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> William E. Adams
"William E. Adams" appeared in Books and Chapters
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Showing 1 to 20 of 30 entries
[Hearings and transcript of proceedings]
William E. Adams
Pauline E. Williman, certified shorthand reporter
Notions et faits nouveaux en cancérologie
Adams, W. E. (William E.)
Belgian American Educational Foundation
Public policies in East Asian development: facing new challenges /
Adams, F. Gerard
James, William E.
Advances in Experimental Clinical Psychology
Henry E. Adams and William K. Boardman
Mesoamerica's ancient cities: aerial views of precolumbian ruins in Mexico,Guatemala,Belize,and Honduras
William M. Ferguson
Richard E. W. Adams
University Press of Colorado
Mesoamerica's ancient cities: aerial views of pre-Columbian ruins in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras /
Ferguson, William M.
Adams, Richard E. W.,
[2001], ©2001.
University of New Mexico Press,
Redefining Liberal Arts Education in the Twenty-First Century
Edited by Robert E. Luckett Jr. Foreword by William D. Adams
University Press of Mississippi
Questions of modern thought, or, Lectures on the Bible and infidelity /
McCosh, James,
Thompson, J. P.
Adams, William.
Schaff, Philip,
Hague, William,
Haven, E. O.
Ziegler & McCurdy,
Libraries and schools /
Green, Samuel Swett,
Adams, Charles Francis,
Metcalf, Robert C.
Foster, William E.
F. Leypoldt,
The Religious History of New England: King's Chapel Lectures
John Winthrop Platner
William W. Fenn
George E. Horr
Rufus M. Jones
George Hodges
William E. Huntington
John Coleman Adams
William L. Worcester
Harvard University Press
Antioxidants in Higher Plants
Ruth G. Alscher
Christine H. Foyer
John L. Hess
Norman G. Lewis
Kenneth E. Pallett
Andrew J. Young
William W. Adams, III
Barbara Demmig-Adams
Methods of teaching history.
G. Stanley Hall
Andrew Dickson White
William Francis Allen
Charles Kendall Adams
John William Burgess
Seeley, John Robert Sir
Herbert Baxter Adams
Emerton, Ephraim
George Sylvester Morris
Richard T. Ely
Albert Bushnell Hart
William C. Collar
William E. Foster
D.C. Heath & company
Rare Lincolniana.
Barton, William E.
Swift, C. F.
Snow, Marshall S.
Adams, Charles F.
McPike, H. G.
Genung, John F.
Reprinted, W. Abbatt,
Sustain: works for solo piano and percussion instruments.
Rojahn, Karolina,
Kaucká, Lucie,
Sharrock, Matt,
Giunta, Michael,
Remy, Nicolas
Brown, William
Prevedini, John Dante.
Carollo, John A.,
Thomas, Robert E.
Twillert, Willem van.
Thomas, Robert E.
Twillert, Willem van.
Adams, Daniel,
Carollo, John A.,
Albion archive recordings of Ralph Vaughan Williams /
Vaughan Williams, Ralph,
Housman, A. E.
Chaucer, Geoffrey,
Young, Alexander,
Rankin, Nell,
Anderson, Robert B.
Adams, Bernard
Steinberg, William,
Vaughan Williams, Ralph,
Vaughan Williams, Ralph,
Vaughan Williams, Ralph,
Vaughan Williams, Ralph,
Environmental Law Handbook
Thomas L. Adams
R. Craig Anderson
F. William Brownell
Ronald E. Cardwell
David R. Case
Lynn M. Gallagher
Daniel J. Kucera
Stanley W. Landfair
Marshall Lee Miller
Karen J. Nardi
Austin P. Olney
April 1999
Abs Consulting
Our martyr President, Abraham Lincoln. : Voices from the pulpit of New York and Brooklyn /
Williams, William R.,
Beecher, Henry Ward,
Bellows, Henry W.
Tyng, Stephen H.
