models, and practices /
Scotti, Joseph R.
Meyer, Luanna H.
[1999], ©1999.
P.H. Brookes Pub. Co.,
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 entries