Robinson, Charles S.
Budington, William Ives,
McClintock, John,
Littlejohn, Abram Newkirk,
Cuyler, Theodore L.
Thompson, Joseph P.
Eells, James,
Porter, Elbert Stothoff,
Rogers, E. P.
Burchard, S. D.
Rockwell, J. E.
Spear, Samuel T.
Lowry, Robert,
Hunt, Albert S.
Adams, William,
Fox, Henry J.
Smith, Henry Boynton,
Bancroft, George,
Simpson, Matthew,
Tibbals & Whiting,
A Treasury of Christmas classics.
Peter Marshall
Robert Louis Stevenson
Charles Kingsley
Haywood Hale Broun
O. Henry
Eugene Field
Mark Twain
Charles Dickens
Robert Pengold
Grady Johnson
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Christopher Morley
Brothers Grimm
Hans Christian Andersen
Lizzie Deas
Louisa May Alcott
William Dean Howells
Adams, George Matthew
Clement Clarke Moore
Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky
E. T. A. Hoffmann
Selma Lagerlöf
Vera E. Walker
Seth Parker
Harry Van Dyke
Hendrik Willem Van Loon
Lev Nikolaevič Tolstoy
William S. Walsh
Friedrich Ruckert
Celia Thaxter
Franz von Pocci
William Caxton
Francois Coppee
James Weber Linn
Maud Lindsay
Willis Boyd Allen
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Christina Georgina Rosetti
William Blake
Thomas Hardy
Robert Frost
Honor Books
The Britannica Library of Great American Writing: Volume II
Louis Untermeyer
Mark Twain
Emily Dickinson
Henry Adams
John Hay
Edward Rowland Sill
Sidney Lanier
Ambrose Bierce
Henry James Jr.
Sarah Orne Jewett
James Whitcomb Riley
Lafcadio Hearn
Edwin Markham
William Sydney Porter
Finlay Peter Dunne
William Allan White
Booth Tarkington
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Theodore Dreiser
Stephen Crane
James Weldon Johnson
Willa Cather
Day, Clarence
Jack London
Robert Frost
Vachel Lindsay
Wallace Stevens
William Carlos Williams
H. L. Mencken
Sara Teasdale
Damon Runyon
Ring Lardner
Sinclair Lewis
Ezra Pound
Elinor Wylie
Van Wyck Brooks
John Hall Wheelock
Marianne Moore
Robinson Jeffers
T. S. Eliot
Eugene O'Neill
John Crowe Ransom
Conrad Aiken
Robert Benchley
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Archibald MacLeish
Dorothy Parker
Bartolomeo Vanzetti
James Thurber
Donald Ogden Stewart
Katherine Anne Porter
E. E. Cummings
Edmund Wilson
John Dos Passos
William Faulkner
Stephen Vincent Benét
E. B. White
Ernest Hemingway
Thomas Wolfe
Ogden Nash
Gibbs, Wolcott
John Steinbeck
Erskine Caldwell
S. J. Perelman
William Saroyan
Leo Calvin Rosten
Eudora Welty
John Cheever
Irwin Shaw
Shirley Jackson
Ray Bradbury
Louise Bogan
Leonie Adams
Hart Crane
Stanley Kunitz
Theodore Roethke
Elizabeth Bishop
Karl Shapiro
Muriel Rukeyser
Robert Lowell
Richard Wilbur
Britannica Press
Our martyr President Abraham Lincoln: Lincoln memorial addresses
Bancroft, George | Bancroft, George, 1800-1891 | Simpson, Matthew, 1811-1884 | Storrs, Richard S. 1821-1900 | Adams, William, 1807-1880 | Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887 | Bellows, Henry W. 1814-1882 | Budington, William Ives, 1815-1879 | Burchard, S. D. 1812-1891 | Cuyler, Theodore L. 1822-1909 | Eells, James, 1822-1886 | Fox, Henry J. 1821-1891 | Hunt, Albert S. 1827-1898 | Littlejohn, Abram Newkirk, 1824-1901 | Lowry, Robert, 1826-1899 | McClintock, John, 1814-1870 | Porter, Elbert Stothoff, 1820-1888 | Robinson, Charles S. 1829-1899 | Rockwell, J. E. 1816-1882 | Rogers, E. P. 1817-1881 | Smith, Henry Boynton, 1815-1877 | Spear, Samuel T. 1812-1891 | Thompson, Joseph P. 1819-1879 | Tyng, Stephen H. 1800-1885 | Williams, William R., 1804-1885
Abingdon Press
Showing 1 to 20 of 30 entries
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Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries
Book Authors
4. Elders in the Courtroom
William E. Adams, Jr.
Elders, crime, and the criminal justice system: myth, perceptions, and reality in the 21st century /
Rothman, Max B.
Dunlop, Burton David.
Entzel, Pamela.
[2000], ©2000.
Springer Pub.,
Research on peers and adolescent development: What’s doing in North America?
William M. Bukowski
Ryan E. Adams
Jonathan B. Santo
Jahrbuch Jugendforschung: 6. Ausgabe 2006
Angela Ittel
Ludwig Stecher
Hans Merkens
Jürgen Zinnecker
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Gabrielle E. W. Giersch
William M. Adams
Rob Duffield
Sport and Physical Activity in the Heat: Maximizing Performance and Safety
Douglas J. Casa
1st ed. 2018
Springer International Publishing
Energy Dissipation and Photoinhibition: A Continuum of Photoprotection
William W. Adams III
C. Ryan Zarter
Kristine E. Mueh
V’eronique Amiard
Barbara Demmig-Adams
Photoprotection, Photoinhibition, Gene Regulation, and Environment
Barbara Demmig-Adams
William Adams
A. Mattoo
Springer Netherlands
Mark E. Markes
Dorothy A. Adams
Kermit L. Carraway
William J. Leivo
Biomolecular Structure and Function
Paul Agris
Academic Press
Pre, Intra and Post-Operative Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Monitoring of Patients with Brain Tumors: Prevention of Ischemic Insults
Donald P. Becker
Harold F. Young
John K. Vries
William E. Adams
Intracranial Pressure II: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Intracranial Pressure
N. Lundberg
U. Ponten
M. Brock
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Soil Chemical Response to Experimental Acidification Treatments
Mary Beth Adams
David R. DeWalle
William T. Peterjohn
Frank S. Gilliam
William E. Sharpe
Karl W. J. Williard
The Fernow Watershed Acidification Study
Mary Beth Adams
David R. DeWalle
John L. Hom
Springer Netherlands
The Physiology of the Human Midcycle Gonadotropin Surge
Ann E. Taylor
Janet E. Hall
Judith M. Adams
Kathryn A. Martin
Corrine K. Welt
William F. Crowley Jr.
Ovulation: Evolving Scientific and Clinical Concepts
Eli Y. Adashi
Springer New York
Ecological Diversity
Louise Chavarie
Colin E. Adams
Heidi K. Swanson
Mark S. Ridgway
William M. Tonn
Christopher C. Wilson
The Lake Charr Salvelinus namaycush: Biology, Ecology, Distribution, and Management
Andrew M. Muir
Charles C. Krueger
Michael J. Hansen
Stephen C. Riley
1st ed. 2021
Springer International Publishing
Pt. I. Public Policies for Economic Development. 1. Policy Perspectives in a Post-Asian Crisis World: Toward a Taxonomy
F. Gerard Adams and William E. James.2.Policy Challenges to Revive the East Asian Miracle /F. Gerard Adams.3.Trade Trends and Policy Issues in East Asian Developing Economies /William E. James.4.Sector-Specific Industrial Policies and Southeast Asian Economic Development /F. Gerard Adams and Heidi Vernon.5.Industrialization and Environmental Policy in East Asia: A Comparative Study of Japan, Korea, and China /Hidefumi Imura and Takeshi Katsuhara
Public policies in East Asian development: facing new challenges /
Adams, F. Gerard
James, William E.
Cancer Treatment-Related Cardiotoxicities
Svjetlana Tisma-Dupanovic
William G. Harmon
M. Jacob Adams
Gul H. Dadlani
Amy Kozlowski
Sarah Duffy
Larissa Herbowy
Karolina Zareba
Carol French
Katharine McLaughlin
Steven E. Lipshultz
Pediatric Heart Failure
Robert Shaddy
Gil Wernovsky
Pt. II. Modern Worldviews and Cultural Policies. 5. Romanticism and the Critique of Culture: The Example of Coleridge's "On the Prometheus of Aeschylus"
Steven E. Cole. 6. The Worldview of William Blake in Relation to Cultural Policy / Hazard Adams. 7. The Role of Communications Policy in Modern Culture / Gordon Fearn
Reflections on cultural policy: past, present, and future /
Alderson, Evan.
Blaser, Robin.
Coward, Harold G.
[1993], ©1993.
Wilfrid Laurier University Press for Calgary Institute for the Humanities,
Pt. V. Value and Obligation. 25. Results, the Test of Right and Wrong
G. E. Moore.26.Act-Utilitarianism and Rule-Utilitarianism /J. J. C. Smart.27.The Real and Alleged Problems of Utilitarianism /Richard Brandt.28.What Makes Right Acts Right? /W. D. Ross.29.Obligation and Motivation in Recent Moral Philosophy /William K. Frankena.30.A Modified Divine Command Theory of Ethical Wrongness /Robert M. Adams
Morality and the good life /
Carson, Thomas L.,
Moser, Paul K.,
Oxford University Press,
IV. Critical Cardiovascular Illness. 14. Venous Thromboembolic Disease
Harry L. Bush, Jr. 15. Acute Arterial Ischemia / Malcolm O. Perry. 16. Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction / O. Wayne Isom and Philip S. Barie. 17. Valvular Heart Disease / Todd K. Rosengart and Samuel J. Lang. 18. Hypertensive Emergencies / Samuel J. Mann, Steven A. Atlas and John H. Laragh. 19. Pheochromocytoma / Manu M. Bhattathiry and Orlo H. Clark. 20. Critical Obstetric Illness / J. Milton Hutson, William E. Wagner and Diana M. Adams
Surgical intensive care /
Barie, Philip S.
Shires, G. Tom
Little, Brown,
Janine B. Adams
Kirsten B. Barnes
Guy C. Bate
Greg A. Botha
Meyrick B. Bowker
Sarah J. Bownes
Nicola K. Carrasco
Clinton P. Chrystal
Robynne A. Chrystal
Xander Combrink
Allan D. Connell
Digby P. Cyrus
Colleen T. Downs
William N. Ellery
Anthony T. Forbes
Nicolette T. Forbes
Caroline Fox
Nuette Gordon
Michael C. Grenfell
Suzanne E. Grenfell
Sylvi Haldorsen
Marc S. Humphries
Hendrik L. Jerling
Bruce E. Kelbe
C. Fiona MacKay
Christopher M. Maine
Andrew Z. Maro
Andrew A. Mather
Nelson A. F. Miranda
David G. Muir
Holly A. Nel
Sibulele Nondoda
Renzo Perissinotto
Deena Pillay
Naomi Porat
Roger N. Porter
Sean N. Porter
Justin J. Pringle
Ursula M. Scharler
Derek D. Stretch
Ricky H. Taylor
Jane Turpie
Jonathan K. Warner
Alan K. Whitfield
Ecology and Conservation of Estuarine Ecosystems: Lake St Lucia as a Global Model
Renzo Perissinotto
Derek D. Stretch
Ricky H. Taylor
Cambridge University Press
Book Authors
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries